This Week's Favourite Posts

24 May, 2023

Colin Gets Another Stay of Execution?



It would appear news of Colin, the shouty man, Hazelden's demise were premature.

I am kindly able to inform you that not only do we have to endure "From his home underneath the giant scoreboard – or The Principality, as it shall come to be known – renowned Nottingham DJ Jez Prince will add a little sparkle to your matchday, spinning Vitality Blast favourites and summer hits.

There'll be plenty of opportunities for you to get involved along the way, and we’re sure there’ll be room for a rendition or two of Sweet Caroline too." but I'm graciously enabled to also proclaim ".... and chat to our host Colin Hazelden."

At least we'll have time to get over the disappointment before Friday, now that we know.


The End of an Era?

Is it curtains for Colin Hazelden? Has the Outlaws' T20 Blast match day anchor finally been slung?

Adverts on social media suggest there's a new person hosting T20 "Vitality Blast events" at Trent Bridge this year, Jez Prince.

Apparently "events" need a DJ and Jez Prince is allegedly a DJ. 

Jeremy Prince aka GoodTimes DJ will bring us "the beats", hype up the crowd and engage with the audience. Those last two were what Colin Hazelden did (?).

Are we getting beats instead of squirrel racing at half time in 2023?

I was never a great fan of the East Midlands Today presenter, but he was certainly better than the Sky twerps that we're inflicted with on Sky televised games. But, Colin's lines were getting old, tired and predictable (and that was long before the pandemic struck) and the drive to appeal to a different, younger audience has brought events to this point. 

So we swap a journalist with a DJ. Are we dumbing down even further to appeal to our new audience? No more The Good Old Days crossed with EMT crossed with It's a Knock-Out. Now it's hype and beats at full volume, probably!

Cheers Col, if this is the end, then it's almost sad, but not quite and close the door on your way out.

Perhaps I'm getting this all wrong and Colin a Jez will be bringing Vitality Blasts in parallel, but there has to be a limit to the amount of hype and engagement this audience can stomach. Perhaps Sweet Caroline could be rationed also.


  1. Agree with all you have said.give col his due he is a sports reporter and knew about cricket,the new dj probably doesn’t so he’ll be perfect and he’ll be able to keep us up to date with the hit parade. Foxy

  2. Anybody remember the charade with the graffiti artist who was going to do a piece of work in the first 20 overs and show it in the break ? Laughable, lamentable )and that’s just me for remembering it ! ) Foxy

  3. 75 NOT OUT .
    Colin was well past his sell by date . Going round the ground asking each stand in turn to scream and shout as loud as possible !
    Dumbing down of the highest order . Designed to attract fans with Attention Deficit Disorder with an attention span of two seconds .
    The fans deserve more .
    Sorry Colin !

  4. It’s overstayed it’s welcome ( if it was ever welcome in the first place).
    “ shut up and show more cricket “ foxy

  5. Better the devil you know

  6. That’s true . Foxy

  7. 75 NOT OUT
    Think the Blast 20 entrrtainment is going the same way as the lamentable 100 Ball dross . Just aimed at fivecyear olds who are easily impressed

  8. I for one are pleased Colin has kept his job. Where else could this passed his use by date presenter find a job, other than a walk on part in Dad's Army?

    1. Whey hey ,1st mention of the season for dads army. Foxy

    2. 3rd actually, Mark started it on preview thread. ("No you started it, when you invaded Poland!" - Fawlty Towers)

  9. Go on the Wycombe fan. lEtS hEaR iT fOr YoUr NoTtS oUtLaWs.

    1. “ Your “ Notts outlaws always got on my wick foxy

  10. 75 NOT OUT
    No doubt in person , in private, Colin is a very nice guy . But being used as a front man to whip the Blast 20 crowd into a frenzy is not his forte!?
    Please remember Colin , if you are engaged again this Blast season that some of your audience is aged over the age of five . Thats a good starting point for your ongoing inane comments and antics.

  11. Always very pleasant when we see him on the avenue. He’s what a call an hellower. He’s sociable.But it’s been on the go for many a long year now and needs a change, dare I say toning down a bit. Foxy

  12. The T20 highlight for me, is always being able to the listen to the dulcet tones of Mr Haseldung.
    This is terrific news, absolutely marvellous.

  13. He seems a nice man, when chatting with him.

  14. He might well be a nice guy but his repertoire is running thinner than his own combover.

  15. Was it me.or did it sound like him on the p a system at Lord’s last night? Foxy

    1. I think you might need an appointment with Dr Bansil. Sounds like you have touch of Colinitis.

    2. Could be right, I thought I heard him at wantage road last season. I’ll make an appointment.foxy

  16. 75 NOT OUT
    PEOPLE AND FOOD - quite easily go past their “sell by date” . The person involved doesnt know . But everyone else does ( or should) .Dumbing down is so easy to do . Raising standards is far moe difficult .


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