Sunday 19 March 2017

Cutting the Dead-Weight

Mick Newell has been pushed aside and

with Peter Moores elevation to First Team Coach, if that is what his new role title is, a new regime and expectation over the winter has taken place.

Out have gone the bad habits - if you read Matt Davies' articles from Barbados following embedded interviews with both Fletch and and BT, both of whom have been doing the right things over the close-season they say. Both players have lost weight in order to compete better in the One Day games, the interviews reveal, but Peter Moores is renown for his expected fitness standards from his players so more likely weight has been lost because weight had to be lost. They and Nottinghamshire can only benefit from two more mobile figures.

On the subject of benefit....

No mention of weight loss in the Samit interview.


  1. Outstanding bowling figures for Harry G in yesterdays North v South match. Please tell me he's returned to Leics.

    TT Bresnan 10 1 62 2 6.20 26 (2w)
    HF Gurney 6 0 63 1 10.50 14 (2w)
    S Mahmood 9 0 61 0 6.77 18
    LS Livingstone 8 0 52 1 6.50 22 (3w)
    JE Poysden 8 0 42 0 5.25 22 (4w)
    JA Leaning 7 0 47 2 6.71 17
    KK Jennings 2 0 17 0 8.50 3

    Chris S

    1. Is he really a bowler suited to playing on those wickets.

      Team balance all wrong for a competitive match in the UAE.

      Leaning and Poysden not as effective as Dawson and Malan.

  2. 10.5 an over in a 50 over match is criminal anywhere in the world, where the next most expensive bowler is only shedding 6.8.


    1. Inexperienced captaincy - not enough rotation and very reluctant to deviate from a plan once the batsmen had the upper-hand.

      Harry bowls to take wickets, as a result concedes a few 4 balls and wides, to unsympathetic umpiring.

      Did you not see Notts v Northants ODC last year.... practically every bowler lost the plot (except Sam Wood - and look what happened to him).


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