Wednesday 23 January 2019

Bear Cheek

  • Clash of fixtures due World Cup games at Edgbaston
  • Not employing sufficient ground staff to tend an existing outground within Warwickshire
  • Not having a near to Edgbaston (Edgbaston Community Ground) developed enough for First Class cricket
All very familiar to Notts supporters, whereas Notts felt it to be a step too far to play a home game at Derby and so take a game to a neutral county to a remote corner of Lincolnshire , Warwickshire appear to be happy to play at Worcester; are their members equally happy?

Just as with Notts, Warwickshire could quite easily have played a match within their county borders if they had made a little investment in previous years.

Notts will play at one in county out-ground, at Welbeck but this is unproven as to its suitability for a four day game and must represent a bit of a gamble; a gamble reciprocated with opponents Hampshire playing the reverse fixture on the Isle of Wight.

Here's how Warwickshire CCC spin it:

With Edgbaston hosting the second semi-final on Thursday 11 July and the reserve day scheduled for Friday 12 July – Warwickshire will head down the M5 to face Essex at Blackfinch New Road.

Warwickshire’s Specsavers County Championship fixture against Essex, which starts on Saturday 13 July, will take place at Worcestershire’s Blackfinch New Road Ground.
With the 2019 ICC Cricket World Cup taking place in England and Wales during June and July, it has been well documented that Warwickshire will have to play at least one home County Championship fixture away from Edgbaston.
Warwickshire have investigated the possibility of using an out ground within the county, but with Edgbaston hosting the second semi-final on Thursday 11 July and the reserve day scheduled for Friday 12 July – the Edgbaston staff will be required to be on-site throughout this period and are therefore not available to assist in the running of a first-class match at an out ground in Warwickshire.
The club also considered using the Edgbaston Community Sports Ground, Portland Road, but the ground at present is not currently capable of hosting first-class cricket. Therefore, the decision was made to choose a local first-class venue with Blackfinch New Road being the most suitable.
“I’d personally like to thank Matt Rawnsley and his team at Worcestershire CCC for their cooperation and for agreeing to host this fixture,” said, CEO of Warwickshire CCC, Neil Snowball.
“We know that Blackfinch New Road is always a very popular venue for cricket fans and after plenty of discussion and consideration, we believe that this is our best option for this important fixture. We are also mindful of the fact that our members always enjoy their visits to Worcester and so this chance to play a four-day County Championship match at Blackfinch New Road will hopefully be well received.”
Members from both Warwickshire CCC and Essex CCC, as well as Worcestershire CCC, will be able to use the Blackfinch New Road facilities during the fixture free of charge and further details on pricing for non-members will be announced in due course.
“We are delighted to be hosting five matches in the Cricket World Cup, including a semi-final, giving us the opportunity to showcase Edgbaston’s world class facilities and unique atmosphere to the world,” Snowball added.
“We are actively exploring our options for 2020, when we know that the 50-over competition is likely to be played away from Edgbaston, and we will be considering the use of out grounds for these matches in addition to the use of the Edgbaston Community Sports Ground.”
Warwickshire will start the 2019 Specsavers County Championship by taking on Kent at Edgbaston from Thursday 11 April.
The Bears, who sealed the Division Two title of the Specsavers County Championship by defeating second placed Kent in the final game of 2018, will play at least one Championship game at home in each month of the coming season and finish at home to Yorkshire on Monday 23 September.
In addition to visits to the Cooper Associates County Ground Taunton, the Kia Oval, Canterbury, the Ageas Bowl, Chelmsford and Trent Bridge, Warwickshire will make a first visit to Clifton Park in York for only the second First Class game to be played in the historic city.


  1. Stonewall Jackson23 January 2019 at 13:32

    Only just 'got' the witty Headline, initially thought article was about a top order batsman. Apart from the travelling distances, which is another debate in itself, at least you can argue it's been rescheduled to a proper cricket venue(which happens to be one of the prettiest grounds on the circuit) as long it remains dry in the area........where as we're stuck with Unwelcomebeck and dear old Grantham. Not sure what's worse in all honestly for respective loyal supporters of both clubs?

  2. Does the reciprocal agreement still apply to Notts members?

  3. Really have a problem with Lincolnshire don't you. Many Notts members from Lincolnshire, more than from our biggest rivals Derbys. Derbyshire have their own first class county cricket anyhow . Stop being so Nottingham-centric in your opinions.

    1. Are you suggesting more games should be played in Lincolnshire? What are the benefits for the representative cricket team of the county of Nottinghamshire, and the vast majority of their supporters, of playing a "home game" in Lincolnshire?

    2. I think most reasonable people beconing members of a county would expect to have home games in that county.

    3. Leader of the Pack(son)25 January 2019 at 23:55

      Well said DD! coincidentally, I'm contemplating going to the County Ground in May for the Glam fixture so pls come and introduce herself to the much maligned Stoney

    4. Sorry, Derek, I meant yourself, it was a typo error.

    5. I sincerely doubt that you are correct in your wild assumption that there are more Notts members resident in remote, rural, rustic Lincolnshire than there are just over the border in places like Long Eaton, Ilkeston, Sandiacre and Somercotes in Derbyshire. Travel time is significantly less and the benefits (International Tickets) outstrip what is on offer at Derby. Strip out the partizan element of membership and you'll see it make common sense for a fan of cricket, plus the surroundings are much superior at TB. It doesn't make sense to play matches, that members have paid up front for, to places without proper accommodation and adequate public transport links in remote backwaters like, and especially Grantham's Gorse Lane. There's a club on the Notts/Derbys border called MFN - Middle of F' Nowhere - that's centrally located, in the thick of it compared to the Gorse Lane ground.

  4. I agree with the last comment that the snide remarks about Unwelcomebeck and Grantham are becoming tiresome. Most counties use outgrounds and we are delighted in North Notts to have a four day game at Welbeck. It's not all about facilities otherwise outgrounds wouldn't be used anywhere. Saturday local cricket is losing teams at an alarming rate in the county of Notts so spreading the gospel elsewhere has to be a positive step. JF

    1. Stonewall Jackson25 January 2019 at 16:44

      Are you John Fretwell by any chance? Well, at least you are prepared to put your initials on and not hide behind the title of anonymous. Please tell me why Notts have to discount the game at Unwelcomebeck if it's such a popular venue? I've no problem with playing the odd game away from the 'Home of Cricket' provided the alternative venue is fit for List A or First Class cricket.Its highly debatable whether both these venues fall into that category for spectators. I'm sorry to disillusion you both but it's no longer the 1950s and people paying nearly 20quid, I would suggest, would generally like A) a decent view, B) a drainage system that more or less guarantees play if it slings it down overnight C) a ground with floodlights, again limiting the irritating bad light issue that we've suffered with up until recently D)a venue with good transport links and is easy to get to and from and E)perish the thought, even an option to possibly have an indoor meal occasionally or have a glass of wine etc.(and no, I'm not the prawn sandwich brigade-ask people who know me).Proper cricket 'outgrounds' used by some other counties fall into these catagories. I take your point completely regarding league cricket. This is a completely different argument and suspect it has little to do with games being at Trent Bridge. Finally, I do not criticise other fans views or opinions, I just post my own, so please don't criticise other Notts fans' views. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong, it's all opinions. Replies to my points above would be welcome by you both.

    2. I feel Welbeck will probably cope with the spectator issues if the weather holds, with the game largely being played during the working week. If it does rain however, then what we saw there against Glamorgan with regards a lack of cover for spectators or even somewhere to wander off to for an hour or so if necessary, becomes a problem - spectators trapped in the middle of nowhere! Will the pitch last 300+ overs - I hope Notts have invested some thought into this; I'm sure they must have done. I just wonder how confident they are.

      Hope for the best but prepare for the worst!

    3. I've nothing against the use of outgrounds, they used to make a novel change from playing at county HQs but now there is less cricket in total, less matches and certainly less days in total. But it's now Notts choose to/engineer a need to/are forced to farm certain games out away from their base. Why?

  5. What an aggressive reply from Stonewall Jackson who does not criticise other fans views but then proceeds to ask if I am John Fretwell and then to jibe at anonymous contributors to this forum. No wonder so few posters have a say if they are attacked for daring to challenge the self proclaimed leader of the pack. Welbeck is not perfect but on balance using an outground once or twice a season is reasonable and it is not the fault of the North of the County that less four day home games are available. As you say everyone is entitled to their opinion but I for one am happy that the north of the county is being considered for 2019 at least.JF

    1. FYI a lot of Anonymous posts get filtered by Google. Those filtered ones, I have to sort through, deleting: the spam, those advertising their own products, several offensive / rude and the odd really vile ones.

      I'm happy with JF, John Fretwell, Jolly Farmer - it doesn't matter. Stonewall isn't really Stonewall either really, so it's just as anonymous. Because it's anonymous it doesn't mean it's ok to start personal attacks however.

      Moan over, I'm not Harry Butler Daft either BTW, obviously.

    2. Stonewall Jackson25 January 2019 at 21:15

      Good Evening JF. I do not see what was remotely aggressive in my asking as to whether you were THE John Fretwell, being pro Welbeck and using the initials JF on your post. Please enlighten me? I also do not EVER recall jibing, as you state, at any other posts on this fans forums. I am extremely careful not to do this, and also cannot ever recall "attacking" other posters as you so succinctly term it. What I don't think is acceptable is to be told by other contributors to STOP having views that I personally believe in just because they do not necessarily agree with their own views. Its also most definitely, in all of my 51years on God's earth I've been given the title of 'Leader of the Pack' To imply I'm responsible for stopping other posters having a say, as you also imply, is not only fabricated rubbish but also completely untrue. I would have preferred rather than resort to these juvenile games, you had addressed my points A) to E) and kept the debate on purely cricketing terms rather than conjure up totally inaccurate codswallop about myself.

  6. Just before time but only just, Stoney

    1. that should have read "your time", just before your time...

    2. Leader of the Pack(son)26 January 2019 at 00:01

      Brilliant!!!!!!!! That's made my night, Nottsviewer(brum,brum - motorcycle revs!!!!!!)

  7. Unwelcomebeck fan26 January 2019 at 10:59

    Cutting edge humour is not dead after all. Ribs aching here.

    1. Leader of the Pack26 January 2019 at 14:15

      I have a very dry sense of humour(as you can probably guess). It may surprise you and others I actually sit with members at The Home of Cricket who are from the North of the County and these have been friends for many, many years. Also I, particularly, enjoyed the one dayer there last season, but I still retain my own personal belief that as it stands it is not a suitable venue for first class cricket from the supporters perspective. I will gladly concede the players like the venue and the wicket seems to be a belter for batting, but potentially 4 days including one on a Sunday where public transport seems to stand still, is not a great option for Notts. I fully understand also we are at present extremely limited as to fit for purpose 'out grounds' which is why we are resorting to playing a so called home game in the county of Lincolnshire

  8. I feel I must reply to ANONYMOUS. I think its generally agreed that Trent bridge is in the top ten cricket grounds in the whole world . Its ambience and history are virtually second to none . Every cricket fan in the whole world has heard of Trent Bridge and fans travel thousands of miles to experience it for themselves . To my mind its madness not to use it for every possible home game . Notts members and fans in general have got used to its fantastic stands giving tremendous views from all angles . If we want a drink with our friends then we have bars on the ground and several close by. The same goes for food .And we all need decent food during a long days play . In this respect we have an excellent choice of catering in the pavilion and the Rad Road bar/restaurant . Good quality varied food ,home cooked and at a decent price .On top of all this Trent Bridge is pretty easy to find and has excellent transport links and good parking close by for only £2 a day - or less . So all in all I cannot understand why you would want Notts to play HOME games in far flung places . Grantham for example . From Nottm via the A52 on a busy Friday takes ages there and back . Nottm to Welbeck is not an easy trip and pretty time consuming . On top of which we have added expense in travelling to these other grounds and the ever present traffic congestion which as we all know is getting worse every year.
    I appreciate you live up North and like to see Notts in your area . But to me it seems that farming out so called HOME fixtures to outer areas is the thin end of the wedge . Just take a close look at the general facilities at Welbeck and at the Grantham grounds and others that may be consdidered in the not too distant future . Its 2019 and fans demand a certain standard when they are paying hard earned money to attend matches . The days of smelly outside toilets and a cheeze cob have long since gone - thank goodness .
    LETS PLAY AS MANY GAMES AS POSSIBLE AT TRENT BRIDGE - its a no brainer for me and many others I suspect !

    1. Give us a tip 75 Nout Out - where is this £2 or less parking? T20 nights all I can find is members parking, traffic congestion and £5 parking. Champo games - the congestion and £5 are taken away leaving little choice.

  9. Unwelcomebeck Fan26 January 2019 at 18:49

    Not a problem in accepting that Nottingham based people want all the home games at Trent Bridge and the facilities are basic at Welbeck. The facilities argument is more compelling than the travelling one though as many of us spend hours travelling to Trent Bridge from the North Notts/South Yorks area when the traffic is heavy. In reality Welbeck is more suited to host one day games even though we are thrilled to have a four day game. Disappointing that 75 Not Out would begrudge the North even a one day game but it's all about opinions. I am not a big fan of playing outside the county borders and it was galling when Worksop lost out to Cleethorpes some years before Worksop fell by the wayside completely.

    1. Leader of the Pack26 January 2019 at 23:35

      Yes, my fellow Notts supporter, I completely agree with your last observation 100percent. I remember seeing King Viv hitting 6s into the canal along with our own Cairnsy at this venue. I would much rather this be the venue for the Durham one dayer.............than the county, Lincolnshire

  10. Leader of the Pack26 January 2019 at 23:38

    Also, I like your drole sense of humour with your title, it's the sort of thing I would do(which must be worrying for you!!!!!)

  11. Unwelcomebeck Fan27 January 2019 at 08:47

    Stop being reasonable Leader of the Pack or I might invite you into the cover of my warm car during a rain break at Welbeck

  12. Leader of the Pack27 January 2019 at 12:33

    I'll take you up on that offer, as being a "foot soldier" who doesn't drive, I rely on public transport. Let's all hope we get a spell of lovely weather like last season for this fixture. Also, although I'm a Tricky Reds supporter, I really hope The Stags get promoted this year. I've a lot of time for John Redford especially after you know who stitched him up last season.

    1. Sorry, RADFORD. Typo error

    2. Unwelcomebeck Fan27 January 2019 at 15:48

      I'm not a Stags fan L.O.T.P but a Worksop Town supporter. Love non league football but we have fallen to a very low level due to financial problems. Showing my age I was devastated as a teenager when my Arsenal idol Joe Baker went to Forest. Happy days at Trent Bridge in the sixties watching Notts until after lunch before popping over to the City Ground to see Forest and then back to the Bridge for the post tea session. I can remember seeing Forest play West Brom at Meadow Lane after the stand was fire damaged. We certainly need warm weather at Welbeck in June or it will not be fun.

  13. DERBYSHIRE DEREK - sorry ! I might be a liitle out of touch with parking charges around Trent Bridge ! ?
    Quite recently it was only £2 to park all day in the Nottm Forest car park - for four day matches anyway . But am not sure if this was only for Notts members . As we all know to our cost - parking anywhere is becoming a bigger problem every day


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