Wednesday 6 November 2019

Richly Fed-up Supporter

Thanks for keeping my posts in. Sorry about typos, I tend to get a bit flustered and at times feels like I care too much !

I do think the time for compromise, with ECB and with Notts management too, has gone.

It is 4 years now since we first officially heard of a new franchise domestic competition . They have if anything hardened their position. But I believe the threat goes back at least 10 years. Duncan Hamilton , the ex Nottm Post journalist and fine writer, did a book in 2010. It covered his experiences travelling widely of the 2009 domestic season, at all levels. There was talk then amongst chiefs and members like us of the threat of a new franchise competition and of a reduced County Championship. Reduced in terms of number of teams and number of matches. There was already concern from members and journos of reduced attendances and interest because of TV paywall brought in in 2006.

They planned all this long ago, even before Pinky and Perky took over at ECB. The truth is we are playing catch up, and so far we are losing. But I think the Hundred will crash and burn, as will Pursehouse and her boyfriend here. Maybe we can save something of the game. PCA disgust me, they have put a knife in the back of the majority of their union members imo.

Cheers and best wishes



  1. More Titch and Quackers than Pinky and Perky I'd say

  2. Stonewall Jackson7 November 2019 at 14:54

    We seem to be hit unbelievably hard. Not only do we have to suffer being one of the 8 chosen grounds and the resulting fixture chaos that will undoubtedly unfold shortly, we also are now having to use two of the worst outgrounds on the circuit which are completely unsuitable for the membership(only my opinion), but now as an added Brucey bonus appear to have an unsackable Director of Cricket and Head Coach irrespective of how abysmally the team performs. Some would say our beloved DoC is perhaps even losing a bit of his focus on his main role in favour of the Trent Deep Pockets. Other teams are signing players left, right and centre whilst we are just losing ours to other counties. The hierarchy like to unveil good news stories to mask what is really happening so can we expect a raft of signings shortly to bolster the squad or has the Cafe Six project hamstrung us just as badly as when Paul Coughlin pulled up like he'd been shot ?

    1. Well you only had to wait less than a week for news of Mr Shine. Your perceptions of what is going on at Notts are accurate - some would say phenominal!!! They 'demote' Mr Pick and replace him with Mr Shine - net result: Plus 1 further member of the Coaching staff at TB. Then they let Jake Libby go 'by mutual consent' - to add to the departures of Milnes; Hutton; Wessels; Footit; Coughlin; Frayne in recent times - so the players (I thought cricket was more about actually playing the Game) decline in numbers with other Counties seem to be acting faster in getting new ones in. It's hardly a case of 'Onwards and upwards' but more 'Backwards and downwards.'


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