Friday 12 March 2021

Chairman Moore


Jeff Moore has been elevated to Notttinghamshire Committee Chairman after Richard Tennant  stood down. Richard Stevenson was made vice-chairman.

For the full spin click here


  1. Excellent news. Best of luck to Jeff and he has more than an able deputy in Richard. Two local men who have a deep love for the club and will always have the members interests at heart. As we all know all decisions made by the club need to be for the members best interests, this has not always been the case since Mr Brewer departed for Lord's....

    1. Just what we need another bean counter.

  2. Presumably you 2 are different anony mouses !

  3. Not necessarily, Anonymous might have "a thing" for that bald, accountant type.

    Hopefully Jeff will get a better grip on things than Tennant did, who let too much slide and allowed the club to daydream itself into a situation where un-elected officials are running the club in the wrong direction (the 100) and wasting cash on frivolous vanity projects with zero cricket value (the Six); neither action having had true consultation with those that care (the membership). Informing, before or after the fact, isn't the same as consultation.

    Standards of player conduct and on /off field discipline also, on the face of it, declined on Tennant's watch - just a perception based observation, media reporting and circulated rumour and gossip.


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