Wednesday 9 March 2022

Members Have to Reserve Their Seats



At least Notts launched Blast tickets today; Somerset announced that they were nearly sold out.


Ms Pursehouse's line about a national Blast launch on 9th March appears to be more misinformation, as Somerset put their Blast tickets on general sale today!


No where in the following email to members does it mention that reasoning behind this unpopular more is to coordinate with a 18 County-wide Blast 2022 launch on the 9th March and to give members a very brief opportunity to claim particular seats before then. 

This was clarified at the AGM by Ms Pursehouse, who also added that seat transfers would be accomodated where possible on match days. No member will be refused entry, even if they haven't booked a seat prior to the day of the game.

It will interesting if games are sold out to non-members however...



As you will be aware, the Vitality Blast will return to Trent Bridge this summer with seven scheduled home fixtures to enjoy from 27 May to 1 July.

Our venue is expected to return to full capacity for the group stages following a year of reduced attendances in 2021.

Following feedback we received during the course of last season, and in order to create the best possible experience for all spectators, reserved seating will be adopted for each of these games.

Similarly to the process for socially-distanced fixtures last summer, we are requesting that you kindly claim allocated seats, at no extra cost, for the matches you wish to attend – as well as purchasing spots for non-members who will accompany you – and that you do so from 10am on Tuesday 1 March.

If you wish to sit in a group alongside fellow members, you will be able to do so by selecting member tickets and assigning the seat to the individuals prior to completing your purchase. All paid-for seats for non-members can simply be assigned to yourself. 

Please be aware that the maximum group size for each fixture is six and that, as ever, you will not be able to secure seats for non-members within the Pavilion seating.


To reserve your tickets, and to secure seats for your family and friends, kindly log in to your ticketing account, from 10am on Tuesday 1 March, here...


  1. With the obvious caveat, that there are bigger issues in the World these days, this surprises and disappoints me.

    It is unexpected, and many will have bought membership tickets not knowing this was going to happen. It is pretty close to the season to make the decision.

    An puzzled with the claim it has come from "feedback". Were you as a member, or maybe regular attender, asked for your opinion ? I certainly wasn't.
    Will still rejoin, but to me it is yet more unnecessary red tape, making going to cricket more complex. Will it discourage non members from going to matches on spec ? If so, it can only hurt the club financially, which is not a good thing at all.

    Accept others may see this differently and would very much like to read other views.

  2. The main benefit of membership is surely being able to attend spontaneously - I don't feel I can rejoin until they promise to get rid of this initiative and never bring it back. Maybe never? So sad really - but if they do that to members then ...

  3. Its a ridiculous request . How on earth can non- members who often sit with full members be expected to know which matches they can attend so many months in advance. This will backfire on Notts and created ill feeling . Many of us have not finalised holiday arrangements yet and other various days out . Plus what's wrong with purchasing a ticket on the day of the match , depending on the weather conditions ? This is a blatant attempt by Notts to get money in the till well before it's necessary . HOW LONG BEFORE A SEAT FOR A FOUR DAY COUNTY MATCH HAS TO BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE ?
    Think again Notts - this is wrong .
    The everyday financial pressure for the average punter is rising dramatically . Expenditure is far outstripping rises in income . Notts should be bending over to make it EASIER to attend Blast match - not making it more difficult and complicated .
    Its all about control and marketing - not a good combination.

  4. I wrote to the club to air some of my concerns about this surprise move:

    I got an almost instant response from Michael Temple, Commercial Director.

    As to why? He gave this answer:

    "The reserved seating model has become very important now that we regularly exceed 12,500 at T20 matches and have had notable instances where members and supporters have arrived before the start of play and been unable to sit together."

    So these instances of groups of members not being able to find a seat next to eachother didn't happen last summer, as we were booking seats with all the added faff that that entailed. 2020 we were all sat at home, sadly.

    These problematic 12.5K crowds must have occured in 2019 when members weren't surveyed as they didn't need a ticket. This makes the statement about positive feedback, if not a lie, then a massaging of the truth. Members won't have been feeding back then unless it was vocal, old fashioned face to face complaining at he time of the occurence. Not what was implied in the above reason from the club.

    This is all about the casual ticket purchaser, not supporters of the club. I feel that this is an another example of the erosion of benefits of membership. We'll be assigned a seat for all games next year.

    As Mr Temple went on to say: "We have operated a reserved seating model at international games for a long time and it has overwhelming advantages for the majority of attendees."

    So we are just "attendees" now, not supporters and don't expect any benefits from being a member. But, I'm sure they appreciate all the cash up front from Membership fees, non-refundable if games are abandoned / washed out, which is not the case with ticket purchasers.

  5. Re above 4 postings !
    Four regular Notts Members thinks it's wrong . No doubt many others will think the same and vote with their feet .
    The Commercial Director has gone power mad . You upset Members at your peril . There are many other ways these days to spend our hard earned brass . I for one don't like being dictated to

    1. As members, they already have your money. If you don't book a seat they will eventually sell it to a beer-swilling stag party. Kerching x 2.

  6. It is, without doubt, the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard a club do. I thought it was a hoax when I first read it. And I’ve not been officially notified yet so when is the club going to inform me. Anyone remember the halcyon days of Notts being a cricket club ?

  7. What about would be members that haven't renewed their cards yet, who won't have been informed of this?

    1. I think Kenneth, their basically trying to almost “blackmail” members into rejoining now in order you can then obtain the t20 seats you prefer but typically putting more spin on it than a Shane Warne doosra. Unusual way to treat loyal members who may have donated their fees 2 years ago when the club pleaded poverty?

  8. Casual supporters who perhaps want to sit with their Notts member friends are now poleaxed.
    Sometimes those with power to control things get it so wrong. This new ruling simply has to be reversed . The Club seems to be taking a very high and mighty way of doing things and upsetting faithfull and long standing loyal Members along the way.
    Come on Michael Temple - admit you got this wrong . If this is a taste of things to come then Notts should urgently be seeking a replacement Commercial Director .

  9. I agree with all posts above. I was happy to support the Club as a member until 2019 despite now living close to Taunton for work. Yet the failure of the club to speak out against closures in 2020 (should have been a matter of personal responsibility to attend with refunds for those who didn't feel comfortable of course), then the attempts to encourage members not to claim their refunds after a blank season, then this erosion of spontaneity for members - I am not rejoining for the forseeable, and can't see me making the long trip up the M5 - and can I really be blamed if we are treated like this

  10. Question .
    Is anyone in favour of the new ruling regarding booking Blast 20 seats well in advance of the actual dates the games are to be played.
    If so , can we hear some opinions please ?
    How will this thorny subject be handled at the AGM ?

    1. Well obviously those that live on Bread and Lard Island that enjoy being able to leave their home ten minutes before the first ball and get to their seat, are in favour. They would be the ones that might otherwise struggle to find a seat with their chums. They are the ones that must have given positive feedback (to the question that was never asked of members).

    2. Yes, I’d like to know where the positive feedback came from ? I’ve never been asked and I don’t know anyone who was.
      I think we probably agree it’s logical for Test Matches etc. but come on their domestic games albeit with good attendances. The only one I could justify it for(possibly) would be for a home qtr final if they anticipated a crowd of say 15,000 or so. Apparently the club are down on members, so is it a devious way of forcing people to renew a bit earlier? It’s worked in my case I renewed yesterday not pre season when I normally do. But like a lot I want to avoid the drunken morons at blast T20 games. so I need specific seats for my preferred areas of the ground so it’s forced my hand overnight. Was this the simple intention?

  11. Yes ORAC !
    The whole thing is a cynical money making exercise to force Members into spending their cash before they actually want to . It only really benefits the Clubs coffers - does virtually nothing for Notts Members.
    Question .
    Have other County clubs adopted this new directive ? Or are Notts the first one?

  12. Attended the AGM on Zoom, unable to go due to my injury.
    I still do not get it. Why can we still not have the usual ground admission to seats on the day just because there’s this new Nationwide launch a week tomorrow ? How many group games will be total sell outs anyway? None. Just do not understand why they have to be treated like international games whatsoever.
    Also, who wants the hassle on a potentially busy Blast T20 night of getting to your pre-booked seat, to then find you have a problem, to then have to go to the ticket office(as Ms Pursestrings clearly stated) to then try to move seats when everyone else will have pre-booked theirs as per the clubs new directive.
    Can someone pls explain if my little 54 year old brainy is overlooking something?
    Nonetheless, come 10am today I will be attempting to pre book my preferred seat for the 7 Blast games. This is obviously what the club wants.

    1. I don't think work will give me time out to battle with the ticketing platform, it'll have to wait until this evening. I wonder if my preferred seats are available then Mr Temple? If not you'll be getting an email.

  13. Owing to unexpected circumstances I was unable to attend the AGM last night or even watch on Zoom . Can anyone provide a brief account of the proceedings ? Especially the questions at the end? The new seating directive for home Blast games at TB will cause a lot of Member resentment . ORAC is just one of many no doubt who thinks the new plan is just echoes of 1984 Big Brother and control of personal choices

    1. I think there were 16 questions posted on Zoom, that they said would be raised (at the beginnning of the meeting) but were never asked. JM: "any questions on zoom, Michael?" Voice off camera: "No!" JM: "Good night everyone" Zoom call eneded in 2 nono-seconds afterwards. No questions (I think) were asked from the email facility either (which they also said would be asked). I my view the chairman should never have said "the committee are in favour of this", before each of the committee's motions and then show an exaggerated arm up, on camera and leading the assembled audience. All very Rotten Borough type "democracy"!

  14. Thanks Dave.
    It appears the Top Table gave themselves an easy ride last night ? Well, surprise surprise!
    I well remember at the AGM three years ago a long term Member ( Phil Measures) standing up towards the end of the meeting and asking "What's happened to Notts ccc? IT USED TO BE SUCH A FRIENDLY CLUB !"That question then produced a murmur of agreement from those in the audience.
    Its now a great shame that Notts are now totally in the hands of hard nosed bean counters. Incoming revenue is the God . Nothing else now seems to matter . The Club crest should now consist of a few £ note signs clustered together . An email I sent to the Club yesterday perfectly highlighted the non- personal approach . It doesn't matter a jot if you have supported the team for over 50 years . Pound notes govern all Notts CCC actions - what a great shame.

  15. Well…its now 10:44 as i write this and guess what the pre-booking option is not shown in my online account. So, I’m now on to the jolly old ticket office, currently 13 in the queue. Luckily(if that’s the right word) its a midweek day off work for me, but the whole thing is totally unnecessary in the first place. Also, got cut off twice, so here’s hoping

  16. Got down to no.9 this time and then guess what, line just goes dead. So forget this, ill try later and possibly wont get the seats we want. Thank you very much Trent Bridge. Remember when you used to be a cricket club ??????

  17. I can see Notts' side of the argument but sledgehammers and nuts come to mind. I remember in about 2016 a T20 game against Derbys and 100's were standing and the only seats visibly empty were a few 100 in the Clarke but the crowd was only 13,000, 4000 below capacity, people tend to leave a seat spare when sitting in unreserved stands. A sensible compromise would be to make the Radcliffe road stand reserved only (nearly a third of the total capacity) and leave the rest unreserved. Yes it would annoy those who want to be in line with the pitch on the middle tier and not knowing where the pitch will be months in advance but it would reduce the number of spare seats left, and give the choice of reserving your seat or sitting where the moods takes you.

    I stopped being a member after 42 years (and nearly 1000 games of club cricket) because the game I loved had gone, with every passing year T20 resembles cricket less and less (shots and deliveries which have no place in red ball cricket) and the county championship marginalised on the way to extinction by a franchise and money obsessed ECB. Now long standing loyal fans are getting similar treatment by their own clubs, worrying times for the game.

  18. Hard to disagree with most of that Member. Well, in the end success - got through to the TB ticket office and got my preferred seating for all 7xBlast T20 games. Came off about 1145, as apparently the online booking system i tried at 10am wasn’t working. On a positive note for a change, i spoke to Tim who i believe is the ticket office manager who was absolutely brilliant in assisting me with my order. I know its his job, but he was particularly helpful and pleasant and it must have been a difficult morning for the office staff if people couldn’t book online. Let’s just hope sanity prevails and things go back to normal next year.
    Like a previous comment, it may suit someone living in Bread&Lard Island, who has to factor picking up Tarquin from his weekly lesson to learn the accordion, but not so sure its suits the vast majority of us out there.
    Lastly, good to see Peter Hacker retain his place on the GC and interesting Jeff Moore was concerned he was the only member on the GC from a professional cricketing background, now that Darren Bicknell is no longer acting.

  19. Well, I navigated the ticket reserving website this evening and managed to reserve 2 tickets in a similar location for all 7 games for both myself and for my wife. The platform is clearly designed to use for one game at a time as a "go back" option isn't available and just messes everything up when you try. Very clunky to use and frustrating at times when you can see single seats on rows but can't leave a single unreserved seat when you reserve you own tickets - how did those single unreserved seats get there?? Almost as bad as last year's experiences with social distancing, but not quite.

    (What do I do when I want 2 or 3 more tickets, if I want, when I know I want, nearer the time?)

    Those having trouble...

    My advice would be to use the link from the email sent, following the instructions, multiple times. The good news is that they have scrapped the postal charges for paper tickets which was £2 a pop last year (when my printer at home was broken). So Mr Temple is spared another email, for now.

    But really, all very unnecessary.

    1. Glad it’s all sorted DG, just what everyone needs to do after getting back from a hard day at work. Out of idle curiosity, I logged in about 2pm and it was shown then under the My Personal Offers which wasn’t the case between 10am to 12pm when in frustration I attempted to make contact with someone in the ticket office. As my surname begins with letter O I wonder if we were invited for this offer on an alphabetical basis to stop the website crashing? Pure speculation on my part. The irony is, as you rightly state, it’s all so completely unnecessary in the first place.

    2. Obviously the website wasn't ready for their own imposed launch at 10AM. Parr for the course eh (pun intended)

  20. I am new to this site but not new to cricket or NCCC. Reading back through some recent posts it struck me that whilst there were some positive comments, there were also many negative ones about the club and the wider cricket scene. Some of these I agreed with, some I did not but I guess that's the point of this blog :-)
    I wanted to ask a couple of questions of you all please:
    1) What do you understand to be the purpose of our club as portrayed by 'the powers that be'? What is it currently trying to achieve? Do you broadly agree with the direction the club is taking?
    2) Have you ever as a member of our club been surveyed to check YOUR views on what should be its objectives? If so, when was that and did the feedback have any impact?

  21. 1) The aims of the club are pretty clear. To win cricket matches, and competitions, to entertain and to be profitable. Also to contribute to success of England team.
    How to get there ? Members and the people who run the club have deep differences about. Particularly setting up of the cuckoo in the nest. Not personal , but real differences.

    2) The only survey I recall was circa 2014, by ECB. Do not remember one from club.

  22. The aim of the Club?
    Well on Blast 20 nights the objective is pretty clear .
    To sell as many pints of tepid , flat , overpriced beer and lager at £5 a time! The end result is loutish behaviour in some stands and areas behind the stands.
    ( I like a drink as much as the next man)
    Having attended the last twenty or so AGMs at County Hall you get the impression decisions are taken that affect Members , without prior consultation. The SIX restaurant in the extended Radcliffe Road stand being a perfect example .We all know it's lost a lot of money since it opened and no doubt continues to do so . Its a vanity project that cost a fortune to set up . I don't know if a single Notts CCC supporter who thinks it was money well spent . There was no prior consultation on the project.
    No doubt others on here can furnish further information regarding the Clubs aims and direction and subsequent effect on its loyal and generous Members . The new requirement for pre booking of Blast 20 seats so early on has been the final straw for some of the old faithfull - me included. The imposition is plainly wrong but will Notts admit it was a mistake and reverse the procedure ? NO !
    Its a difficult decision to understand because it's surely bound to affect the Blast attendances.

    1. Hold on to your hat CK, at the AGM, Mr Ellis going through his summary of the accounts, (I'm sure he ) said that the Six made a profit last year. This might be thanks to the Govt furlough scheme, I don't know and he wasn't quizzed on it.

  23. I certainly have no recollection of being surveyed by the club whatsoever. They perhaps don’t want the anonymous feedback as anything, even remotely negative seems to be treated as if it doesn’t exist and not called for. I have been a Notts member for over 40 years.
    The purpose as portrayed ? I’ve just no idea anymore. I accessed last Mondays AGM on Zoom. The actual playing side of cricket seemed condensed into 20 minutes or so. But don’t let anyone forget, without Notts domestic cricket, the Test Match and, begrudgingly, even the unwanted Hundred tournament, nothing else matters surely as they would be no club. Everything else stems from this, ultimately. I do, understand the club have to address certain issues of today, especially after the Yorkshire saga. The actual playing side of Notts CCC seems to be getting lower in the priority of some of the Hierarchy, except for the Blast T20 games with all the beer/catering spin offs this brings and i suspect most of the traditional Members of the club, just do not like the direction that cricket has suddenly gone in recent years.
    It’s not all negative and this should be mentioned as it’s important also. The ground is amongst the best in the country and we have some very talented players with a crop of promising youngsters coming through. The results on the field should be good in the next 3-5 years in my opinion so there’s a lot to look forward to still
    Also, the Membership is unbelievably good value along with Direby and Leicestershire so the club must be applauded in keeping these prices low in recent years.

  24. Sorry, forgot. As per CK’s final point. Is this not the absolute perfect case in point. A needless, silly, enforced pre-booking requirement for all 7 Blast T20s(which, incidentally wasted 2 hours of my time as the online booking system wasn’t available at 10am) which we are told was introduced due to positive feedback. Well, who were the supporters asked, how many were canvassed and did the club just ignore those who weren’t in favour - we’ll never know, it was just brought in indiscriminately it would seem because the Hierarchy thought it was a good idea, presumably

  25. Its good to let off steam !!
    There is nothing quite like airing a grievance to the public at large.
    You never know .
    Someone might actually do something !?

  26. Seems such a long time ago, Those far off days when we could decide at the last moment if we fancied a trip down to TB, You would like to think that Notts have made seat booking mandatory w in order to control crowds thereby making it safe for all, Logic suggests that is the most likey answer.

    Will things ever go back to normal? At the moment it seems not, Perhaps though if the club suffers losses because of the clunky booking system they might have a rethink... We can only but hope!

    1. There still will be people buying tickets on the day of the game. We are never near to that 16k capacity. Those people will still struggle to sit with friends now, regardless of what time they arrive at the ground. In previous times, they would have ensured sitting with friends by arriving early. Is the new booking of seats, reducing choice and providing less flexibility to customers, especially new customers unaware of the need to book or whose that decide to go to the cricket on impulse because they are in Nottingham visiting perhaps?

  27. In the past Zanga , many fans ( myself included) decide at very short notice whether to attend a Blast 20 match , depending on the prevailing weather conditions . Booking and paying months in advance for your regular seat makes that option much more difficult . Lower attendances in the coming season for the Blast matches at TB might mean a change of heart

  28. So then, as is usual around this time of year, i look at all the other counties websites for ticketing prices just out of idle curiosity. Lo and behold, at Wantage Rd Northamptonshire would appear to be selling their tickets, for general ground admission, already ahead of the National release next Wednesday I believe we were told. There would appear to be 2 different admission prices with an option to have a reserved seat with exclusive bar and toilet facilities if you want to cough up more for this.
    So, is the reason dear Lisa told us at the AGM just a load of made up and incorrect nonsense for our club taking this ridiculous decision for the requirement to book an individual seat for Blast T20 ? And if this is the case, why not just tell us the real reason for it ? Majority of clubs have introduced a pre-booking window, which is fair enough, especially if you’re a small ground and there’s a realistic chance of being over subscribed for these games.
    TB, however, would not come into this category.

  29. Just read Nottsviewers’ post earlier.
    I also thought i heard Paul Ellis say that Restaurant Six made a profit of £70,000. As the club must be aware of the negativity surrounding this project i was also surprised this was merely glossed over amongst the other information he was giving us. As I believe the Accounts are to year end 30th September, i also wonder, whether this figure was helped somewhat by Government assistance with the various schemes available which would not portray an accurate indication of what profits are likely to be in future years, post covid. Pure speculation on my part and in no way am I suggesting this is the case. In fact, i hope it did generate this amount through its own endeavours as it may well become a valuable revenue stream to the club. With a new main course on the menu at £34, you would really hope it can turn a yearly profit - and NO, I haven’t been and never will i just signed up to their email mailing list for my information

  30. As ORAC points out having the chance to reserve seats does make some sense in smaller grounds, Notts however rarely get above 14'000 in a ground said to hold 17'000 , So yes it would be nice if Ms Pursehouse was to tell her members the real reason why long suffering supporters have to jump through yet another hoop, Or is it a case we have your money now so there's not a lot you can do to stop it.

    1. The survey and its feedback from it, has nothing to do with members, certain not pre-2021. Ms Pursehouse and her Commercial Director have put together those results with members' feedback on pandemic booking restrictions arrangements, when anyone getting a ticket was grateful to at last be allowed into the ground and decided members want: to be ordered around, to be restricted where they go and with whom they sit with, given no flexibility on match days and to be treated as though they aren't members of the club at all.

    2. The truth is a rare commodity, Zanga.

  31. Profit and loss figures for businesses during the past 12/24 months are not a true reflection of what is really happening . The Governments furlough scheme( over generous sime would say) has distorted profit and loss figures to quite a high degree in some cases . Reference the alledged restaurant SIX profits . Clearing £70,000 a year means a profit of about £1,400 a week. Difficult to believe when you consider the place was barely open for months at a time .. Plus of course still closing during the lucrative Christmas and New Year period . Is there another restaurant in the whole Country that closes up for three or four weeks during Dec/Jan ? Pull the other one Notts!
    Regarding the pre booking of blast 20 seats for Notts Members and friends/ guests . If as reported , the Notts Membership is well down in numbers this year then someone obviously decided to use blackmail tactics to get the numbers up . A simple message was issued . If you dont renew your Membership by March 1 st then you cannot be guaranteed to sit in your normal Blast 20 seat. This new directive has caused a lot of aggravation and disquiet. As Orac points out . What is the next money making scheme that will affect Notts Members ? An extra charge to use de- luxe executive toilets? Or a charge to gain access for food and drink without have ti queue up with the great unwashed? Notts Membership still represents excellent value overall. Would be a pity if they are simply thought of as cash cows!

  32. Noticed majority of counties are keeping the ‘Champo’ (as Ms.Pursehouse calls them) admission tckts dirt cheap but whacking up the prices for the Blast T20 on an increasing basis, in some cases not just admission on the day tckts but the white ball season tickets also. Our membership is still cheaper than some clubs County only memberships where Blast T20 admission is not included. So, as CK rightly points out our memberships is still unbelievably good value, assuming of course, you can get down to all the midweek games. It’s just a pity the hierarchy are introducing such a ridiculous and unwarranted measure, when it is just not necessary in the first place. It gets Members’ backs up when they’ve got no need to at all as the product they are offering is such good value still

  33. Blast tickets arrived but no Membership cards as yet!

    1. Same here, maybe not sent out generally yet ?

  34. Recall at the AGM Jeff Moore saying the club was light in numbers of personnel? Seems every few days they are recruiting someone and now today a vacancy for an HR assistant. Is this all down to the redundancies the club made due to Covid or are we expanding the empire ? Thought the job retention scheme was to do just that. I.e. retain the job during the pandemic that has miraculously disappeared overnight(the bloke at the top who confuses parties with work meetings has said so). Also, did not the business make a record profit last accounting season ? Just seems strange there’s this huge recruitment drive in place. Wonder just how many paid the price in the cull ? Guess its a lot easier to take a 20% hit when you’re earning six figures plus annually? But no surprises, we know life’s unfair. A bit like when a football club goes into administration and people owed the money get a pittance back but the professional playing staff are protected and always have their contracts paid in full.

    1. Yes the club had a huge surplus of wonga in 2021.
      Yes the club claimed wads of cash from the government in furlough payments.
      Yes the club laid people, including some long standing employees, off to the disgust of some former committee members.
      Yes there now is a recruitment drive including in the HR department.

      "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

      So, what's the plan? Make money, it appears...

  35. If you recall a few years ago, long before the pandemic, when the Hundred was to be twenty overs per side with regional franchises; Ms Pursehouse said at a Members' Forum (remember those) that she wanted to make every game "an event" like matches in the Big Bash. Causing unnecessary palaver, enforcing booking and restricting seating will certainly increase the slow build-up up to the "event(s)" for those that can be arsed. The otherside of the coin, means those who attend spontaneously, perhaps new attendees, won't get as good an experience (being left with the unwanted seating areas) and so wn't bother again or even won't bother at all and will choose to go to the cinema or the pub instead with the cash.

  36. The average punters finances are going to be stretched to the limits what with rampant price increases for basic essentials like food ,fuel ,rates on top of worrying inflation levels .Reading back through the posts on this thread I fear Notts will come to regret making it much trickier for fans to enter the ground for Blast 20 matches and sit where they like and move seats easily if they are unhappy with fellow spectators. A form of blackmail has been used to force early membership renewals in order to obtain a regular favoured seat .This system could well backfire when the 2022 Blast attendances are examined .


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