Sunday 19 June 2022

Scrap the ECB


ECB not fit for purpose 

BBC on the band wagon

George Dobell on it

On the brink of an exciting (potentially) conclusion to the Trent Bridge Test match, the BBC have decided to publish this news.

Yes inclusion has to be good for the game, but there are more social/ethnic groups from within our communities less represented in County cricket than what they are emphasizing here, which is those of mainly Pakistani origin. Recent published statistics state the UK has a population that is 4.4% Muslim, of those 38% are of Pakistan origin. Crunch those numbers and you have a target of 1.67%. If you even doubled that less than two percent, the number of players or individuals working currently in County Cricket of a Pakistani origin far exceeds what one would feel was under-representation. The elephant in the room is the under-represented group from working class white families but that isn't news.

The article mentions bullying at certain clubs which is obviously unacceptable, racially motivation or otherwise.

George Dobell, who with Azeem Rafiq, introduced this whistle-blowing sh_t-storm into the public domain, has released a further attack on those sacked employees to counter media reports over the past couple of days about the employment tribunal ruling .

 [read here

Yorkshire Sacked 16's  Unfair Dismissal Claims Ruled Meritable 

It only happened yesterday, but the BBC are yet to publish this news as it doesn't fit their Azeem Rafiq set agenda (perhaps). The 16 sacked members of the Yorkshire coaching staff at an employment tribunal ruled yesterday that their wrongful dismissal complaints were “well founded”.

news of this from another source

Lord Patel has budgeted for this...

the belated BBC article


  1. Thanks and: Reported today, that Andrew Gayle has won his Unfair Dismissal Case against Yorkshire CCC.
    The Chair of the Tribunal saying his case "well founded."

  2. Repeating what said for the 16 overall.

  3. Not surprised. It felt wrong at the time ,particularly for the staff lower down the food chain and at more arms length body.

  4. If the white rose end up skint, can we pinch Harry Brook off them pls ? Suspect he’s an England Test player in waiting so at least won’t have to cough up for his wages in any event.

  5. As per Pravda Trent Bridge (if we were in their shoes), the Yorkshire website doesn't mention a dickie bird about this either...

  6. The news from BBC and Cricinfo about Andrew Gayle and the other 5 is misleading, until much further down their reports.
    The situation is exactly as "Nottsviewer" reports above.
    Good start, but not concluded yet.
    Sorry if I also misled, by taking those sources' headlines and first paras as gospel.

  7. Mr Dobell comes dangerously close to interfering with the course of justice.
    Things he quotes as being said are contested.
    Financial settlements have been reached between 2 ex staff members and YCCC.
    So press are not falsely claiming this, as he suggests.
    Ashwell Prince was called a "f____kolpak" in 2014.
    Unpleasant and Andrew Gayle was rightly suspended, but not racism.
    Press genuinely misunderstood that ruling was interim, as I did.
    But Yorkshire are in quite a weak position if a further tribunal meeting is held, there are attempts to reach settlements out of (civil) court :
    to fail to have any procedure in dismissing 16 staff was a serious failure of management.
    Press are right to make that point.

  8. Think this whole "story" is as much George Dobell's as it is Azeem Rafiq's. The articles he writes on this subject aren't balanced and should be taken with a pinch of salt.

  9. Scottish Cricket hit by it now.
    Issue out of control and so similar to McCarthy screaming ludicrously at good people like Charlie Chaplin, for what they what they may have or not said years ago.
    Really is getting us nowhere.

  10. Islam is one of the great religions of the World.
    But what is this person going to do ?

  11. Yes indeed. We need something like the TCCB.
    Used to call it, but it nurtured and protected Test and County Cricket, and even listened sometimes.

    All forgiven
    Sir Pelham Warner !


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