Monday 28 November 2022

Price of County's Soul = £10m


Counties could receive £10m windfalls if £400m Hundred offer is accepted

Over the weekend Bridgepoint Group offered £400m for a 75 per cent stake in the Hundred

ECB receive £400m bid for control of Hundred as fight for cricket's future continues

Giving up control of tournament could provide welcome injection to county game and grass-roots cricket


  1. Have they let Allen Stanford out on parole? Foxy

  2. There is a real threat that global rapid movement, towards more and more high money franchise short foremat competitions, will just overwhelm recent more measured approach from ECB.
    They may turn the offer described above down , but similar cash bids, World wide, will suck the players out of Test and County Cricket : and that franchise only players will become the norm, rather than exception.

  3. 75 NOT OUT
    £400 million quid is an awful lot of money . If the bid is accepted ( apparently doubtful) then how much will each County receive? Would it be equal distribution for all 18 County Clubs ?- or loaded in favour of the cricket grounds holding the 100 Ball fixtures . Low income Clubs like Leic and Derby will probably never generate enough income to re- develop their grounds and build better stands and 21st Century expected facilities . However a few million £££ to each County Club ( as 100 Ball stakeholders) would enable them to upgrade their grounds . Very badly overdue in some cases . So the County Chairmen may not be so keen to see off this new ( possibly massive) injection of badly needed windfall ?
    There is so much going on in the world of cricket . As Lisa P stated at the last TB Members forum " the cricket changes happening now and in the past year are happening at a faster rate than ever before"
    How long can you hold back the tide ?
    As ever in life - MONEY TALKS !?

  4. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
    So the saying goes.
    Pursehouse and her mates up and down the country will swallow the bait hook line and sinker, no question. Foxy


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