22 October, 2024

Andy and Lisa's Members' Update



with comments

Dear member,

With the 2024 season concluded and the autumnal weather taking hold, we wanted to thank you for your support of the club and for your continued interest in the challenges and opportunities this winter will provide.

This year, our off-season is shaping up to be particularly important as we look to progress our plans to redevelop the Trent Bridge Pavilion and to continue with our ongoing discussions around The Hundred – in particular, how best to harness the interest from potential private investors.

and how the latter can pay for the former

Over the course of the season, we have consulted with members through written updates and events, where we presented the latest developments and listened to your views. The forums we held in August were very constructive and helped us to begin to address your questions and concerns, and to shape our feedback to the ECB.

this is where the consultation has been mis-sold to members! Members have not been consulted, they have been given an opportunity to ask questions but haven't been able to question those responses. At no point were members "consulted" before a policy ( the pathway going forward / the direction of travel) was presented as a done deal.

Oxford Dictionary: CONSULT seek information or advice from...

In essence the Chair and the CEO have got the whole process backwards, by design and are using phrases like "we have consulted with members" in an attempt to hoodwink members into thinking that they, the members, have had a choice and have agreed to this process.

There were some common themes emerging from the feedback we have received, but we are aware that many members were not able to attend those consultation events. We have, therefore, summarised the responses to date in a detailed Frequently Asked Questions document, which you can read here...

again they have made their decisions, so you can  put-up with it and shut up, but please read those FAQs

You can also access the slides that were presented at the forums here...

previously screen grabbed and shown on Nottsview

During this year’s tournament, the ECB sought to establish the level of interest amongst private investors in taking stakes in the eight teams. The club has supported this process by hosting several interested parties who were keen to understand the cricketing, commercial and operational standing of our teams and our venue.

The ECB commenced the first stage of the sales process at the end of September, with interested parties invited to signal their intent. Potential investors have received marketing materials and financial projections for all eight teams and have been given the opportunity to ask the ECB and its advisors any initial questions.

This was a really important step as we continue to develop the process. It was designed to ascertain the level of interest from investors and to give the game a steer on the financial impact of any potential sale of stakes in the eight teams.

This stage of the process concluded on Friday 18 October, and we understand there has been significant interest. By the end of this week, we expect the ECB to update us and to inform us of the level of interest private investors have shown in Trent Rockets.

We are aware that a high-profile sales process such as this will be subject to a great deal of speculation in the media, which is likely to continue in the months ahead.

and hopefully a great deal of scrutiny as well by real independent professionals

There is still much to be determined and discussed and you can be assured that we will continue to provide updates as the process evolves and look forward to continuing the consultation process in the weeks ahead.

there they go again, they are not going to seek information or advice from the members, they intend to tell the members when they've done the deal for better or for worse.

Please do get in touch if you have any thoughts or comments by emailing thehundred@trentbridge.co.uk

I just might

Am I alone in feeling that when told that there would be a consultation with members, that it was to be the club that would be consulting with the members, not a presentation where the Chair and CEO inform members after the event (and them calling that a consultation)?

Winter well.

Lisa Pursehouse

Chief Executive

Andy Hunt



  1. 81 NOT OUT
    OH DEAR !
    Oh dear , oh dear
    Does anyone actually believe the Notts Members have been consulted about what is actually going on ?
    Are they being “ sold down the river” and expected to enjoy the ride ?

  2. Very patronising
    I love that line this process is not about money
    Well it's all about the money full stop
    This process is going to be a total
    Car crash including the new pavilion development would you trust these 🤡
    After there last disastrous six project
    Ho I forgot it did make a small profit
    Stated by the CEO 🤣🤣🤣 incompetence
    At its best

  3. Sadly Lisa and her top table idea of consultation is ! Lecture lecture lecture and take no questions


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