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Are ex-players just stooges for Mick and Lisa? |
The result of of the members' ballot will be now known to a select number. Among those will be the members of the Nominations Panel, tasked with balancing the skills needed to form an effective General Committee, but to also recruit to enable the club to adher to Sport England's balanced-board guidelines which could mean that with their sole nomination (this round) they might have to conjure-up three or four more females on to the GC - which is an impossibility but does mean that any male candidates taking the Nominations Panel route this year, as the current Chair has done previously, will not be considered. Obviously if the membership have actually voted in majorities for female candidates then the Nominations Panel's task would be far more complex... but we don't know the individuals taking that route apart from one "self-identifying" candidate ho has taken the duel route.
I do not believe that any of the existing General Committee have yet been requested to self-identify as being female just for 2025, in order to comply with Sport Englands' guidelines, but...
Technically votes should be received in the post at the auditors today but Saturday evening is the actual 48 hour deadline before the AGM, for this last year possibly.
Note the change to the constitution vote to bring forward the deadline in future years to 3 working days; all in these days of instant electronic communications. Perhaps Smith Cooper work from home on Fridays?
One candidate has some radical suggestions with regards to future elections - some folk aren't as free n easy with their personal data as you are Nick.
Can I suggest a Candidate Question Time kind of event which would prove usual and informative, unlike this year where most of the candidates fail to address significant issues in their worded statements.
Holding sitting Committee Members accountable is a little too radical - lol
Hi All,
Whether I get voted onto the committee or not, having been through the process, I would like to suggest some changes to how it is done in future years. I would welcome your views on my proposals to increase members participation and knowledge as well as candidates’ accountability.
- There should be a ‘hustings’ event where those standing for election make a short statement (5 mins) and then are available for answering questions from the floor. This could be hybrid.
- Candidates should be able to use the members email list held by NCCC to contact members directly (maybe just once to avoid overkill). Done via NCCC of course so that there is no access directly to members emails.
- Candidates contact details to be made available to members so that members can ask questions of the candidates by email. At present there is no way for members to find out any information other than that on the 100-word statement.
- Committee members should present an oral or written account of their actions during the previous season at the AGM including:
- Record of meetings attended/missed
- Details of NCCC matches attended.
- Details of times they made themselves available to members during matches.
Best wishes,
Nick Evans
Feedback your reponses to nottsccmg@gmail.com
I think that it's widely expected that the three former players will stroll into the General Committee via the vote from members. That is the definition of support and loyalty to the club. The club is the players, more so than the environment where they play, and members will give their undying support to those players* - it's almost a given.
With Peter Hacker stood down, one player on the GC would be necessary going forward from 2025. Two players on the GC would be a luxury. Three players out of twelve on the GC would be an overkill and totally unnecessary, in my personal view, and would amplify shortfalls of skills and attributes in other departments on the GC, perhaps creating problems for the governance of NCCC in the immediate future and weakening the case for membership owned and run status in the eyes of those with all the sway in domestic cricket.
Which of Mick Newell's former colleagues (in one shape or another) would be a best bet?
* most players but there might be the odd exception historically and currently (sadly).
Nottsview contributer says he's still waiting on a reply from question@ as requested by Pravda on the question of who or what sets the priorities of skills to be filled (when there are multiple deficiences within the GC) when the Nominations Panel propose a candidate. In other words, who gives the NP the skills and attributes needed [to be filled] from a candidate.
(09/02 - still witing)
In the interest of fairness, Sarah Parkinson posted this on Facebook
Ballot papers landed this weekend and I think it’s a great sign that ten people are prepared to put themselves forward.
Just to add my voice to the mix. I’m not an ex cricketer, but I’ve been a fan since I was a girl. I particularly love the rhythm of test and county cricket.
As a member, Trent Bridge means so much to me. Whilst I may not have the cricketing qualifications or professional insight, I will have the enthusiasm and the commitment to represent the membership in the running of the Club.
Please don’t be put off by me being a lawyer. Putting my name forward is a simple desire on my part to help the Club progress.
Whoever you vote for, please use your vote!
For those eligible to actually cast a vote or three, I must urge you to read the candidates statements as posted to you with your voting sheets. If nothing else it will give some context to my comments below.
Well my 2025 Committee Nominations have finally arrived, but not before there'd been some electioneering online.Members get to vote for up to three candidates each.
There are ten candidates, three of which are former players of our club which usually means that they will be the ones that get the members' votes, however we also have one existing committee member re-standing. We have three women candidates and we have three candidates that mention the members, the members' voices and their importance of membership in the future running of OUR club (in the brief comments sections of "Particulars of Candidates").
I had planned to transcribe all the candidates "comments" in the interest to fairness but ten candidates will take too long so I'll have to resort to paraphrasing and summarising alas.
Before I get to that, the letter also states that the Nominations Panel will recommend one individual to the General Committee also.
Which, if any of the ten candidates are taking the dual approach (elected or via the NP) is not stated but if Sue Storey is serious about serving on the General Committee again, then that will be her only chance of serving again in my opinion.
Sue Storey may have done a good job (or not) on the GC since 2022 when she got there via the NP route, but in her comments she professes to being "passionate about The Hundred, she also says that she's passionate about "T20 and red-ball traditions". If she can see a way forward with these conflicting passions then perhaps she is wasting her time in cricket all together and ought to be using her energies solving some of the greater incongruities of our world, perhaps starting with Israel and Gaza.
The three former players are Andy Afford, Usman Afzaal and Graeme Swann all former spin bowlers, so does the club really need any more "spin" than Pravda already throws down? Afford has "a passion for cricket and our club", Afzaal might have something useful to offer the club owing to his particular skillset and Swanny doesn't say much (in fact I searched my bundle of literature in vain for an extension sheet which doesn't exist as he bothers to say so little) but we know a lot about Mr Swann already, that he was living out of Dubai recently working in the media but we also now know that he got 10 GCSEs - is he taking the Mickey, is he committed to serving on the committee and so is he a serious candidate? None of the former players mention the members, however (perhaps taking their votes for granted?).
Being a former player of NCCC is usually enough to get you voted on to the General Committee but....
As members we might want to consider what we want from our new representatives on the General Committee. Do we want a voice that potentially might be in opposition to those that might be/are steering the club in a direction that we're not comfortable / happy with or perhaps we might want representation from former players that may or may not have opinions that conflict with Mr Newell and Mr Moores's way of doing things, which of late has been painfully unsuccessful for Nottinghamshire CCC?
The three candidates that mention the members are Nick Evans, Jess Maguire and Stuart Matthews.
Dr Nick Evans is Nottinghamshire's representative with the CCMG and in his comments he is obviously very member-centric and if elected it's likely that he would not be singing from the same song sheet as the CEO all of the time, for instance.
Jess Maguire; her comments are mostly about family and making the club more family friendly but "hopes to give members a voice" (if elected).
Stuart Matthews has tried to declare himself as the members' choice online and might be a thorn in the side of the status quo if elected and he has a problem with the free WiFi at Trent Bridge. Get a better SIM package Stuart would be my advice.
The other candidates are Steve Battlemuch, Sarah Parkinson and Richard Reed.
Councillor Steve Battlemuch, "Forest season card holder" says he wants what we all want but fails to mention the members who he would be representing if he got elected in his comments - would he be holding member surgeries on match days?
Sarah Parkinson, a property lawyer and talks in her comments about making the committee more diverse, so not necessarily looking to voice the opinions of the members of whom she would be representing.
Richard Reed is another one that talks diversity in his comments but falls flat on his face when he confuses who he'd be representing on the General Committee. It's the members, not The Club you silly Richard.
As I have said through out, if this was an horse race, all the money would be on the three former players to win this election but...
If you start reading between the lines, the Nominations Panel will have one recommendation but if the CEO wants Sue Storey back in place but also would want Sarah Parkinson who talks the CEO's game as well, how is the CEO going engineer the election to suit her wants this year? How many disqualifications can her minions muster this year?
Yes I'm fully aware the the Nominations Panel is "independent" officially, however...
On the face of it, some intriguing candidates but there's ten of them. Where were you all last year or the year before that?
Still no election material in my "post bag"...
Notts announced a pre-tax surplus in their accounts for year ending Oct 2024 of £0.64M in their eAnnual Report, published today.
In the said report one takeaway quote from our Chair, who increasingly appears NOT to represent the views of any member of the club that I have had any contact with.
Is this person delusional or do you share his opinion and it is I that is in need of a lie down in a darkened room?
Apparently there will be a vote this year, but if they count it remains to be another matter - refer to a previous manufactured fiasco under the current stewardship a couple years or so ago.
Nottsview had hoped to fairly share the candidates manifestos but yet again the posting of the material has been late.
One candidate has started the process on Facebook
Here's what he wrote verbatim.
I wonder why they even use the term. "Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club", and for how much longer will they do so ?
ReplyDeleteMore like "Trent Bridge Cricket Club".
DeleteWell he was chosen by the CEO
ReplyDeleteWent through the nominations revolving door as she was unsure, he may not have got the members vote
& let's see how many candidates this year have chosen the two door route
What a embarrassing process that's not fit for purpose
That is why the members need to take back some control memberships are falling , it seems the club is run by the CEO and her chairman with the committee who without doubt have the best interests of the club but have little final say .
ReplyDeleteThe hundred is replacing the 20/20 just look at the falling crowds last season .
Surely this is the perfect time to bring in all ages as Forest did years ago with kids for a quid matches attendances increased by 25-30% and match day spend revenue doubled and trebled
Same with county championship matches during weekends and school holidays give kids free entry with paying parents kids spend money from their parents pockets
It seems our great cricket club do not understand value for money of customer service we do not want more committee members of ex players , ex health services CEO , MBE’s , HR executives or public servants in general we need successful business people
Stuart matthews
There are 6K members eligible to vote. In usual years, votes are cast in the hundreds only. As members we all need to show the CEO etc that we care who represents us in the governance of OUR club. Every member should use their VOTE.
ReplyDeleteYes not everyone votes who are eligible
ReplyDeleteTo vote just like most elections,
This season votes will be diluted by the number of candidates standing
My personal view is only vote for the candidates who will be your voice around the table, you are allowed to vote for three
Candidates but if only 1or 2 represent
Your views, then don't waste a vote on someone who will not represent your issues going forward
I received the voting forms today but it does not state who is also going through the clubs nomination route which will no doubt be decided in house ! We have a bunch of ex cricketers ! Ex sports CEO city councillor who was on main board of now bankrupt Robin Hood energy which cost ratepayers millions plus the usual legal experts ! It’s seems we have 2 candidates Nick & Stuart who both want to be the members voices and please remember we are a members club
ReplyDeleteVote wisely do not waste votes you fo not have to use all 3 votes
I see Mr BATTlEMUCH from the very successful labour city council didn't mention that
ReplyDeleteHe was also a board member of the very successfully owned
Robin Hood energy in is resume, including never taking any responsibility for its failure ?
It's great to see the nominations panel doing a fantastic job of vetting top quality candidates & assuring the members we have your backs
We want people who are honest with integrity, & be the voice of the membership what can possibly go wrong ?
Let's also not forget the 6 restaurant' again
With no apology from anyone from the executive for its total failure what
Very sad state of affairs 😳😳
Can we fact check that Anonymous (re: Battlesmuch)?
DeleteTo answer a few points:
ReplyDelete1. There has to be a nominations route as its part of the ECB's governance rules (whether we like it or not)
2. I'm applying via both routes - why not? 2 tickets for the lottery instead of 1 in my opinion. I think members should know who is using the nominations route, if elected I will press for this.
3. The nominations panel is genuinely independent of the club. The 'vetting' part of the process is only to weed out very, very inappropriate persons. At Lancashire it's used to keep real members off the committee. This is not the case at Notts to be fair.
4. The Panel wait until the first three winners emerge from the vote and them they pick the '4th' person to try and cover any skill gaps/balances etc. on the committee from those who applied via the nominations route.
5. I'm happy to answer any other points. If you want to contact me privately, ne1959@virginmedia.com
Thank-you for your clarification and insight into the mechanics of the Nominations Panel, Nick.
DeleteI would like to know how/who by the specifications and necessary skillsets for any NP proposal are decided, especially in light of the current situation? If Ms Storey or any of the former players are unsuccessful through the ballot, the GC will be: short of Ground Safety expertise, without any former player at the top level knowledge/ insight and will be falling behind in its diversity aims.
Dear Anonymous, I don’t think you’ve read my 100 word statement. Anyone who knows me and what I do here and abroad knows my views on members clubs as against franchises.
DeleteTo answer "I would like to know how/who by the specifications and necessary skillsets for any NP proposal are decided, especially in light of the current situation", - I'm not sure, perhaps you could email the CEO to ask. I would do, but I'm not sure it would be appropriate while standing. IMO there is definitely a role for at least one former player, it's interesting to read the three campaign statements, although one of them seems to have been written in 10 seconds. Also the gender diversity issue is very important. There used to be 4/12 females on the committee (ECB wants 40%), now there are 2/8 (not great).
DeleteI am told that those questions have been asked by a member and are awaiting an answer from questions@...
DeleteThis is the issue regarding the nominations panel
DeleteThere's as been some outstanding candidates that have applied over the years some captains of industry others very wealthy individuals most haven't had the opportunity as you may need a women or someone with a ethnic background' & last year was a fine example of failure as the chairman received one of the willy wonker
Golden tickets supported by the CEO in which prevented one of the other candidates who had been interviewed by the
Nominations panel being successful in what one would say was a complete waste of time
It should always be the best candidate for the position
Unfortunately that's not been the case since its conception' this as been compounded by the interference from sport England & the woke ECB' with there regulations that's why the nominations policy is a failure & not fit for purpose
Any worthy candidate ought to be taking the electoral route, in my view. The backdoor Nominations Panel route should be the reserve of positions needed to be filled for compliance with imposed regulations from Sport England or the flip-flopping ECB, positions that can't be filled by elected Committee members already. Not in those words, but with that sentiment was the reason members voted to change the constitution a few years back when then presented by the current CEO and the then Chair.
DeleteIn general, I agree it should be the elected route that one uses with the nominations route to help the committee get a full range of skills. However, if you look at it from my point of view why shouldn't I, or someone else, choose both routes if we feel we have something to offer? Not that I think I would get the nominated position unless it was a very bizarre set of circumstances. However, by going through it I have a better idea of how it works...
DeleteQuestion for Anonymous (monday 27th January above). Why didn't the individuals you mention apply to be voted on to the committee?
DeleteThats a simple answer you have to be a member for 2 years before
DeleteYou can stand though the membership, you need to know the rules the last 3 AGM have been a total embarrassment as the club didn't do its due diligence on it's
'candidates so let's hope it doesn't happen again this year ?
ReplyDeleteRef the 10 candidates . As Henry Kissinger famously said , beware the unknown unknowns!
Come what may it’s pretty certain that THE 100 COMPETITION will be given priority in years to come - perhaps promoting the demise of the BLAST20?
My advise do not waste voting for 3 as you are able to do so as this only dilutes the votes to others just vote for your strongest candidate who want to represent the Members
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely right. Please only vote for the candidate (or candidates) you positively want to be elected. Otherwise the person(s) you want might not be elected BECAUSE OF YOUR OWN VOTE for someone you don't care about.
Delete3 votes
ReplyDelete3 player candidates
I smell a Newell shaped RAT
He needs his mates
Mick Newell's relationship with Afford, Afzaal and Swann is not included in the literature and I hope they're not in the mix to just form a cozy cabal to rubber stamp Mick's decisions . A couple of these(former player) candidates talk about direction (forward) but fail to state what that means to them at this significant, important juncture for cricket as a whole. Vote wisely everyone and not just for a name.
Delete81 NOT OUT . Regardless of who gets elected ( or nominated) onto the Notts Committee it’s hard to see them making a big difference - perhaps even not a small difference . The ECB wheels are in motion and Notts top table are seemingly going along with “ auction” plans which may provide rich pickings for the 18 Counties . But once you have sold the family silver?………. Then what?
ReplyDeleteYes 81 not out this will be the last
ReplyDeletePayday for all 19 including MCC spend it wisely but some will be rash & wasteful by just paying debt off' also it may well be in the ECB dark master plan to reduce the first class counties after they've received
There blackmail funds
Hi all members just a polite reminder to use your vote wisely for the general committee membership.
ReplyDeleteAs previously mentioned I will be the members voice if elected on the committee. We are a members club and sadly receiving information on a regular basis seems difficult.
I promise all members this is not an ego trip I want Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club to be OUR CLUB
Stuart Matthews
Haven't you stood for the committee before Stuart ? What happened ?
ReplyDeleteJust listening to graham swann Commentary on TNT sports who hopes to be elected to the general committee at Nottinghamshire CCC how can he commit his time when no doubt commentating on with TV or radio all year 🤔 not much thought into this unless it’s a nomination appointment 🤔
ReplyDeleteRemember 2023 and the voting fiasco followed by the Peter Wright mardy rant at mischievous hidden forces that meddle in his universe (?), well Swanny was his man then and so again he is his nominee now. Nevertheless, Swanny will probably draw the most votes of all candidates this time around, members tend to vote for old players and Swanny is the freshest in the minds and hearts of members of the three former player candidates. Nevermind that Graeme couldn't be bothered to compose a serious address to the electoral membership, he'll get members' votes. 2023 saw Wright's strong backing of Afzaal as well, you can make that link in 2025 or not if you wish. Whose club is it? The members' or the cosy cabal's ... VOTE FOR CHANGE 'cos we need some!
DeleteWhat on earth can ex players offer most have little or no I business ideas and apart from cricket experience nothing else
ReplyDeleteSomeone has to head the cricket sub-committee. Better to have someone with experience, insight and knowledge.
DeleteWe had two past cricketers as chairman of cricket when I was on the committee
DeleteNeither ever challenged the DOC the latter one was a proper yesman
Well that is exactly what we don't need.
DeleteAnyone go to the focus groups last week? ANything of interest? thanks
ReplyDeleteYes. 1/They are going to build some tempory steps down from the converted executive boxes to pitch level. Boxes to be converted into dressing rooms for during the pavilion building enterprise. There was a real fear that players would get timed-out using the inside route. 2/Almost everyone dislikes the hundred 3/the free streaming will continue for 2025
Delete4/ concensus was that the match day catering provision for members was crap 5/ there was an agreement that beer was over priced
Delete81 NOT OUT
ReplyDeleteBeer has been overpriced since I had my first pint about 65 years ago !
Hope Swanny does NOT get elected . He spoilt TMS when he was on . It quickly became the Graham Swann show , me , me , me and me.
Any news on the Notts franchise auction results? . The delay must surely be over percentages ? Unless the bids on the table are too low .
Hi if you have not voted yet please vote for me I am a genuine born Nottingham lad , businessman, love Nottinghamshire county cricket club , been a member for over 30 years
ReplyDeleteI want to push and remind the CEO and her band of runners at our club that this a members club and to improve members facilitator all .
It is time for a different committee member rather that the usual appointment
Vote 🗳️ matthews x
Stuart matthews
Thanks Dave on the update
ReplyDeleteA few points, firstly Peter wright only ever did things to suit himself & what was best for him & please don't waste a vote for ex cricketers they have no say In Any cricket matters in today world the chairman of cricket is a thing of the past just look at how many backroom staff they have today on big wages, back in the day we only had Ken Taylor
Regarding the food offerings for members
including the now abolished
Ex members was shocking & of very poor quality never mind the price
& don't get me going on the price of beer
There should be a members discount for
Drinks or a loyalty card like most coffee shops offer it's called thinking out of the box
ReplyDeleteSTUART - -I don’t know you but must have seen you many times at AFM meetings etc . Reading your various posts I hope you get elected . You are obviously a long term fan of cricket at Notts ccc . We need more folk like you on the committeee and less players who probably don’t rock the boat .
Thank you I hope I do get elected to be a voice for all members I we’re oils do my best at all times , let’s hope for experience in business and supporting Nottinghamshire CCC from myself can be used
DeleteTypo error !
ReplyDeleteAGM meetings by
Hope you are successful Stuart, definitely someone who will ask difficult questions
ReplyDeleteThank you Kevin for your support I would if elected ask difficult questions on behalf of all members as we are a member club which seems to have been forgotten at the top at Trent Bridge lately
ReplyDeleteStuart matthews
Not heard anything yet about the election anyone heard anything
ReplyDeleteI do hope the self appointed members saviour is successful together with Nick who has kept us informed Dave Gunn needs their support
The members need someone to represent their wishes, not someone who will sit on their hands and nod top table edicts through. But has the membership voted that way?
DeleteWell unfortunately that won't be the case Gunn will be isolated as he talks total nonsense
ReplyDelete& as previous elections show the ex cricketers
Always get the votes' the only way that Gunn was elected was by the shambles' the last time around when the cricketers were removed from the process giving Gunn & the other cohort a walkover that won't happen this year at least 2 cricketers will get the nod but will it be the right one
I personally don't think so'
Define nonsense, Anonymous.? It would be interesting to know how you have formed this opinion as the minutes of GC meetings are kept as top secret. Openness where minutes that are accessible to all members would be the only fair means to discover who and who does not represent the members that voted them in and their views. It is a members mutually owned club after all.
DeleteGood Afternoon I just had a call from Andy Hunt The chairman of Nottinghamshire CCC informing me I had been unsuccessful in my application as a candidate to be elected onto the General club committee.
ReplyDeleteThis was not unexpected with 3 ex cricketers and the usual other candidates say from the usual expertise and close to the club and many members.
I would sincerely like to thank Bill Russell who nominated me and Paul Ford Murphy who seconded me both with a wealth of experience at Trent Bridge who had confidence in my ability to improve all members voices at our great cricket club and finally to all of the members who voted for me thank you all so much .
It is Nottinghamshire CCC Loss as I genuinely felt and still feel with my successful business experience and love of Trent Bridge I would have been able to offer the club and committee something completely different from the usual successful applicants.
Once again thank you all who supported me .
Kind Regards
Stuart Matthews
Very well put' Stewart yes not many life long members in this process to say the least
ReplyDeleteIt's Notts misfortune not to have someone with your business acumen & your various sporting contacts, look forward to seeing
You at the bridge this year
Thank you very much appreciated
ReplyDelete81 NOT OUT
ReplyDeleteBetter luck next time Stuart . As Winston C used to say - K.B.O.
( keep buggering on )
Thank you 🏏👍
ReplyDelete23/2 posting, seems like another defeat for members, and full steam ahead for transforming the club, away from being a club to a sort of ground company, staging matches by other organisations, franchises preferred.
ReplyDeleteYes with thd chairman proposing Swan he was a shoe in with members following his choice plus another via the nominations if would be nice to know tonight as members how many members voted what votes each candidates received and who came through the nominations route 🤔
ReplyDeleteWe will be told tonight. The only thing that we won't be told is who took the nominations panel route and were unsuccessful. Swann was proposed by Peter Wright, committee since 1987 chairman in 2008. Afzaal was proposed by the current vice-chair. Afford by Johno.
DeleteI'm keeping it strictly factual but it's not difficult to read between the puppeteers strings, to mix metaphors, to what collusion might have gone on behind closed doors.
Only three vacancies, only three ex-players standing - just a coincidence?
Anonymous or is it Stuart Mathews the chairman did not propose Swann Peter Wright did
DeleteYes that is correct the chairman told me himself
DeleteAnonymous who are you 🤔
DeleteYear to year you wait for an ex player candidate but none bother to stand, then this year theres three coming along all at once. 🤔I smell a rat.
DeleteStuart Matthews here just to be clear on the full conversation I had yesterday with Andy who I found very open to speak to
DeleteI had a long conversation with Andy in particular about standing committee members proposing or seconding ex cricketers for the general committee as I thought it sways the members voting thoughts we proved to be the case with ex chairman etc proposing which are within the rules
I said to Andy you proposed Graham Swann Andy said I don’t think so I will have to check .
I looked at the 2025 committee nomination leaflet but it does not say who proposed or seconded who .i never heard back from Andy.
I sincerely apologize to Andy for my mistake hd has my number and I am happy to apologize directly no bad intention was meant
Stuart matthews
Mr or Mrs Anonymous I hope that clear my error up
The ballot papers contained the proposers and seconders of each candidate. Afford - Paul Johnson ex capt, Afzaal - Richard Stevenson current vice chair, Swann - Peter Wright ex chair. All ex players proposed by "big hitters" from in and around the Notts corporate suites. They're ex-players so you'd expect them to mix in those circles. However, if those "big-hitters" claim that their endorsements carried no weight with members then they'd be being disingenuous. If the club were to really seek out fresh blood, new ideas, more diverse perspectives then at least not publishing who proposed and seconded each candidate would be fairer to all candidates. Ex-players will always have a head start within a cricket club anyway, as everyone thinks that they know them.
DeleteADMIN NOTE: Does Nottsview need to restrict comments to those using accounts recognised by Google as there are too many confusing Anonymous threads going on simitaneously? If you've got something valid to say, put your name to it! Currently, some comments have bypassed the signed-in users URL option by filling the field with random stuff and have then ignored the password field, which works well as far I'm concerned but more need to use that option. What do others think? I will be asking again in a post of its own perhaps before the season starts to set some ground rules, as it were. Dave
Delete81 NOT OUT
ReplyDeleteHave the Notts Members been stitched up?
The whole process seems unsatisfactory somehow . Does the Notts Committee have a real power anyway ? At the end of the day does it really matter these days who is actually on the Committee ? We know who actually takes the really important decisions - no need to name names !
Election rigged in true Soviet style - mocking use of Pravda by Nottsview very fitting.
Delete100% correct one of the ladies on the committee was so far up
DeleteLisa’s back side with her groveling well done Lisa for all your hard work 😳 I felt sick
That’s what Lisa ! Mick ! Pete and the senior management are very very very well paid for
Correct, that is what they are paid to do. To make judgements and decision always in the best interest of NCCC 🤔. They are employees and as such should be subject to scutiny from the members for those judgement calls 🤔
DeleteKeeping very quite Mr or Mrs Anonymous 🤔
ReplyDeleteHe/she points out anonymously.
ReplyDeleteADMIN NOTE: Does Nottsview need to restrict comments to those using accounts recognised by Google as there are too many confusing Anonymous threads going on simitaneously? If you've got something valid to say, put your name to it! Currently, some comments have bypassed the signed-in users URL option by filling the field with random stuff and have then ignored the password field, which works well as far I'm concerned but more need to use that option. What do others think? I will be asking again in a post of its own perhaps before the season starts to set some ground rules, as it were. Dave
Nick. Sorry you did not get elected like myself in my opinion you would have been an asset that our great cricket club required certainly not the old boys cricket clique I genuinely thought in 2025 the members would understand the club needs a different skill set sadly most got brainwashed by the past and the ex player trail continues .
ReplyDeleteStuart Matthews
Maybe in the future all ex-players with a calling to serve our club could take the nominations pathway, rather than have a popularity poll between players as we did this year. The results of the player votes were illuminating though.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteDavid .
ReplyDeleteSuperb point and well made I am seeing Andy Hung hope next week I will put this to him
Stuart matthews