Sunday 3 June 2012

Outlaws bowl themselves into that creek without a paddle.

Some good batting combined with some equally sub-standard bowling left Notts' batsmen with a mountain to climb. The situation got so desperate that Adam Voges turned his arm over for the second successive match to relieve a battered Franks and Co. but the Durham destruction of the bowling continued to 310/4 when the 40 overs were exhausted.

The assault of Mount Rush-worth never got passed base camp as the bearded Macam took 5/31.

Only before 7 wickets, along with the match, had been lost, did the Outlaw batsmen do anything to add a modicum of respectability to the scoreboard but it was all too little, much too late. 

The DoC needs to address a number of bowler/bowling issues before the Yellow uniforms get their annual airing:

  •  early wickets slow the scoring down in the batting power-plays at the beginning of an innings better than anything, who have we got playing that is capable of doing that right at this moment, it's not happened in each of the games so far, not even against Scotland?
  • Is Graeme White good enough to pick, if he is, why hasn't he played in the last two run-fests at the Rose Bowl and at CLS?
  •  Is Patto fit?
  • Who is the second overseas player?
  • What the heck is going on with Luke Fletcher?
Franks (57) and Voges (74) each made fifties to get Notts to 200 but that left Carter and Gurney to score 111 in just over 5 overs

Outlaws were finally dispatched in the 38th over but not before Harry Gurney clobbered two sixes off Scott Borthwick.................... 219 all out, a fairly embarrassing performance all round!

Paddles Hadlee in his prime would have been the ideal antidote today.

As it stands:

Scott Elstone and Luke Fletcher, where are you? Your County needs you!

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