27 November, 2018

Countdown to the Fixtures 2019 release - What do you want?

Our friends at @TrentBridge have informed us that the domestic cricket fixtures 2019 will be dripped fed to us on 27th November - TODAY.

Appropriately the Championship and Cup fixtures will be published at 10AM on the working day, when people are at work / school, which doesn't fill me with much hope that powers that be will making many changes to the useless scheduling of 2018, and then the Blast fixtures will hit our devices at 5PM when many interested fans might be driving home from work.

With the complication of the World Cup in the mix, what do YOU hope will be included in the Notts' fixtures 2019?

Nottinghamshire captain Steven Mullaney said: “The release of the new fixtures is something we all look forward to. It gives us all something to aim for while we’re working hard in pre-season.
“We’ll all want to know who we’re playing first, who the T20 Friday nights are against, when we’re playing our local rivals – probably all the same things supporters look for.”


  1. Well, whatever we get it surely CANNOT be as bad as last season? 3 home games in September with early starts really was extracting the urine for a lot of supporters.Death Star commitments, yes I realise why. But, to me, anyway I hope there is no game at the picturesque ground of Welbeck as the Club phrase it(It may be for the players and committe, not so much fun for the real fans with no shade if it's baking hot, or little cover if it slings it down). Back in the real world, however, I'll settle for just one fixture here, with no games at Grantham or Sleaford.

  2. The Trent Bridge website when advertising the Nottinghamshire membership states "By joining our family as a Member for the 2019 season you’ll become part of the most privileged, with entry to 39 days of cricket at Trent Bridge" which leaves no room for Welbeck or Grantham. We shall wait and see.

  3. Replies
    1. I wonder if they will realise we have weekends in Nottingham next season?

  4. I just hope we don't have 3 Championship home games in September. Unless you are retired - you just can't get there - most of us are back at work or school by then. I can't make it in September and early finishes just make it worse. Would be nice to play at weekends as well - when most of us aren't at work.

  5. I for one won't be renewing my Membership - not until we have significant change at the top - new Director of Cricket and CEO especially and some Committee members who are really prepared to put members first. And I suggest that prospective Members really do check just how many days of play actually take place at Trent Bridge.

  6. Think you could be waiting some time for those changes Andrew, unless the ECB comes calling in some capacity?Do take your point regarding games at Trent Bridge. I know of two pretty long standing members who didn't renew last year as they simply couldn't get down to all the midweek games. The current DoC is not everyone's cup of tea, but Princess Pursestrings has done a good job for the Trent Bridge business, which unfortunately, it is thesedays. Suspect the direction the game is going in is what bothers you and I totally agree with this along with the majority of proper cricket supporters

    1. Thank you for your kind and understanding response. Yes, I hate the general direction of 'professional' cricket - there are a few who have made / continue to make good livings from it but the ever diminishing of the game at local level (as evidenced by Peter Wynne-Thomas's research etc.) is alarming and I place huge responsibility at the feet of the ECB. Did Trent Bridge really need the new 'cafe' at the top of the new Radcliffe Road Stand? Will most Members ever be able to even afford to dine there? The Pavillion remains in a poor state as does the William Clarke Stand. Facilities at Lady Bay are appalling - worse than most local Clubs! All the CEO and Committee seem interested in is running Trent Bridge on a Business Model basis - sell as much alcohol as possible and reduce the 4-day Matches played at Trent Bridge to further accommodate the non-Notts 100-ball fiasco.

    2. I didn't renew a couple of seasons back for those very reasons. I felt we were no longer Nottinghamshire CCC but Trent Bridge Ltd for the greater good of the Chief Exec. I still go but I've lost that connection with the team.

  7. I want to see more championship cricket at weekends.

  8. So do we all Adam, Not sure though that the ECB will see it the same way, Judging by the fixtures of the past couple of seasons it seems that the rulers of our game pay precious little heed to the wishes of the cricketing public...

    To my way of thinking if they succeed ( and who will stop them ? )and push the championship fixtures to either end of the season then it will be the start of the end for the form of cricket most of us cherish above all other forms of our summer game.

    In the fullness of time following this short sighted policy will have an effect on the national side.Players need the grounding offered by the longer form of the game in order to progress onto the national side. Take that away and skill levels will drop .... Is that what the ECB really want!!!

  9. Stonewall JacksonFriday, 23 November, 2018

    Yes I completely agree with you Zanga old bean. The problem the ECB and other respective boards of control have is if you invented the game today, the only format that would be played would be T20 T10 the hundred or something equally as ridiculous as other formats just do not bring the finances in. Test cricket sells in England but, generally and very sadly the interest in it is on the waine in most other countries. Although I will not be attending the new competition personally it may be some sort of bizarre bonus IF it means we can keep our first class domestic structure as it is, albeit played at either ends of the season presumably?

  10. So once again there is no CC cricket at Trent Bridge for nearly two months over the July-September period,It's almost like the authorities are trying to placate Notts fans with the Isle of Wight and Scarborough fixtures... Nice if you like to travel,But speaking personally I would much prefer some home cricket throughout the summer!

  11. Has anybody scrutinised the one day fixtures closely? The final game against Durham has got TBC still as the venue. Another at Welbeck or perhaps even Grantham or Sleaford? Also, as per the ECB website, they are all daytime matches, albeit one is a bank holiday at least.

  12. 10 days maximum at a weekend in any format at Trent Bridge plus 5 floodlit T20 on weeknights. Worse than 2018 fixtures.


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