Friday 1 March 2019

Any Questions and Lisa's AGM Strategic Update

From the other evening - trying to start a new thread for ease of users :)

Strategic Update – Lisa Pursehouse

 Plan for the next five years, and in 2019 Nottinghamshire have one ODI and five World Cup matches. These are less lucrative than a Test Match. We cannot place over emphasis on Test Matches given the global circumstances. Restaurant 6 is due to open and there is a need to make Trent Bridge accessible for all year round not just match days. There are a number of key priorities for the next five years, including increasing the appeal to younger people with cricket especially the five to eight year olds. We need to increase funding and participation in local schools. We also need to make cricket more attractive to new customers. For example the new 100 competition will have a women’s competition running in parallel.  There are also plans to attract the Asian Community, as they are unrepresented in Nottinghamshire. There will be an attempt to recruit South Asian women, and will be made in the Community Centre on Haydn Road.  There will also be attempts to raise the profile of the women’s game, and invest in all competitions for club cricketers.
 Nottinghamshire do not want any further reduction in championship cricket and are in favour of two divisions.
 The new ‘100’ competition will not be played at the same time as championship cricket, which means that Trent Bridge is unlikely to host championship cricket in August.
 Nottinghamshire will be hosting the final of the 50 over competition, and would not be doing so if we thought that it was an irrelevant competition. However players involved in the 100 will miss group matches and may only become available for the knockout stages of the competition.
  There were a number of questions including complaints re the pricing structure for World Cup matches at Trent Bridge. LP said that it is high, but it is selling and although the prices are higher that Nottinghamshire would have wished, there is a lot of appetite for a global competition, and it is the first world cup in England for twenty years. Each venue gets a staging fee, in our case for five days. Direct match costs are covered by the competition, and then Nottinghamshire will get a share of the pot.
  Another question was about the use of the Executive Suite during Nottinghamshire’s ODI in 2019, and will International Executive Memberships be withdrawn. LP stated that as Nottinghamshire  had one ODI this year for them to sell, therefore a decision had been made to make the hospitality as sellable in order to maximise income for the club. Are revenue streams, including use of the pavilion are under review, and she could not guarantee what might happen in future years.
 Another question was asked about further disciplinary action for Mr Hales following events in Bristol. LP said that Nottinghamshire cannot give him extra penalties but they had spoken to and written to him.
 There was a question about the latest on the ‘100’ competition. LP said it would become clearer in April. There will be a new contract to all counties and the ECB, and this will state how cricket is funded. It will definitely take place in the school holidays and there will be no championship cricket at the same time. The team playing out of Trent Bridge will have overseas players and the rest will be selected via a draft, but not necessarily local players. This team will cover Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire and will aim to attract young people and schoolchildren.  
 The next question was two-fold, and was regarding quotes from Tom Harrison who quoted that the ‘100’ was already a huge success and secondly on Test Match Special he had quoted that it was designed for the existing cricket audience which contracted what LP has been stating. LP answered that the huge success was the significant TV deal for five years that includes the BBC. To the second part she said that 3,500 Nottinghamshire members watch T20 and although some of them may not watch the ‘100’ she expected that many would. The ‘100; will be very noisy. It will not be included in the Nottinghamshire membership, but when tickets go on sale, Nottinghamshire members will be giving priority bookings, especially in the pavilion. JAG


  1. Plenty to discuss, and bruised and battered I am not going to start any of them ; except to say the Hundred is now a fact, fully agreed by the Counties and ECB Board. Is it time to work for things that can changed, rather than tilting at windmills ? Just asking

    1. are we going up market with references to literary classics? Don Quixote

  2. Thank you for the comprehensive update. Many members who wanted to attend the AGM could not due to work commitments and this is very useful.
    Many key issues here and the saga of the 100 goes on and on I see. Thus it appears no CC cricket in Aug (I knew about this) but the cricket that will replace it (the 100) is now not open to standard Notts members. As we all predicted, not good news then.

    I may be in a minority here, but I do despair about the petty vindictiveness and outright nastiness of a small minority of the membership. And I bet I can guess who it was. Still harking back on about Alex Hales? He was on England duty and not Notts when the incident occurred. I realise he has made enemies (and some will never forgive his red ball reluctance) but really what business is this of members now? Let him be. Some have very short memories. The Brexit Gammon brigade were clearly in presence on the night. Did they leave their pitchforks, horses and carts outside the Assembly rooms?

    1. are we going up market with references to literary classics again? Frankenstein's Monster - perhaps

  3. TBH,I never really expected that the 100 would be part of the Notts membership package,It is after all about bringing more money into the game,That said I would hope that Notts reflect the need to keep the current members happy and offer some sort of inducements to attend matches.

    Have to agree with the comments above about Alex Hales, Fact is ,It happened and has been dealt with in the courts, As for the reluctance to play red ball cricket,We shouldn't be surprised, After all AH did make it clear what his intentions were re championship cricket.As to whether it proved to worth it, You would have to say the jury is out on that one.

  4. Alex Hales behaviour was appalling and brought shame on himself, Notts, England, the Game worldwide and himself. He escaped lightly, in my opinion. I would have released him from his Contract with Notts on principle - Notts don't need that sort of behaviour amongst its players.

  5. Leader of the Pack2 March 2019 at 14:29

    My main criticism of Baz is that he, allegedly, refused to play for the stiffs when chronically out of form(in the end he DID play and got two very low scores)and then again, allegedly refused to play a red ball game for us last season when we were down to the bare bones and had to recall an injured Gnasher instead. On the other side, he is without doubt one of the most special one day players Notts have ever had, won a Lords 50over final on his own and in T20 has played many brilliant innings' at the top of the order. If we had released him I suspect every county that could have afforded him would have signed a box office player of this quality and then you may have him smashing a hundred against us in 50 balls to knock us out of a one day competition?

  6. AndrewM can I suggest you go join Yorkshire? I think your judgemdntal attitude would suit that club well. Alex clearly regrets his stupid sctions but he is s young man and he was never appointed to be be a moral saint. Are you Lord Hawke in disguise or perhaps Jacob Rees Mogg. Leader of the Pack - you are spot on with your cogent assessment of Alex's situation. And Zanga you are also spot on. Alex is a controversial player but one I value highly as a Notts player.

    1. Just five things to say:-

      1/ If you're going on a recruiting drive for Headingley, you can at least leave your name Mr, Mrs, Ms , non- gender specific title Anonymous

      2/ the selfishness of AH's contract and his attitude towards playing for Notts and his tunnel vision towards his one goal to play in the World Cup, has taken longer to come to terms with by some supporters - it just shows their own focussed passion for the club perhaps.

      3/AH isn't a young man anymore, he's 30 and not a kid - his apparent petulance, self entitled attitude is sadly typical of a flawed character - but hey we're all flawed in our own individual ways. He's not the first and probably won't be the last player to let himself and his club down.

      4/ He did win the one day cup final almost single handed when the rest of the batsmen effectively froze.

      5/ AH is an asset, and bloody exciting player and should reconsider his playing options for the second half of this season for Notts CCC

    2. 'Anonymous' - I don't seek to conceal who I am as my Profile illustrates. I don't have any time for Players who misbehave - he was extremely fortunate not to be criminally prosecuted in my opinion. Those so-called sporting Stars who earn extremely high sums of money ought to set positive examples, instead some seem to believe that they have a right to behave just as they wish - it's called arrogance. So Notts. won't have my membership money next Season for a number of reasons - but, you will be sorry to hear, neither will Yorkshire!!! I am Philip Measures who was a Member for the last 10 years and used to wear my resplendant green Notts. Badged jacket with pride. I wish those well who are seeking to oppose the 100-ball fiasco and to uncover the alleged financial irregularities referred to elsewhere on this spelndid Site.

    3. Leader of the Pack3 March 2019 at 08:15

      Good Morning Sir Phillip, so the rumours were true and you have now 'unmasked' yourself which is possibly the biggest unveiling event since Kendo Nagasaki on ITVs World of Sport all those years ago. I too used to think sports stars should be role models, however, I've come to the conclusion this is not always realistic. There's good, bad and indifferent, just like if you worked at Tesco for example, and just because you show extreme talent towards your sporting profession this does not guarantee you will be a natural clean living in bed(on your own) by 9pm sort of character. People are different in all walks of life, plain and simple. I DO, however, expect employees to behave in a manner that reflects the image of Notts CCC/TB that is befitting to this great club, so I am possibly contradicting myself on this one, slightly. Lastly, it will not be the same not seeing you resplendent in your Notts blazer ? I trust, although not renewing your membership, you will be paying on the gate from time to time to watch a days county cricket(whilst we're still playing it)

    4. The purpose of my latest "ticking-off" was not to "out" anyone but to de-escalate the latest handbagging thread.

      So another character (PM) has departed the building (TB pavilion)- perhaps we all should become anonymous, faceless nodding figures agreeing and accepting the half truths and soft soap that we're supposed to lap-up.


      But please cut the diatribe out, people!!! Most of us commenting here support Notts CCC after all is said and done :)

    5. Leader of the Pack3 March 2019 at 12:39

      Yes, well said. To credit PM he did at least have the bottle at at fairly recent members forum to tackle Lisa Pursestrings head on as he, like a lot of us, feel we are being disenfranchised as Notts members somewhat. I believe she later came up to him and apologised to him for being too aggressive. So yes, we have to have supporters who will question the Hierarchy and the info. they give us. I personally hope he reconsiders and renews his membership. The bar at the William Clarke end will take a severe hit if he doesn't if nothing else!!!!!!

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