Tuesday 26 February 2019

Nottinghamshire AGM 2019

c/o JAG

Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club AGM
Tuesday 26 February 2019 at County Hall

The top table consisted of Richard Tennant, Lisa Pursehouse, Bill Taylor, Paul Ellis, & Mick Newell.

Matters arising from the minutes last year :-
 What had happened to the proposal to offer Steve Birks a Testimonial match. LP confirmed that it had been offered to Steve Birks and he turned the offer down.

Chairman’s Report Richard Tennant
 The team was in transition and there had been a very disappointing finale, despite reaching two white ball quarter finals. The team required some new faces, and this led to four players leaving.
 The staging of three major matches at Trent Bridge in 2018 brought great success for the club, with a full ground for the two ODI’s.
 Off the field, the ECB has announced its strategy for the next five years. The club made a surplus of just over £900,000. Building and maintaining Test Match status requires financing but any future developments would be expensive and require major developments.
 The Radcliffe Road Stand press box extensions opened during the year, and the opening of the new restaurant is imminent, and an International Chef, Tom Sellars has been appointed. The future development areas are William Clarke Stand, the Pavilion and Lady Bay, but all must add incremental revenue and it is currently very difficult to fund any of these future projects.
 Thanks was given to the ongoing ‘Heritage’ work , including the unveiling of the World War I Memorial during  the match versus Yorkshire. The group is led by Steve LeMottee and projects are ongoing to catalogue all the artefacts.
 It was also sad to report the death of the Treasurer, Ray Dawson in April 2018.

Accounts Paul Ellis

 Income from cricket rose by 37%, due to the hosting of two ODI’s and the Test Match. Commercial Income rose by 21%. Grants were down as there were none in 2018. Expenses saw the cricket and academy costs rise by 5%, and both match expenses and catering costs increased due to the staging of an additional ODI.
 The turnover saw Income of £13,000,000 a record for the club, again this was due to the club staging 2 ODI’s and a Test Match in the same year. The budget for the next year is to again have a surplus.

 There then followed a record number of questions about certain aspects of the accounts and how those figures had been derived. There were questions about possible irregularities on the spend on the Radcliffe Road Developments.

Cricket Report  - Mick Newell
 Retaining the team’s place in Division 1 of the County Championship was a bare minimum, but staying in Division 1 is essential to the need to attract new players. Nottinghamshire were top of the table at the start of the season and then it was a real struggle. The squad has been boosted by all four players that Nottinghamshire had tried to sign, and the squad now has a younger feeling, and Paul Coughlin will be like a fifth signing as he hardly played in 2018, due  to injury. As a result Milnes, Root, Fraine and Wessels have decided to move on. Special praise was given to Riki Wessels, but it was agreed to part on agreeable terms.
 Praise was also given to Stuart Broad who has been awarded a Testimonial Year. It is hoped that he will play a lot more for Nottinghamshire in 2019, especially during the first half of the season. Jake Ball was injured during 2018 and he had limited opportunities for England, it is hoped that he will play more in 2019. During the winter four Nottinghamshire players have been involved with the Lions.
 The cricket playing staff will consist of 19 players plus overseas players.
 A decision has been made to reduce the number of players in the academy from 17 or 18 to 11. 5 players from this group have been integrated into the senior squad, namely Chris Gibson from Cornwall, Lyndon James, Solomon Budinger , Jordan Cook and Liam Patterson-White.
 Nick Kimber and Jordan Cook had been selected for England Under 19’s.
 Some former Nottinghamshire players have been recruited by the Nottinghamshire Board to help the youth coaching including David Lucas, Bilal Shafayat, Darren Bicknell, James Hindson and Jamie Hart.
 The Nottinghamshire squad will be undertaking a pre season trip to South Africa in March.

Cricket Report Peter Moores

 One of the aims for the playing staff is to ‘Create Memories’,
 Jack Blatherwick and Lyndon James both debuted from the Academy. Tom Moores did well in his first full season. Good progress was made by Matt Carter.
 But Nottinghamshire had to recruit new players and they have got to settle in quickly. Harry Gurney has had a great experience playing for the Renegades. The players need to be hungry and fit to play for Nottinghamshire.
 The assessment of the 2018 season is that the team must improve their fitness.  He also stated that the running between the wickets and fielding need to improve. This cost the team in both white-ball competitions during the 2018 season.
 Steven Mullaney will be better having been captain for a year and it will be a tremendous boost to have Broad for half of the season
 Members need to have patience before we announce who the overseas player will be.
 Jake Ball is now fit and the club must have more bite in the bowling. We run a small staff, compared to some counties who have 23 or 24 players, but the size of the staff does mean that there will be opportunities for youngsters.  
 A number of questions were asked, and answers given by Peter Mores or Mick Newell. Firstly the limited use of Matt Carter in the championship. PM said that Carter was an aggressive spinner, who was injured towards the end of the season, but Nottinghamshire have to play the best team to suit conditions and Trent Bridge is unlikely to spin in April. Coughlin and Chappell are both aggressive bowlers and the Duke ball moves a lot early season.
 Another question was about the players looking tired in the late part of the season.
 A question was asked about the toss in championship matches. MN said that they would like to see the toss reinstated, but it is not happening in 2019. MN also stated that the club were unable to rotate the seamers enough later in the season due to injuries and the players have been tired in September for a number of years. Harry Gurney and Luke Fletcher both struggled towards the end of the season because of this.
 One member asked about the performance of the players in the last few matches not being good enough. PM stated that the signing of players mid season did affect morale but it was needed.
 It was also asked whether several of the new players might get selected for the Lions. MN stated that the club would have to make better use of the Academy, and that all four players that had joined the club had done so because of Peter Moores involvement at the club. There is only one Lions match this year, and if any players do progress then they must have been playing well for Nottinghamshire.

Strategic Update – Lisa Pursehouse

 Plan for the next five years, and in 2019 Nottinghamshire have one ODI and five World Cup matches. These are less lucrative than a Test Match. We cannot place over emphasis on Test Matches given the global circumstances. Restaurant 6 is due to open and there is a need to make Trent Bridge accessible for all year round not just match days. There are a number of key priorities for the next five years, including increasing the appeal to younger people with cricket especially the five to eight year olds. We need to increase funding and participation in local schools. We also need to make cricket more attractive to new customers. For example the new 100 competition will have a women’s competition running in parallel.  There are also plans to attract the Asian Community, as they are unrepresented in Nottinghamshire. There will be an attempt to recruit South Asian women, and will be made in the Community Centre on Haydn Road.  There will also be attempts to raise the profile of the women’s game, and invest in all competitions for club cricketers.
 Nottinghamshire do not want any further reduction in championship cricket and are in favour of two divisions.
 The new ‘100’ competition will not be played at the same time as championship cricket, which means that Trent Bridge is unlikely to host championship cricket in August.
 Nottinghamshire will be hosting the final of the 50 over competition, and would not be doing so if we thought that it was an irrelevant competition. However players involved in the 100 will miss group matches and may only become available for the knockout stages of the competition.
  There were a number of questions including complaints re the pricing structure for World Cup matches at Trent Bridge. LP said that it is high, but it is selling and although the prices are higher that Nottinghamshire would have wished, there is a lot of appetite for a global competition, and it is the first world cup in England for twenty years. Each venue gets a staging fee, in our case for five days. Direct match costs are covered by the competition, and then Nottinghamshire will get a share of the pot.
  Another question was about the use of the Executive Suite during Nottinghamshire’s ODI in 2019, and will International Executive Memberships be withdrawn. LP stated that as Nottinghamshire  had one ODI this year for them to sell, therefore a decision had been made to make the hospitality as sellable in order to maximise income for the club. Are revenue streams, including use of the pavilion are under review, and she could not guarantee what might happen in future years.
 Another question was asked about further disciplinary action for Mr Hales following events in Bristol. LP said that Nottinghamshire cannot give him extra penalties but they had spoken to and written to him.
 There was a question about the latest on the ‘100’ competition. LP said it would become clearer in April. There will be a new contract to all counties and the ECB, and this will state how cricket is funded. It will definitely take place in the school holidays and there will be no championship cricket at the same time. The team playing out of Trent Bridge will have overseas players and the rest will be selected via a draft, but not necessarily local players. This team will cover Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire and will aim to attract young people and schoolchildren.  
 The next question was two-fold, and was regarding quotes from Tom Harrison who quoted that the ‘100’ was already a huge success and secondly on Test Match Special he had quoted that it was designed for the existing cricket audience which contracted what LP has been stating. LP answered that the huge success was the significant TV deal for five years that includes the BBC. To the second part she said that 3,500 Nottinghamshire members watch T20 and although some of them may not watch the ‘100’ she expected that many would. The ‘100; will be very noisy. It will not be included in the Nottinghamshire membership, but when tickets go on sale, Nottinghamshire members will be giving priority bookings, especially in the pavilion.

 Trent Bridge Community Trust

Tim Eatherington, Mandy Wright & Mark Clifford

 Sterling work has been carried out by the Heritage Team and special; thanks to all the work done in the last year under Steve LeMottee.
 The Nottinghamshire Cricket Board have appointed three cricket liaison officers, and will encourage clubs to work with the ECB to ensure that relevant safeguarding is in place.
 Other initiatives were discussed including ‘Chance to Shine#, All Stars Cricket, ~Positive Futures. Specific examples were given by MC relating to the ‘Trent Bridge Classroom; which provide platforms for work experience, Also the ‘Ready 4 Work’ with local employers in Cotgrave and Bingham.
 Finally mentioned were ‘Forget Me Notts’ targets people with Dementia, and ‘Healthy Hearts’.

 The amendments to the Constitution
 Again long discussions were held and a number of questions were made, too long to be covered by this summary. The club will write to the membership later and any changes will be voted on by a ballot.

Elections to the General Committee – There were five places, Kate Davies, Paul Ellis, John Giliott,, and Peter Hacker were re-elected and Diana Peasey claimed the final place. Bill Taylor was asked to serve a second year as Club President.

 Election of New Vice Presidents

  Paul Johnson and Chris Read were appointed Vice Presidents for the club in recognition of their efforts for the club over a number of years.


 Questions were asked about the possibility of setting up a museum at Trent Bridge – Work is ongoing with the Heritage Team but it will take time, and Trent Bridge does lack space.
 Lack of Wifi – LP is hopeful that it will be available this season at Trent Bridge courtesy of the World Cup.

 There was then a discussion about the clubs decision to no longer produce a year book. RT said that it was removed due to lack of sales. It was also stated that the Nottinghamshire Cricket Lovers Society would be producing a 160 page yearbook and a team had been involved to set it up. The editor is Michael Goulder and it will be on sale during the season at a price of £5.

 A question was asked about the yearbook for next year. The club said that they would review it.


  1. Leader of the Pack3 February 2019 at 12:51

    One of the things that struck myself was how comparatively "recent" the list of candidates are in terms of becoming members of the club? I realise that business/work commitments and geographical issues could be the main reasons for this. Apart from former player Pete Hacker, I only know one of the candidates and it will be no surprise to the other readers that this person sits in the pavilion and shouts Cmon on Notts at regular intervals. I suspect they will get plenty of nominations.

  2. I think, without pushing any candidate, new thinking can be helpful on any committee. I imagine it is difficult for the Committee to oppose the CEO and team who actually run the club. Our CEO is highly intelligent and experienced in business and sort management, but communication "has gone south". All the way south to the ECB HQ, where communication is just press releases using fashionable jargon, and sudden decisions behind the closed door

  3. Hi, with AGM letter, memo re changes to NCCC's constitution. It said changes cannot be presented to AGM, as ECB Report on "Good Governance" for counties not yet available. will be letter/chance to vote for each member. Do you know if the rules require an SGM, please ?

    1. Sorry I don't but the letter suggests members will be consulted doesn't it...

    2. Yes it does, I guess a meeting gives the chance to question and test any new ideas. But we know very little, well nothing, about what is going to be put forward

  4. Leader of the Pack3 February 2019 at 15:52

    Does anyone know whether those accounts include the additions of the performance Psych, ex players as age group coaches and the signing of the Fab Four?

  5. Interested Members need to obtain their own copies of the Constitution - a right that every Member has.

  6. To be absolutely blunt only a minority of members really care. As previously stated most join for the financial benefits - hence a large Senior Members contingent. The Committee and their friends will always have enough support to get their own way.

    1. You are right 'Nottsviewer' BUT the majority of Members I speak to would agree with US - so how do we try to get them om board?

  7. I have read through NCCC constitution, it is available during business hours in the Peter Wynne-Thomas library. Just go to the main Cricket reception and they will direct, the amiable and knowledgeable Peter is very happy to get it for you to read. To paraphrase, but keep meaning, Rule 11.1 "No alteration to or deletion from the constitution and rules can be made without those changes being put before the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting." There further details on voting and majority required

  8. Again, you should request your own personal copy of the Constitution. The Chairman confirms that it is every Member's right.

  9. Fair point. It is vital that as many of as possible attend the AGM (I know things like life can get in the way !) and be prepared to ask questions. Lisa an Co are experts at sidestepping questions, or rather politely crushing questioners. But don't be afraid, keep firing those questions in, be prepared to act supplementaries and challenge any wrong or questionable answers, back each other up. As Robin Day used to say to politicians tricking the puiblic on Question Time , "and now can you answer the question ?"

  10. Hope that does not sound too strident Ladies and Gentlemen Cheers Rich

  11. This AGM on the 26th should be more interesting than usual . So many unanswered questions on and off the field . The new super expensive RADDY ROAD "SIX" restaurant must be more thoroughly explained to Members . Top Chefs are being recruited = top salaries . Do Notts know what they are doing going into the restaurant business in a pretty big and expensive way ? During 2018 there were 20 restaurant closures within a mile or two of the City centre .That does not bode well for the new venture . Lets hope for many penetrating questions from anxious members on the night . Hopefully we will get meaningful answers and not glib generalities ? !

  12. Sorry, '75 Not Out' but you won't get anywhere unless you get members onto the Committee who are prepared to challenge the current direction of travel. YOUR Club is being run as a 'cash cow' - so I am certain that the new Cafe will make money - who wouldn't want to dine in such a place with the views on offer - there are plenty of people with lots of money. Trent Bridge is limited by reason of size - a bit more capacity could be added but that will also cost money (such redeveloping the old William Clarke Stand). In the past the Club should also have bought the TBI. The first priority will always be Test Matches, Internationals and now the 100-ball fiasco - in other words everything that is NOT Notts. The 'horse' has 'bolted.'

  13. AndrewM1 - I fear you are correct in your views . Cricket id fast going the way that football went some years ago . The only consdideration for everything seems to be a simple " will it make money ?"
    The four day game does not make a profit for any of the Counties (so they say) . Subsequently it is being sidelined to start in colder spring months and finish in cold autumnal weeks . I am getting my old sheepskin coat down from the loft in readiness .

  14. The question of whether county cricket makes a profit is a tricky one. The Blast does, but some, quite a lot, if that crowd come because they are members of the club. Notts membership is circa 10,000 of varied ages. What would that figure be if there was no County Championship ? How much smaller then would T20 Blast crowds be if the membership was much lower ? I do not the answer, but it shows the difficulty in measuring the profitability of parts of business and will become very relevant if the Hundred is not covered by membership. Then there is the whole issue of the big part of our income that comes from Tests and ODIs. Again this would dwindle if the County Championship and 50 over County competitions whither and perish.

  15. The AGM papers are now available on line, and do confirm that any change to the club's constitution will indeed be put to either an AGM or an AGM. The financial results are very encouraging, and reading the CEO's report highlights many positives. There are still huge issues though and I am sure they will be raised in 26th

  16. Richard - the 100 is nothing to do with the Counties - it is the ECB's pet project and funded for 5 years - even if no-one turns up to watch! Notts membership can't include it. More Counties are offering different membership packages so it will be interesting to see whether Notts. (and other Counties) publish the different Categories of Members - my guess is that T20 Blast 'memberships' will be significant but I don't think they should be regarded as FULL Members and shouldn't have voting rights - an interesting Constitutional point perhaps - but I can't raise it because I'm no longer a member!

  17. As I remember it, the ECB objective originally, was to get more people playing cricket because the number of participants in the game had dropped drastically. The All Stars programme in conjunction with a new-nothing-old-county-orientated-T20-competition designed to excite the youth of the UK and to rival the IPL and the BBL, plus with coverage on free terrestrial TV was supposed to be the answer and to rescue cricket from obscurity and imminent extinction in England.

    What we've got in 2020 with this Hundred is alienating existing cricket supporters, the ones that will be the initial audience figures on terrestrial or pay to view TV. The un-named teams are likely to have no natural fan base and draw upon a random collective of spectators brought to the grounds by cheap overly hyped tickets. Spectators that will be confused to the extreme if they had any prior knowledge of the rules or format of a game of cricket and if they hadn't they would have no appreciation of the high or otherwise standard of play that they are bearing witness to and so not be inspired to take up the sport because they won't know if what they've seen is worth trying to emulate. Money will have been wasted on paying the top appearance fees for domestic and overseas players to take part. Meanwhile, the existing game in its three formats is pushed to the margins further, crowds will suffer, advertising revenue will be reduced and county incomes will drop. Counties will wither once the £1.3M sweeteners stop.

    If no one watches The Hundred games on TV, the schedulers will quickly sideline it, sticking it on increasingly remote channels, how soon for a Sky sports 4 or 5 channel or a red button on BBC 4. Has no one cottoned on yet, the youth don't watch traditional TV no more anyway - if it's not coming through their phone, that is constantly in their palms, as an alert or update, it doesn't exist!

    The Hundred on the face of it is less likely to be cricket's saviour than it is to be it's eventual executioner.

  18. Words of wisdom indeed 'Dave G'

  19. I admit to a change of heart. Fighting the Hundred is pointless and our club just cannot be excluded without dire financial consequences. The fight now is to promote the County Championship to be more widely watched and Test Cricket to be even more of a success. It has done really well of late, and top players still put at the top of their ambitions

    1. I was unable to attend the AGM, due to pressure of work and time, so were you spun a convincing line last night Richard?

      The inevitable Hundred, will it kill Championship or save it come 2025. We know it is designed to diminish the profile of both the T20 Blast and the One Day Cup already. We also know the architects of the Hundred do not rate the 18 Counties as an organisation nor the Championship as a competition, so why think the affects of the Hundred will be a good thing for FCC?

  20. Oh dear 'Richard Day' - what a turncoat you have turned out to be. You are willing to sacrifice the purity of the game on the coathooks of the 'Emperors new clothes' - shame on you.

  21. Well last nights AGM gave me a restless night ! I have been to well over twenty AGMs but last nights was something different to say the least . I have never known so many questions asked by Members on a single night - quite a few of them hostile to the top table . Lisa got quite agitated at one point . I think she is generally exasperated by what the Club is being asked to do by the ECB. The only thing that seems to be driving the 100 Ball comp is the big carrot of a pot of money ( to all Counties )
    Last nights meeting revealed a mysterious "black hole " of circa £350,000 in the annual accounts . Its somehow connected to the £7.4 million cost of the new Raddy Road development . Despite repeated requests from the audience , Lisa and Co were not willing to divulge the necessary information . It festered on and off during the evening and led to general dissatisfaction .
    I would be interested to hear other opinions on what was said last night . I am no accountant but it seems that something is not right and is being hidden for some reason . Richard - I sat two seats behind you ast night . You were in full voice because you asked the top table FOUR separate questions ( some sort of record? )
    So what is the general view of what was said last night to circa 300 Members?

    1. Well, '75 Not Out' it's YOUR Club - and Members have a right to demand answers. The Committee are YOUR servants / representatives and THEY employ the CEO and other staff. I suggest members write to Richard Tennant as the Chairman asking specifically about the alleged £350k 'black hole' in the Accounts - it has to be properly explained. Ask Diana Peasey as the new Committee Member to raise it - and see where her loyalties are now!

  22. Leader of the Pack27 February 2019 at 13:11

    I too was unable to attend this years AGM due to it clashing with my cat's monthly bath night and now she's even better groomed than Luke Wood. The ECB will make the hundred a success initially due to the vast amounts of money they are allocating to it and I suspect ticket prices will be extremely affordable to further ensure their new project does not fail? But how long they can sustain it will be interesting. I guess if you deliberately make 50over and the domestic T20 less appealing which is obviously their intention, you are almost forcing casual supporters to defect to their new flagship? I, personally, would rather watch a Notts Academy/2nd eleven composite side in the existing blast as opposed to 'hired' mercenaries in the new guise and suspect most readers of Nottsview think likewise, but us loyal die hard fans of real cricket are not the new target audience I suspect

  23. Turncoat ? Well I have been called worse. I fought all the way against the original proposed T20 franchise competition and the Hundred, but we lost. It is agreed and it is going to happen .So what do we do ? I may be wrong, but I think we do what we can in the reality of the situation, we talk with ECB, Lisa etc, to protect Test and County Cricket and give it a future. If you negotiate or talk with people, it is no good insulting them or doubting their integrity. If you do, they will not listen. Once they are talking and listening you fight for what you think is best for the game in the reality of things as they are, not rail at our fate and wish things were different. That is my view, fine feel free to disagree, but no verbal abuse please.

  24. Having said all that, and membership is partly about love for the club. I have joined this year, and will look objectively when the membership package is known for the year 2020. It has also to be about value for money and satisfaction levels of the customers, of whom the members are one if the key factors to the healthy finances of the club

  25. To associate oneself with an Organisation that you believe to be wrong is also one of associating oneself with it - call it 'guilt by association' if you like. I too 'love' Notts but fundamentally disagree with the direction of travel - Members were not balloted and the Committee went ahead regardless of the feelings of many Members. Sorry, but I for one feel that to make a stand and not renew my Membership was morally and ethically right. It is, though, a personal decision and I will wait and see what you and others achieve by 'negotiation' - how are you going to negotiate with an intransigent Committee who go along with the ECB?

  26. Thanks for your reply, and thanks for doing so in in a polite way. The "organisation" is Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club@". I stormed out at (well walked out quietly !) at the end of the 2017, and achieved precisely nothing by writing critical stuff about the ECB and Notts. I agree consultation has been dire, and yet cannot give up negotiation. The whole point of negotiation is you do not know if it can work until you try. To negotiate you have to build a reasonable relationship, with mutual trust, not naevity of course. Recently I have persuaded Rushcliffe Council to do something of benefit to people. Not blowing my trumpet, but if I had shouted at them and insulted them, I would have got nowhere. India and Pakistan are at loggerheads right now, yet for all our sakes I hope and pray negotiation starts and succeeds, Also negotiation means listening as well as being listened to, it involves compromise, but frankly without compromise we are all dead. Lisa is not dishonest, she is highly skilled as a manager and in business, talk to her. I passionately believe it is the only way

    1. Someone's certainly had a road to Damascus moment.

      I get the arguement's in favour of the blessed Hundred, but fail to be enlightened to the true need to have to erase county cricket in the process and for the actual need for the Hundred in the first place. Cricket needs to raise its profile; it could do this without inventing another format and having plastic teams, it just needed the ECB to be motivated to it, but they chosen a different path, for (not) better or (very definitely) worse. At least I know when to book my holiday 2020 - to avoid it!

  27. Richard - whilst I have a large degree of sympathy with what you say IF the Members had been balloted and disagreed with Lisa and the Committee then that would have been it - they couldn't have acted ultra vires. Your Club ('Association') is where it is entirely due to the Members because it is THEIR Club - they have, therefore, agreed with Lisa and the Committee.

    1. Leader of the Pack28 February 2019 at 15:49

      Presumably, the commercial spin offs of being one of the new 8 centres will be high? So, could Notts/TB business have afforded to do the 'noble' thing and not put itself forward for this new fangled comp? We may generally post a healthy profit, but, moneybags Surrey we ain't.

  28. Any news on the mysterious £350,000 " black hole " rumpus ?
    AndrewM1 - Diana Peasey , newly elected COMM Member stood up at the AGM and expressed disquiet at the non- information regarding the £350K . She made it pretty plain that she expected a full explanation very soon . We wait with baited breath .

    1. Harry Gurney, I would imagine...

    2. All pro cricketers I’d imagine! Haven’t heard any player or the PCA critical of it! Conspicuous by their silence or luke warm acceptance of it! Can’t really blame them, even if it only lasts two or three years there’s an extra bob or two to be made. Most of us would be quite happy if our employer offered to pay us a lot more for money just to change our job description which including drastically reduced hours. Happy days!

  29. Yes it may well appeal to the players . More money for a reduced work load ! Who can blame them .
    I have not met one who is looking forward to it .
    AM I being prematurely miserable and negative about the whole 100 ball concept ?
    Should we not just give it a chance and see what happens ? It might be a roaring success and transform some Clubs finances ?

  30. Stadia will be full. There will be lots ofsixes hit. Mexican waves will be waved. Music will be played. There'll be fireworks, flame-throwers and smoke. Half the teams will win in each game. Is this the measure of success? Who will care about who wins the tournament?

    I would suggest the only measure of success would be if those totally new to cricket individuals in the audience return over and over again; the younger ones take-up playing cricket and from a Notts perspective that that audience clamours to watch proper cricket and demands it too is played when they can get there to watch it.

  31. I thought that I just saw a pig flying over!!!

  32. How can we make this superb Site better known? Sadly there are only about half-a-dozen of us who actively contribute. Flyers are needed to hand out to Notts supporters.

    1. There just might be an "advert" in Mike's Notts Handbook for 2019


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