Tuesday 3 September 2019

Talent Drain

Questions for Mick Newell:

So there's money in the kitty to employ premium players on no doubt premium salaries for part time work, namely Alex Hales playing white ball only for another 2 years, which equates to just playing Blast for Notts from 2020; are there any thoughts to strengthening the Championship side if you consider the current level of weakness of current squad?

Has Liam Patterson-White been offered a contract or aren't you that bothered about trying to keep him at Notts either?

 Liam Patterson-White signs a 3 year deal with Nottinghamshire

Luke Wood to Move to Lancashire

Luke Wood has rejected Mick Newell's offer of a new contract and has signed a three year deal with Lancashire. Wood will remain with Notts until the end of the season.

Trent Bridge:
The 24-year-old has signed a three-year contract with the Red Rose county after five seasons as a professional with Nottinghamshire.

Wood, part of the Notts Academy setup since 2009, has taken 86 first-class wickets for the club since his debut in 2014, with a best of 5-40 against Cambridge MCCU in 2016.

“It’s disappointing to lose Luke, who we were very keen to keep at this club,” admitted Director of Cricket Mick Newell. Blaah blaah blaah...

Matt Davies 20/08/19

Out of Contract and in High Demand

Nottinghamshire are hoping to see the future of in-demand seamer Luke Wood resolved soon.

The 24-year-old is out of contract at the end of the season and has interest from approaching half of the 18 first-class counties.

Notts are keen for him to stay, but when they put a contract offer to him, Wood was not in the team.

That has since changed with the left armer from Worksop taking 10 wickets at an average of 11.70 in the Vitality Blast.

He followed that up by taking five wickets in the opening hour of the ongoing County Championship match with Yorkshire.

Notts are keen for a resolution, but director of cricket Mick Newell knows they are in no position to set deadlines for a decision.

"He knows we want him to stay. He's got interest from a number of counties," he said.

"It's coming towards a time where he needs to make his mind up. There's no deadline.

"When a player has six, seven and eight counties chasing him, it's not for us to say 'if you don't decide by X time the offer is withdrawn'.

"That's not how we operate, but going into the last month of the season, it would be good to know what our seam bowling stocks looks like."

It is understood Wood would consider staying if given a chance to impress. He has certainly done that in the last month.

"He's done very well. We put him in the T20 team as a first choice and he's made an impact," Newell said.

"We've seen more senior players lose their place, so you have to say he's done very well."


  1. I am told that the deal has been done - Luke Wood will be with Lancashire from next season. Obvs not confirmed

    1. I hear the same story, that Woody is off the Lancashire from a different unofficial source also. Congratulations Myopic Mick another tardy piece of work to add to your CV.

  2. Given Notts inability to bring Players on positively this past 2-3 Seasons he would probably do better leaving, sadly. We could hardly be in a worse mess.

  3. Once again the passive approach has resulted in Notts losing another player. Wood should have been playing instead of persisting with the formless Jake Ball, weeks and weeks ago. Well done Mick Newell.

  4. Dave G - exactly what most of us think - well said! But shame it's arrogant Lancs. Think he'll struggle to get many games there despite his obvious talent. They are very strong bowling wise. Ironically I actually think Notts are realising Ball and several others have declined in their standard.

  5. If the comment from Nottsviewer is correct, then that equates to losing 3 promising bowlers in as many years.

    At one time , we were a county, noted for attracting talented cricketers, not belatedly, trying to persuade them to stay. What a shambles.

    The lack of foresight in developing an academy that would provide a constant throughput of homegrown talent, is now hitting the club massively. During his tenure, Newell has instead, satisfied himself, with paying large sums to players from other counties, who by in large, have failed to justify their inflated salaries. Lazy and profligate management.

    No wonder he doesn't bother to read social media, otherwise he would be drugged up to the eye balls on a heavy doses of tranquillizers.

    One thing is for sure, there is little sun on the horizon for Notts supporters at the moment, especially if Luke Wood decides to head North.

  6. Stonewall Jackson21 August 2019 at 08:27

    Seabiscuit has certainly not pulled up any trees at his time with us, mainly through injury has found himself not being in the team. However, this season he looks as though he has developed his bowling in both t20 and red ball. Suspect he will never bat higher than no9 as just too inconsistent in this department. Having invested all this time, money and energy into him I agree it would be awful if we allowed to slip through our hands especially as Jake Ball may never get back to the form he showed a few seasons ago-who knows? Teflon coated Myopic Mick stated there will much more player movement between counties than ever before so until we can start bringing our own through consistently his job along with coach Peter will be bringing in replacements of the requisite quality. Dunno what it tells you about the current set up if both MM and Seabiscuit left us for pastures new?

  7. So will we see a repeat of the MM situation if as seems likely the rumours are true about the impending move of LW...Player moves on because he feels his chances are limited at Notts, Player then shows form that he did not display at Notts

    There is one consistent factor in this, Coaching ! Seems other teams have them and Notts don't

    Speaking of coaching,How long before someone takes a chance on Jake Ball and turns him back into the bowler we know he can be ? One thing is for certain help for him at Notts seems a long time in coming....

    1. Newell and Co are consistently backing the wrong horses.

      They didn't recognise sufficient talent in Milnes to offer him a long term contract at the beginning of the 2018 season.

      He has kicked on at Kent as Donald ha got him runnng through the crease much better.But he always had a good bowling action.

      I think Ball needs to address both his run up and follow through if he is to regain the form he had 2/3 years ago.

      The same applies to Chappel, otherwise he will never kick on.

      If Wood goes to Lancs as suggested, he will be working under both Glen Chapple and will be able to pick the brains of one Jimmy Anderson - where's your money?

  8. It'd be clear we would need to replace Wood. As SJ says, it's only recently he started to pull up trees. But that said, if he were not in the side now, then who would be in his place?

    I could be being miserable as for a faint moment this pm I thought we might make it at Scarborough, but our recent record on "bringing bowlers in" vs the ones we have let go is poor. Consider: Sidebottom, MM, Hutton out vs Footitt, Zak (so far), that guy from Kent who hardly played and then retired (name escapes me...….

  9. Will Goodman. News re Luke Wood very sad. He maybe just have got fed up of being picked and dropped. As we are now down, if not mathematically, would it not be good to try a youngster like Blatherwick rather than pick a man who will not be here next season, at least in the 3 remaining CC matches ? Happy for
    Luke and Samit to play in the Blast. Signing wise, we should only sign a real asset, not other people's caste offs. Our signing record is mixed to be gentle about it. Sometimes better to go local

    1. Blatherwick is another cricketer that the coaching staff have lauded but hasn't yet done anything. Now would be an ideal time to see what he can do.

    2. Yes Id agree - pointless picking a player who is leaving when we are down anyway. But good luck to Wood - he seems a good lad and we will follow his career with interest I am sure

      Was it Will goodman/Gidman? I think I meant the tall-ish, mid 30s seamer who came from Kent on 2 year contract, hardly played and then retired. He was our Sidebottom replacement.

      It'll come to me eventually!

    3. Isn't it signing willy-nilly from other counties that is part of the reason for Wood going Perhaps if you hadn't poached Chappell and Coghlan, he'd have been more likely to trust in the assurances about future selection? More than time for Notts (especially as it's now a second division county again) to learn to value what it has rather than covet what others have. But relieved that Derbyshire doesn't have any young fast bowlers that you'd be interested in

  10. Another good cricketer that needed regular games to develop.
    Shame to see him go

    1. It's a bowler per season that leaves because of lack of selection reasons. Brett Hutton, Matt Milnes and now Luke Wood.

      Jake Ball needs to start producing goods to justify all of the faith and backing the club have given him at the expense, to some extent, of others.

  11. I really hope MN reads this site, but I doubt it very much..!
    Decent players, those knocking on the first team door choose to leave because of MN,the most arrogant individual I have had the misfortune to have dealings with...my conversations with players confirm this 100%
    Come on MN have the balls to leave your post open to someone who cares, and has ability to improve Notts CCC

  12. I have mixed feelings regarding Luke Wood moving. He has not performed particuarly well but whether that is down to ability or lack of good Coaching only time will tell. The first 5 wickets in a row that he took against Yorkshire were good but perhaps more down to Pitch condition than anything - I don't really know. My hunch is that we will now see him improve. Good luck Luke.

  13. This is the final straw. We now need an EGM or a petition to remove the Director of Cricket!

    1. Please help by stating what a Motion for an EGM should include in it.

    2. A vote of no confidence in the committee, whom are not acting in the member’s wishes and/or interests

  14. Wood has been clocking up speeds of 87mph in white ball cricket, and at his age is likely to get even quicker .

    Sadly for Notts, he has not been given sufficient game time in the first team to develop his skills, due to poor team selection.
    A familiar scenario to that of Milnes. If he stays fit , he will no doubt kick on at Lancashire, and develop into a good all rounder.

    I consider Moores to be as culpable, as the DOC, for the current situation at the club.

    As things stand, our existing bowling attack, would struggle to take wickets in Division 2. No doubt Newell will sign his usual quota of journeyman between now, and next April.

  15. Andy Pick

    I am going to be controversial here - and tell me if I am out of order and I will apologise.


    Wood leaves Notts when he is a first team regular
    Millnes leaves Notts when he broke through into the firsts
    We haven't seen James or Blatherwick this season despite our situation
    Ball has gone backwards
    Broad didn't really pull up trees for us
    Gurney is white ball only
    Hutton was a regular but left (although maybe wanted more white ball cricket)
    Fletch has got better - granted

    But I wonder. Is Pick's coaching ability and his general demeanour uninspiring for this group of bowlers? Does he cosy up to the Pattinsons, Siddles (who didn't do much for us), Bird (ditto) and Broads of this world, and forget the younger lads?

    I am basing this on assumption and prejudice - which is unfair. And to make it personal is also unfair. But if he is the wrong man, in a key job, then we should face up to that.



    1. You only need to watch the latest "All in" episode to answer your motivational or demotivational demeanour of AP. His words of advice at Arundel...

  16. I believe that this is one of the 'strands' that need unpicking. Is it primarily a Coaching issue or a player-ability issue? I believe Peter Moores and Ant Botha when they refer to the abilities of these players and that the likes of James, Blatherwick, Patterson-White have to be brought on gradually - they are a 'work in progress.' As for Hutton and Milnes they wanted to play in all 3 formats regularly at First Team level - Notts seemingly couldn't guarantee them that so they moved where it was more likely. Ball deteriorated whilst with England for reasons that are unclear. Broad has always seemed to do better for England than for Notts!!! Gurney exercised his right to withdraw from red ball cricket which I, for one, regret. So, yes, it is probably over-simplistic and wrong to lay all the blame at the feet of Andy Pick BUT his track record seems particularly poor - but how much he is limited by the Director of Cricket we will perhaps never know - the staff seem to stick together like glue although I am sure that there are some real underlying tensions. 'Scapegoat' - probably, possibly.

  17. What does Andy Pick actually do???

    1. He's the Bowling Coach.

    2. but does he know what he is doing?

    3. Yes, he's helping such as Milnes; Hutton; Wood move AWAY from Notts to other Clubs - so much for 'growing our own' and the Player Pathway - the path seems to lead away from Trent Bridge to pastures new. The 'young bucks' are branching out!!!

  18. The situation gets more depressing by the day. Luke Wood has started putting in consistently good performances and he departs for pastures new. I don't blame him as he has probably come to the same conclusion as many Members that the future is not very bright at Notts.

    I cannot profess to know what the answers are to this mess but as a Member for just under twenty years now, I have never known it so bad. There isn't even the hope that we have a chance of bouncing straight back from relegation. I fear we are condemned to a long stay in the lower tier.

    Still 'looking at the positives' as the coaches say, the away matches will be easier to attend (Leics, Northants & Derby).

    1. It's positive news that Big Luke has signed a two year extension but long term I think it does nothing to compensate for the loss of Little Luke

    2. Northants? - They are currently in one of the 3 Promotion spots in Division 2!!!

  19. Not happy that Notts have offered Alex Hales a further 2-year White Ball Contract - he is thoroughly inconsistent and can not be relied on. The odd good Innings does not compensate for his many poor ones - 66th in the T20 averages says it all - just not good enough.

  20. I wonder how Notts might look next season:

    LPW surely will be offered a contract and play ahead of Samit - all the pointers are there - but this time last year Fraine left somewhat unexpectedly, and Root too....

    Hales is a draw in white ball cricket but - maybe Thursday will be the exception - hasn't destroyed teams in the way he used to. 283 runs in 10 games as an opener....

    Ball? His erstwhile rival Overton is now England's first reserve. There has to be a plan to get him back to his best

    Clarke: Surely we can ascribe this season to off-field issues
    Slater: More runs in Div 2?
    Wood: Who will replace him?
    James: Blatherwick: Will they feature?
    Broad: Will he feature?
    Moores (T): Half as many byes as runs? White ball only next year?
    Coghlin/Zak: Career ending if they are injured as much next year.....

    So more questions than answers. Time to convert potential and be more ruthless with under-performances (And have the squad to allow you to be more ruthless....)

    1. Are you going to stand for the Committee next year?

  21. Our former President Mike Smedley deserves credit for keeping Derek Randall in the team in early 1975, when Rags struggled for runs, but finished up having a fine season and not much later achieving great things for England. Sadly this approach has been all too rare since. It is a deeper problem than MN to be fair. We have been a club that signed rather than developed players for decades. Some good signings it is true, but some likeable players brought in who were just not up to standatd. It is still happening

  22. Another good Match by Ben Compton for Notts 2nds. this week - he showed in the 1st Innings that he has the ability to stay at the Crease and accumulate a good score - perhaps worth a try in the First Team before the end of the Season. A shame to see Gibson stuggling this Season but good to see Chappell perhaps on the way back - positive signds that his injury issue will soon be resolved. 'Rich' is correct that we have to persevere with younger Players and try to help ALL Players through periods of difficulties but it is a cruel Game and members and Supporters want to see success and are often not too good at patience!!! Several of us would certainly like to see the Academy 'upgraded' and play regular League Matches again - not only does it keep to them Match-fit but also helps to keep them together as a Group who can help and support each other.


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