Monday 30 September 2019

Letter to Members

Change is on its way; perhaps not the changes Notts need (we await action by the current committee for that), but changes to the Members' constitution, a number of changes driven by the ECB which we are within our rights to reject.

A letter to Members from Philip

There are interesting and important matters which will have to be decided by / at the 2020 AGM - firstly, Committee Nominations - these have to be submitted by 5pm 'on or before' 1st November 2019. You will need a Proposer and Seconder and you must have been a Member for at least 2 years.

Forms are available from Trent Bridge.

You will be able to write just 100 words about yourself.

Secondly, following Consultation / Information papers on ECB-led new Governance requirements which will be sent out to you shortly your Feedback will help to inform on the drawing up of subsequent Amendments / Additions to the Club's Constitution. The Club will wish you to support THEIR Amendments / Additions and it is possible / probable that they will seek to make it extremely difficult for you to ever change any such new changes - they are already mentioning needing 100 Members at least to propose any subsequent Amendments.

The Constitution exists, or should exist, to serve a two-fold purpose a) to ensure the good Governance of the Club and b) to protect your rights as an individual Member. So currently, for instance, the Constitution allows for the Committee to spend something like £20m without reference to its Members for approval - is that right do you think? Given the choice would you have voted for the new Radcliffe Road Extension with its 'Six' Restaurant or, perhaps, an extension to our seating capacity by extending the William Clarke Stand or redevelopment of the Pavilion? In reality YOU were given no choice because of previous Constitutional amendments being passed - Members agreed to limit their say.

The new proposals will almost certainly ask you to agree to have some 'Nominated' Committee Members - nominated by a separate Nominations Committee - dangerous? undemocratic? - you have to decide.

So, look out for the forthcoming information and read it carefully and, dare I say, suspiciously. See if it increases your involvement in the Club or moves towards a more centralised / 'elite' structure where you feel even more alienated.

Philip J Measures,


  1. Much to think about and thanks

  2. Thank you Philip for your efforts .
    Just a thought about the already infamous SIX restaurant .
    To think that for about the same money as the Rad Road upper development we could instead have had a Pavilion upgrade or another tier etc put on top of the William Clarke stand . If the Members at the decision time had been given their say I wonder which way the voting would have gone ?

  3. Alienated? I hear Ms. Pursestrings is trying to get The Mekon, Silver Surfer and Sigourney Weaver to join the club. Unlike the quote from the classic film, however, after some of the performances down there this season, at TB people CAN hear you scream. Some of the lads were away filming yesterday trying to compete for Freddie Krueger's striped rugby shirt so they can star in the club's latest ALL IN production to be retitled A Nightmare on Notts Batting/Bowling Street.

  4. We still await with interest the Club's Governance Consultation with Members - I wonder when it will be issued and what the deadline is for comments / amendments.


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