Saturday 28 September 2019

Nottinghamshire Championship Averages 2019 (Parental Advisory)

See comments below as for need for warning

c/o MAG


  1. There is lenty there to be justifiably negative about. But well done Liam Patterson-White for that fine bowling in such difficult circumstanced

  2. HBD, I really must take you to task in publishing this material with no health warning. It should be compulsory to be accompanied by 3 other adults and only allowed to be viewed in a darkened room at 3am in the morning. Well done BIG Fletch on picking up 3 awards at the Gala Dinner last night and also to LPW(pity it took so long to give him a run in the team).Others may not agree, but this is why we gave dear old Baz a white baller, he's our best player in this format and he picked up the Vitality Blast award also

  3. 'MAG' - this is verging on material likely to cause public disquiet if not riots and is potentially incendiary! I personally think that to view this material you ought to be a Senior Member at least. I deplore such irresponsibility and the effect that it could have on young vulnerable minds and would urge you to think again before giving vent to what seems more an emotional response than a carefully considered ones - what will it do to our beloved Director of Cricket, for instance, he too is but of tender years.

  4. I didnt heed the warning and plunged straight in to view the stats .
    Its brought on an horrendous migraine and eye twitch . May need to be sedated for several hours - its in the balance as to whether I might need therapy .

  5. Hi...not checked all the calculations, but how could we take 357 wickets in a 14 game season (only 280 wickets maximum).? Think it should read 179..but double check my maths please..!
    Many thanks however in taking time to put this together, it must have taken hours of sorrow..!!

    1. OK Hawkeye... the numbers were correct but the bottom row had shifted a couple of columns to the left, which it doesn't now. Sorry for any induced apoplexy Paul. The numbers still haven't improved, however!

  6. thanks, and absolutely no criticism intended, maths and spreadsheets were never my strong points, but I was famed for spotting anomalies..

    1. Have you thought about becoming the personal batting coach for Duckett&Moores then Paul ?

  7. In the past 1000 runs in a season was yardstick for batsman, maybe now it should be balls faced. We have five batsman who achieved on this new measure!!

    1. Balls faced divided by completed innings:

      Ashwin 68, Ben Compton 67, Nash 62, Clarke 54, Mullaney 52, Libby 51, Joey Evison 48, Slater 47, Duckett 45, Coughlin 45, Samit Patel 44, Tom Moores 40

    2. For comparison - Dom Sibley 159

  8. Highest Championship scores were pretty revealing for some first team batters
    Nash 85
    Slater 76
    Libby 77
    Patel 52
    Moores 48
    Just a word on Samit who has been a favourite of the Notts fans now for a long time .
    A batting average of 17 and a bowling average of 55 runs per wicket ( only 7 wickets). I think Samit has been chasing the dollar in a big way for some time now and playing virtually 12 months a year has caught up with him . Its time to give your mind and body a rest Samit !

    1. For Glamorgan Samit averaged 31, had a highest score of 66 and took 12 wickets

  9. Perhaps Samit found it a little easier in Division 2 to score runs and get wickets ?
    No doubt that will apply to quite a few of Notts CCC first team squad members next season . The teams AVERAGES a year from now will make very interesting reading .

  10. Broad seems to be something of an enigma when he plays for Notts. In a low scoring season average 30 , strike rate 69 seems pretty poor for a Test player. And yet I have read that he bowled excellently with little luck at least a couple of times this season. Is it a similar factor to what I see in league cricket where batsmen really concentrate not to get out to the County bowler and the bowler at the other end gets the wickets?


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