Tuesday 1 October 2019

Damning Times - article for Nottinghamshire


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  1. The author of this very fair article thinks heads will roll, and the readers probably think so. But we who love Notts know it is very unlikely. And that is why our club is in such trouble

  2. The committee and in particular the chairman have not acted on the members best interests and wishes. This is a national newspaper basically and deservedly mocking the governance of the club. Acutely embarrassing. We want action NOW!

  3. The committee has tried to act in the best interests. However, there is a major problem. The committee has been split for most of the season and decisions have to have a clear majority. Sadly the most contentious is the length of Peter Moores's contract. The committee thought a decision had been made after a long discussion. But it's been subsequently changed to be announced in due course. Many of the committee are incandescent and its not the only change that has been made.

    1. A agreed (minuted???) decision or written signed contract has been changed, which? By whom and why?

    2. Hopefully that will emerge.

  4. There they are the Notts committee, Sitting in their ivory tower blissfully unaware of what the outside world thinks they should do after a season of pretty much unmitigated disaster.

    Nowhere else in sport would a team of coaches and managers be allowed to get away with such abject failure. If Notts want to retain their place at the forefront of english cricket they need to act now

    Sadly judging by an article in the NP it seems nothing will change, Peter Moores looking forward to next season says it all....

    1. See above comment from Unknown.

    2. Dear Committee.

      I would suggest inertia isn't an option.

  5. Watch the cowards of the committee bury contentious / bad announcements during the shit storm of the Hundred launch later this week and again later in the month.

  6. 5pm on 1 November 2019 is the deadline for new Committee Nominations. 'Unknown' is correct about the Committee being split so new Members need to be Elected - who are the new Nominees?

  7. And I find Peter Moores complaceny about 2019 to be utterly unacceptable - there is absolutely no owning of responsibility but that we reached the semi-finals of 2 Competitions and Samit will be back with us for 2020. Come on Committee - it's time to start being not just realistic but a lot more open and honest - YOU are accountable to US the members - start treating us with a bit more respect please.

  8. A lot of us laughed last year at the woeful displays of Leicestershire when they went a season without winning a County Championship match .
    Crying into our beer more like ?
    Surely mainstream criticism in the respected national press may provoke some reaction from the Notts powers that be ?
    Perhaps Notts top table think that because the Club has generated plenty of income this year from various sources it equates to a successful year ?
    Well I suggest the Club put out an email to all the Clubs members asking for their views on the season just completed . I think they would be shocked at most of the replies .
    Reading some of the pap coming out of the notts official website plus comments from management and coaches you would think that we had been PROMOTED - not RELEGATED!
    Heads in the sand spring to mind .
    Philip Measures is right . We need some fresh blood on the Committee .
    Surely there are good men out there willing to stand ?
    PS - I am well past it - in every sense .

    1. And good women too - like Diana Peasey.

  9. Kolkata Grammar Police2 October 2019 at 11:05

    Brilliant article and all seventeen other counties would have had a clearout after such a car crash of a season but any coaches or DOC's or CEO's would have resigned after being party to such a season which an uncoached Bassetlaw League side could have matched.

  10. Stonewall Jackson2 October 2019 at 13:17

    Completely agree KGP, the embarrassing disaster of the semi final loss from a position where it was impossible to lose should have been the final straw, so we await any news with considerable interest. Two members of the committee RS and DP DO genuinely have the interests of the club at heart and do deeply care about the Notts members and are also in the real world and are not simply burying their heads in the sand after such an horrendous, horrific season. Getting to Finals Day is no achievement when you then capitulate in such appalling fashion. Don't let anyone try to hoodwink us it's been an ok season overall, IT HASNT and we all know it.

    1. I don't know how to explain the last two balls of that semi final. Notts had to score 3 runs but two would have done it with Notts winning on a technicality tie-breaker; so with two runs for the taking, why did Muppet Duckett decline a second run when Samit was ready willing and able to take it off the penultimate ball? Someone please explain it, please..... the on field players must have been aware because Fletcher was on and off that pitch more times than Notts have lost games this season.

  11. And Paul Franks is going to have some 5 weeks out next Seeason as part of the Trent Runarounds Coaching staff.

  12. This blog has had 1407 visits in the past 20 hours or so . Therefore its apparent that the interest is there .
    But any argument needs a for and against opinion to create debate and interest .
    There MUST be Notts fans who are reading this site who are satisfied with the way the Committee and Management are performing .
    But they seem strangely quiet .
    Surely someone out there can speak up for the poor DOC and his under fire team of coaches - not to mention the much ridiculed Committee and Top Table decision makers /
    Is it a case of the silent majority or the vociferous few ?

  13. It is the vociferous VERY VERY VERY few. I also understand that repeat visits are also included in the grand total - of which I make many per day!

  14. Anyone unhappy with the way things are is unlikely to be heard. Social Media is all well and good, many vent their annoyance through it, but if you are the target of criticism, it is easily avoided by not logging into that app. Mr Newell is one who admits that he doesn't look at Social Media. Going through official channels, as Mr Measures has discovered, is even more arduous especially if you feel that actions are needed and then you can be just discounted as a lone "nutter" by those that "need" taking to account. So what do we do?

    If nothing happens before the AGM then perhaps some direct action should be taken to get members feelings known and to demand some accountability for the shambles that the club has been directed into. Hijack the AGM!

  15. Does anyone understand Mr Henderson's reference to "Ben "there's a hole in my bucket" Duckett"? He used quite a lot of letters/words out of a short season-round up piece to get that in.

  16. Perhaps because 'bucket' rhymes with Duckett - can't see any other connection.

  17. I was hoping for a change of direction that might encourage me to renew my membership. Just read that Peter Moores has had his contract extended by 2 years. I suppose that at least it's made the decision to not renew easier. Hating this apathetic and dismissive attitude from the Club that I have loved for a very long time.

  18. Used to love the song"there's a hole in my bucket ,dear Liza ,dear Liza" as a kid.think it's by Harry belafonte,suspect hendo is a similar age to me ,always writes a truthful and incisive article does hendo,a great read .


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