Tuesday 31 December 2019

Hopes for 2020

Do we want to bounce straight back after one year in Division 2, rather than have a year to re-group, re-organise and re-develop?

Does winning white ball silverware take priority after 2019's abject failures at those critical times in the knock-out stages?

Do we want homegrown players coming-in to the first eleven and holding down their place on merit?

Do we want the members to be heard and listened to by the Notts Board and senior management of the club?

Do we want our club and ground back from the ECB and for the Hundred competition to quietly go away?


  1. Our winter recruitment thus far, consists of two county discards and an overseas bowler not favoured by our east Midlands neighbour.
    This hardly bodes well for our prospects for the forthcoming season.

    There was a time, when Trent Bridge was a favoured home for both county and international players. Sadly this is no longer the case. I wonder why.

    Newell has compounded the issue by mistakingly, allowing Coughlan to leave when the player should have honoured his contract.

    Bowling wise , the club are in a real pickle unless they can unearth another South African who is prepared to soldier away in 3 formats over a long English season, as it would be unfair to expect young James and Evison to fill the void in the short term. and Blatherwick has yet to show that he is up to the job, and as for Chappel, less said the better.

    Maybe we will end up searching for another Charlie Shreck in the minor counties, or borrowing a couple of seamers from Surreys extensive collection, on season loans.

    Lets hope Mick has a plan, but don't bank on it.

  2. Extremely well said Mark, couldn' have put it better myself. Refreshing that the club's Pravda feed is for once focusing on Notts stats with Notts players and not being clogged up with endless stories about world class bartenders, cocktail shakers, gin nights and best of all the Trent Deep Pockets Rockets

  3. I want to regroup and win promotion, and here and nationally for the stake to be plunged into the vampire Hundred. But I admit I have never gone into a year or decade feeling more down. Ben Compton said he thinks cricket is dying and shares our views re a lot of the issues. He spoke really well, but cricket is not dying, it is being murdered. And sadly the people who run our club are among those putting the knives in

    1. A lot of potential blood Richard...

      Stakes being plunged and knives being stuck in!

      I think that the ECB, aided by certain county heads, rather than slashing or stabbing cricket to death, are asphyxiating the county game - depriving it of the oxygen (in the media) it needs to develop and now (for the final kill) are smothering it with The Hundred, to suffocate it and to extinguishing it.

    2. Did you mean Nick Compton?

    3. Well that's cheered me up no end Nottsviewer - unfortunately, you are absolutely correct and that's the depressing bit about it

  4. Yes, Nick Compton, sorry re that. You are right I should try to cheer up. On a positive note it seems India are not keen and Australia against

  5. Don't want to spread alarm, but someone senior in ECB has briefed off the record that they want to go down to 14 counties. Such briefings are not always reliable. What is likely is that while the people and their chosen successors run Cricket the direction of travel will be opposite to what the majority of cricket supporters want. It is worth joining the Cricket Supporters Association, just Google that. It is free and a sort of union for us

  6. Footie 1 Cricketers 05 January 2020 at 15:17

    That Notts ban their players playing football as England apparently have done:


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