Thursday 2 January 2020


Independent journalist, widely known supporter of County Cricket,opponent of the Hundred and Somerset stalwart Annie Chave, is letting everyone in on Twitter that she has been informed by someone (that she infers is) in the know, that those popular guys that run the County game will in near future reduce the Championship back to one division and that the number of counties competing will be 14. There endth the rumour.

A backward step?

Just a rumour and will never happen?



  1. Completely against personally. Like the 18 first class county set up as it is and has been for years with the addition of Durham. We'll be ok whatever as we will be one of the 14 but feel for those who will not be Thoughts instantly go to Derby and Leicester presumably? Presumably the counties would have to agree to it in principle or does the Hierarchy have the power just to do what they want anyway?

  2. Mark Fearon - Twitter2 January 2020 at 15:11

    If it is true, then the counties have only themselves to blame.
    They took the (bribe) money for the 100 ball comp. Now 4 of them will be stripped of first class status. Probably be the end for Derbys Leics Northants and 1 other. Happy new year.

  3. Cast your mind back .When did the ECB last say anything positive or complimentary about the County Championship game ?
    Its blindingly obvious that they want to downgrade the whole 4 day game to a sideshow played in bad light and bad weather . By doing this do they hope the demand to watch it will fall year on year and thus they will be able to cull the number of County teams and subsequently the fixture list ? That would appear to be the end game . But of course no one at the ECB will admit to this .
    I have asked this question before on Notts View . So I will ask it again . In view of what we already know ,plus what we THINK we know - then how many teams will there be playing in the County Championship proper in say 5 or 10 years time ? And how many of those will be part-time outfits?
    The powers that be HAVE TO MAKE the 100 Ball Comp successful no matter what else falls by the wayside . There is too much money involved to allow it to fail .If it doesnt catch on with the general public then I can easily see half price admission being the norm - or even FREE admission . The 100 Ball could not be seen to be played in empty stadiums no matter what the cost would be to get the attendances up .
    Now that they have seen the "riches" to be had ( PLAYING WHITE BALL ONLY ) on top of a vastly reduced workload how many bowlers in the near future will want to spend day after day sending down 25 overs or more in a single hot sweaty summers day ?
    Doing that is not going to extend anyone,s career ! ?
    The thin end of the wedge is getting slightly thicker all the time .
    So whats to be done ?
    The genie is out of the bottle and can probably never be put back in .

  4. Walk away ? Not saying do that, that is an individual decision, but I am going to review my situation at end of this coming season. ECB have much powe, but none on how people choose to spend their money. If someone asked me honestly if membership at TB is now worth the money, well ?

  5. More football before games3 January 2020 at 15:16

    We gave the impression that we were a part time outfit last year, does that count ?

  6. Rich - to answer your question about the Notts season ticket being value for money . Yes I think it is still good value .At a swift count up we get the following play at Trent bridge
    28 days of County Championship
    9 days of Blast 20 and 50 over Royal London
    So thats a possible 37 days cricket at the Bridge . Divide those days into the cost of your membership and it works out pretty reasonable
    On top of which we get two days at Grantham and one day at Welbeck .
    So providing the lads actually perform to a reasonable standard then it would seem wise to re-new .
    What do others think ?

    1. Not posted for a while as it seems to fail unless I do it from my computer

      I think the membership value is ok in comparison with other counties (I think Notts is cheaper than most). Many split the t20 from the other forms. What I would say and based on little-ish evidence admittedly, but I remember a few years ago now seeing the (at the time) new facilities for members catering at Edgbaston and it was fantastic compared with what we get in the Pavillion...

      I'm going to give Six a try in March I think. You'd have thought members might get a discount there (I presume they do not)

  7. 7(Blast) + 1 (RL) = 8

    I admire the positivity that 28 days of CC will be forthcoming, rather than less than 20 possibily.

    1. Yes, in real terms matches will finish early and days will always be at the mercy of the weather.Remember Welbeck last year?. It is still decent value but not the absolute bargain it used to be.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. There is a real fear of rumour, as the original franchise 8 team nightmare started as a rumour. Then it mutated into the Hundred.Today has seen the total vindication at Newlands ofthe firm of cricket many on here love, and our CEO and DOC, whether by design or not, are putting in great danger. The chances of immediately getting rid of both to be replaced by people committed to our club and to real and teptesentative cricket are small at present, but by making it clear we want them to go, we can make it more likely in the future

    1. If only you were right. The Committee is self-sustaining. At the next Election ONLY vote for your preferred Candidate and no others to increase chances of unseating at least 1 who we no longer want re-elected.

  10. The ECB wants rid of the counties. This is what the wretched Hundred is all about.


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