Tuesday 3 March 2020

Nottinghamshire CCC AGM 2020 "Minutes"

"Minutes" c/o JAG 

Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club AGM
Held at 19.00 on Monday 24 February 2020 at County Hall

The top table consisted of Richard Tennant (RT), Lisa Pursehouse (LP), Bill Taylor (BT), Paul Ellis (PE), & Mick Newell (MN).

To approve and matters arising from minutes of the AGM held on Tuesday 26 February 2019

John Evans stated that the minutes were not a fair reflection of what had been said.  RT disputed this and a discussion was held on the reasons behind this.
 He said that the increased value of Assets and Budget for the Radcliffe Road Stand developments were for £7.4 million, and that the dispute was over £390,000 which was the value of an additional asset, which had been paid for by an outside party, and that there was a confidentiality agreement around this asset, and the club had to stick with that. Nigel Crockford asked what the terms were for the missing asset.
 RT said that the asset is definitely owned by the benefactor, and he could not say any more other than that is no future liability to the club on that asset.
 John Evans recommended that the minutes be rejected. A subsequent vote led to the minutes being rejected.

Chairman’s Report - Richard Tennant

 The last year had been very busy and challenging both on and off the field, and that he was very disappointed in the red ball cricket performance. MN and Peter Moores (PM) had presented to the committee their views on how to change things this year. He also stated that the performance in white ball cricket had been excellent over the last ten years, and that was reflected in the club reaching two semi finals in 2019.
 Coaching changes and player recruitment have been made to support the club.
 2019 saw a One Day International against Pakistan and five matches in the ICC Cricket World Cup. These were all a success and the club won the ‘Warmest Welcome Award’ for the second successive year. A year without a Red ball test match was always difficult to make a profit; therefore the club is pleased to announce a small profit.
 The ‘Six Restaurant’ is top quality and will be a great venue. The opening year of trading had been given great acclaim within Nottinghamshire.
 The future tours agreement has been agreed until 2024, but although Test Matches are well supported in England, this is not the case in the rest of the world.
 The cricket club and the Nottinghamshire Cricket Board will be merging but the exact date has not been agreed and this is subject to further discussions.
 The club has also been considering the order of priorities for ‘Ground Development’, the Pavilion requires an upgrade, the William Clarke Stand needs replacing, and there needs to be an overhaul at Lady Bay. However all of these require funding in place before work can be undertaken.
 There had also been meetings to discuss improving the ‘Governance of the Club’ and there had been great work by the Heritage Team run by Steve Lemottee to keep the history of the club alive.
 This year saw the tenth anniversary of the ‘Trent Bridge Community Trust’.
RT then thanked the outgoing president Bill Taylor, and the retiring committee man Stuart Foster, who had spent more than thirty years on the committee.
 Bill Russell asked what would happen to the money currently held by the Cricket Board after the proposed merger between the Club and the Cricket Board. RT said that all funds relevant to the board will be ring-fenced and that there will be benefits for the recreational game.
John Lee asked whether the club were aware of the ‘Sport England Code of Corporate Governance’ concerning co-habitation of senior committee or board members, and that conflicts of interest should be handled in an appropriate way.
RT said that they were happy that the governance of the club is being managed correctly.
 David Beaumont stated that it was important that the ‘Six Restaurant’ should be open all year, and why was it shut pre and post Christmas?
 LP said that it was open for Christmas, but that it was not open for the New Year, when the club would be paying staff double-time.
  Peter Quinn asked whether there was a conflict of interest because Mr Bicknell was employed by the club as a cricket coach, whilst serving on the committee at the same time which conflicts club rules.
RT stated that Mr Bicknell’s coaching role was financed for by the Nottinghamshire Cricket Board and not the cricket club and therefore any payment was separate and outside of the club therefore he was not breaking any rules. If the Cricket Board does merge, with the Cricket Club then there would be a conflict of interest. Mr Bicknell is appointed by Nottinghamshire Cricket Board and is paid for via the ECB.
 The Chairman’s report was passed.

Accounts - Paul Ellis

 A financial review of the club had been carried out by a group comprising Paul Ellis, Tim Eatherington, Richard Stevenson and Richard Tennant.
 He stated that income had decreased by 4 per cent, and commercial income decreased by 9 per cent. Some expected income was retained longer by the ICC for the Cricket World Cup. Cricket costs on cricket development had risen by £254,000.
 ECB Grants had increased and commercial expenditure increased by 8 per cent, this was partially due to the ‘Six Restaurant’ and the appointment of a new HR Manager.
 We had to upgrade the Radcliffe Road stand in order to retain ‘Test Match Status’. The Radcliffe Road Development cost £7.5 million, and the set-up costs of the ‘Six Restaurant’ were £80,000. During its first year the ‘Six Restaurant’ had operating losses of £97,000.

  He then spoke about the profit for the year and said that ODI’s do not make as much money as Test matches, and that it is important to consider four year cycles, and that the return from ICC World Cup games is considerably lower.
 Nigel Crockford (Accountant) raised some questions and said that the club had reduced its cash balances and that the reported surplus was confusing. He also stated that regulations dictate that the club must update the value of Fixed Assets (i.e. Trent Bridge) once every five years and that the club were failing to do this, and that in his opinion the accounts should not be approved.
 At the end of the financial year there is a deficit from the ECB for the staging of the ICC World Cup matches of £1 million and this affected the cash flow. This was not expected.
To maintain ‘Test Match Status’ the club had to make a number of improvements to the ‘Media facilities’ within the Radcliffe Road, and that the biggest challenge was managing debt over four year cycles.
 There was a discussion on the ‘Market Value of Trent Bridge’ involving PE, Peter Wright (PW) and LP. PW stated that Trent Bridge had been re-valued on Insurance Value about ten years ago.
 Nigel Crockford quoted Rule 9.3 – The accounts shall show the value of Trent Bridge Cricket Ground and be re-valued every five years.  
 PE stated that the Charitable Trust is a separate entity but that some of the members are the same as the cricket club.
 PE stated that the club does forecasts over four years, and as we know the years we are allocated test matches so estimate a total profit of £500,000 over that four year cycle.
 LP stated that the ECB had guaranteed a new income stream via The Hundred competition.
 There were a number of questions around the costs and the losses incurred so far by the Six Restaurant.
 RT stated that some of the cash reserves were used to part finance the ground developments rather than increasing borrowing.

Cricket Report - Mick Newell

 We thought we had improved the staff with four signings, and we produced pitches to suit Ravi Ashwin, and the expectation was that we play in Division One.
 The focus during the winter has been on improved red ball cricket. The club had reached the knockout stage in the 50 over competition six times in the last seven years. We had also reached the Vitality Blast quarter final for the ninth time in the last ten years, but the way the team blew up the 20/20 semi final was hard to explain. The T20 team has been very well led by Dan Christian over the last few years and the large crowds have a good impact.
 The aim now is to improve the playing staff, Joey Evison has been at the Under 19 world cup and Liam Patterson-White has earned his first professional deal. The next wave is the rookie contracts for Sol Budinger, Lyndon James, who captained the second eleven well, and Ben Compton.
 The club have recruited four new players in Haseeb Hameed, Mohammad Abbas Peter Trego and Tom Barber. We have recruited Kevin Shine to the coaching staff and strengthened the ‘Player Pathway’ by adding Andy Pick to that group.

 The club have introduced grass nets in a marquee at Lady Bay to enable players to practice on grass from February onwards, as they attempt to do things differently than in the past.

 Peter Moores then temporarily joined Mick Newell.

 PM stated that although it may have looked like the players did not care given the nature of some of the four day defeats, it was not the case. The loss of so many senior players in the last few years has had an effect, and the new players recruited struggled to play in division one.
 We need to try to build resilience and improve performance. Matt Wood has changed the way that pathways work, but players do have the choice between red and white ball cricket and many players will travel the world in the winter to earn money in white ball cricket, but we do need to sign new players to move forward. However it can take five or six years to develop a cricketer, and then perhaps another two years for them to become successful, so there is no quick fix.
 Liam Patterson-White has spent the winter in New Zealand, and Joey Evison has been abroad with the England Under 19 Team.
  PM was asked about the impact of losing Hutton, Milnes and Wood in recent years.
 He stated that all three had been offered contracts but chose to go elsewhere, so we cannot control that.
 MN was asked about the signing of Kolpak players in particular Dwaine Pretorius. He replied that he would not talk about players that he had not signed but did say that we might be interested in a Kolpak player but he will not sign too many.
 He was also asked about the signing of a large number of Nottinghamshire players by the Trent Rockets, and he stated that although he was part of the Trent Rockets team that it was Stephen Fleming who had signed the players.
 David Parker asked MN & PM about the quality of the four new signings especially as Peter Trego has not played much red ball cricket in the last three years, and the other three had not had good records last year.
PM stated that Peter Trego was a 38 year-old senior man, he is keen to play red ball cricket which has been shown by playing for Devon. He is super fit and will be a mentor to other players. Tom Barber has had a lot of injuries, but he has a lot of pace, and he knows that he has got to put the ball in the right places. Haseeb Hameed has the ability so we will have to see with him and Mohammad Abbas is an experienced international player who is good both on and off the field.

Strategic Update – Lisa Pursehouse

There is in place a revised itinerary for International cricket covering the period 2020 to 2024, and there is now in place a minimum wage for young players. There has also been an overhaul of the relationships with the ECB, with minimum standards. There is work nationwide to increase participation of younger players.
The club received an award from the ‘Chance to Shine’ Charity.  
 There are two pots of money that counties can bid for the period 2020 to 2024. The money will not be spread equally amongst the counties.
 The club has invested in its staff by increasing numbers in the Marketing and Community Development. This increase in staff will help meet those minimum standards set by the ECB, which must be in place by 2023.
 The club will only have one year without a test match during the period 2020 to 2024, and we are one of only six venues with allocated test matches.
 We need to generate non match day income all year round.
A question was asked about naming rights for Trent Bridge. LP said it was not her decision but she is not in favour and stated that Edgbaston have been looking for a suitable partner for a few years.
 LP stated that there had been a Cash Flow problem because World Cup match staging money from the ECB was not received until December, when it had been expected in the previous January.
 Bill Russell asked how much money, will the club be getting from the ECB for Recreational Cricket. LP stated that this was difficult to answer but there is a core funding pot for Recreational Cricket of £250,000 and a £20 million pot for counties to bid for. This will not be split equally amongst the counties and national cricket boards but can be used for example for women’s cricket and schools.
 John Chambers asked about the effect of ‘The Hundred’ competition on the 50 over competition and that counties would be forced to field weakened sides, and also that the final was very late in September. LP stated that the purpose of The Hundred is to attract a new audience, and that the ECB have a marketing plan for this competition and they will be putting money aside to promote it. Michael Temple will be involved from Nottinghamshire.

Trent Bridge Community Trust - Mandy Wright (MW) & Mark Clifford (MC)

 MW is the Community and Development manager and has a team of fourteen. During the last year 3000 hours of direct activity has been used and 400 new coaches have been trained. Nottinghamshire are the first county nationally to be 100 per cent accredited for ‘Safeguarding’ £50,000 has been invested into grass roots cricket. We need to improve women and girls recreational cricket, and the team are always welcome to receive help from volunteers for the ‘Happy to Help team’ for visitors attending large attendance matches at Trent Bridge.
 The team showed two short videos on their work in the last year, including the Haydn Road Community Cricket Club, and Cricket for people suffering from Dementia. There were contributions in the videos from the club captain Steven Mullaney and Kate Davies from the Nottinghamshire committee. As in previous years there were updates on a number of schemes including ‘Chance to Shine, All Stars Cricket, Positive Futures, and ‘Forget Me Notts’ (targets people with Dementia), and ‘Healthy Hearts’.

 The amendments to the Governance
 RT thanked members for their support of meetings on this subject and that it had taken two years to re-align. He thanked the efforts of fellow committee members Jeff Moore and Kate Davies, and for help from Derek Brewer at the ECB and Penny Huggard. He also reported that of those members that voted 74% voted in favour and as that exceeded the requirements of a two-thirds majority, it had now been passed.
 John Evans proposed three changes, which were discussed at the meeting, the first two were rejected, but the third one was passed and this will see ‘A board detailing the names of the Club’s president and General Committee Members alongside their individual head and shoulders photograph is to be displayed in a prominent position within the Members’ Area for all members to be able to access. The board will be updated annually within six weeks of the Annual General Meeting taking place.’

Confirmation of four members elected to the General Committee.

 LP said that there were six candidates and those elected were Peter Wright, Jeff Moore, Paul Ford-Murphy and Penelope Huggard.

To appoint a President for 2020 in accordance with clause 7.1 of the club’s constitution 

 The former Nottinghamshire player Basher Hassan was appointed.

To appoint Vice Presidents

 Bill Taylor and Stuart Foster were appointed.

To appoint an Honorary Life Member

Peter Wright proposed Peter Johnson who had been involved with cricket in Nottinghamshire since 1968, playing for Notts Colts, Gedling Colliery, representative sides, and he was also the leading person in setting up the Nottinghamshire Premier league, which took four years to implement.
 This proposal was accepted.

Any Other Business

 A question was asked about what would happen if Nottinghamshire performed well in the 2020 season and achieved a Home Quarter Final, because due to the dates clashing with the Trent Bridge Test match then we would not be able to play it at Trent Bridge, and in 2019 Lancashire were in the same situation and had to play their home match at Chester-Le-Street.
 LP stated that if the situation did arise then she did not know where the game would be played, but a suitable compensation claim has been raised.

The meeting closed after 2 hours 57 minutes at 21.57.

This is how the Trent Bridge spin-doctors saw it...

Basher Hassan was confirmed as Nottinghamshire's new President at the club's Annual General Meeting on Monday evening.
Hassan enjoyed a 19-year playing career at Trent Bridge, scoring over 20,000 runs in all formats and playing a vital role in Notts’ Championship win of 1981.
He went on to serve on the club’s General Committee between 2005 and 2017, and also enjoyed a stint as Honorary President of the Nottinghamshire Premier League.
Meanwhile, retiring President Bill Taylor was bestowed a Vice-Presidency in recognition of his service to the club as a player, committee member and President.
Taylor, a fast-bowler in his playing career, represented Nottinghamshire in First-Class cricket on 95 occasions between 1971 and 1977. After retirement, he pursued a career in business, was elected to the General Committee in 2010 and named President in 2018.
Stuart Foster’s 30 years on the General Committee were also recognised by a Vice-Presidency, while Peter Johnson was announced as an Honorary Life Member of the club in recognition of his service to the recreational game.
The club’s members voted in favour of a new model of governance, which intends to ensure the mix of skills, experience, knowledge and diversity on the committee are optimised. This model will also bring Nottinghamshire into line with the recommended best practice of Sport England and the ECB.
Penny Huggard, Head of Governance and Compliance at Futures Housing, is a newcomer to the General Committee – with Paul Ford-Murphy, Jeff Moore and Peter Wright maintaining their positions.
Nottinghamshire were able to announce to the members a pre-tax surplus of £20,631 despite the absence of Test cricket from Trent Bridge’s 2019 international schedule – retaining the annual average profit at £403k over a three-year cycle spanning from 2017 to 2019.


  1. The Members got what they deserved - handing more control to the General Committee and further reducing Member influence. The new Committee represents a move away from the changes many of us were seeking with the failure by Bas North inparticular to be elected - it just shows that the Committee have always had things 'sewn up' and in the future will have little or nothing to fear from those few Members who are trying to achieve change.

    The only 'positive' was that the AGM refused to accept the 2019 AGM Minutes as an accurate record - a little flexing of the muscles but the new Governance changes will soon neutralise any real 'uprising' in the ranks!

  2. 'Six' or a 'No Ball'25 February 2020 at 06:49

    It was not denied that the 'Executive Chef' is on £100,000 per year for a few days work at the loss-making 'Six' Restaurant.

  3. Thanks both and Harry. I am amazed at the result on the constitution /make up of committee vote. Every member I know said they voted against, as I did.
    The move to take all power away from members here and nationally continues, but the new "governance" seems deeply flawed.

    1. Returning Officer25 February 2020 at 09:49

      Did they give numbers or was it just declared a majority voting to disenfranchise, ironically, the members?

    2. I personally aired my concerns with the club in the manner that they had requested. The club acknowledged their receipt of my comments but that is where it ended. No answer to my concerns, they just repeated their proposals vis twitter, email and facebook, in the knowledge that what ever they said would get the nod, one way or another because the club in its wisdom only presented a one sided argument. Members have been stitched-up.

    3. No actual numbers were given as Far as I heard.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sadly, one of the Committee Members afterwards said that I was a "mischief maker" and told me to "piss off." I think that explains a lot about bullying and preventing 2 of us standing for the Committee because we would both have been asking some difficult question's. With the new Governance now being agreed the Committee's hold will be even stronger as Nominated Members come onto the scene. It is clear that as a whole the General Committee is scared of any opposition and will always seek to keep off the Committee those who are of a more independent frame of mind. I still maintain that to dis-allow the 2 Committee nominations was unlawful* - unlawful being that it is not within the Constitution to do so and the Committee's own private Rules only apply to existing Committee members reaching the age of 70.


    not conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules.

    1. A lot of members didn't know what or who they were voting for and some will not have access to Nottsview so as I expected, just fell for the club spiel as per usual. At least the top table got a rough ride. Those accounts are a shambles and the sort of thing your local newsagent produces when he cocks up his Annual Tax Return. Assuming that was said Sir Philip, that's an absolute disgrace and we members should make a formal complaint to Ms. Pursestrings and demand an apology from the incumbent who said it. Pete Moores gave a well versed and very well rehearsed Churchillian battle cry, but Peter we've heard it so many times recently especially down at the palatial Lady Bay. Also his lack of backing over the new recruits told its own story. We are just gambling on the roulette table and just hoping things will work out.

  6. Well ,having attended well over twenty AGMs this one last night was by far the most lively !
    The atmosphere in the room felt slightly hostile I thought (towards the top table that is)
    Probing questions ,researched in depth and submitted by the Members led to some uncomfotable moments for those best deemed to answer.
    One or two things that surprised me -
    The SIX restaurant is NOT paying its way - which is something we all suspected . The operating lost in 2019 was £97,000.How will they turn it round
    Someone asked why it had been closed over XMAS and the New Year - presumably the busiest and most profitable time of the year for restaurants
    Another Member asked if their was a potential conflict of interest considering that Lisa P and Mick Newall are living together and have been for some time .It was an awkward question that was not really given a proper answer.Evidently the co-habiting contravenes some ECB guidelines.
    Some searching questions were asked about the clubs accounts for 2019 . Had they actually made a profit and had some other items been swept under the carpet . The £397,000 figure not properly explained to the members last year ,again caused a problem for the top table -who seemed a little non -plussed about the matter .
    I will leave others to comment on other matters arising from last nights lengthy meeting .

  7. Just one further point regarding the passing of the new GOVERNANCE rules . I think the percentage "FOR" was 74% . Evidently a two -thirds majority is required for rule changes.

    1. And who counted the Votes and was their independent oversight and checking?

    2. Is that two-thirds majority of those voting or of the total membership ?

  8. Did I hear correctly that Cafe Six made an operating loss of over £90,000 but this figure is not specifically itemised just shown as a generic in the shambles that is the club accounts?

    1. As the committee is largely composed of accountants; one thing that you might expect them to excel at would be company accounts...

      What are endeavouring to mask?

    2. To be fair the published accounts are not required to show the income from the restaurant separately, but the Treasurer disclosed the poor performance on one of his presentation slides. This may have been an "own goal" on his part.

      However, given that in the printed accounts the total of all the income streams was marked as "Gross Profit", which it is clearly not, one has to wonder how closely the Club, and its auditors, have checked the figures and their presentation in the annual report.

    3. 'Six' simply can not continuwe to be this huge loss-maker. Given the Club's precarious financial position it can afford any 'loss-leaders'. Six doesn't directly affect our Test Match status position although we do need to have adequate catering facilities including some at the 'higher' end. Is it a case of it being too expensive? Are staff costs too high? When is it predcited to move into profit?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Democracy is Over-rated25 February 2020 at 18:46

    From the election of Committee members - it appears the worst scenario prevailed. The Chairman's right-arm was re-elected and Lisa's stooge also was elected.

  11. Let's hope making Basher President isn't means of gagging him as he was quite vocally critical of those in charge of the shambolic 2019 campaign.

    1. It will be interesting to see if dear Basher changes into another of the 'nodding donkeys' - my guess is that he will not rock the boat - and perhaps a President shouldn't. It is, however, a fitting and honourable way to end his career with Notts.

    2. Putting the donkey out to pasture then!

  12. There was a lot of inertia / apathy at the AGM with Members clearly not picking up on the issues raised regarding the inaccuracy of last year's Minutes / the Accounts not seemingly accurately reflecting certain matters / the failure by the Club to abide by the Constitutional requirement to re-value Trent Bridge / the fact that no numbers of Votes cast is ever given / the lack of a satisfactory response by the Director of Cricket of his role in the Trent Rockets (look at his involvement on the TV Broadcast) - did Mr Fleming have a knowledge of all the potential players - and if so how would he explain the selection of so many Notts players? Then there was the serious 'co-habitation' issue raised regarding the CEO and DoC with the allegation that it breached Sport England Guidance and has led to a 'conflict of interests.' It was a dreadful AGM - an utter embarrassment to a Club such as Notts which I can not believe will do us any good looking forwards - our reputation has been tarnished.

  13. Piss poor - so many loose ends.

    1. Hardly the most helpful comment.

  14. You increasingly get the impression that the club is being run like a " banana republic".

    The Chairman,the committee, especially the DOC and the CEO watching each other's backs and lining their own pockets at the same time.

    The antics of Messrs Pursehouse and Newell have made the club a laughing stock which appears to be water off a ducks back to them.

    How both are still in situ is probably a mystery to everyone in the cricket establishment outside of Trent Bridge.

    The chairman obviously hasn't the bottle to make those brave decisions that he promised at the mid season lunchtime forum, so the status quo remains.

    On the playing side, in recent seasons we have lost some talented home grown players through Newell's complacency, and replaced them with cast offs from other counties.

    The loyal Notts members are being short changed and treated with contempt by the decision makers.

    There is a general feeling of disillusionment and despair among the membership with little or no optimism for the forthcoming season.

    1. Increasingly the chairman is emerging as part of the problem and is untrustworthy - I must add, in my opinion.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. All very sad. I really enjoyed my few years as a Notts member a few years back but it sounds unlikely I will ever be back and I’m unlikely to go back to Lancs as they pulled the Governance trick a few years ago.

  17. If 75% of Members voted for the changes to the means that the committee is composed, why is it that no member I have spoken to or heard from actually voted for (or said they voted for) the changes.

    1. Unless there is any evidence to the contrary we have to accept the result of the Vote. My guess is that most Members didn't either understand the full implications or were loyal to the Chairman and CEO. The Consultation evenings were clearly largely accepting the ECB position and Derek Brewer's support - when it come to money, power and influence *I'm afaraid that the 'establishment' inevitably triumphs. It would be interesting to know the actual number though - how many Votes for ; how many Votes against and how many dis-allowed Votes and why?

    2. I have to point out that any vote is influenced by the information delivered to those voting. In the case of the vote for committee nominees, the only information most voting members would have had was what they received with their voting paper which was a paragraph about each candidate. Huggard had received extra publicity with the consultation process for the proposed constitutional changes and Wright would already be well known already to a lot of members, plus the mention of Gunn and Moore will always get a few votes too. North and Rathone were unknowns unless you Googled them. As for the actual vote on constitutional "reform", yes we had a wordy copy of the old version and also a wordy copy of the new version but only received one easily read, aided with graphics, presentation for the reason for change which clearly had the blessing of "the club". Members accessing this information on their mobile devices would have only looked at the pretty green pie chart and the other simplified graphic pictorials (in most cases I suspect), the links to PDF files being too much of a faff on a small screen. No where did the club give an alternative POV. Members were given an earlier opportunity to share their concerns with the club, but no where were those concerns disseminated with other members. Those concerns were just ignored in the knowledge that most members will vote how they are manipulated to vote. And so it proved. Turkeys will vote for Christmas, if the only imformation available is that Christmas is great and wonderful and just what turkeys need.

      It would be interesting to find out how many voted online for and against in that vote, compared with the returned paper ballots for the committee vote.

  18. Sport England Guidance seems to say little relating directly to the "co-habitation" issue raised - there are restrictions in respect of Governing Bodies (Directors) but not employees. At least 3 Committee (Board) Members have to be un-related or non-co-habiting. The Chairman has to demonstrate that any Conflicts of Interests are being managed. I feel that the Age Discrimination issue regarding the old 70 'Rule' is entirely different but that too is now changed with the new Consitutional / Governance changes.

    Ideally, of course, it would be better if there were separate Line Management arrangements where staff are related or co-habiting and especially where one is managing the other BUT those situation at Notts only need to be demonstrably being properly managed - i.e. that the Head Coach is not unduly promoting or advantaging his son.

    Being one of the more assiduous Constitutional 'nerds' and viewing the Constitution as being there to both protect individual Members and the Club as a whole I am passionate that it ought to be upheld to the maximum integrity - both implicit within it and implied within its overall Principles. So I won't be heeding the advice of one Committee Member to "p... off" because I believe that that is totally alien to any Constitutional aim as to how Members ought to treat each other.

    Diana Peasey's efforts to work towards greater openness and transparency are admirable and very much the sort of ethics and integrity the Club should espouse with gusto.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Also, the Club is Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 and subject to oversight by the Financial Conduct Authority - it is not a private Company under the Companies Act. Theoretically (!!!) that gives far greater control (ha,ha,ha) to the Members.

  20. At the AGM the members missed an opportunity to ask questions, to say something significant and to press for changes. As mentioned by others there was little or no support for the question about the toxic LP/MN relationship, something which is contrary to all good governance and the matter was easily deflected by the Chairman. The replies to some other questions were surprising but went unchallenged. One of the things the meeting was told is that a Non-Disclosure Agreement meant that no information could be given about the payment by someone else of c£390,000 towards the Radcliffe Road development. Very curious.
    Surprisingly the Cricket Report did not generate questions, which could mean that members are satisfied with the teams and the performances. Why did MN write the article about the first team in the published Annual Report when we had been told that in future he would have no responsibility for the First X1 except player recruitment?
    The election of M/s Huggard was a surprise, she must have been heavily promoted instead of Barry North. Has anyone ever seen her at a NCCC match? It would be interesting to know the voting numbers, also those for the Governance vote. Another case of turkeys voting for Christmas.
    If Philip M was told to pxxx off by a former Chairman it is intolerable. Will there be a proper apology? Also the dreadful remark by MN about Leicestershire.
    These are sad days for what was a respected cricket county. At least Basher will do a good job as a ‘meet and greet’ President.
    The AGM gave the members a chance to make their feelings known and they did not take advantage of it. It is too late now. Will the Chairman reflect and realise that his position is greatly compromised and that he should make way for someone else?

  21. I totally agree, the DoC and Head Coach got off lightly considering how many awful seasons we've had recently. The shambles that are the Accounts, however, prolonged matters and Richard Tennant was clearly keen to move the meeting forward by the time the cricket staff gave their speech. Spoke to Diana on the committee last night at the cricket lovers meeting and as usual she is a breath of fresh air along with Richard Stevenson. You can only draw your own conclusions about some of the other committee members and they're support of the membership and Notts cricket in general. Totally agree regarding Sir Philip. This matter needs investigating and an apology given to him.

  22. Jorge Causes a Storm28 February 2020 at 18:25

    DoC's been getting away with murder for years, so why not another.

  23. Philip Measures2 March 2020 at 09:21

    'TB-2020' makes relevant points and I also think that 'SJ' is correct about the Chairman wanting to move things on as time was rather running away with all the Points raised - sadly, perhaps many Members find the non-cricketing stuff rather 'dry' and by the time we got to that enthusiasm had rather evaporated.

    The '70' Rule continues to be an active issue and I remain of the clear opinion that the Club acted unlawfully in preventing those of us aged 70 or over from standing for Election - watch this space for more updates.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Thank you 'FRBB' - I prefer the term 'unlawful' and, "YES" I am absolutely certain that the Club would never even think about discriminating on any other ground. This one was 'snook in' some years ago when I believe that Peter Wright was Chairman and never brought to the Membership / AGM for ratification / validation / agreement. In my opinion the Club should have acted in an open and honest manner at the time and sought to incorporate it into the Constitution / Rules - they MAY, and probably would, at the time have been successful but it is only recently that Members have begun to flex their collectice 'muscles' a little more and seem to be putting more pressure on the Committee to act more openly and with greater accountability. Have the AGM Minues for the previous year, for instance, ever been rejected as not being accurate before?

    I will seek to keep Members advised of my actions but if Postings cease it may because legal action has commenced. I am anxious to try to avoid this but it will very much depend on the formal response from the Club.

    1. Protected characteristics until the Equality Act 2010:

      *gender reassignment
      *marriage and civil partnership
      *pregnancy and maternity
      *religion or belief
      *sexual orientation

      Under the Equality Act you are protected from discrimination:

      *when you are in the workplace
      *when you use public services like healthcare (for example, visiting your doctor or local hospital) or education (for example, at your school or college)
      *when you use businesses and other organisations that provide services and goods (like shops, restaurants, and cinemas)
      *when you use transport
      **when you join a club or association (for example, your local tennis club)
      *when you have contact with public bodies like your local council or government departments

  26. Philip Measures2 March 2020 at 18:07

    Thank you 'Nottsviewer' - incidentally, or NOT incidentally, I am also professionally advised that '...age is the one protected characteristic that can be justified under direct discrimination...'

    I now await a response from the Club - I wish the Club no ill-will but feel that the whole Election ought to be re-run IF it is accepted that the Club acted unlawfully. I have never sought to do anything other than act honourably and in line with my previous career-long Code of Ethics when I was a social worker. I could never accept Discrimination or the wrongful use of 'power' against those who perhaps didn't realise that they were not being treated fairly - it did little or nothing for my career but some things are more important in life.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. It seems that the '70 Rule' pre-dated the Equality Act of 2010 so the Committee at that point in time ought to have reconsidered the 'Rule' and probably rescinded it. Interesting!

  30. I wish the club would introduce some performance related rules to put pressure on under performing players, coach's and DoCs

  31. I seem to remember that when Clive Rice was Notts Captain he used to give all the players a performance target to aim at .
    But from whats been said on previous occasions ,the target was set to high for some players and this led to dressing room discontent .
    But surely a minimum target of runs /wickets to be set for each player would at least show what the Club expected from them . This target of course would be subject to injuries and other factors .

  32. So, 'SJ' and '75NO' - where is the greater emphasis / expectation to be placed - on the 'Bosses' or the 'workforce'?

  33. Don't want to get like football where managers/coach's are sacked after a winless run of 6 games, but everyone involved with the playing side at the club including the DoC should be on a contract. At least that way you have the option not to offer new terms. We have a situation where ours seems totally unaccountable and in effect unsackable no matter how dire the results are, or, how awful the players are which he identified and brought to the club.

  34. You raise the real problem here 'SJ' in that the DoC is on the staff and after so many years employed the Committee would be/are worried as to the size of any 'pay off' and/or claim for Unfair Dismissal. The Head Coach is on a Contract so could be dismissed far more easily and cheaply.

  35. The chairman was saying that Cafe Six had won a prestigious award recently. In the real world let's all look on trip advisor and see the piccy of what looks like a battered sausage and chips from the Raddy Rd Fish Bar where they had to go after their visit as they were still hungry.

  36. Gourmet A La Carte.7 March 2020 at 14:19

    Half the Reviews rate it as Average or less on TripAdviser so really very poor indeed for a supposed top class eaterie. I suggest that the Michelin Chef be gotten rid of quick sharpish. The Radcliffe Road Fish Bar is not a lot better but the portions are good!!!- for a lot less money.

  37. The Six is ranked 26th out of 38 in West Bridgford by Trip Advisor

    1. Perhaps they should put a hole in a wall - as per Ilkeston's No.1 Trip Advisor attraction

  38. Gourmet A La Carte.7 March 2020 at 19:06

    Well perhaps 26th out of 38 is good enough for the Chairman; CEO and the DoC - not for me, though.

    1. Could be its unique selling point and especially good for people dieting. "Six, The Restaurant where you leave still hungry" Can't see it being on Samit's, BIG Fletch's or Duckett's place for a big nosh up though

  39. Gourmet A La Carte.8 March 2020 at 20:14

    "Feeling full? - then 'SIX' is the Restaurant for you."

  40. Gourmet A La Carte.8 March 2020 at 23:13

    "Feeling empty? - then 'SIX' will not be plenty."

  41. See the Roux thread for more details BUT if Derbyshire can do so well is there something wrong at Notts financially?

    Derbyshire County Cricket Club has recorded a club-record surplus of £402,000 for the financial year ending December 2019.

    The figure, which is the highest posted by the club in its history, was driven by higher ECB receipts; prize money from the Vitality Blast; an increase in ticket revenue; and improved cost management.

    The club’s run to Finals Day in the Vitality Blast led to an additional £57,000, while record Twenty20 crowds and the Aston Lark Tourist Fixture against Australi


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