Sunday 23 February 2020

RIP Willie

He may have been known to some, Rest in Peace Willie Catlow. Andy E described him as "a legend of the City Ground and Trent Bridge".

Willie died last night aged 69, another casaulty to cancer.

Pictured here in Edinburgh with many Notts supporters, getting-on for 20-odd years ago.



  1. Did not know him, but clearly an avid fan of Forest and our beloved Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club. AGM coming up and the hard part for me (although can't be there this year) is when the names of members, former players , other staff and amateur cricket figures in the County are read out, prior to a minutes silence

    1. Yes, well said Rich. Recognise a lot of faces on that piccy

  2. Thanks for putting this on .he was a well know character around Trent bridge,inc all the pubs around Trent bridge and farther afield.
    i shall miss seeing him ,there aren't many grounds up and down the country I haven't seen and spoke to him at.
    he was usually good for a laugh,one of his party tricks,which I saw him do in a pub in temple bar ,Dublin after a Notts game,was to walk around balancing a pint of Guinness on his head!(while all around him were doing an Irish river dance)
    It was a bit of a surprise to me that he didn't make the trip to the Isle of Wight last summer,perhaps on hindsight his age and health were on the wain then.
    He had a particular way of speaking,and if i may attempt to imitate it for a minute I will say;
    ERRRRR.IP. Willie.

  3. Willie's funeral I've just heard is on Thursday 19th March at wilford hill 2pm, and at the trent navigation,meadow lane after the service.


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