22 May, 2020

Notts Cricket Kahoot Quiz 2

Kahoot is a popular gaming platform with schools globally, during this lockdown period I thought that I'd give this a try through this blog

1/ to see if it works technically
2/ to see if people play the game / s
3/ see if the game is set at the right timings and at the right level of difficulty (or ease) for players

Kahoots can be played on any connected device, phone, laptop, tablet etc so if you are reading this, then if the link works how I hope it will, then you should be able to play.

If you're unfamiliar with Kahoot, to win you a game you have answer correctly and the quicker than others. The player answering the most questions correctly doesn't necessarily win.

Thanks to MAG for some of the stats used in making this game (not that he's aware of the questions).

The following link will at 12 noon BST on Tuesday after which a winner be be announced.

Please give feedback below on your Kahoot experience. If it proves popular, I'll make more

Game 1

Well done to "Pujara" who won the first game with a score of 10948 and 75% correct

Game 2

Congratulations to "Bug" who, with Keith both had 83% correct, Bug winning out with a score of 14060, so no one managed to beat the Bug.

1 comment:

  1. I think for many the questions are too difficult. The next game will be easier boys and girls.


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