Friday 7 August 2020

How Northants' / Foxes' Members Options Compare to Notts'

Leicestershire gave their Members 3 options: donate, defer or to take a refund. Today is deadline day for LCCC members seeking a refund. Those not requiring their names preserved on a mounted plaque, to be displayed in the pavilion for donating their fees, have another two weeks to take the defer option.

The defer option was the one option Notts members were denied. Deadline for NCCC members not losing their membership fees and wishing to claim a refund is Monday. - see below.

Northamptonshire's Members have been given 4 options:


Join an exclusive group in 2020! Leave things as they are and donate the cost of your season ticket to help support the Club.
Supporters who take up this option will be able to purchase a 2021 Season Ticket at Early Bird Prices regardless of when they buy as well as a FREE 2021 County Championship replica shirt or NCCC Club polo.

You can also choose to donate a percentage of your season ticket and use the remaining percentage to offset the cost of a 2021 season ticket.

Roll over

We’ll simply convert your 2020 Season Ticket into a 2021 Season Ticket.
Rolling over your 2020 season ticket provides huge help to the club during these unprecedented times. You’ll receive all of the same inclusions as your Season Ticket would have offered this year as well as priority access to tickets should we be allowed socially distanced crowds during the shortened 2020 season.


Turn your 2020 Season Ticket into a Lifetime Season Ticket, secure your spot at The County Ground for years to come and support the club during these difficult times for us all. The price of your 2020 Season Ticket will be used as credit towards your upgrade.
Supporters who choose this option will also receive a bonus welcome gift of: Double guest tickets for 2021, a FREE 2020 Replica shirt of your choice or NCCC Club polo along with a further £100 voucher to be used in the club shop or online.


We understand the past few months have presented all sorts of challenges for people, including financially. We’ll refund 100% of the price you paid for your season ticket.
You can also choose to refund a % of your 2020 season ticket and use the remaining percentage to offset against your 2021 season ticket.
Refunding more than 50% will cancel your 2020 Season Ticket and you’ll no longer be able to claim your seat in the event of crowds being permitted into The County Ground this season.

Lisa's Letter re: Memberships 2020

Dear Member

I would like to begin with a huge thank you for your patience and support as we have worked through the challenges of resuming cricket at all levels in Nottinghamshire. The structure of the 2020 season is now finalised and a brief summary is below:

  • International cricket is underway and, whilst we were saddened to announce that matches would not be able to take place at Trent Bridge as originally planned, finding a way to fulfil these fixtures and get live cricket back on our screens has been hugely significant for our game.

  • We now know that Nottinghamshire will compete in a five-match First-Class competition entitled the Bob Willis Trophy, starting on Saturday 1 August. 

  • It has also been confirmed that, commencing in late August, each county will play ten Vitality Blast fixtures. The schedule for those matches will be confirmed by the ECB in the coming days.

  • A women’s 50-over domestic competition will take place later in the summer featuring the eight regional teams from the new Women’s Elite Domestic structure.

  • All men’s and women’s matches, at least in the initial rounds, will take place behind closed doors and – whilst we remain hopeful of being able to play with some members in attendance at a later point – we are reliant on government guidance and have to accept that it may not be possible.

  • All competitive cricket at Trent Bridge will be live streamed, and we have invested in upgrading our system to improve the coverage and viewing experience.

  • Recreational cricket is underway throughout the county, with 90% of our clubs participating in either league or friendly matches.

The prospect of cricket’s return to Trent Bridge, albeit in very different circumstances to what we are used to, is a welcome return to some sense of normality.

However, the club’s financial position has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although our budgeted central distribution from the ECB is protected in the short-term due to international cricket’s return, with no income from matchdays or our other commercial revenue streams, our situation remains very difficult.

As you are aware, we have implemented a number of cost control measures to mitigate the impact and our employees across the board – players and staff alike – have taken voluntary pay cuts.

However, it remains absolutely clear that navigating our way through this situation in the short term – whilst continuing to invest in our cricket, our venue and our community offering in the medium term – will not be possible without further support.

In light of these circumstances, we are asking that you give consideration to remaining a member for 2020 – and, in doing so, kindly donating your subscription to the club.

If you are able to assist the club by remaining a member for 2020 and donating your subscription, you need not take any action.

As a token of our appreciation to those who choose this option, you will be awarded ‘Capped Member’ status and receive a county cap similar to those worn by our players for First-Class fixtures, along with a limited edition ‘Capped Member’ pin badge and a letter of appreciation from the club.

A ‘gift register’ of donations will, meanwhile, be included in the Annual Report and Accounts publication and we will provide four complimentary guest passes for County Championship cricket, should you donate and opt to return as a member in 2021.

Finally, those who retain their membership will be eligible to attend cricket at Trent Bridge later in the season if welcoming a crowd becomes permitted under government guidance.

We appreciate that not all members are in a position to donate their subscription and
refunds can be made available to those who cannot contribute in this way and wish to
retract their membership.

If you wish to request a refund, please do so by completing our online form prior to 11.59pm on Monday 10 August. Click here to complete a refund form online...

Should you wish to discuss your decision with someone from the club in more detail, as we are operating a skeleton staff and many of our team are working from home, it would assist us greatly if you could use the email address in the first instance wherever possible.

Naturally, we are delighted that the domestic season is about to get underway and I know you will all, as ever, be wishing the team well as they start with a home fixture against our neighbours, Derbyshire, on 1 August.

Thank you, once again, for your unstinting support throughout this challenging period.

Kind regards,

Lisa Pursehouse
Chief Executive


  1. A very expensive cap and no option to carry forward your membership into 2021 like many counties. Watch out for a large increase in membership subscriptions for next year.

  2. They and she have the right to deal with the issue in this way

    Whether it is the right approach is a matter of opinion

  3. Never been more gutted.......been a member for about 40 years and always rejoin late March.This is first year I didn't due to the games being called off. I am so desperate for my special Notts cap and pin badge I fear I will never recover from this disappointment. I wonder if they also wanted to include a freebie meal at Restaurant Six as a gesture but decided not a good idea in case it never reopens ?

    1. They don't want us plebs eating at restaurant 6. They have their eye on the crème de la crème.

  4. I have claimed back my Membership subscription .
    The reason is simple .I feel that Notts CCC have been wasting vast amounts of money on vanity projects .The £97,000 LOSS last season whilst operating the over the top SIX restaurant was an illustration . I also feel Notts are wasting a lot of cash on apparent legions of backroom staff (some with fancy titles).What have all the extra staff members achieved recently ? The dire results and some players low key attitude are not a positive reflection of the extra money invested .
    So its about time Notts CCC had to start counting the pennies again .No doubt many of their soon to be unemployed supporters will have to do the same .
    I have been a Member since the days of Sir Garfield .
    Sorry Notts - but at present the refund money will do more good in my bank account than in yours.
    Lastly I would have second thoughts on the donation if I thought Notts were doing everything they could to apply pressure in order that some spectators may watch some games .But I just get the impression this is not a priority .
    I just dont really know - its just a gut feeling and of course I may be wrong

    1. Well said - totally agree with your sentiments and unlike some more vocal counties Notts seem to be doing very little to get supporters back into grounds.

    2. Backing up that support,
      75 Not Out

    3. I agree. I am asking for a refund. I support the club, but the current management puts my back up.

    4. Couldn’t put it better 75 not out. The club have taken our undying love and support for granted for far too long.indeed , in recent years have totally ignored the feelings and thoughts of the members.its pay back time in more ways than one.

  5. Disappointed in you 75no as you would have looked a real bobby dazzler in your limited edition special consignment Notts cap and pin badge. I've emailed the Princess asking if special consignment limited edition cravats with the new club crest on can also be bestowed to those very privileged few(no doubt) a la Douglas Jardine taking the field in the infamous body line series. Just imagine the disaster situation regarding the club's finances ? This could be the difference between Ben Duckett not affording to get his hair bleached so regularly or even worse Harry Gurney, the ultimate pub landlord, having to work some unpaid shifts at one of his pubs ? I strongly urge every single Notts member to reconsider and do what is right and proper for Queen and Country.

  6. I am now resigned to not seeing NOTTSCCC in the flesh at TB until next season .
    Even if a minor miracle occurred and some spectators were allowed in to see the Blast20 matches I have personally burnt my bridges by asking for a subscription refund and thus no longer being a member .
    Any spectators allowed in will obviously only be current paid up Members - which is the right thing .
    Ask yourself this - how many Members will be proudly wearing cricket caps in and around T B next year ?.
    It will be a visible symbol of generosity to the Club .But a trifle unfair on those Members who simply could not afford to donate subscription monies paid .

  7. Given ECB said they would 'ask' all counties to offer the same, it is surprising Notts have taken what may be considered a more 'confrontational' approach. I am a member due to family connection to the area and live a long way away. I come up as often as I can during season for a few days at a time. I will never stop being a Notts supporter. Will I stop being a member? Not sure. Only been a member for 1 year plus this one - as it's borderline on financial sense given the distance. As the only option to donation is to 'retract' membership, there will be nothing to renew, and it may well be that if numbers are still restricted next year, 'new' members may not be permitted anyway. I think if I do take anything out in future, more likely to be a One Day season ticket as that's what I watch mostly. But that depends on T20s being a few in a few days to avoid too many journeys.

    1. The Pinky Panther26 July 2020 at 13:01

      Members who donate should all be seated in a new built socially distanced area with a roof/canopy over them to avoid their special caps and pin badges getting wet.

  8. What hurts me to the core is that the County I was first a member of in 1966 (I know some go back further) has for the last 4 to 5 years supported things that damage Cricket and oppossed things that can help it

  9. I too have gone for the refund option. This year's AGM raised some very serious concerns regarding the running of the Club and for the 2019 AGM Minutes not to be approved was extremely worrying - some untruths appear to have been told with Members at long last rising up in protest. The 'Six' Restaurant has been an utter disaster and I am far from convinced that the Committee is fit for purpose - it went out of its way to stop 2 of us standing due to age restrictions which were completely unlawful. We need a new CEO and Committee.

  10. Bet they're gutted there's no special cap and pin badge though ? You could almost be forgiven for assuming that the club don't really care anymore about us loyal, die hard, county members and instead have moved their focus to the Friday night t20 after work mob and the members who attend International matches still - but that would be a touch on the cynical side ?

  11. We all know that certain individuals should have been replaced at the end of last season through the ongoing demise in playing standards,and landing the club in a mess financially.

    It's ironic that the club are now coming cap in hand to " valued" members, who historically, have been treated with luke warm tolerance.

    You have to feel sympathy, especially for some of the smaller counties who will struggle to survive following this pandemic.

    As for Notts ccc, why should members be lenient in helping to prop up, a bunch of failed self preservationists, who prefer to protect there own vested interests ahead of those of the club that they serve.

  12. Sent to Notts:

    Is there any particular reason that Notts haven't offered more flexible options as other counties have done, for example Northamptonshire, with regards to 2020 Memberships?

    A roll over option, (the 2020 Membership is automatically converts into a 2021 Membership) from a member's point of view, offers a better, more satisfactory outcome:

    the members feels that the money is there for the club when finances are unexpectedly tight
    the member feels that they are still an important, valued component of the club
    the member feels that they are getting value for money
    the club has the money at its disposal when other incomes might be have been cut off or severely limited
    the club doesn't have to refund money at a time when it can least afford to do so (ie: at this moment in time)
    gives the club breathing space, and the chance to plan finances better for 2021

    Please allow Notts members a third option, I'm sure it would have been the most popular choice, had you not taken the route as outlined in Lisa's letter last week.



    1. Having received no reply from the "skeleton staff", and with the view that donating my subs would be an endorsemnet to the way the club is being managed, on and off the field, I too have put in my claim for a refund.

  13. All membership subs should be refunded unless a member chooses to opt out. No gimmicky caps or certificates of undying gratitude involved. That is for every county.

  14. As there would appear to have been sod all to do this bizarre season, just how long did it take the Princess and her cohorts to come up with this peace offering for the Notts fans. I wonder how many meetings it took to thrash those terms and conditions out ? More disturbing, is that she clearly thinks it's an acceptable package they're offering which tells its own story. Mark's comments above may be a little on the harsh side but are perfectly accurate. IMO at every one of the other 17 counties, after last season's disaster displays in particular, there would have been significant changes to either the DoC, Head Coach or Captain. But what do we do - basically nothing.

  15. Executive Members appear to have been offered better terms!!!

  16. Warwickshire have said 2021 membership will be frozen at 2020 prices - can't see that happening many places!

    1. Hugh and Carmen31 July 2020 at 18:10

      An excellent example to others - come on you bears

  17. Notts offer better than some - who haven't offered anything, nor shown inclination to do so as per what I hear, including Middlesex

  18. Message to Durham Members7 August 2020 at 15:16

    Whilst we remain hopeful of being allowed to give members access to watch some games at Emirates Riverside this season, and continuing to do everything in our power to facilitate this in a safe manner, following the governments most recent announcements we feel it is the right time to provide some options to our members.

    Firstly, I would like to thank all of our members for their unwavering support of the club through what is proving to be an extremely difficult time for everyone across the country. Covid-19 has had a huge impact on everyone’s lives and the club has not been immune to its ongoing effect.

    Once again, our members have proven to be loyal and understanding as we do our best to ensure the long-term security of the club and to put us in a strong position to move forward both on and off the field. Thankfully, we have spent the past few years stabilising the club’s finances, however we do not want the current circumstances to set the club back and jeopardise our future.

    The club has been hit hard with a drastic drop in revenue due to a lack of gate receipts, reduced sponsorship, and cancellation of concerts, international cricket and all private meetings and event bookings at the venue. The impact on the ECB will also see a reduction in club revenue from the governing body over the next 4 years.

    We are therefore asking members to become a ‘Durham Defender’ and donate this year’s membership fees to support the club through the 2020 season. We realise this is a big ask of our members in what is undoubtedly a difficult time for everyone and we therefore want to reward anyone who can donate with an enhanced package at a reduced price for their 2021 membership.

    Durham Defender

    · Donate 2020 membership fee

    · 2021 membership package:

    · No increase in 2021 membership price

    · 20% discount on 2021 membership

    · 2 free passes to all Durham Cricket County Championship and 50 over games in the 2021 season (bring your friends and family with you for the whole season) – please note guests cannot be current 2020 or previous 2019 members. This will be strictly checked

    · An evening with Sir Ian Botham and guests (invitation to a free pie and peas supper with our Chairman and some special guests)

    · Entry to any games that we are able to allow members access to in 2020

    · Name on a specially commissioned Durham Defender mural to be installed at Emirates Riverside

    · Plus – all of the usual membership benefits including: access to over 40 days of cricket, the members lounge, reciprocal deals at other North East venues, meet the players evenings, 2021 yearbook, early purchase for our 2021 international fixture and, where possible, concerts. And, new for 2021 – exclusive member only online content.

    We do hope as many members as possible are able to become a Durham Defender, further supporting the club and benefiting from an enhanced membership package in 2021. We appreciate at this difficult time some members may be unable to participate and full refunds will be available should you prefer that option.

    All members will receive written confirmation of the options available in the post in the next two weeks. There will also be information on how to select your chosen option and the timeline for administration of the selected option.

    Once again everyone at the club would like to sincerely thank you for your ongoing support and patience this summer. We hope to see you all at Emirates Riverside as soon as possible.

    Your Sincerely

    Tim Bostock

    1. Apparently Teflon Mick has just seen this and him and the Princess are now offering to cook you a Pukka pie round at his place and throwing in a bottle of John Smiths(unconfirmed however so await further news anyone considering to donate)


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