Tuesday 8 September 2020

Another Letter from Lisa


With the sadly shortened 2020 season moving towards what feels like an all-too-hasty conclusion, I am writing to provide a further update on club matters.

I’d like to start by saying a huge thank you from everyone at the club for the support we have received from you in so many ways.

In July, I provided some insight into our difficult financial situation and asked members to consider donating your subscriptions as a contribution to the club.

The response to that request has been genuinely overwhelming and greatly appreciated by us all. The vast majority of members were able to assist us in this way and the ‘capped member’ packs will be sent to you during September and October with our sincere thanks.

To those who were not able to donate, we understand that for many this is a difficult and uncertain period, but we hope we can welcome you back in 2021.

As we reflect on the situation we faced at the start of the summer, it is remarkable that we have managed to see cricket’s return at international, domestic and recreational level for both the men’s and women’s game.

A significant amount of work has been undertaken to make that possible, from the grassroots volunteers at our recreational clubs to our staff and players at Trent Bridge.

The way everyone has worked together to navigate some very challenging circumstances is something we can be very proud of as a sport.

Despite playing a whole season without crowds in attendance, the return of both red- and white-ball cricket has provided some much needed late-summer cheer.

Seeing Stuart Broad play such an integral role in two Test Series victories for England was, as ever, a pleasure to observe. And, on the domestic front, our enhanced live stream for matches at Trent Bridge has proven to be a very popular way for many of you to watch the action.

The number of members and supporters that have tuned in to watch Notts has surpassed all previous viewing figures. Our Bob Willis Trophy fixture against Yorkshire was watched by 65,000 individuals during the course of the match; a figure that increased to 225,000 for the same fixture in the Blast.

In addition, the Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy fixture contested between the East Midlands’ women’s team, Lightning, and their North-West counterparts, Thunder, was watched by almost 6,500.

In what has been a difficult year for our sport, the above demonstrates a vast appetite for the domestic game, which is encouraging as we look forward to 2021.

The government-endorsed pilots will continue across a number of sports in the weeks ahead, so we are able to evidence that live sport in front of an audience can return in a safe manner for players and spectators.

We are hopeful that the dates for our eagerly-awaited international matches will be announced this month and that fixtures for the 2021 domestic season will be available as usual in November.

We will continue to provide any meaningful updates as we prepare for the months ahead.

In the meantime, many thanks for your support and please keep tuning-in to the live stream and cheering on the team in their endeavours.

Kind regards,

Lisa Pursehouse

Chief Executive


  1. Maybe pop in a free pint of beer / soft drink in next seasons membership packs, rather than the unstamped coffee card?

  2. Buy ten cups of coffee - have your card stamped
    The eleventh cup is free!

    1. In the great scheme of things, it doesn't really cut the mustard eh

  3. Thanks for the update Lisa.
    Looks like a lot of Notts Members will be wearing proper crucket caps next season.
    Well done to Notts on the very much improved streaming service. Good to see replays of excellent shots and incidents plus a second chance to see wickets fall- and not forgetting Dave Braceys ” improved” commentary during which more critical comments have been made on erring players.
    There must be a lot of head scratching right now in the Notts Committee Room . With the current situation fluctuating how on earth can a proper business plan be put together for the 2021 season?
    This no doubt repeated in Clubs Committee rooms all over the Country.
    The inevitable list of redundancies will no doubt make sad reading.
    But to survive this awful demoralising virus some hard decisions will have to be taken .
    Membership numbers for 2021 will probably be well down as the uncertainty continues.
    Staff savings have to be made at the top as well as the bottom . Notts do seem top heavy with coaches , advisors, presenters and folk with fancy titles who probably are expendable?

  4. Lisa and Mick have always been very kind and helpful to me

    I do think the county needs a major rethink. There is time, and not asking for for sudden decisions.

    The situation with the vile pandemic for 2021 is unknown, so that makes planning very difficult.

    In terms of the team, experience is a wonderful thing, but I do think there is too much of the old and not enough of the new.

    We need our identity back, we need 4 or 5 local lads. Ironically there is talent, and we are failing that talent

    In the process we have become a team unlikely to be a major player in 4 day cricket, which is still the bell weather of the status of counties

    The team that drew with Durham, played OK up to a point, but certainly in bowling there is a total lack of bite

    Really need to look hard at what is wrong before trying to rectify the situation

    This needs a lot of honesty and humility


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