Saturday 17 October 2020

Luke Fletcher Online Friday


During Lock-down Pitch Publishing have continued their FREE Online Cricket Lovers Society Meetings at 19.30 on a Friday Evening.

Last night it was Franklyn Stephenson The Talk & Q & A Session lasted 1 Hour 45 minutes.

A link to it is

At the end of the meeting they tell you who the next speaker will be and to carry on the Nottinghamshire theme it will be Luke Fletcher on

Friday 23 October 2020 at 19.30. The next speaker does not always appear on the website until the day of the talk.

Therefore the actual link to Luke's talk will NOT appear until nearer the time possibly on the morning of the event on the Pitch Publishing website.

Many of you may not be aware of this facility, but may wish to hear Luke next Friday, and have spare time to listen. JAG

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