Wednesday 24 February 2021

Nottinghamshire AGM 2021 - summary


Thanks to JAG for these...

Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club AGM


Held via Zoom Monday 22 February 2021


Main Speakers

Richard Tennant (RT) (Chairman & Chair of Meeting),

Paul Ellis (PE) (Treasurer),

Lisa Pursehouse (LP) (Chief Executive),

Mick Newell (MN) (Director of Cricket)

Peter Moores (PM) (Head Coach),

Tim Eatheringon (TE) (Finance & Development Director and Deputy Chief Executive)

In addition Matt Freeman provided a number of questions in the AOB Section mainly posed by members by email ahead of the meeting.


Approve the minutes of the 2020 AGM


Last year’s minutes were approved by an online vote by 97% of those who voted at the meeting.


Chairman’s Report (RT)


2020 had been very challenging, as there was no business as usual, and more cricket than was hoped for was played thanks chiefly to the ECB.

Darren Bicknell retired from the Committee and completing the maximum nine years.

It was confirmed that the merger of the County Cricket Club and the Notts Cricket Board had taken place.

The club made a small profit thanks to the donation of membership fees by a large number of members.

During the year a COVID Group of committee members was set up to meet regularly. The club received income of half a million less than was budgeted for.

RT is stepping down from the Committee after 21 years and 5 years as the chairman.


Treasurer’s Report (PE)


The COVID Sub Group met weekly to review the position.

Income down £3.4 million, but thanks to the ECB Support, sponsors and Members help a small profit was reported.

Test Match and ODI income was covered by insurance. The deficit was helped by £1m Furlough Support for Staff Costs from the Government. £351,000 members fees donations, £341,000 payers salary sacrifices, and £150,000 Sponsors Support.


To receive and adopt the Annual Report and Statement of Account for 2020


Details of the accounts were produced.

Accounts were approved by an online vote.


Cricket’s Report for 2020 (MN & PM)




Improvements made in red ball cricket, and special thanks to Dan Christian for his willingness to quarantine and then to captain the team to a trophy in the Vitality T20 Blast.

A number of players have had their contracts extended over the winter.

Samit Patel will now be playing White Ball Only to enable Liam Patterson-White and Matt Carter to play more red ball cricket.

The team will be moving to use the grass nets at Lady Bay from later this week, and the first practice game is on the 24th March.


Head Coach (PM)


Last Season was special as it contained the fifth trophy for the club since 2010. He thought that progress had been made in red ball cricket and that we were on top in all five Bob Willis Trophy games but could not quite get over the line. He also praised Dan Christian and a number of players for performances in winning 10 out of 11 games in the T20 Blast, especially Jake Ball, Ben Duckett, Joe Clarke and Dan Christian, who revelled in the big occasion of finals day. Also he had special praise for Peter Trego when he was called in to play his first T20 game in the final.


Strategic Update (LP + TE)




There was a disappointment towards the end of the 2020 season when the opportunity to pilot crowds for the T20QF at Trent Bridge was taken away from the club.

 There is a need to ‘Social Distance Crowds’ and ‘Plan for Events’, members may have to plan when we arrive, where we sit, and the way that we move round the ground.

 During 2020 there was a 20 per cent reduction in the number of ‘Permanent’ staff employed at Trent Bridge. A number of income streams were stopped and it is critical that Wedding Events return.

It was disappointing to lose the income from the Six Restaurant which had been fully booked up for weeks, prior to the intervention of COVID-19.




There was an update on the work of the various sections of the Trent Bridge Community Trust.

He praised the work of the Heritage Volunteers who have been documenting Cricket & COVID and have spent lockdown updating the Historical Players Section on the club website.


To Appoint Members to the General Committee (RT & LP)


Two members were elected by ballot. Result Richard Stevenson 654, Diana Peasey 474, Bill Russell 447, Andy Hunt 321.

Therefore Richard Stevenson and Diana Peasey were elected.

Two appointments from the Nominations Committee were Ravi Badge and Andy Hunt. Ravi Badge is an orthopaedic consultant specialising in Sports Injuries based in the North West of England, and is a Level 2 cricket coach. Andy Hunt is the current Chairman of the Nottinghamshire Cricket Premier League, and came fourth in the member’s ballot.


Appoint a President for 2021


Basher Hassan was President for 2020 but was unable to perform most of his duties due to COVID. It is proposed that he is reappointed for 2021.


Any Other Business


Paul Ellis proposed the appointment of the retiring chairman Richard Tennant as a Vice President of the Club.

There was one question on Deferred Tax calculations which PE was not able to answer and he is awaiting an answer from Smith Cooper.

There was a question for MN, re the recent indiscipline from the players re points acquired from five instances in the T20 Blast last year. He stated that there was no appeal allowed on this and the captain Dan Christian have been made aware that any future problems during the 2021 season could lead to points deductions.

Question for RT, Why the candidates’ age was not listed on the correspondence for the election to the General Committee? RT stated that because the age limit of 70 had been removed it was the club’s intention not to disclose this in future.

LP was asked about return of spectators to Trent Bridge in 2021, Would Notts be part of a pilot system (not answered)? Would spectators be restricted to specific seats and banned from certain stands. LP could not answer, it requires more discussions, but she did state, ‘there could be zones for spectators, she did not know whether the club will be allowed to open all stands, but spectators movement around the ground could be restricted, but nothing is decided yet’. She was also asked about how the club would be able to control spectators’ movement at out grounds, which she was not able to answer.

LP - As there is likely to be less cricket for members to watch at Trent Bridge during 2021, had the club any plans about changing subscriptions prices for the 2021 season. LP stated that nothing has been discussed or decided yet.


  1. Thank you for posting that information.
    The Club itself seems to be in a fairly goid position financially.
    Nice to see the solid bookings for the much maligned SIX restaurant!
    Let's hope for some positive information very soon with regard to admitting spectators and the restrictions it appears they will face.One of the joys at TB of the 4 day game is being able to move around the ground and chat to friends sitting in the various stands.We need some sort of clarity about what we can expect when admitted into the ground itself. As i understand it , TB will be allowed to admit 25% of total ground capacity when the very latest lockdown rules allow . So we are talking about a limit of 4,000 spectators . That is more than adequate for the 4 day games but its a different matter regarding the Blast 20 games. We need to know how the lucky 4,000 will be selected when demand exceeds supply. With crowd limitations in place plus “ home” games played at away grounds , the Membership could represent pretty poor value for many of us . As a one off situation could Notts ccc not offer a season ticket for 2021 just to see the various Red Ball games ?
    After all , there is provision in the membership categories for admission to the White Ball games only.
    Come on Notts .
    Lets have some positive information about spectator admittance and what they can expect once inside the ground itself!

    1. Considering that questions had to be pre-submitted in advance and the length of time the club have had to plan for the readmission of spectators the answers provided by LP appear very disappointing. Whilst the exact details may not be known at this time some encouragement and enthusiasm would be welcome. Once again it seems the focus is elsewhere i.e. The Hundred... Compare the responses from Notts with other counties that are actively looking to participate in spectator pilots in April.

    2. Can anyone enlighten us on Ravi Badge's links to Nottinghamshire - is he a longstanding member and supporter?

  2. I tend to agree. Not being able to answer pre-submitted questions is pretty poor by LP, even if specifics are not yet known. The lack of drive to have spectators back is astounding.

  3. Yes - its as if admitting spectators into TB once again is a low priority.
    Are the “ powers that be” being distracted by apparently more important considerations?
    Viz the 100 Comp ?
    After all this time it should be Nottsccc number one objective - bums on seats ASAP.
    The Notts Committee have had months and months to discuss various crowd restrictions and scenarios . Measures should already have been decided. Its all very wishy washy from the Notts top table.
    When can we actually know something positive about seating plans for the forthcoming matches? We can then decide if its worth re newing our 2021 Memberships .

  4. Has there been an act of democratic corruption taken place at Trent Bridge, regarding a democratic election and favoured nominations undermining a democratic process for electing committee members?! What's happened is tantamount to third world anarchy!

    1. The Chairman got an easy ride this year under the new process for electing and appointing committee members, but did he miss out?

      Using the numbers in the "minutes" from JAG, less than 2 thousand members gifted their membership subs of 2020 (based on membership = £180), of those not all cast 2 votes for the available candidates. In a normal year you would have hoped that 7 thousand members would cast more votes than that.

      Andy Hunt being Mr NPL, and following the incorporation of recreational cricket with NCCC, was an obvious appointee - so why did he stand as a candidate in the electoral process at all? Was it in the hope to gain the chairman a further appointee?

      So effectively the election has probably saved us from another of the chairman's appointees for this year, well done those gifting members.

      Will Mr Badge's appointment mean in the future that playing staff will get mates' rates for private orthopedic consultations?

    2. It's been pointed out to me 2000 members is short of the mark.

      "Very few people pay £180. Single Adult memberships for people living less than 20 miles from TB are very much a minority.
      A lot of people join just for International Cricket, and If they live more than 20 miles from TB and they are an adult they pay £157.
      Pensioners only pay £130.
      A number of people have joint memberships, if they are husband and wife they also get a further discount for a joint membership, if they live more than 20 miles from TB.
      Some juniors donated their memberships and they pay £30".

      Obviously, I over simplified the maths but the sentiment remains the same - unless there's 5K juniors that don't get the vote usually, the electorate was (greatly) reduced (2700 voters if all giftees were pensioners)and even fewer proportionally bothered to cast 2 votes.

      Why was Mr Hunt allowed to stand for election if Tennant's panel were going to appoint him anyway? Clearly the appointment was made after the votes were counted and therefore another appointee had also been selected - who might that have been?

  5. Murky waters indeed.The make up of the Notts committee in future years may look a little strange. Committee members plucked out of thin air that Notts members have never heard of . But perhaps will vote in the "right way" when certain matters have to be decided.
    Apart from the internal politics at Notts its great to think that we will see live cricket in the ground itself in the not too distant future . That looked pretty doubtful only a few days ago . It would seem the ongoing successful vaccination program has worked its magic. I just wonder though if we will see tightly packed crowds of 12,000 plus once more for the Blast matches . After whats happened in the past 12 months ( 123,000 deaths) will folk be happy to be packed in like sardines again ?

  6. Andy Hunt on reflection will probably resign from the committee election retrospectively, showing Courage, Moral Fibre and Integrity. Allegiance to the members of Trent Bridge and fostering democracy is a must and will bode him well as a nominated committee member, but not in parallel with the election.
    He has been manipulated by a poisoned structure that has undermined the democracy and tainted the history of Trent Bridge. A further investigation is necessary to rectify the situation.

  7. There appears to be a lot of POLTICS being played out at Trent Bridge currently . Probably more than in the Number 10 cabinet room ? !

  8. Very pleased that Diana was re-elected.
    A strong voice putting forward members' views and concerns

  9. Very comprehensive information on the Leicestershire CCC website at as to how they plan to manage reduced capacity crowds. An example to others I think...

  10. Thanks for the info Anonymous.
    Surely its now time for Notts ccc to do the same as Leic ccc and divulge crowd control admittance plans and subsequent restrictions !?

  11. Is anyone prepared to draw parallels with the monarchy and the running of Trent Bridge?

  12. 75 NOT OUT .
    Reading this whole thread brings back sad memories of the awful Covid times we all went through . It all seems scarcely believable . Lets hope those bad times and spectator restrictions NEVER return !


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