Saturday 3 April 2021

Leicestershire 2 - Day Friendly at Trent Bridge - Draw


Day 2

Reverse of Day 1 - 60 overs for Notts and 26? overs for Foxes

The first session saw a text book Notts slump.

Overnight 75 /2 soon, under cloud cover, became 86/4, 100/5, 126/6 Chris Wright showing his experience for the Foxes. Thankfully just practice eh!

At least Lyndon James ought to have booked his place in Thursday's eleven with 76* - not much else worth a mention although Ben Compton has been given opportunities now but hasn't taken one so far (the Oxford students being barely paper weight, and runs off their attack would have been a given). Notts staggered to 304/10 at tea (86 overs) both Hameed and Compton out twice in the innings.

Likewise of all the seam bowlers, Brett Hutton is currently in prime position with four wickets today as Leicestershire lurched to 99/8 in their 30 overs post-tea.

Trent Bridge view chick here

Brett Hutton said the team stepped-up the intensity today.

Day 1

How Trent Bridge saw it click here

Dane Paterson marked his Nottinghamshire debut with a wicket as several players made useful contributions on the first day of the final pre-season friendly against Leicestershire at Trent Bridge....

The announced squad:

Ben Slater

Haseeb Hameed

Ben Duckett

Joe Clarke

Ben Compton

Steven Mullaney

Tom Moores

Liam Patterson-White

Lyndon James

Dane Paterson

Brett Hutton

Luke Fletcher

Zak Chappell


  1. I know this is still a squad, but I think shape of team Peter and Steve thinking for first competitive match becoming clearer.

    Sticking my neck out, given 4 fine days for that match, I think we can win.

  2. First four in the order look likely to be Slater, Hameed,Duckett and Clarke, Before this match you would have expected Compton to be next, He might still well be, But a couple of low scores might have sown some seeds of doubt with the management, Assuming they stick with Compton the next man will be the skipper, Bowling wise we are likely to see places for Paterson, Fletch, Hutton and LPW, Add in Moores and if my maths are correct then that could be the side to face Durham.

    Personally I would like to see a place found for Lyndon James, The obvious spot would be in the space occupied by the unlucky Compton, Playing James would strengthen the bowling and given his form with the bat shouldn't weaken the batting.

  3. I agree with James. I would see Compton as a reserve opener - his style is more suited to opening as he is not a fast scorer. I think James could go on to be a very top county player. As a batsman who bowls most likely. Evison I also see great potential in if he continues to develop. More as a bowling allrounder. But these players need game time to develop. I know my preferred side won't be seen in the Championship. With Notts not having won in Championship for a very long time, I would be focused on development and go for something like:

    Slater Hameed Budinger Clarke Mullaney James Schadendorf Patterson-White Evison Paterson Hutton.

    Or even the same side as during the 100?

    But we won't see anything focused on development it will be something like

    Slater Hameed Duckett Clarke Compton Mullaney Moores Patterson-White Fletcher Paterson Hutton.

    I think we may lose James and Evison to another team within a couple of years sadly?

  4. 9 Headed Hydra4 April 2021 at 04:01

    Compton shouldn't be at our club full stop. He just isn't good enough. He is 26/7 been around 2/3 counties 2s teams and been released without making the grade. He is not going to get much better now, He was given a one year contract purely on the back of one decent score, an 80odd for the 2s at Last Bay and then given this year due to last season's unfortunate events, Lyndon James or L.P.W if not otherwise selected, should obviously play in his place. They are young players with much more potential and have much better records for the 2s. Only a complete bafoon would opt for Compton instead. The majority of the top 6 picks itself however as there is little competition. Anyone who has seen Lord Budinger would not play him in red ball ahead of the other two. He is a white ball hitter at present who doesn't value his wicket, similar to the keeper. But let's all remember in last years shortened format, with no real pressure, we still opted for an out of contract Chris Nash and an 87 year old Peter Trego over these two promising young players so don't anyone be surprised with the eleven that gets selected for the Durham game.

    1. Terry Towelling4 April 2021 at 09:25

      You should be managing the team, as you obviously have greater knowledge and insight than the vast selection of so called experts, currently responsible for team matters.

      Totally agree about Compton.How on earth can he be considered ahead of Lyndon James, who is an opening batsman coming in at 8 or 9, total madness.

  5. Muddled thinking,backing the wrong horses. These are phrases that sit comfortably with Nottinghamshire team selections for some considerable time, especially in 4 day cricket.

    Let us not forget, that it is now over 1000 days, approaching 3 years this summer, since Notts last won a 4 day cricket match.

    For a club of Notts stature, this is a disgraceful statistic, yet the personnel responsible for matters appertaining to team recruitment and selection, are still in situ, seemingly in impregnable positions.

    OK,you can argue,that the club have had some success in white ball cricket, by adopting a policy of expensive external recruitment from other counties and countries. But for me,and a large number of other stalwart Notts supporters, this doesn't wash.

    4 day cricket is the benchmark of a team's true quality.

    On the prelude of another season, we have been treated to 3 warm up games, which would hopefully enable the management to make the right calls, when it comes to picking the team to face Durham on the 8th.April.

    Reverting back to the "muddled thinking" ,remember last year, when the covid affected season finally got underway.
    Nash was preferred to Slater, who was farmed out to neighbouring Leicester.
    Nash fluffed his lines and Slater had to be recalled..Nash somehow, managed to retain a place in the T20 team.Fortunately for Notts, he got injured in the semi final which enabled Trego to play a telling contribution for Notts to win the competition. Nash's long association with Peter Moores, was obviously a massive reason for his unwarranted inclusion.

    Now as we approach this season,we keep hearing that the team has an embarrassment of riches, and that the final 11 will be difficult to pick.

    Discounting the Oxford game,where by the opposition consisted largely of novice cricketing students, it has been evident from the two games against County opposition, that at this stage, there were more embarrassments, than riches

    What was clear,that the players on display, that have graduated from the Notts academy, acquitted themselves better than some of our expensive imported players.

    Lyndon James should have been given an extended run in 4 day cricket last season,batting in the top 5,
    ahead of the likes of Nash,Trego, to name but 2. James should now be a nailed on certainty yo start against Durham, ahead of the South African born Compton.

    Teams such as Yorkshire and Somerset,have never been frightened of pushing their talented local born players into the team.

    Notts need to learn this lesson, and fast, otherwise,the likes of James, Evison and one or two other talented players, currently not playing regularly, or in some cases,not at all,will leave the club and forge successful careers elsewhere. We have already lost Matt Milnes and Luke Wood through management complacency, we can't afford to lose anymore.

    The message is, have faith in your homegrown talented players, pick them to play,instead of carrying out the drinks, and in the long term, they won't let you down.


  6. I am pretty sure one, maybe 2, youngsters will play in the first match. Peter hinted this in an interview.
    Top 4 has to be Hameed, Slater, Duckett and Clarke. These are the most likely to make centuries of all on our staff.
    Think James may have shaded it over Compton with that 76 yesterday.
    He got his head down, then showed good shots when "in". This is evidence of a fine natural and thinking cricketer.

  7. Notts are saying Dane Paterson did not play in 2020 due to a chest injury so he understandably looks a bit rusty. Wonder personally whether, although not wanting to dispute he did have this injury setback, more of a problem was him not having anyone to play for having turned his back on the South Africa National side and his club side over there, Cape Cobras. Whether he actually signed his one year Kolpak deal is uncertain due to the timing of the current pandemic. For him to do this, however, he surely would have asked for a three year deal so presumably he's also back as overseas next year also as part of the deal.

  8. The Wooden Spoon4 April 2021 at 16:07

    3 year deal for Paterson, I assume. The club were in a mess when the other South African Pretorius turned them down. Covid restrictions as much as any chest injury prevented him travelling here in 2020. Time will tell whether he is any cop,but he ain't no Clive Rice.


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