Thursday 15 July 2021

Another Potential Spanner Gone Away


Clarke in court, click or swipe


  1. Don't want to stiffle comments.
    But we have to be so careful and must not comment on the case in any way.

    Just do not want anyone to get into trouble.

    1. When something is sub judice, it is the subject of a trial in a court of law. In Britain, this means that people are not allowed to discuss it in the media.

  2. I won't comment on the case. I will say that management need to decide if Notts want a player who keeps getting into controversy

  3. We can't comment on the case, in any event, as we are not aware of the circumstances, as far as I know.

    All you can say is , any aspirations Clarke may have had of playing T20 cricket for England, have been shot down in flames, as Hales has found out, due to his previous misdemeanours.

  4. The whole family?

  5. Its NOT what Notts need at this stage of the season !

  6. Off the pitch he’s perhaps taking a little bit too long to grow up.


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