Friday 13 August 2021

49 Days - A Cruel Summer


It's the 13th of August and we're in the middle of a run of 49 days where there are no scheduled Nottinghamshire fixtures at Trent Bridge, starting from the last Blast game (against Durham) in July until ironically a county championship fixture against Durham in the first week of September. Yes there is the Blast Quarter-Final, but that wasn't a guarantee when then the fixtures were submitted to the counties last year. How did anyone think this was fair to the supporting public?

49 days at the height of summer, when "the new audience" are on their school holidays. What better a time to consolidate any new interest generated by all the money spent on advertising and promotion of the Hundred? But, no and for most counties it is a similiar situation. Strip out the knock-out games and counties are left with weeks of no competitive cricket.

As county cricket is supposed to prepare players for Test Cricket, the folly of the fixture schedule has already been put into the spotlight - it only took one Test Match against India, but everyone agreed to the fixtures. Why on Earth were Test players playing franchise cricket leading up to a Test series against the World's strongest Test nation? Answer, to promote the Hundred and for no other reason!

So basically, the fixtures in 2021 are solely there to promote the Hundred. This comes at the expense of existing supporters, newly enlightened supporters drawn-in by the Hundred hype (if there is anyone new), the Test team players, potential Test players and those people that are employed by counties not involved in the knock-out games, the Hundred or Test match venues.

Cricket is a summer sport. In England we only get one summer every year. Shouldn't our summer be filled with cricket matches?


  1. Cricket has a massive job to reconnect with it's core support.

    This is county members and regular Blast fans, a competition also rather shoved aside.

    No sign yet that ECB even recognise the need, let alone starting the task.

  2. I feel completely disenfranchised by all of this. The cricket authorities have lost the plot I'm afraid.

  3. I’ve just come in from playing cricket ( yes I’m too old at 63 but !) drove past the ground and they are swarming in. I don’t feel part of it I’m afraid. Got the test match on now, (county cricket is all but a winter sport now. )Hameed gone first ball sad to report

    1. Hameed last first class game before this Test was a month ago at Durham. Playing two RL one day games and beer match with the Indians at CLS again, isn't preparation for Test cricket. Having said that, anyone can get out first ball - it doen't matter what nick you're in.

    2. Stonewall Jackson13 August 2021 at 16:49

      Yes and also the same for Jonny B and Jos Buttler previously-lack of red ball cricket. Just noticed the stiffs game starting on Monday at Lady Bay versus Durham has been mysteriously removed from the second eleven fixture list. The question of whether we are allowed in may not be an issue therefore if this fixture has been scrapped at short notice ?

  4. When are we allowed back in does anyone know ( for 2ndX1) . What would happen if we organised an act of civil disobedience and just turned up?

  5. On Hameed, he must be given a minimum of 3 matches. In that time he can do well.

    Whole situation re Hundred , what can lovers of county cricket actually do ?

    The Hundred is a fact, for a 3 years that is a legally unavoidable.

    Can we force an improvement in the fixture schedule that I think we all agree is unacceptable ? Can we prevent a further reduction in CC matches, which players are certainly pressing for ?

    I am not a fan of boycotts, strikes etc. How can I or anyone tell other people what to do, or not to do ?

    For me Trent Bridge is now a shop. I am going to buy what I want from it, and if nothing I want I will buy just that, nothing. Membership is clearly, to me, not now value for money. If the fixture schedule anything like this year, I will not be a member. The slim chance of rejoining with improved schedule, will be shot down by a price increase and/or any reduction in County Championship matches. We were promised by our CEO that the number would not go below 14, 2019 AGM.

    Hope this may be of help.

    1. A nice approach Rich, Trent Bridge being a shop. If you don't like it or want it, you don't buy it.

      The CEO makes lots of promises that: owing to circumstances beyond her control, unfortunately, she's sorry to say but I'm sure it can be reviewed later, is forced into doing but really she doesn't want to, we didn't think you'd mind as it's the best for Trent Bridge and to secure our future status; she breaks!

  6. Stonewall Jackson13 August 2021 at 17:56

    Now on website Fixture cancelled at request of Durham. We ARE allowed in for next fixture the week after they say(I don't think we are worthy enough personally speaking however)

    1. 2 SEC games at Lady Bay in August remain on the fixture list.

  7. For Notts ccc nowadays money is the name of the game.
    Games at Lady Bay ?
    Spectators there produce no income so why should Notts make any effort for the few old faithfulls that turn up in all weathers to watch?
    The answer is simple - they dont.
    Mags / Goulders / HBD and others on here have been against the 100 Baller from its initial proposal . I WAS OF THE SAME OPINION. But the undoubted success of the 100 has to concentrate minds and force fixed opinions to change . The 100 is here - the fans love it - so we all have to embrace it because like it or not its the future . Thats blindingly obvious -. Nobody is forced to watch it . Proper cricket lovers can stick to the 4 day games
    ( loss making) and Royal London Cup ( breaks even). If the Blast 20 and 100 Ball can run side by side or consecutively then the respective crowds and massive income will ensure the future of the game and possibly keep all 18 Counties in business.
    Simon Mann said on the TMS radio commentary that virtually every seat has now been sold for all the remaining 100 Ball matches . Surely at this stage thats far better than a third full stadium . If Trent Bridge was only attracting 3,000/ 4,000 for their 100 Ballers there would be some very worried looking faces in the Committee Room.
    Having said that it must be imperative that future seasons are more balanced- thats only fair to the loyal members who want to see " proper cricket" played when the weather is usually good and the lighting conditions favourable. The 49 day period which headlines this thread is totally wrong ..THAT HAS TO CHANGE - WE NEED SOME CREATIVE THINKING AT ECB HEADQUARTERS. Its very unfair that all priorities are now seemingly given over to the Blast 20 and 100 Ball games . There has to be a balance . Otherwise memberships will drop and true cricket fans will lose interest in their Clubs.
    So considering the pressures from all sides what will the ECB come up with in 2022/2023 etc ?

  8. Had my first experience of The Hundred last night, It will probably be the last! Our grandson has recently started playing "kwik Cricket" and his parents wanted him to see a match live. So Grandad was given the task.

    First impressions? Well it certainly attracts the crowds and there are lots of children present ( but no more i would have thought than a blast game) Having got the numbers in the club then set about seperating them from their cash, Beer/lager was a fiver a pint, Hungry? Fancy some chips that will be £4 please, Maybe an ice cream instead £3.50 for one scoop ( £2.50 for a small whippy sort if you prefer, but no flake!) The line for drinks at all outlets were very long, So evidently watching the game is thirsty work,

    As for the game,If you enjoy thumping music throughout the game, everyone jumping up every time a four or six is scored, Then perhaps this is the game for you.

    You can probably guess from the tone of my reply that i found the game more than a little removed from even the Blast,Any resemblance to proper cricket is restricted to the ball and bat, The hype surrounding the rest of game means flashing lights and music take precedence over what passes for cricket,Add into that the constant need to get the crowd involved ( the cricket alone should do that) and i found the whole experience one i would not care to repeat.

    It says it all that i much prefer the Blast, After all they are my team Trent Rockets are not. No amount of marketing will change that!

    1. Thanks Zanga. So in your role as Grandad, you went to this match with an open-mind and with some positivity for grandson's sake. Did your grandson enjoy it, beyond having some quality time with his Grandad?

    2. He certainly enjoyed the quality time with Grandad and for the most part seemed to enjoy the match, He did get a little bored towards the end of the game which coincided with the copious amounts of alcohol consumed starting to effect.

      Would he go again?

      Asked the question it was a maybe, I think he remains to be convinced, Maybe next season he will want to try again

      Hopefully this time with his mum or dad!

    3. So you're giving tomorrow's game a miss then?

    4. You need to ask 😅

  9. Believe Your Eyes and Not The Lies14 August 2021 at 08:35

    "Virtally every seat has been sold" - it's therefore obvious from TV pictures that not every seat was up for sale in that case. Trent Bridge "virtually" sells out for every Blast game that is played at a prime time. Huge blocks of empty seats at other Hundred venues, every venue - seen it on TV. The storyline that every game is sold out is just that, a story. Seeing is believing. Have they attracted a new audience? Not on the evidenece I've seen on TV - it's the same mix as for Blast games at each ground. Don't be fooled by the selective camera angles or the zooming in on families and the zooming out from those groups of young men stood singing holding pint pots.

    It's safe to say that the ECB can thank the pandemic for the numbers going to these Hundred games, restrictions were lifted at just the right time. Everyone was starved of live entertainment through the locked downs and restricted periods and the football hadn't kicked-off yet - perfect timing for the Hundred organisers. If cricket fans had had a proper Blast competition, without covid restrictions, would there have been an appetite for the new, inferior competition with it's made-up teams?

    Sky has given the ECB a huge wad of dosh. Is this your measure of "undoubted success"?

    1. For me, I'm with Zanga as it sounds like all the worst aspects of Blast games, condensed and I'm finding the over the top positivity, with everything being super, TV coverage sickening and cynical at best.

      Someone once said; when everyone is "special", then no one is special! The same applies to everything being: the best, the most cool, the greatest, the most super and an "undoubted success". Sorry I have doubts too.

  10. Some good comments on this thread and first hand experience on what is offer at a 100 ball game.. The experience of loud thumping music at the Blast and 100 ballers is an age thing I reckon . Many young people seem to want high velocity noise all the time . Its crept into many " serious" TV programmes on ALL channels. Over loud music drowning out the dialogue. So there are apparently two cricket camps now . Those traditionalists that want serious , absorbing cricket played in old style peace and quiet with just a gentle hubbub of background chatter. But now we have the noisy one day "fans" that want loud community singing , fancy dress , loud rock and rap music and plenty of fours and sixes all on top of copious amounts of alcohol and the opportunity to examine each others tatoos and physical merits of their respective attending partners!
    So the genie is now well and truly out of the bottle and it aint going back in . Its amazing that Notts are TB are attracting almost sell out crowds for the 100 Comp and yet not one of them makes a positive comment / posting on here! The reason is quite stark . Its only old fogies , set in their never changing views , anchored to the past who actually read and post comments on here . No one under 25 apparently does. Are those of us advancing in years now becoming irrelevant to the future of the game ? Do our views now carry any weight with those that make important financial decisions?
    A new generation of cricket " fans" ( I use that term loosely) is now on the scene and they love gimmicks , noise , audience participation, waving at the TV cameras , high scoring matches, high alcohol consumption ( fiver a pint !? NO PROBLEM), excited children , celebrities , face painting , mascots , facile in between innings " entertainment", no lull in the action etc etc .
    Its the way of the modern world - we are living in the year of 2021 - NOT 1961

    1. There's only one person posting positive comments about the Hundred, I would like to point out. This remains blog /forum for views about Nottinghamshire cricket rather than baseball, rounders or any other random bat and ball game involving other facets common with cricket but isn't cricket.

  11. All very true Cruet, And i accept that the game will change towards the shortened forms of the game, What i do worry about is will it be at the expense of county cricket as we know it. Any answer to that ongoing problem has not been found yet, Maybe the "geniuses" at the ECB can find one.

    I won't hold my breath waiting though!

  12. The Hundred will kill county cricket and the county clubs. The more successful it is, the more the cricket authorities will look at reducing county fixtures. The franchise teams - they are not clubs - will replace the counties.

    This won't happen overnight, but it will be the end result. I am boycotting the Hundred.

  13. Stonewall Jackson14 August 2021 at 14:55

    C'mon Zanga, your little foot must have been tapping the floor to the sound of Lola's theme by the Shapeshifters ? That is my main problem with it. Despite previous comments on here I am not for the Hundred. I have enjoyed watching the games on tv at 630pm every night as it's another game of cricket to watch, with lots of Notts interest as we have so many players in it spanning the Rockets, Fire and Originals. I am not going to any games this season. If I do in the future I will get them as early as possible with my Notts membership so they work out pretty good value and sit in the exclusive areas for the Notts members much like I tend to do for the existing Blast T20 games in order it's a more pleasant viewing experience.As you state, my main problem with it in the years to come is what effect it will have on the domestic program. The County Championship has been played largely at the beginning of the season and at the end now for many years so this has been a problem now long before the Hundred started. I worry they will cut the campaign down yet again very soon to just the 12 games. I can at present accept the downgrading of the RLODC as apart from the weather at the first game at Welbeck, the other games have on the whole been enjoyable still to the Notts supporters and it's good to see young players like Fateh Singh get a chance and a run out. I think we did pretty well considering we were down to the bare bones on some occasions. One thing it has done is already mess up the Blast T20, with the quarter finals having to be played so long after the group games some of these are now just a distant memory. At least the RLODC competition gets played to its entirety in one bloc. You also wonder whether it will start to affect the T20 crowds the counties get. Is there a market out there for 7 domestic blast games and then 4 games in the Hundred straight after or will people have to pick and choose what they go to ? I think what we all wanted instead was the existing t20Blast being upgraded and the money spent on improving that where it wasn't working(Durham and Glamorgan to name just) but I suspect the 18 county model system is impractical and new sponsors and terrestrial tv just were not interested in this option, so the ECB decided a new franchise competition had to be created to swell the coffers. The other Sunday, I had tickets for the 5th day of the Test Match(subsequently rained off), so watched the live feed of Glamorgan v Notts then watched Notts again aka the. Trent Rockerts in the evening against Surrey aka the Oval Invincibles. That seems a very strange fixture amalgamation all at the same time.

  14. Good points made by our old friend Stonewall
    ( missing on here for quite a few weeks - no doubt on his annual round the world cruise?)
    Notts Viewer - i think you are missing an important point . The 100 Ball comp HAS TO BE DISCUSSED ON THIS FORUM . Its part of the Nottinghamshire cricket scene .Look again at the first eleven sides that Notts ccc have put out recently . Contain several names that hardly anyone ( apart from keen second eleven followers) had ever heard of . There is now so much more to discuss now that Notts have lost virtually a whole first team to the demands of the 100 and Test matches . You simply cannot deny the 100 ball competition is taking place . Its providing massive media interest . Look at the tabloid sports pages . They are lapping up the 100 baller . Dont forget that whilst the 4 day game is being played early season its virtually a well kept secret with much of the UK press . Even the broadsheets have scaled back detailed reports.
    Finally - my last comment on the 49 day thread .
    The 100 Comp is affecting all other forms of cricket in a big way . That basic fact cannot be ignored.

  15. The print media are fed the hype and fluff by the ECB. It's lazy journalism, hand-fed a narrative and is virtually endorsing the propaganda. Sky and the BBC have backed the pony financially , so of course they're gonna big it up! Again reinforcing the propaganda. Trent Rockets represent nothing in Nottinghamshire. They are a franchise and will go where they are told and the money dictates. What is there to stop Trent Rockets becoming Wear Rockets at CLS or a ground share with Northern Supertroopers and be the Aire Rockets next year or in two years time?

    I haven't bought a tabloid in decades BTW. The Premier League has kicked-off again now, The Hundred's days are numbered already relegated to the page opposite the quick crossword or the horoscopes no doubt. The impact on other cricket, is that in your opinion a good thing?

    If you want to go to a show, and there's only one show in town, where do you go to? They've taken away Notts and replaced them with WHAT YOU ARE TOLD YOU WANT TO WATCH!

    Give us a choice ECB!

  16. Notts Viewer - I appreciate your point of view and your passion for the wonderful game of cricket- the best " game" in the world in my humble opinion.
    But the reality is that you are swimming against the tide . You are pushing water uphill! You will soon have to come to terms with what is actually happening in the 8 grounds hosting the 100 Baller. Regardless of various arguments , I am afraid that the 100 is here to stay for the forseeable future.
    A previous poster says it will be the death of County 4 day cricket . I disagree. It will more than likely be its saviour. The 100 Ball profits look like being substantial and a lot of it will be shared out amongst the 18 Counties ( the true economic reality would suggest an eventual reduction to 16 ?)
    Hence the Counties will be on a firmer financial footing and able to sustain footing the losses involved in staging 4 day matches .
    So instead of fighting the 100 Baller why not simply embrace it ( no need to actually watch it!) and consider the new money being brought into the game.
    Its now a simple fact that the 100 has arrived , its making money and the ECB gambled in a big way and have been proved right . This has surprised a lot of diehard cricket fans - me included.

  17. So the counties will share the Hundred profits, But as we all know some counties are more equal than others. I'm talking of course about the test match grounds used for the "100" and the teams that play there, Surely they will get a bigger slice of the cake and that in turn will perpetuate the them and us situation we have had for years.

    If as you mention the profits are as good as expected, Then Notts and the other TM clubs will be very happy Not so the likes of Leics and Derby who will continue to look on enviously. Its that reality that will lead eventually to the demise of some of the weaker clubs and by definition reduce the amount of players available for the "100" to take.

    I love my cricket and all the twists and turns of the longer game, Its for that reason that i will never be a fan of the "100", Good luck to those who enjoy the ECB's attempts to turn our summer game into something that the publics short attention span can cope with.

    At least i can console myself that by this time next week it will be all over. It says it all that i am ac tually looking foward to the Blast.

    After the "100" the Blast deems almost civilised!

  18. Zanga - you make valid points!
    Ref the Blast 20 and the 100 Baller. Apart from the 20 "missing " balls is there that much difference between the two competitions at the end of the day ? . They both rely on upping the decibel and excitement levels to ear splitting proportions. Apart from one or two cosmetic rule changes they seem pretty similar to me. I have not yet been to a 100 Ball match ( " sold" out at Trent Bridge when I tried to buy tickets!) I went to the very first T20 night match at TB quite a few years ago . It started late because strong winds were making the extendable floodlights unsafe. I reckon the match finished about 10.30 and it was a pretty cold night . Cant remember it being very well attended - the ground was about one third full . I full remember sitting that night in the upper Hound Road stand and bar and catering staff coming round the ground throwing ice cream tubs and choc ices into the various stands!
    From that shaky beginning the T20 game just went from strength to strength culminating in the amazing Friday night sell outs .
    Surprisingly the 100 Ball comp has been very well attended from the very first game - attracting crowds of 18,000- + at some venues . So we are talking about big money here- which is badly needed by most of the pandemic hit Counties .
    I stand to be corrected but I thought the 100 Ball profits were going to be shared out almost equally amongst the 18 Counties ?
    This arrangement was the carrot required to placate the 10 County grounds not chosen to stage the " lucrative" initial games . Presumably the 8 venues currently used to stage the matches are able to keep the alcohol and catering etc profits for themselves ?
    I stand to be corrected on this.

    1. The carrot was the £1.3M per county for the first 3 years - 2 payments have already been received. Now that the carrot is two thirds consumed, it doesn't look quite so appetizing now considering that most counties are currently without many players to train, fixtures to play and members to welcome in. People are beginning to notice. People are unhappy. People will complain. #opposethe100

      After all is said and done, away from the Trent Bridge bubble, it actually doesn't make sense. A barren fixture list at the height of summer cannot be good for business!

      Can we have a Members Forum to discuss this, Ms Pursehouse?

  19. Stonewall Jackson15 August 2021 at 12:27

    Remember our very own DoC referred to the likes of Leics, Derby&Northants as pi*s poor counties, off the record at some sort of dinner event and then ended up with eggy on his fisog when a member pointed this out to him at a Members forumn(remember those things?)

    1. Before the dice were loaded and the 4 East Midlands counties were on an equal footing, some twenty, thirty-odd years ago and earlier; the wooden spoon would take its turn but now some counties haven't a cat's chance in hell of competing on equal terms. Someone thought about turning a sport into a business and ruined everything.

  20. Useful comments !
    Keep em coming .
    It helps to get things off your chest
    We all have a view on the current cricket situation.
    Some things get said and can influence future decisions.

  21. From what was said on TMS yesterday, it’s all about getting cricket into the Olympics, be it T20 T10 or the 100. If that happens and the USA get interested big companies like google come on board and the money currently being chucked around is small beer.
    The clubs( many of them not just notts) I suspect no longer need the incumbence of members.
    Are the clubs really clubs anymore? And for how much longer?

    1. If the ICC wanted to get cricket into the Olympics, it would have applied for its reintroduction. I suspect that the sport already meets the necessary number of partipating counties / participants criteria, most will have seen on Youtube the European Cricket Network - with a diversity of counties covered playing T10 or T20. The USA are launching their own super / premier league (if they haven't already) - the spread of cricket is around the world already - it used to be where the English had migrated to but now it's populations from the Indian Sub-continent driving the spread further.

      No one is playing the corrupted Hundred form of cricket BTW.

      In Philadelphia they had first class cricket back in the day. Cricket in the US, took on its own process of the corruption of cricket at a similar time and look what they ended up with, Baseball - mega-bucks and mega-popular in the USA, played around the world but only mega-popular in the USA. The world's best players all playing in the American leagues - is it beginning to sound familiar? I refer you to "The World Series" - vastly important to millions but only as far as the coastline of America, after which it has minimal significance to people. Baseball is in the Olympics, but not the best players who are contracted to their Major League employers.

      The ECB only want two things: control / power and money. Q. Why do they need money? A. To give them the power to control the counties.

      The Hundred is a means to by-pass the counties entirely - a Plan A and a plan B rolled into one.

      The ICC is a similar organisation, driven by power and influence (over others); I don't think they are interested in giving away any power to Olympic Committees so the Olympics is probably a non-starter.

      I do agree, Fox Road, that certain County Clubs would like to rid themselves of members and replace them season ticket holders that have no rights; to "free themselves" from accountability.

      We're not there yet, so we need to halt the spread of the Hundred and Franchise cricket, NOW or at least when the current TV deal has concluded before it's too late.

      I noticed on Twitter that Team Rockets were playing late yesterday and that Samit was holding an exhibition so I switched on - Now TV let me on for free!!! I did observe that there were less present in the audience than for a weekend Blast game at the same venue - even ignoring the covid blocks in the Fridge and the pavilion, it wasn't packed by any stretch. So Mr Cruet, your telling me thousands paid premium prices for tickets, only to be put off by a fifteen minute shower of rain? Those gaps were either compos not bothering or were never sold or on sale in the first place!

      The tactics adopted in the game too were poor, from what I saw. Not every ball did count as singles were often ignored, the bowling side were looking to push overs (I mean sets, is it now tennis?) through as quick as possible with little regard to keeping the in-batsman ( I mean fish coating - batter) away from strike. It was like they were trying to set the home team hero up to hit sixes to win the game, as though it was a "Samit Patel exhibition". The crowd too, were quiet when compared to a Blast crowd reaching a crescendo at the climax of a game - apart from the lad that caught the ball in the crowd - he was excited for himself. Did the crowd not understand what was going on or did they not really care about the result, so long as the DJ kept shouting whatever he was shouting, something that was inaudible on my TV?

      Part 1 - part 2 continues

    2. Part 2
      If that's what some people want, then let them have it but not at the expense of Nottinghamshire cricket being played at its own HQ. Let them go and play at Meadow Lane or the City Ground, where the boundaries would already be set short with no need to bring them in.

      It's beginning to look like we're all ( pobably should be) customers at "Rich's Trent Bridge Shop"! If not this year or next, but in the near future when all you get for your membership is hypothermia watching county cricket in the winter.

    3. Watched part of the match yesterday and it did seem quiet Not sure how Sky did it because it was certainly a lot noiser when i went the other day.

      The guy next to complete with TR shirt was on his feet everytime a six was scored, Seems that those that embrace the 100 really do go for it, I must have seemed a right sourpuss sitting next to him

  22. The worry is that if the "100" carries on with the size of crowds we have seen so far will the ECB want to extend it?

    That being the case what will it be at the expense of,Most likely the Blast one would think, Whether the ECB likes it or not there has to some county cricket, Where else would they find players of sufficient quality to stock ther beloved "100" teams.

    If they desire to keep the Blast then if the Hundred is holding sway in the summer months the Blast will be pushed to the extremes of the season.

    If that happens then it will be bye bye to the Royal London Cup.

    Which in turn leads to membership, Would long suffering members be prepared to pay for remains of the championship and Blast games that are likely to take place at the outer ends of the season?

    It is possible they could run the RLC as this year, but the increasing demands of the 100 could make it difficult to have a meaningful competition.

    Lots to think about, Hopefully the powers that be listen to all arguments before they decide the way forward...

  23. Probably not.

    Re The Olympics, not sure it is the panacea it is made out to be.
    I don't think more people play or watch tennis because of it's inclusion. Have already forgotten who won the 2 singles titles in Tokyo; but do remember the Wimbledon winners this year.

    Same could apply to cricket, though I suppose it might stir something in other countries.

    It would be more beneficial for England to play Germany, Holland etc, although we kept losing to the latter !

    I read a lot of hurt that people rightly express on this thread and top website, please take care all

  24. A recent visitor to the blog said that though people’s views can differ it was notable how due respect was given to each bloggers opinions by others.This is to be applauded and long may it continue I say .

  25. This has become an excellent long thread with some wide ranging views and arguments .This is important . Presumably Notts View is read by the top table at Notts HQ . Because of the lack of a members forum its vital that past , current and future members express their views as to the state of the game.Important decisions have to be taken quite soon by the ECB . Suely they will take public opinion into account .
    Question - now the 100 Baller is nearing its final stages what do the 18 County Chairmen make of it so far? Will they have some sort of meeting to discuss the implications so far ?
    Surely 49 days without first class cricket at TB ( one match excepted) cannot be repeated? The long suffering Members will vote with their feet and nit renew in 2022.
    But as has been asked - are Notts really bothered about full Member numbers as opposed to “ season ticket holders”?
    Ref the various comments about 100 Ball ACTUAL attendance numbers as opposed to ones announced by the TV companies and the ECB . I am going to try and find out the proper facts and will post figures if I can get them.

  26. Stonewall Jackson16 August 2021 at 15:22

    Whilst the format is played at International level, surely there will still be exposure to the same at domestic level ? The future of 50 over cricket may be doomed in the future but I doubt whether this competition will be scrapped whilst it's played on a global stage still. It will obviously be downgraded somewhat if it is played alongside the Hundred like this season. However, I personally think the Grantham game last Tuesday will turn out to be one of the very best days play in the whole fixture schedule. There is, therefore, no reason at all why the RLODC competition cannot still be enjoyable even if you are without 13 of your players for various reasons.
    Looked to me like TB was about 3/5ths full, maybe closer to 3/4qtrs. This is a pretty big turnout on a Sunday night whether it's school holidays or not. Notts Outlaws would not want to play a BlastT20 game at 7pm on a Sunday I would suggest. Lots of free tickets and merchandise has obviously been given away to promote the first year of the new tournament, mainly I suggest to kids who are desperate to wear replica clothing. I'm keeping my Trent Rockets underpants in the drawer for now. This season everything seems to be working with the formats as they are. Will next season be different ? Far less free tickets presumably and crowds not quite so desperate to watch live sport having been locked out of stadiums for so long is a possibility.It's a real pity the stiffs game on Lady Bay has been cancelled as this is the perfect antidote for anyone to watch a game of cricket as far removed from the Hundred as you could possibly get. At least we've still got 2 more 4 dayers this month.

  27. I’d like to think folks in the high command are reading this blog on occasions. I’ve got a sneaky feeling ( but no proof whatsoever, just a hunch) that the girdler does. Some of the topics on here are often made mention of ( but not referenced) on the radio .

    1. I can confirm that the Newark Natterer does read this blog on occasions

  28. I must be in the minirity in here?
    I quite like Braceys commentaries.
    Very comforting in a troubled world.
    Full of facts , figures , anecdotes and humour
    Si whats not to like .?
    Ok , he is friendly with the Notts players and Management and this restricts any normal criticism if on - field performances ( Sol B apart!) but he is providing a decent service for the Notts fans unable to attend matches.

  29. PS
    ON BBC 2 Test Match highlights last night Michael Vaughan gave Root , Anderson and other senior England players some serious “ stick” regarding
    their tactics to remove India,s long tail
    Their tail wagged!
    Ours didnt !
    They really wanted to win it after perhaps being robbed of the First Test through bad weather.
    Our players did not show the same resolve
    Poor Joe Root , its almost a one man team - he deserves some batting back up.

  30. I like the girdler s commentary. He’s s big and long-standing fan and friend of the club.he can’t put the boot in on anyone , even if he wants to, which I doubt it’s in his nature, because he would soon loose the relationships he has with the players and by extension so would we.

  31. Thats two fans Dave Bracey has . Usually admirers of his commentary technique are loathe to come out of the closet !
    To be honest I think commentating for 6 hours + on some cricket days must be pretty hard work .

  32. Yes, it must be awful, horrendous pressure indeed. You can tell with his commentary style. Much harder than working a 10 hour shift in a NHS hospital or spending the night working in a factory or wharehouse

  33. What would Deryck and Clive think


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