Monday 25 October 2021

Mike McNamara Writes to Members


Dear Member,

Earlier this year, at the club’s AGM in February, the task of integrating the amended election and nomination routes for membership of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club’s General Committee for the first time was concluded.

Diana Peasey and Richard Stevenson were re-elected via a membership vote, while Ravi Badge and Andy Hunt were newly appointed via a rigorous process implemented by the Nominations Panel.

In 2022, a further four current committee members will stand down. In keeping with the phased approach that was agreed by the governance amendments, three of those vacancies will be filled via an election while one vacancy will be filled by nomination.

The club has continued to weather the storm caused by Covid-19 and the massive disruption to how professional and recreational cricket could be played over the past two seasons, and it is my belief that it has emerged in a better position than was thought possible in the early stages of the pandemic. We all now need to build upon that hard work, both on and off the field, and help bring continued success to the club and to the wider game of cricket across the county.

We are looking to broaden the current range of skills, knowledge and experience on the General Committee. We are committed to ensuring that people from all backgrounds feel welcome in cricket and we want to promote diversity and inclusion across our game at all levels throughout our county.

A copy of the official Nomination Form which must be completed on behalf of any member wishing to stand for election to the General Committee is available here. It should be returned to the Chief Executive by 1 November 2021.

Copies can also be obtained from the club by email to or by telephone on 0115 899 0300 (9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday). All candidates for election will be interviewed by the Nominations Panel in November.

If you wish to stand for election, you must be a current member of the club and have been a member for at least two consecutive years.

The role of the Nominations Panel is to also search for suitable candidates outside of the club’s current membership. Therefore, anyone applying via the nomination route does not need to be a current member, but they will need to join the club if they are successful.

Anyone who wishes to be considered for nomination to the General Committee should send a covering letter and their CV to the club’s HR Manager, Helen Wright, either by email to or by post to her at Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club, Trent Bridge, Nottingham, NG2 6AG by 1 December 2021.

The role profile, which includes further details of the personal and time commitments required for a General Committee position, is available here. Interviews will take place before Christmas with further discussions to take place with those who are shortlisted early in the New Year.

On behalf of the Nominations Panel, I am very much looking forward to hearing from those with suitable credentials to assist the club during the pivotal period ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Mike McNamara

Chair of the Nominations Panel


  1. Phil Measures!
    Are you applying?
    Or have you lost interest ?
    It was a big issue on this forum a couple of years ago.

  2. Somebody has got to do it , but that somebody is not me.
    Speaking of Philip measures , he’s not posted on here for ages, nor did I see him around Trent Bridge last season in his trade mark blazer. ( which doesn’t mean he or anyone else for that matter wasn’t there, just that I didn’t see them)

  3. I did hear a rumour some months ago that PJ has been quite I'll.
    All those spats he had with the Notts Committee certainly livened up this forum for quite a while
    Age discrimination being the main bone of contention!


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