28 February, 2022

Nottinghamshire AGM 2022


Luke Fletcher awarded a benefit year in 2023 - congratulations Fletch!


  1. Trent Rockets offering discounted tickets to Derbyshire Members through DCCC. It's a disgrace, our club promoting exhibition cricket being played down the road at a time when there's 50 over county cricket being played. Feeling betrayed.

    1. With good reason.
      They seem determined to hurt county cricket.

  2. On 24th February members were informed that will have to reserve seats for all T20 Blast home games in 2022.

    The reason given was that:

    "Following feedback we received during the course of last season, and in order to create the best possible experience for all spectators, reserved seating will be adopted for each of these games."

    I questioned this and got an instant reply from Commercial Director Michael Temple:

    "The reserved seating model has become very important now that we regularly exceed 12,500 at T20 matches and have had notable instances where members and supporters have arrived before the start of play and been unable to sit together."

    So my question is: what is the reason for forcing members to decide where they would precisely want to sit on a particular evening 2/3 months hence, as there weren't any 12,500 attended T20 Blast group games at Trent Bridge in 2021 because of the Covid restrictions, and so there wouldn't have been any relevant feedback from members on this matter?

    If you could inform Members before the booking day on 1st March, what the weather will be doing on each of the 7 match days and also inform myself if my wife will be attending certain games and if my son will be traveling down from Sheffield on any of those dates and also what shifts his girlfriend, a nurse, will be working as she too might want to come to a game or two; then that would avail me to make an informed decision on reserving seats.

    1. My question effectively bye-passed by a more open question to LP planted by a committee member and not aired. LP's answer never referenced the email's content about feedback and LP spun her response to reflect on the "family" angle - which is fair enough but do have to make this for the whole ground? Why not make it just in the Fridge/Smith Cooper? The Smith Cooper was at one point prematurely named The Smith Cooper Family Stand by the chairman - is that the next announcement?

  3. Dave G - all valid points . I know they are meant to be tongue in cheek comments. But different scenarios will arise from time to time and being asked to book and pay for seats within a day or two ( March 1st) is not what we expect from such a user friendly Club

    1. Perhaps others have crystal balls...

      Alas I'm not Mystic Meg and can't predict the variables like the weather, etc nor the number of seats I might want in a game against Leicester or Derby. These requirements by Notts are the actions of a small county, with limited ground capacity and resources such as Derbyshire when they host either Notts or Yorkshire, not a major Test venue.

  4. This requirement to book Blast 20 seats so far in advance will lead to ongoing problems for Members and casual non Members alike . It's bound to REDUCE attendance surely ? How can you possibly know your personal circumstances so far into the future? To the semi keen casual supporter - perhaps with children - then the weather on the day is an important consideration. Its rumoured the Notts Membership is well down at the moment compared to average years . Is this new ruling simply a cynical attempt to force fans to renew their Memberships now rather than just before the season starts? Some may not be in a position to pay at this time. A lot of older fans have to budget for these things.

  5. Due to a recent foot injury, will not be able to attend Mondays AGM. Have downloaded the Zoom software and will hopefully be able to attend via this route. I have, however, recently emailed Commercial Director M. Temple who has asked for Members’ questions for the AGM and formally registered my disapproval of this, unnecessary, unneeded and totally unwarranted pre-booked ticketing system they’ve suddenly introduced for Blast T20 games this season.
    Hopefully he will get so much flak over it, the club will reconsider and scrap this silly process for future seasons. Sadly guess we’re all stuck with it this year. And Dave G, you really ought to hone your psychic skills to become more like Uri Geller and thus, be able to accurately predict all of the factors you mention so they are not out of your control. I’m going to try bending a spoon later and if this isn’t successful, I’m going to contact Obi-Wan-Kenobi and train to become versed in the light side of the force.

    1. It's not too late. If they forget to don their flak jackets at the AGM, and some serious critism is thrown at them, then perhaps they will cancel their silly idea.

  6. I have watched Notts for 62 years, but wont be a member next season. My "beef" is the fact that I took out my membership last season in good faith, but was only able to attend 5 out of the 9 county matches. The one day competition was for second elevens and the T 20 I will go to but can take it or leave it.
    Warwickshire at leat offered a token refund and of course the executive members were offered on for a "poor service" as a couple told me.
    Our lovely Lisa ruled out any refund, saying that there would be an enhanced experience. Perhaps this might be pole dancing during the tea break? We could have watched on the internet, but then she said it was good to get back to Trent Bridge to meet with other members, which it was.
    Notts I think £1.6 million, some on the back of not offering what they were supposed to. We "ordinary" members really dont count. We are a dying breed and it seems the sooner we go and leave the field to Lisa and her statistics about the 100 balls up and ignore the deterioration in red ball standards the better.
    I have written to the chairman and vice chairman, who seem to be doing a very good job, but with no effect. But for me that is it. I have been sent a copy of "Covered" but I cannot be bothered to read it.
    Richard Temple, I am sure you do a good corporate job with your many badges round your neck and Lisa and Mick are fine.
    ECB and seemingly Notts have lost their soul, along with the odd £70 million in reserves. No doubt the ranks of the elderly faithful will be thinner next year and the year after - we dont matter.
    More time for me to travel, maybe to away games and time on the golf course.
    Phil Cooper

  7. Well Phil - that was one of the longest ever texts on here
    You make valid points

    1. Members aren't happy with the direction the club is being taken.

  8. I’m going to propose to the General Committee that not only do we keep this new pre-booked seat system for Blast t20, we also extend it to make it easier for the club. So, what about a pre-booked 15 minutes slot to visit the club shop before the game and pre-bookable 5 minute toilet/comfort breaks ? I’m not extending this to alcohol sales as we understand the need to ‘wang as much down your throat as you possibly can’ is paramount for the overall Blast experience the club places great emphasis on. With sufficient planning you could almost plan your entire day with split second, precision, timing ? Obviously, all these recommendations are a complete joke, but it seems in keeping with the direction the club are now heading in ? This is a great shame, as the team on playing field, made such impressive strides last season in red ball cricket and with the season fast approaching all the focus should be on supporting the team and looking forward to instant promotion back to where we belong. We are, after all, the real County Champions for 2021.

  9. County Membership is not the same as a season ticket. Or am I deluded?

    With the direction of travel however, the difference will be eroded sadly.

  10. Not having been a member for the last couple of years i for obvious reasons did not receive the email that has cause so much discussion, Have to say based on what i read it does not encourage me to dip my hand into pockets and renew, Having to select a seat and then be faced with the very real possibility i could be sitting next to someone who drinks far too much and is forever needing to use the toilet i love my cricket but i can do without this bullying by Notts...

    Given as i mention above i probably won't attend T20 matches that leaves just the championship and 50 over matches, The 50 over games are spread out with only one at Trent Bridge meaning less cricket for my cash, I won't waste my time watching the cuckoo in the nest Trent Rockets as i have said before they are not and never will be my club.

    Notts really ought to do proper market research before springing this on their members especially when so many have already sorted out their season ticket, Members are the life blood of cricket clubs, They need to remember that fact!


  11. Zanga I fully understand your concerns and I share them . Notts main objective with Blast 20 games is to sell as many pints of over priced beer and lager as possible . If that is not the case than why have so many alcohol outlets all around the ground and in the stands. I could be wrong but I bet there are more than 20 places on a typical Blast night where alcohol can be purchased . A mini bar of sorts every 25/50 yards . Notts will deny it of course , but maximum alcohol sales at these matches is the main aim of the Commercial Dept . Subsequently, as we have all witnessed many times , this concentration in getting fans bladdered leads to big problems in various stands. Sometimes it's necessary to move seats to evade yobbish behaviour and foul language etc . The new advance seating directive makes changing seats much harder.
    ME !


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