Friday 3 June 2022

Cricket Shooting Itself in the Head(?)


03/06 Worcestershire have had to abandon their new policy (thankfully):

Following today’s opening home Vitality Blast fixture against Birmingham Bears and feedback from spectators, we have reviewed our ground regulations.

Worcestershire County Cricket Club continually strives to operate with best practices and the safety and security of all spectators in mind, but are aware that there were long queues in bag search areas during today’s fixture. Additional staff resources will be allocated to complete bag searches for future fixtures to ensure smoother entry. 

In addition, the policy which meant no food and drink could be brought into the ground, has been lifted for the remaining Vitality Blast fixtures. Spectators will now be allowed to bring a modest amount of food into the ground for individual consumption; however, as in previous years, no alcohol can be brought into New Road during Vitality Blast fixtures.

Any appropriate food collected during today’s fixture has been donated to a local food bank.

We look forward to welcoming you to our next T20 fixture on Sunday against Leicestershire Foxes.

The Executive Team
Sarah Gluyas, Helen Grayer & David Hoskins

Hang your heads in shame you money grabbing Executive Team

First we had Notts insisting paid-up Members booked seats for the Blast being played in May/June way back in March.

Now we have grounds not selling tickets on match days to people wanting entry, would-be spectators who are actually there at the grounds' gates wanting to watch, cash in their pockets.

This was the case at Old Trafford last week on day four and yesterday posted a message telling supporters, that may be traveling to Lord's for this week's game, that too "will be required to purchase their tickets in advance, with no on-the-day ticket sales at the ground."

I'm pretty sure they'll be selling alcohol or over priced sandwiches on match days, it might be cashless at point of sale but it'll be spontaneous purchases without having to make a reservation first.

I thought they said that they genuinely wanted to widen the appeal of cricket, make it more accessible - not less!

trentbridge article click or swipe


  1. This is shocking.
    They say that if the Gods want to destroy us, they first make us mad.

    Almost as though "the powers" do not want people at county cricket.
    Trent Bridge maybe a cashless zone, but the World outside still accepts cash.

  2. Can notts members still get there free T20 tickets then

    1. yes. No member wil be refused entry, but they'll have to go to the ticket office to obtain a seat ticket on match day.

  3. Michael Temple NCCC Commercial Director11 May 2022 at 12:13

    The reserved seating model has become very important now that we regularly exceed 12,500 at T20 matches and have had notable instances where members and supporters have arrived before the start of play and been unable to sit together.

    We have operated a reserved seating model at international games for a long time and it has overwhelming advantages for the majority of attendees.

    You may be pleased to know that we have now created a new alcohol-free area in the PKF Smith Cooper Stand in addition to a family area and a members-only area to allow like-minded members and supporters to sit together.

  4. Thank-You for response, Michael.
    Sort of get The Blast situation, although with 12,500 in a 17,000 + capacity ground, why not a few more in stand or area put aside for that ?
    In The Championship, surely we should welcome people at the gate. Decent crowds this year, but still plenty of room

  5. I had to pay cash on the last day v Wocs because the contactless wasn’t working! So , they can take cash when they want to. Plus I was thinking of taking my grandson to lords at the weekend, what if I hadn’t seen this. Not everyone had a smart phone or is in a position to print off/ download tickets either. Fox Road .

  6. Good point
    I would politely stress to Michael, that the new policy is reported to have caused problems and unhappiness at the gates at Lord's today, this from someone who was there, and unlike previous posting, people who did not know the system.
    Taunton. FC tried it early in football season, and abandoned it as unworkable.

  7. What kind of communist eastern bloc do they want us to live in?when you think of new road the last thing that springs to mind is a totalitarian state. Having your sarnies and pop confiscated I ask you, and besides a glass corona bottle with your own squash in it make a great bat to play with in the lunch, tea and rain breaks., and don’t play the health and safety card, I never knew of one breaking. Ever.foxy.

  8. Addendum apollo and Carter’s glass pop bottles were also used, (and heaven knows why they need to say it ) other glass bottles are ( were ) available , foxy .

  9. The people who run our game !

  10. They (WCCC) think they're Disneyland. They want you to spend every penny you have inside their ground. They'll be having paid turnstiles on the toilets next! Finely sliced cucumber can be lethal, I'm sure I saw a Kung Fu movie with Bruce Lee flinging slices of stuff stopping the baddies in their tracks.

    1. They’re now saying a limited amount of food can be brought in but who decides what is limited ?
      Better to be safe, so you could always dine at Restaurant Six, take it home in a doggy bag and freeze it then bring in to New Road for a t20.
      This will guarantee it will be a limited amount of food surely and the conundrum solved without watching countdown

  11. Still on the subject of clubs ripping off their supporters, i note Leicestershire have a four day warm up game v India shortly. In the good old days this was a commonplace place fixture for the county sides and included in the membership. The counties would use them as practice for some 2nd eleven players etc. I remember seeing Steve Waugh batting against Notts in such a game.
    Leicestershire, who obviously need the finances, but have just drastically halved the price for their remaining t20 Blast fixtures, are charging £25 a day from this tourist fixture.
    I suppose its fair enough cashing in on people , who may support India and live nearby, who wouldn’t normally come to Grace Rd but seems expensive to me for, essentially, a game that was commonplace in the fixture list once. My email says tickets are selling fast(well it would, wouldn’t it), but will be interesting if they have to bring these ticket prices down to what they are charging for a bog-standard 4 day encounter


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