Tuesday 11 October 2022

Dane Schadendorf New Contract


Not before time, Notts have secured Dane Schadendorf for two more years. Phew!

Peter Moores' words

Peter, if consistency targets were to be applied to all in and around the first eleven...


Dane Schadendorf ended the SEC season as the competition's leading run scorer with 1001 runs; being the first to reach that milestone since 2006 (Andrew Gale and Stewart Walters both achieving 1000 that season).

Dane also led the dismissals list with 34, 30 ct and 4 st and the last time that number was beaten was in 2008 by Lee Goddard of Durham

As Tom Moores' woes continue, 

...what woes? He's just won a prestigious trophy with Trent Rockets! Some might say...

Notts gave away 48 extras at New Road in Worcester's first innings, 18 of which were byes (more than the Moores' already very poor average - see below). Tom followed that up with a duck when Notts batted.

You would have to be an ultra optimist, or a parent of Tom Moores, to not be looking for an alternative keeper.

His obvious replacement, if selection was on merit, would be Dane Schadendorf.

Dane Schadendorf isn't taking part in the Second XI's game at Belper Meadows (nothing on Pravda to explain) but this is his two year contract with Notts is in it's second year (initial signing was announced in December 2020). This is the Seconds' last game of the season, so what's going on?

Has Dane been released or is he to be offered a new contract? 


Worst Wicketkeeping / Most Byes Ever

With Tom Moores averaging 15 byes fumbled / handed away per innings recently and only scoring on average this season 34 runs from his bat: here's a list of the most extreme bye horrors per innings ever. Some of the bowling has been erratic, but Tumbling Tom is clearly positioning himself in the wrong place.

Dane Schadendorf must be thinking that his future lies away from Trent Bridge, as on form Tom Moores should not be in the eleven and is batting one place too high in the batting order, in my opinion.


  1. Not a record the Moores family will boast about,I'm sure.
    Every knowledgeable Notts cricket supporter is aware that Schadendorf is in a different league as a batsman to tumbling Tom, and also, more importantly, a more accomplished wicket keeper.
    He , along with the likes of Evison, Monty , Pettman and one or two others will no doubt move to other clubs during the winter, as they are unlikely to get much of a look in whilst myopic Moores is looking after his sons interest, (not the clubs interest, I may add) and picking the team.

  2. He reminds me of Alan Knott or Jack Russell but only if they were keeping wicket in a straight jacket. It’s one thing being a Gerraint Jones or a Jonny Bairstow and being a good quality batsman first and foremost and then trying to improve your keeping along the way but, sadly, he isn’t that either or being a top class grabber like the legendary Chris Read and then improving your batting once in the side, but again, sadly,he isn’t that either. Difficult to fathom out why he’s an ever present in the side on this basis ? - NOT
    I guess you could make some sort of point for him in the white ball slog, with fielding restrictions and few slips etc, where his extremely limited technique is suited to bashing a few boundaries every other game.
    At least the ‘Little Dane’ will get a runout in the RLODC but after performing so well for the stiffs this season, must be particularly soul-destroying when he was, astonishingly, still overlooked when Tom Moores was out with illness recently.

  3. Nepotism baby

  4. In all honesty, we have been spoilt, having Bruce French , in my opinion, the best, and secondly Chris Read, not far behind, for 30 odd years of my life .
    It benefits young Tom for sure having his dad pick the team, as apart from the clueless Newell, an independent cricket scholar, or a new learned coach, would definitely plump for Schadendorf, both as a batsman and keeper.

    1. You beat me to it mark with Bruce french and Chris read, both superb keepers, rarely injured and sadly for them not called upon by England anywhere near enough.i reckon their joint innings were over 40 years all told .A pleasure to watch. Foxy

  5. Credit where credit is due, but unfortunately there's no credit due in Tom Moores' case, sadly. We have been spoilt with Frenchie and more recently with Readie and we knew (at the time) whoever replaced Chris was never going to match his standards, but Tom hasn't improved and now it appears that Tom is getting worse (out of form?).

  6. Schadendorf is 10 not out in the second innings at belper

    1. You're anonymously right, the power of this blog has worked again. Not even listed in the squad as someone named Sylvester was keeping wicket, not long after posting this Dane has appeared at the crease - spooky! Sylvester did take a wonderful catch on day 1, a very cat-like leap. Check it out on NV. It still doesn't give any clues to if DS will be offered (and he will accept) a new contract.

  7. Stuart Sylvester, remember him. Was around for a few seasons mid 90, left arm fast I think.went to work for the ecb, any relation? Foxy

    1. There's a lad making his debut FOR Derbyshire at Sophia Gardens at the moment - Adam Ryan Sylvester b. 2000 in Glamorgan, no less

  8. Foxy: Steven Antony Sylvester BTW https://www.trentbridge.co.uk/trentbridge/history/players/steve-sylvester.html

  9. Thanks. Steve not Stuart, that’s him, it was a long time ago.foxy.

    1. That’s quite an achievement by The ‘Little Dane’
      I hadn’t realised it was that long ago. I know Jake Libby(version originale was prolific for the stiffs he seemed to get a score almost every time he played)
      If Notts had struggled in a weak Div2 this season pressure may have mounted on Tom Moores but, unfortunately, his inadequacies will just be ‘absorbed’ into the celebration of securing promotion
      Feel for Dane, as he deserves a proper chance and not the one he got in the RLODC when they hung him out to dry in awful fashion, almost setting him up to fail

  10. 75 NOTOUT
    Well done Nottsccc. It was blindingly obvious that Dane S had to be offered a new contract . Well deserved on merit . Surely if automatic selection Tom Moores continues his below average form then Dane will have to be given a decent run in the four day side? Notts might be carrying one or two underperforming passengers next season. Not ideal for the balance sheet in a season for TB devoid of big occasion matches. I would think the International matches granted to TB in 2023,are proving to be a hard sell.

  11. Yes 79 NOT OUT, as one of my cricket mates said to me a few weeks ago, even Barry Hearn would struggle to sell these matches.

  12. Under a different head coach, Schadendorf would undoubtedly be first choice behind the stumps.

    Unlike Moores junior who has a modicum of batting ability, and is likely to find division one bowling attacks even harder to cope with, young Dane is a natural batting talent, and a more accomplished keeper.

    Young Tom needs to be scoring 600 plus runs batting at 7, and conceding a fraction of the byes that have passed through him in recent times.

    Unfortunately, I have no confidence in him achieving either.


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