19 September, 2022

County Cricket Members Group


County Cricket Members Group

The ECB have postponed their plans to push radical reforms through to a vote of the county chiefs.  2023 season will be similar to 2022.  But changes for 2024 are still on the table to be voted on later this year.

Our priority is to give county members a meaningful say on these reforms.  That job isn't complete yet.  We want to make sure there is a First Class Future For All!

Over 6000 people supported the campaign with over 2500 members giving an e mail address to be kept informed. There are county campaign teams at Essex, Glamorgan, Gloucestershire, Lancashire, Nottinghamshire,  Somerset, Surrey, Warwickshire and Yorkshire. Let me know if you want to be part of one at your county.

New social media 

Please join our private Facebook group: https://facebook.com/groups/1053885831930723/ and follow us on Twitter: @ccmembersgroup

Please encourage other county members to sign up:

As the county chairs are likely to vote on reforms in November, we want as many member emails to keep in touch with everyone. Please print a copy of this email and pass it on to 5 members at your club at the next game if you can.

Next steps
  1. Developing an alternative county schedule for discussion. 

    Please let me know if you want to help critique this.
  2. Improve governance and member representation within the counties.

    If you want to stand for your county's board, committee or member rep group then let us know.  We can help you.

We plan further actions to unite and empower county members to improve the experience at their clubs and grow the membership base. 

Please join us on the journey.

We want a First Class Future For All.

You subscribed to email updates when you signed the petition to save first class cricket 

Our mailing address is:

1 comment:

  1. Please join if you share the aim of saving County Cricket.
    And on Twitter.
    Also on Facebook.


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