Friday 6 January 2023




Since I first posted this, G has been regurgitated, they've reused GreatDane (alas they've failed to find something for little Dane and come up a new one Y. cameo king


Pravda's Twitter wing has delivered some pretty awful hashtags and tag lines over just the past month. The Notts players currently on all sides of the globe must be sporting rosy red cheeks when they realise that it's is them that's being hashtagged.

1/Can you identify the player from the line?

2/Which is truely the worst, the most cringe-worthy?

A. Advocate, philosopher, mentor and coach
B. Magician of the craft
C. ... pigeon catcher supreme
D. Doyen of the sweep
E. BulwellBomber
F. Simply has it all
G. BigFriendlyGraduate
H. Limbs levers and lift...
I. WelbeckWizard
J. Pressure over aficionado
K. Kangaroo slayer...
L. Top-order Terrier
M. Swift and sumptuous
N. Middle-order run machine
P. BoltonBradman
Q. Precocious pace bowling protege
R.Sultan of the sweep
S. HitmanHutton
T. WorksopWonderkid
V.Captain, leader and legend
W. WymeswoldWalloper
X. BardneyBamboozler

I appreciate it's not as easy as it would seem, to find something catchy or click provoking, but there ought to be somekind of vetting procedure before inflicting some of these on 99.2 K followers.

For those with their GCSE England Language mocks coming-up, yes alliteration, metaphors and triplets are usually good, effective and powerful language features to use to enhance your writing, but there are limits.


  1. Correct me if I’m wrong - I often am - but letter O Natural Born Thriller. Was this not used to describe the first choice wicketkeeper/batsman?
    And if so, do they think we live in a world where the rabbit, the mad hatter and Alice all turn up to have afternoon tea with us ?

  2. No, I’ve just realised at least that title is reserved for Samit Patel, so I think it’s W and Wymeswold Walloper I’m referring to instead ?

  3. EIOPSUVWX shouldn't be too much of a problem

  4. A Peter Moores
    B Matt Carter
    C Monty, dad remembers reading and thinking about what a strange thing to say
    D Ben Duckett is our sweeper
    E Fletch
    F ?
    G Saw that this week again, Toby Pettman
    H Toby again?
    I Jake Ball
    J ?
    K Stuart
    L Hass?
    N ?
    O Samit
    P Deffo Hass this one
    Q Pettman again, cos of the P?
    R Duckett sweeping agin?
    S Brett obvs
    T Lyndon James he's from Worksop isn't he?
    U Alex
    V Mull
    W We're with Orac, Tommy Moores
    X Bardney Lincs must be Carts again

    More quizzes please Harry

    1. Good effort Prestons. B, H, L, Q, need some work however. For H try your alliteration strategy like you did with Q (incorrectly), which isn't alliteration. L isn't Benny.

  5. H is Tom Loten

  6. I'm going to declare the Preston Family the winners, as everyone seems to be of the opinion that #Pravda is doing a great job. The coded names that not even the enigma that is Orac could crack were B- Farhan Ahmed, J - Calvin Harrison, M- Ben Ducket, but to honest a lot of these are Ben Duckett (remember Pravda only does good news, and Ben Duckett is good news at present) N- Lyndon James. If I've missed any then it's probably Duckett!


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