Sunday 12 March 2023

G&M's Peter Wright in the Media Summary


Images now archived but are still available on request via the Email address above.

I've heard that some people believe this series of posts have been a bit of a p*ss take of Mr Wright. In spite of the initial mention about his inclusion in Pepys' diary [a nod to PW's longevity at NCCC], my intentions have only been investigative, to see where the evidence would lead as to who Peter Wright is and why others bend rules to accomodate him and seemingly give him special treatment?

From the newspaper cuttings below, it is evident that Mr Peter George Wright has been apt at getting positive local attention for Gunn and Moore Limited. The articles say that he was General Manager in 1985 and Companies House inform that he's been Managing Director from before 19 October 1991, a post he still occupies in his 72nd year in 2023. He also remains a director for Unicorn Products Limited (see the articles below),

Using a different date of birth, Companies House also indicate that Peter George Wright (same Whatton address) is a director of Nottinghamshire Sports Properties (those that own Lady Bay), along with Lisa Pursehouse who is Chief Executive of that company.

I believe that he has served as Chair of the General Committee and been on that Committee at least since 1993. Under the current rules that's three times the maximum allowed and under the odd rules he evaded his 70th birthday because he started so relatively young but the last Chair was forced to put a vote to members to allow his continuance in his last term when the rule changes were transitioning (he was well over his 9 years service and would also have a 70th birthday during that term) - but rules were bent to accomodate Mr Wright. Now Mr Wright is a Vice-president of the Club. There does appear that some at the top of the Club just can't lose Mr Wright.

So what do the articles tell us about what Peter Wright has done for Notts CCC, very little if not nothing!

The articles don't tell us what great players have been attracted to Notts CCC by its connections to G&M through Mr Wright, quite the opposite as Shane Warne gets a couple of mentions over the years, lots of promise, but no final delivery Mr Wright as history reveals.

Perhaps when Peter Wright eventually cuts his ties with Notts CCC, will all be revealed as to what value has been brought to the Club by having the same man wheeling and dealing at its centre for decades, it's got to be more than just a bit of cricket equipment!

11/ Notingham Evening Post 9 November 1999

10/ Not just the Nottingham Evening Post

Suffolk and Essex Free Press 4 June 1998

  9/ Nottingham Evening Post 13 May 1999

8/ Nottingham Evening Post 23 June 1997

7/ Nottingham Evening Post Business 20 February 1996

6/ Something of a non-story with Gunn and Moore not moving premises at that time. PW pictured with a young Mark Ramprakash. 

Nottingham Evening Post 29 September 1992

5/ Elected to the General Committee in he "acrimonious" AGM of 1993

4/  Nottingham Evening Post 10 March 1989

3/ Nottingham Evening Post 18 April 1987

2/ Peter reminded everyone at the AGM that once a time he used to be play for the Nottinghamshire Second Eleven, as though that gave his words more gravitas; so today we have the prologue, as it were, but not for Notts 2nds, but names (and faces) will resonate.

There is a cricketer mentioned here called Peter Wright, on the balance of probability, I'm assuming that this is the same gentleman. Sincere apologies to both, if this is indeed another PW.

As a bonus we get to read the words Notts and Forest next to each other andthen to imagine all those red keyboard ninjas diving toward their computer mouses before realising there's a CC written their too. The subject of the etymology of the word "Notts", might be something for next winter.

Nottingham Evening Post 9 May 1984

Nottingham Evening Post 18 April 1985

1/ After the AGM and Peter Wright's address at the end of it, I thought a new thread covering Peter's career in the limelight and in service to Notts CCC, through newspaper articles, might be in order.

Searching the online newspaper resource available to me, I soon discovered that Peter Wright is not an uncommon name, so digging a little smarter, I then discovered that Peter Wright of Gunn and Moore had something of a love affair with the Nottingham Evening Post over the years.

Skipping past the mentions of Master Peter the Wright of Ye Olde Countie Nottinghame Crickett in Samuel Pepys' diary (it's just before he buries the cheeses),

here's a two page article about Gunn and Moore that appeared in Nottingham Evening Post's Business Magazine in 1895, correction 1985 - I managed to fit it on to three images for ease of reading and not used one the photographs as it was even more black-out than the one that I have included.

This might be the start of the "love affair" and might be where members of that era were first introduced to Peter the General Manager, who knows we might discover as the thread continues over the next few days.

31 May 1985

apologies as this doesn't follow seamlessly but you'll get the gist and hopefully find it as interesting as I have done.


  1. So interesting...can't wait for the next part...

  2. 75 NOTOUT
    How many batsmen still use the 2lb 2oz bat favoured by National Treasure Reg?
    Is there a limit nowadays to the actual weight of a bat that can be used in “ official” matches ?
    I wonder how the likes of Hales , Bairstowe and Stokes would manage just using a lightweight 2lb 2oz bat ?

  3. 75NOTOUT
    Well Gunn and Moore managed to ride out the storm on cut price inferior bats - so well done to them .Even today they are the first name you think of when cricket bats are mentioned in conversation. I wonder how many current Notts ccc will use a Gunn and Moore bat in the coming season ?


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