Saturday 18 March 2023

Quiz Question II - 1892


Cricket Magazine, 18 August 1892

 In what year did no balls and wides first count as runs against the bowler?


Some modern thinking but clearly from an earlier time - what year was this written and in what year did no balls and wides finally count against the bowler?


From this snippet of an article, can you identify the year, noting the dated language used? (now as with when it was published, no offence is intended)

MAG is correct in his dating of a Hull Daily Mail cutting - the headline for the piece was "Roebuck offers cure for insomnia"


  1. June 1989 at Taunton

  2. In county cricket, 1985

  3. I knew you'd know. That left a Rev Holmes somewhat ahead of the times by nearly century. Perhaps he also suggested games of 100 deliveries and female players (he might have been defrocked for those radical thoughts however).


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