Wednesday 16 August 2023

The Outground Debate



Check out Radlett CC photos from JAG on HBD Facebook


Leicestershire play at Kibworth today details here

York is the venue for a Yorkshire game again today. That's another venue advising patrons to bring their own seat.


Tomorrow Notts visit another outground, Radlett CC home for the day for Middlesex CC.

Full venue details here

included in the above link is this:


10:00 to 11:30: Radlett Station to Radlett Cricket Club

18:15 to 19:15: Radlett Cricket Club to Radlett Station

(please note - the free shuttle bus service runs on a first-come first-served basis)

If only Notts had made a little bit of an effort instead of leaving it all to the volunteers of Welbeck CC. Seating areas at Radlett include an accessible area and an elevated grandstand. There's also gazebos to provide shelter. What did Notts provide at Welbeck? Nothing apart from good wishes. 

Remember our first excursion to Welbeck CC in 2015, the Welbeck Weekender? That was warmly received read here, even though the weather was much worse then.

Nottinghamshire CCC did make something of an effort back in 2015 so why the apathy now? Answer: The H*ndred!


  1. As someone who has been afflicted by bowel cancer, and now with stoma, disabled toilets are crucial, for the likes of me and many disabled people.
    Anyone there Sunday, what were these facilities like, how good ?
    Re the zero public transport on a Sunday, shame on Notts, shame on the CEO.

  2. In the 50 over comp play ONE match at Welbeck but not on a Sunday due to lack of public transport, play at least ONE game at Trent Bridge as it is the home ground and for the other games look at getting Lady Bay up to standard, it can be done by putting in a couple of temporary/permanent stands like the used to at Trent Bridge in the 1990's or like the one at Derby and they have a temporary/permanent stand at Sincil Bank for when Lincoln play the big teams. It can be done, I'm fine with them having one match at Welbeck so people from the Mansfield area who don't visit Nottingham too much have a local game. I f all this can't happen then it's time to look at other grounds around the county or further afield like Cleethorpes. The club need to start being proactive on this now by consulting members and fans.

  3. Is there any reason why Notts couldn't play a game at Lindum CC in Lincoln? Lots of Notts supporters travel across from Lincolnshire, and it is easy to reach from Nottingham on the train too. Maybe a shuttle bus from the station? A beautiful setting under the cathedral spires too.

    I agree Welbeck should have a game, as they are lovely hosts. A bus needs to be arranged from Trent Bridge too.

  4. 80 NOT OUT
    I have spouted my usual diatribe on another NOTTS View thread!
    Basically ref the “ home” and “away” debate -
    A- a coach should be provided from TB to Welbeck each time a “ home” game is played THERE. If only 10/20/30 Members decide to use the service then so be it - but ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO
    2- Welbeck do their best and should be congratulated . But ONE LIMITED OVERS GAME a season is enough . It’s too much to expect NOTTS Members to struggle to Welbeck three times in as many weeks.
    3 - The HINDRED is doing just that ! Hindering the whole season one way and another. It just cannot be allowed to shape future playing seasons .
    4- Trent Bridge cricket ground is known throughout the world . It’s madness for loyal and faithful fans to be directed to watch cricket in the middle of nowhere.(
    More to come tomorrow after some careful thought!

  5. Although I have lived in the smoke the last 42 years, I won't be going to Radlett. My Freedom Pass doesn't extend that far. I used to go to Lords and the Oval till they got too expensive, Why did Middlesex stop using Uxbridge? And why on earth Notts gave up on Worksop and Newark in favour of the ugliest ground in the country is beyond me.................

  6. We should all congratulate welbeck with what they have achieved over the years
    If we could only show the same vision concerning lady bay all these views would be put to bed' but it's been damming the failings to invest in lady bay by the Notts
    If they could have invested a quarter of what they spent on the six restaurant debacle let's not forget the overspend
    On the project the overspend on the fit-out
    & not forgetting the £100.000 pound
    Michelin star chef who designed the menu
    Just think what could have been achieved at lady bay with that investment they have as much vision as Ben Gunn from treasury

  7. Some of the outgrounds like Blackpool, Liverpool, Chesterfield and Scarborough are quite good but others simply aren't up to standard. At least if they invested in Lady Bay it's actually close to Trent Bridge and people would still go.

  8. 80 NOT OUT
    More votes for Lady Bay as a place to play on when TB is not “ available” - especially in HINDRED MONTH. Would it be feasible to bring the neglected “BAY” up to standard?

  9. It's a simple answer lady bay which was gifted by Boots PLC many years ago
    Which was to become a central bass for the second team & as today the academy
    The facility's for both players & supporters
    Are embarrassing a total underinvestment
    Over the years in what could become a outstanding facility' to upgrade would not be a large undertaking as the infrastructure & utilities are already in place
    You just need the vision on what can be achieved it come down to priority's in
    Which the club have missed out on would you rather invest in having fantastic cricket facilities next to TB or spend millions on a disastrous loss making restaurant for the privileged

  10. I think the congestion for car users in trying to get out of Laby Bay would be a huge problem.
    This is from Members who park there on Blast t20 matches, as I don’t drive I don’t look at this issue
    However, the public transport would be a huge bonus, there’s a plethora of green Bridgord buses that go past TB and at least one NCT bus that pretty much drops you off outside Lady Bay itself
    The other issues are A) you would have to demolish the disgrace of a Pavilion and rebuild one(somewhere)and then there’s the lack of space on the grass for spectators in white plastic seats, and there own chairs even without the idea of somehow bringing a temporary stand or two in. Something along the lines of the green stand TB used to use on the Fox 🦊 Rd side of the ground when hosting TM’s may just be possible, space wise ?
    At present it’s a million miles behind Welbeck and Attenborough as venues to host
    List A games down there.
    What are entirely valid points, however, are the ones relating to the vast amount of money seemingly wasted by the club in other areas(both in flash ground developments, ridiculous projects and certain additions to the costly playing, coaching and support staff
    As stated above, all these funds could have been invested in improving the facilities at an additional outground to play our matches, whether that be at Lady Bay or somewhere more accessible than Welbeck - don’t ask me where
    This is no criticism whatsoever of Welbeck. The club put themselves out greatly to host our games and it’s a perfectly adequate venue for List A cricket in terms of facilities available and it’s not their problem they are where they are making it difficult for some supporters to attend matches there, I think the real issue is with the TB hierarchy on this one

  11. 80 NOT OUT
    Ref this debate .
    One thing is certain - there will not be three Metro 50 over games played at Welbeck next season .
    Members simply will not stand for it
    One match there yes . And a very enjoyable day out it would no doubt be!

    1. Why do you say Members won’t accept it ?
      There may not be 3 at Welbeck, but as in the previous year, there were still 3 from the 4 games, away from TB as this year 2 were played at Grantham. This is not a great deal easier to get to for non drivers
      Clearly the Members have accepted it and are most likely to continue to accept it, whether happy or not I suggest
      If not, how do you value from watching the team play all season and on the basis the Notts membership is still comparatively cheap compared to the daily admission prices for games
      You have to accept it otherwise you don’t watch your team play on a regular basis surely?

  12. As I pointed out at the top of this post. In 2015 Notts CCClub made an effort to promoted and aid spectators with getting to and from Welbeck. In 2023, the club did very little and left things to the volunteers of Welbeck CC.

    Car parking at Welbeck is much the same as Bridge Field when trying to exit at the end of match, ie a bit of a bun fight that brings out the worst of certain drivers. Lady Bay parking is a nightmare to exit post match even for Championship matches, which I avoid on busy days such as T20s.

    Any problems with Welbeck are largely down to NCCC and their "do the minimum" approach, in my view.

  13. With a new park & ride planned on the opposite side of the river to support the
    The new pedestrian bridge which will accommodate supporters making there way to all venues forest/ Notts / notts rugby
    & others when assembled at the far side of the complex' lady bay becomes a more inviting proposition to all parties involved

  14. The Curmudgeon Kid16 August 2023 at 18:55

    It's interesting following this discussion, especially recalling that both Lancashire (Leyland, I think) and Yorkshire (Bradford Park Avenue) are developing new 'secondary HQs' at present. My understanding is both will be more than good enough to stage first-class/List A matches, while also acting as a base for second XIs and academies, host major club finals, etc. It leads me to think that some of the test match/H*****d-hosting counties are planning for the long-term in regard to not being able to use their substantive homes for long periods of the season. Food for thought.

    Of course, it wasn't that long ago that a county like Yorkshire would habitually visit multiple outgrounds each year - Bradford, Hull, Harrogate, Middlesbrough, Scarborough, Sheffield, and on, but that was aligned to a fixture list of considerably more matches each year. They continue to take at least two first-class matches to Scarborough, while York has been well-received as a third venue for a couple of One-Day cup ties over the last few years. But Yorkshire is a vast county geographically, and they usually get very good gates for outground matches, especially Scarborough.

    So, I suspect the challenge of finding suitable alternative venue/s is here to stay for now, whether we like it or not. Perhaps the business case for Lady Bay is strong, but that the investment decision is less easy given the works required. However you look at it, taking first team matches there seems a long way off. Finding a venue, or suite of venues, for circa three One-Cup matches each year looks set to continue. Welbeck, Grantham, Lincoln Lindum, Chichester Road, Worksop Town Ground? Whatever is decided, the decision will no doubt suit some of the people some of the time, none of the people all of the time.

  15. 80 NOT OUT
    Some excellent , well reasoned posts giving much food for thought on a very thorny subject . The traditional cricket season as many of us veterans knew it has almost certainly gone forever. You cannot stand still in business - and cricket now is big business. We all have to accept changes . But the lack of
    “ proper “ cricket at Trent Bridge for weeks on end during August and Sept simply is not good enough. Of the three near neighbours of mine who are long time NOTTS Members - two say they are not re- newing Membership next year and the third one is undecided and will wait for the 2024 fixture list . The total NOTTS membership is evidently massively down on previous years I have been told - circa 3,800 from a regular 7,000/8,000 not too long ago . It’s very hard to get those Members back once they start doing other things in summer and spend their cash differently . The $64,000 question is simple
    Will the HINDRED COMPETITION be a success in the long term ? Is it here for good or is it a flash in the pan that appears to be a success but is actually apparently still losing money !

  16. It hit home to me today, emotionally, though it has been clear for a long time :
    The flag flying above the home dressing room, although no.match on, was not the green and yellow, rather the orange and yellow.
    As then President of our club, Brian Bolus said in 2005, "Trent Bridge is the home of Nottinghanshire County Cricket Club.or it is nothing." Well it is certainly no.long primarily the home of NCCC, so ...

  17. 80 NOTOUT
    Question !
    On a scale of 10 , how important to Notts Top Table and bean counters are the various competitions ?
    I reckon its
    100 Ball Hindred - 10/10
    BLAST 20 7/10
    County 4 dayers 3/10
    50 Over Comp 1/10
    Am I about right ? R

  18. Seems so, yes, and if anything the county competitions losing ground in their fickle affections.


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