Monday 1 July 2024

Lancashire Vitality County Championship Div 1 at Trafalgar Road, Southport Day 2 Wash Out


Day 2


It was interesting to hear on Lancs TV on day 1 that Ben Duckett will be playing for Notts Outlaws against the Foxes on Friday, acording to a source in the hospitality tent via David Bumble Lloyd.

Day 1


A superb unbeaten 183 (off 258 balls, 16x6, 4x6) from Keaton Jennings was the cornerstone of Lancashire's over par 344 for 8 on the opening day at Trafalgar Road, Southport.

Good sized crowd was in attendance with Notts winning the toss and electing to bowl. The day started cool and dank with a strong North westerly blowing. Common sense prevailed with Patterson-White coming into eleven in place of Moores. Clarke took over as keeper. The home team had both Jimmy Anderson and Nathan Lyon in their eleven.

Stone (Grosvenor Road End) and Pennington (Harrod Drive End) shared the new ball. Pennington was celebrating his Test call up and ended up with analysis of 2 for 70 in his 23 overs. Stone (1 for 93 off 20 overs) sadly bowled poorly all day erring with his line and length. The pitch, on the slow side, necessitated bowling with discipline; Paterson (2 for 53) and James (3 for 53) being far the best on show.

Paterson replaced Stone in the 7th over and took a wicket in his 3rd over, trimming Wells' (7) off bail, 26 for 1 in the 11th over. Pennington after bowling 6 4 3 0 in his opening spell was replaced by Stone. Rain stopped play at 1203 with Lancashire 29 for 1 off 14.4 overs with Jennings on 19 and Bohannon on 2. Play resumed at 1226. Lancashire reached 50 in the 20th over with two for Bohannon off Stone. Pennington switched to Grosvenor Road End for the 21st over. James came on the following over. Lancashire 59 for 1 off 23 overs at lunch with Jennings on 26 and Bohannon on 19. An even, truncated first session.

Stone (Harrod Drive End) had Bohannon dropped behind the wicket by Clarke when on 25, but he nicked the very next ball with Clarke this time accepting the chance, 67 for 2 in the 26th over. In the 33rd over, Jennings hit Paterson for six over square leg. Jennings got to his 50 off 93 balls with a single off Stone in the 34th over. The Lancashire 100 came via a leg bye off Pennington in the 36th over. In the 40th over, the struggling Bell (8) was caught at second slip by Harrison off Pennington; 111 for 3. James replaced Paterson from the 43rd over from the Grosvenor Road End. Hameed turned to spin with Harrison appearing from the Harrod Drive End for the 46th over. Hurst (2) was caught at square leg by Stone off James; 120 for 4 after 47 overs. Tea was taken at 1554 with Lancashire 150 for 4 off 55 overs with Jennings on 71 and Balderson on 20.

The last session was a long one but Lancashire, or more Jennings in particular, inflicted great damage. Jennings scoring a further 112 and Lancashire 194 as Notts ground fielding became somewhat shoddy. Patterson-White and Stone were bowling together straight after tea. Balderson hit Patterson-White for consecutive straight sixes in the 64th over. Notts made a double bowling change bringing on Paterson and Pennington. A boundary for Jennings off Paterson brought up the Lancashire 200 in the 67th over. Jennings hit a boundary through point off Pennington to reach his ton of 179 balls in the 68th over. Balderson (41) was well caught by Harrison diving to his right at second slip off Paterson, 208 for 5 in the 69th over. James came on in the 72nd over but he only bowled a solitary over before immediately changing ends with Harrison replacing him. James had Green (9) lbw on his back leg, 228 for 6 in the 75th over. Notts took the new ball immediately with Lancashire 237 for 6 off 80 overs. In a retrospect a bad move as Lancashire accelerated scoring 107 runs in 16 overs.

A cover driven boundary by Jennings off Stone saw Lancashire to their first batting point in the 83rd over. In the 84th over, Jennings was dropped on 132 by James performing ballet on the long leg ropes off Pennington, James not being able to catch his own parry. In the following over, Jennings hit Stone for six over square leg over the hedge near the railway line. A replacement ball was required. After three expensive overs with the new ball Stone was replaced by James who removed Bailey leg before for 20; 292 for 7 in the 87th over. In the following over Williams departed for a duck caught behind by Clarke off Pennington; 293 for 8. Lyon came in and the field was spread long and distant and Jennings dipped his bread. Jennings got to his 150 with rasping straight drive of Pennington later in the same over. The Lancashire 300 was achieved in the 89th over with a single by Jennings off James. With most of the fielders on the ropes, Jennings scooped Pennington for 6 over fine leg and two balls later smashed him to the mid wicket ropes. Jennings hit James for a straight six and later in the over guided the ball down to the third man boundary. Paterson replaced Pennington for the 92nd over and Jennings was dropped on 173 by Pennington a difficult chance on the long on ropes. Another two fours flowed off Jennings bat in the following over bowled by James. Stumps were drawn at 1900 with Lancashire on a commanding 344 for 8 off 96 overs with Jennings on 183 and Lyon on 8.

Rain is forecast for tomorrow. MAG

Following a pitch inspection, the covers are coming off and the player warm-ups can commence. 

News from the ground is that Joe Clarke will keep wicket and that Liam Patterson-White makes the eleven. Tom Moores has actually met his Waterloo at Trafalgar Road apparently. 


In addition to Tom Moores, twelve other players complete the Notts travelling party, including Liam Patterson-White.

Haseeb Hameed
Ben Slater
Will Young
Joe Clarke
Jack Haynes
Tom Moores
Lyndon James
Liam Patterson-White
Calvin Harrison
Olly Stone
Dillon Pennington
Dane Paterson
Toby Pettman


Venue: Home of Southport and Birkdale CC, a ground of limited capacity, an outground and historically a result wicket, Notts having won at the venue three times out their six visits with only one game ending drawn. Notts last played there, and won in 2011, the year Lancashire won the championship for the first time in generations.

Day 1, on Sunday coincides with County Cricket Day and is already sold out - the small capacity and the inclusion of Jimmy Anderson in the Lancashire side potentially, putting bums on seats, putting pressure on availability.

Ticket prices for other days is £15 for a whole day or for a post-lunch ticket the cost is a tenner. Full details here

Team News: there isn't any but we all know who should be included and who shouldn't be included in the travelling party.

Overseas player, Will Young, will be grateful for the gentle net that Somerset offered him on Wednesday but since April he's looked completely out of sorts, not the same player that we saw in 2023.

Tom Moores who made his first class debut at this ground as a loanee in 2016, could only dream of repeating his scores in that game (25 and 35), having only amassed 30 runs in total, in his 8 innings since his return from Trent Rocket duty in August 2023.

Peter Moores on Southport: “Southport is a good ground, it’s normally a result pitch, and as an English outground you feel close to the crowd.

“It’ll be a different experience for the lads if they haven’t played there, so it’s set fair to a really good game of cricket.”

[Is he in a back-handed way highlighting that his son does have experience of playing at Southport and Birkdale and so is the second name on the team sheet after the captain as always?]

Whilst the jury is still out on the ultimate level that Dane Schadendorf could rise to, but we do know what level 27 year old Tom Moores has plateaued at [given the amount of world class coaching he has been exposed to in the past 25 years, the chances that he's been given since 2016 and the confidence and trust that's been put in him with team selection security] and it's not good enough for division one county championship cricket, so would it not make sense to give young Dane a chance to prove, or disprove himself for the rest of the season, Notts have nothing to lose!

This game is likely to see Lancashire select two spinners, so will Notts do likewise? The multi-facetted Calvin Harrison plus either Matt Montgomery or Liam Patterson-White [who has a batting average of 20.4 for Northants in his six innings on loan and 13 wickets]. The attacking option would be to give the gloves to Clarke and bring LPW in for hapless Tom, but...


  1. 81 NOT OUT
    The FIRST name on the team sheet is NOT the Captain !
    It’s Tom Moores!
    How long will this farce be allowed to continue ?
    Can no one do anything about it ?

  2. You can vote with your membership. Same as anyone else.

  3. Maybe the only way round the problem of Newell and Moores is for the Members and supporters to draw up a signed Petition stating that they have no confidence in both parties and to demand their removal from office by the end of this season. Whether or not the committee would be prepared to act upon such an action is another question. I can't think of any other county who would have tolerated this situation to drag on year after year.

  4. IF anyone is in possession of either Mick Newell's or Peter Moores email address, it would be a good idea to upload it, so that we can legitimately ask the question as to what right his son deserves continued selection, with a season batting average of 5.75 in first class cricket. Disgraceful.

  5. 😻🏏81 NOT OUT
    You have to feel a bit of sympathy for out of his depth Tom Moores . He is always in the side but deep down knows he shouldn’t be and even worse , his players more than likely feel the same .
    He can’t be dropped for a simple reason . If his replacement plays a blinder behind the stumps and also scores a composed 80/90 runs then how would Tom get his place back !
    Peter Moores can’t risk it and everyone knows it !

  6. Tom is a strange situation. But more than that needs changing everyone knows that. Unless change happens the membership take up next summer will be lowest ever and the T20 crowds lower than this summer - if that's possible!

    1. The friday night crew dont have a clue. Crowds are down cos of the cool weather and jacked-up prices. Not because Outlaws are playing crap cricket or that Peter Moores head is stuck up his own... They are led by the propaganda and believe the propaganda the club feeds us on social media and so long as the beer and music flow they will be there to sing Sweet Caroline when told to by a squirrel. So shut up and support our club, Peter cant control the weather just the same as he cant control the way games go sometimes.

      Lisa Lovechild

  7. Somebody told me the other day, that Mrs Moores demands that Peter selects Tom for the first team, and he is too scared to say no to her.
    What a carry on.

    1. Question From The Back29 June 2024 at 22:09

      Sydney, are you related to Lyndon?

  8. 81 NOT OUT
    Hope you are jesting Sidney !?
    But many a true word is spoken in jest!

    1. No not jesting on the Moores story.
      Got it from my very good friend Charles Hawtry.
      Ah Lyndon, was he in Carry on Notts.
      Now that is a ripping farce if ever there was one.

  9. Anon 27/6 @ 1816 and Anon 27/6 @ 1949 in agreement - I find your comments completely unacceptable, disgusting 🤮 and utterly disgraceful - All I have ever done is to describe Marie as “Super Lovely” which in my opinion she is. Having met her on several occasions now, she comes across as a really nice person also - I do NOT find what is in your own words “borderline offensive” with those statements-perhaps you could enlighten me further please ?
    I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ if you are unwell at present and perhaps need the assistance of medical advice 👨‍⚕️ ? - or perhaps you are just against the women’s game growing, a lot of people seem to be for, in my opinion, a totally un-fathomable reason but each to their own.
    So, I will say again the very best of luck 🍀 to all The Blaze girls - including the Super-lovely Marie Kelly - as their RHFT competition recommences again tomorrow at Beckenham against the South East Stars ⭐️
    C’mon the Blaze - and also Anon 27/6 @1816 this IS cricket 🏏- perhaps your attitude needs to change to appreciate the women’s game in 2024 ?????

    1. You have my Email KRO. If you'd like to write a piece on women's cricket and its growth and how it can benefit Notts CCC feel free, share with me and I'll publish it on Nottsview.

      You've made your reply to those anonymous critics that you've gained. Let's leave it there eh. I don't want to delete anymore comments, as I did last week, but I will again.

      There is an option for comments to be made only from signed-in google accounts, where names or nom de plumes are displayed and no one is overtly anonymous anymore, I could switch settings to that but feel it might be too restrictive for some people (and it's good to get things off yer chest sometimes anonymously). Does the Cruitking still have his account? What do others think?

      So for now can we wish Marie Kelly and all the other Blazers the best of luck and leave it there.

    2. The woman's game and continued growth is good for the game. Not the issue

    3. No I am not unwell, you do not know me and you have no right to make such assertions, and. by the way, I completely support the growth of the women's game. You clearly have a very particular view of the world where it is acceptable to be a superior male, and make misogynistic comments. You have ruined this site for me, so I will be leaving

  10. 81 NOT OUT
    I do not wish to be unfair or vindictive regarding Tom Moores . I am sure he does his best everytime he goes out to bat for Notts . If he is selected for the game at Southport I hope he proves us critics wrong and scores a valuable 100 runs and takes fantastic catches behind the stuff . We should always wish the lads that play the very best of luck .
    What will be - will be.

  11. But you should add. He's a Notts prem player ability wise and very fortunate

  12. Change limited, but highly significant.

  13. 81 NOT OUT
    Dave - a bit of useless info . Cruetking
    ( me) retired and turned into 80NOT OUT - who last month morphed into 81 NOT OUT . Be nice to reach 100 NOT OUT but am offering odds of 1000-1 that I don’t make it !
    Seriously , is it possible Peter Moores has read some of our ramblings and subsequently done the decent thing and turned favoured son Tom into a drinks carrier and helmet dispenser? Would have been better for Second team morale if Dane S had been handed the wicketkeepers gloves?
    Let’s hope we get a decent match at Southport relatively free from rain and bad light delays .
    Look forward to reading the always incisive match reports.

  14. Whilst technically correct, MAG's analysis of the "dropped catches" by a "balleting" Lyndon and Dillon was a tad harsh in my view (from the Lancs TV coverage pictures). They were more examples of run saving fielding on the very tight boundary, both stopping sixes IMHO. Neither had any room to work with.

    Clarke's keeping was tidy enough but his drop catch was very poor and Tom would have held it, probably, perhaps maybe. Clarke was a lucky boy that he got the chance to redeem himeslf the very next delivery. Clarke conceded no byes until late in the day after 6PM.

  15. Andy M in Oz (Notts Supporter)1 July 2024 at 08:06

    Thanks very much for this report. I would be interested to hear what people thought about the decision to bowl first considering that Lyon is in the Lancashire side.

  16. Pity with a big crowd, Jimmy did not get on the field.

  17. The amount of time Jennings had to play his shots tells you how slow the surface was. OK , he is a class player in excellent form, but the two Lancashire experts, Messrs, Allott and Lloyd thought that Notts had misread the surface especially as Clarke was standing too deep for the pace bowlers.
    It will be interesting to see how the 3 disciplined line and length bowlers, namely Anderson, Bailey and Williams bowl on this surface , as there is definitely enough in the wicket to for both seamers and spinners alike.
    Although Notts could have bowled better, they were unlucky yet again ,to face an opponent in Jennings ,who makes a regular habit of milking runs from their attack.

    1. Agreed and those Lancashire "experts" also conceded that everyone had misread the surface including themselves. I agree inexperienced keeper Clarke was slow to react in bringing himself and the slips forward a pace or three to Stone, Pennington, Paterson, James and that inexperienced captain Hameed was also too slow to recognise and react when the pace-on options weren't getting the desired results by the four mentioned bowlers often enough. Experience comes in time and by learning from mistakes.

  18. 81 NOT OUT
    BEN DUCKET - strange preparation for the forthcoming Tests . He has not played a game since April and now they stick him in the Blast match this Friday . Why is he not playing in this match at Southport? Surely he needs a bit of proper time in the middle?

    1. Might his head be in a different time zone at the moment?

    2. 81 NOTOUT
      Good point about Ducket ! When did he fly back to the UK
      Almost forgot he was out there for the World Cup as he only ever seemed to carry the drinks tray

    3. Pravda quiet on the Duckett location and status.

      Has Ben Lister departed and his replacement Fazalhaq Farooqi arrived or is Farooqi now going to replace the redundant Willy Dot ball?


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