Friday 30 August 2024

Nottinghamshire Members' Forum 2024.2


There was standing room only in the Derek Randall Suite for the second Nottinghamshire members' Forum of 2024.

Questions from the gathered members were sought from the off and the initial questions were as would be expected for a side that finished bottom in the Blast, finished no where in the Metro Bank and a club that look to be slipping through the trapdoor into the championship's second division again.

This came as no surprise to Moores and Newell who had obviously rehearsed their responses to obvious questions to be asked.

Peter Moores was in top form, talking at length defending his position; he said at the start of his defence that he wasn't going to make excuses, but then proceeded to make a number of excuses and making a number of contradictions too; anyone would think that someone else had been picking the team for all these years, which has left him now with a bunch of green rookies to mould into a team.

Would you credit it that when you attract players from other counties, with the promise of putting them on to a bigger stage, to raise their profile in order for them to gain higher recognition, that when they do get that international call, it's not the fault of his coaching team or the recruitment at the club that Notts are left short.

[From the floor] A lack of foresight was an accusation made, which evidenced by performances in all competitions over the last few years would seem to ring true. But you can't blame Newell and Moores for that, surely!

It is the fault of Samit Patel however, that Liam Patterson-White had never played a T20 Blast game until the fifth game of this year's competition, apparently. It certainly isn't the fault of the person that picks the team.

Mooores went on to praise Patterson-White's performances in the Blast as well as those by Freddie McCann and Sammy King; players he refused to pick whilst he had the unsuited Kiwi to select. Moores did highlight an irony (in his eyes) with his dilemma when playing the short format  in needing the "most experienced players for the shortest of formats" . I think the fearless approach by Freddie and Sammy at Headingley, might have unpicked that theory.

The poor form of a number of players was underlying a number of the initial questions and statements from the floor, before the issue of Alex Hales commitment to Notts was raised. Newell stated that Hales could and does get more money from playing elsewhere [around the globe] and that this year he was only contracted for eight games. Each season will be reviewed on a year by year basis with Alex, should he wish to continue at his age and with Notts.

Newell defended the state of the club [particularly in the CC], using statistics from previous seasons, however he never readdressed the accusation from the floor that he was cherry picking his seasons and ignoring the recurring relegation years that have plagued his [and Moores'] reign at Notts.

The approach to the One Day Cup was questioned by one member so Moores' repeated his claim that "we came close" this season but added that we could have had employed two overseas players but preferred to blood our homegrown youngsters. How many games did Moores pick Sammy King for?

Pressure to play more Cup games at Trent Bridge will be further hampered in the future by "the girls" playing more matches "here" - Pursehouse stated .

Apologies for the order and the lack of exactness of the specific questions (I have kind of lumped them together), but the defensive answers to those preceeding questions to this point of the forum led to a Ms Pursehouse impassioned [you could say], diatribe [you could also say], defence of the head coach and the Director of Cricket. [The nuclear response - see Kevin] There was so much passion in her words, it was clearly personal [to her], she didn't like the members not understanding what a "difficult job Pete and Mick have". The loss of Joey Evison [to Kent] was raked-up yet again during this diatribe, it "wasn't the fault of the club", "they did everything that they could" but "these young players" want to play in every format and they especially want to play in the Blast with the bigger crowds. Poor Mick and Peter have an impossible job to keep everyone happy. Members should not be calling for the head coach's head after every defeat either. There is a plan to have 40% of home produced players in the squad, a target that they "are hitting". The personal nature of her defence highlighted the elephant in the room; the conflict of interest on the top table.

There was a complimentary question about the Trent Bridge streaming service: in reply it was stated that the ECB were aiming to have a minimum standard, which TB believes has already exceded.

All went a bit tame after that, and time was running out.

There was a question about the poor allocation of Test matches - but we all can rest assured Notts won't lose out finacially with hosting a Zimbabwe Test, as the ECB will look after us for taking the hit, according LP.

Chair Hunt had nothing to say through-out, as Lisa hadn't given him a speaking role this time.

I have missed loads, so if you feel I have missed something important, please add it below.



  1. 81 NOT OUT
    As on previous occasions it will be one long love in. We will all depart none the wiser.

  2. Just the usual stooges asking none questions given them to them to read out😡

  3. Actually not true, the first question was asking the panel how they felt about the disappointing season. Moores replies with a fairly prepared answer about injuries and England call ups, one or two selections not working (Young), and that they are trying to give youngsters a chance. Then one criticising the last ten years which Newell got quite angry and defensive about. Then the nuclear one, one of the worst seasons ever so we now need root and branch review and action, to which at leats a third of the 200 audience supported with clapping. The CEO took this personally and got emotional defending Newell and Moores, essentially saying there was a plan (including 40% of the team to be from the academy) and they were delivering the plan, so nothing to see here. And to be fair there was some applause for her.

  4. So they have a plan, last year stock up with fast bowling (but then they all got injured, England / SA call ups), they know they need allrounders for 20/20, and they are trying to push though more Notts youngsters. And if you dont like it then tough. Interesting no question about the pavilion.

    1. No time for any questions about the pavilion, the coach had left with his head intact and the players were back on the pitch.

  5. Thanks for the update on the forum Dave

  6. So it's no change or accepting need for change. I would have walked out the minute moores started his excuses - it's not just this season - cannot belive anyone clapped.

  7. So, if I read this excellent summary right, the smash & grab raid on talent from other Midlands counties is now being presented as.....a thought-out plan to develop homegrown young players? All very, very strange.

  8. Did anyone ask why even Lancashire (the other large, chaotic, defensive county club) manage to post their Members' Forum on Youtube, but ours is conducted in conditions of extreme digital secrecy?

  9. Nothing will change. It's all very sad.

  10. The top table now understand that the majority of members want change
    The issue is if one goes will they all go the game of brinkmanship begins
    As they state they have total confidence in each others abilities, but to save each others skins will there be a sacrificial lamb
    In the form of Tom moors as the conflict
    Of interest as in father & son
    This may be the compromise put forward to silence the elephants in the room at the next committee meeting as to the conflict of interest between father & son never mind the conflict of interest
    Between Miss P & Mr N in which there's Never been one 🤣 🤣🤣🤣
    If this transpires & Tom becomes the escape goat for all that's wrong at TB
    This will be seen as unacceptable behaviour from the majority of members
    But as I've said many times there is a total lack of honesty & integrity regarding many issues in which these have been allowed to fester under the stewardships
    Of current & previous chairman over many years who responsibility is first & foremost are to represent the memberships interests

  11. Nothing will change. Freezing membership is their olive branch. It will work members will renew begrudgingly.

  12. Will Miss P be emotional if Notts get relegated in a month?

    CCDiv 2, terrible T20 - at the bottom of the table and mid table in one day cup is potentially shocking.

    Surely, her and the jobs of Moores and Newell is to mitigate against problems? Other sides get injuries, bad form of players etc.

    Much smaller counties than Notts have had far better seasons than us this year, Miss P...

    We have the same number of Notts wins at Welbeck as at Trent Bridge this year.

    All three should resign on that basis alone, and if they dont resign, they need sacking.

  13. After reading that report have come to conclusion that nothing will change at the top regardless of whether we get relegated or not.

  14. If nothing changes, then we dont have to review memberships.

    Notts are becoming a laughing stock around the country. Very sad times. The three of them should be hanging their heads in shame.

  15. 81 NOT OUT
    Thanks for the report Dave - not an easy thing to write and some up . Plus some valid comments by other posters on here .
    Sitting near the front I detected an air of unease on the top table. Peter Moores seems to have aged a lot this season . Perhaps all the bad results are getting to him ?.
    Notts should arrange another forum for the final match at TB in late September .
    A lot more penetrating questions need to be asked
    Plus of course the very major construction work in modernizing the Pavilion . This a massive ( totally necessary) upheaval and expense for the Club but Members know very little about how they will be impacted .
    There was a pretty good attendance at the match yesterday - showing there is still a strong demand for 4 day cricket .

  16. 81 NOT OUT
    TYPO !
    Predictive text strikes again !
    Should be “sum up “ and not “some up”

  17. An excellent innings from Freddie McCann today.

    Imagine if Moores and Newell had actually played the likes of McCann, Singh and King all season....There is some talent there.

    An excellent display from Verreynne behind the stumps and an unbeaten half century too.

    Despite all this talent, Moores and Newell have kept playing not so young Tom, and we have 'dusted down and lost again'.

    The stench coming from Miss P, Newell and Moores is poisoning this fine club.

    For the sake of Notts CCC they must all go, and fast.

    We can then look forward to a new start.

  18. Fully agree. But they are not leaving.

  19. 81 NOT OUT
    Reading between the lines- are Tom Moores days at Trent Bridge numbered? Will he play in the first ELEVEN again this season ?
    Hard to see where he would now fit in ?

    1. Kyle Verreynne is not available for the match at Canterbury, so we will see...

  20. Situations like Hales sum Notts up. No longer the powerhouse he once certainly was but being allowed to pick and choose how many games! Times up Hales. It's Dan Christian all over again.

    1. Weak management JUST STOP NEWELL HA HA


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