Saturday 14 September 2024

Nottinghamshire's Committee Needs You




Stephen Lehane has been a member of the General Committee since 2023. Before that, he was Chair of the club’s Nominations Panel.

A B.Sc. in Economics at the London School of Economics, followed by a postgraduate qualification from Cambridge, led Stephen to a number of board-level roles in industry, including at Walgreens USA and Boots the Chemists, where he was HR and Change Director.

Stephen’s background in HR made him the natural choice for Chair of the club’s newly formed Nominations Panel in 2020. The panel’s remit is to encourage a wide range of high-quality individuals to apply for Committee, and to select from those who then apply via to be considered for nomination.

The panel was established as part of the club’s major governance changes in that year. Leading the panel also called on Stephen’s background in change management.

“Change is all about taking people with you”, he says “and it was important to me that we set up the panel using criteria that would be fair and credible in attracting the people needed for the future.”

Does Stephen think the panel has been a success so far? His answer is a resounding yes, adding that he is impressed by the Panel’s recent drive to encourage potential applicants to look afresh at their experience and to consider how they might use it as a non-executive Director at the club.

Stephen relinquished the Chair of Nominations Panel at the end of his three-year term, and is now a member of the General Committee, and chair of the Organisational Development Sub-Committee.

So, what led him to continue his non-executive work for the Club? “I love the game and Notts in particular,” he says.

“I wanted to continue to be useful as we navigate future changes in the club, particularly the ways in which we continue to give members a voice – whether loyal county followers or newer fans attracted to other forms of the game.

“I know that being a board member in a large business is not the same as serving a club with our proud heritage, but it is always true that you have to listen to people and be straight about how you see the future.

“For example, I have been impressed with the way the Executive have talked to members about the pavilion development and The Hundred, and believe that I and other board members have supported that approach.”

Like Stephen, Fraser Montgomery has a broad CV with over thirty years’ experience in finance, many of them at Board level as Chief Financial Officer.

He has a wide range of sector experience across leisure, hospitality, retail, charity, education and the public sector, as well as significant experience of the non-executive role, a factor which he believes is crucial to understanding life as a General Committee member at Notts.

His non-executive experience is gleaned from being a trustee at the Girls’ Day School Trust, as the Chair of Scottish Curling and trustee at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. Fraser believes this demonstrates how experiences of a similar role elsewhere can bring transferable skills that are applicable in his role at Notts.

“Essentially the principles of the non-executive role are the same everywhere”, he says.

“It’s always important to remember that a non-executive director provides an independent view, and because objectivity is so crucial, it is valuable to have experience of other businesses and other sectors, to provide a useful benchmark and contact network”.

Both men agree that ‘Eyes on, hands off’ is a simple way to engage as a non-executive. “It’s a privileged position, allowing you to step back and take an objective view of a situation, provide appropriate challenge, act as an encouraging sounding board and to make useful suggestions” adds Fraser.

What advice would the two of them give to anyone considering an application? They both agree that the skill set needed can come from a wide range of backgrounds, citing their own in finance, project management, change management and HR.

But, adds Stephen, remember that “you are likely to possess some of the skills and experience the Nominations Panel are looking for if you lead people in any environment – work, sport, community, church, mosque, or if you are someone who gets things done, for example arranging meetings, events fun runs, fairs or a book club.”


Pravda Appeal

Nottinghamshire CCC is seeking four individuals to join its General Committee from February 2025.

As we gear up for this year’s recruitment exercise, we invite passionate individuals to consider joining our committee. Kindly read on for more details on the process, and first-hand accounts of life as a committee member.


Key Details:

  • Recruitment Period: The recruitment process will commence at the end of September, culminating in the AGM in February 2025.
  • Opportunities: We will be making three appointments through the elected route (open to eligible adult Nottinghamshire members) and one appointment via our Nominations Panel (for which candidates need not be Nottinghamshire members at present, but must join the club if successful).
  • Application Process: Details on how to apply and the recruitment process will be available on t at the end of September.


  1. 81 NOT OUT
    Only consider yourself for selection by the NOMINATIONS PANEL if you are a “ yes man/woman who votes as instructed.

  2. Well said 81 not out
    & the other thing is if you want to make a difference & for the right reason
    I would say don't bother

  3. 81 NOT OUT
    As always it’s “ jobs for the boys”
    ( of girls)
    The back slappers club always has plenty of willing new members .

  4. On key details you forgot to add "must be totally supportive of the 100 even to the detriment of Notts ccc". Because lets be honest if you're against it, you won't get anywhere near being nominated.

  5. As I understand it, a French Poodle has just been shortlisted for the nominations panel candidate, as it's just passed the preliminary test of raising its paw when given a secret signal to do so by Ms Pursehouse.

  6. 81 NOT OUT
    LOL! 😂
    I wonder if any of the Notts Committee Members read the Notts View postings ?

  7. I quite fancy it. Might see what it entails….

    Jim G

  8. It entails waiting until September and checking the website. I’ll spend August thinking about it but for me key issues are (and this isn’t by the way a pitch)

    A: continuing “interference” of the 100. And if it is “sold”, who are the beneficiaries? “Putting money back into the club” - which I’ve read- is a bit vague

    B: future test status of Trent bridge

    C: how to fix what’s broken? Crowds are low; the “offering” is poor (I didn’t go yesterday but it has all gone a bit half hearted from what I’ve seen this season.

    D: player pathways. Notts is now known outside of Notts for buying in others. It inside the county we know that local cricket and youth cricket is strong.

    Anyhow. Let’s see what the next weeks bring

    Jim G

  9. Regarding standing for the Notts committee you now have to be interviewed
    By the nominations panel to see if your are a suitable candidate to go through the membership by giving you a star on your
    Resume, that would show you have the approval of the nominations panel & top table, even though they can't stop you from standing
    But again interfering & directing in who members should vote for they just don't want people with integrity or out spoken voices, just poodles who will follow the script

  10. 81 NOT OUT
    Seems like a “ closed shop?”
    Decisions taken behind closed doors by a show of hands as instructed!

  11. I can handle an interview. I’ll see what the process entails.

  12. This year 3 committee members stand down to be replaced by 3 new recruits though the membership it's possible this may well be the last occasion this will happen we need strong minded individuals with integrity focused on what's required & challenge the top table & really have our clubs wellbeing at heart we don't need anymore poodles on strings as this may be the last chance saloon for members

  13. Never seen Montgomery or Lehane at any game. Are they more poodles from Pursehouse's kennel?

  14. This is a cricket club first & foremost not the FT or dow jones' it's about common sense.& what's
    Required to be successful on the pitch

    It would be interesting to see how many days cricket they've seen home & away
    They won't make any difference they will soon understand they can't make any worthwhile contributions, like others before them they will do there stint then walk away, & feel very frustrated, surely with there backgrounds & time spent around the committee table they must see the serious issues, the stale environment
    Conflicts of interest at the club in which would not be allowed in the corporate world in which they both reside from

    1. Frustrations that would never be reported in Pravda. I believe Lehane was a "protege" of the "rebellious" Jeff Moore before his forced exit.

  15. "I have been impressed with the way the Executive have talked with members about the Pavilion development and the Hundred" Stopped reading after that nonsense.

  16. I was told that Lehane was the man to
    To follow in the steps of mr moor as the next chairman & yes most know what happened next the skullduggery of the CEO interfering in the process after the
    Assassination of MR moor by the hand picked committee

  17. Remember if you want to contribute
    & change things for the right reasons & make a difference to our great club
    My advice is don't bother' as nothing will ever change until the top table are

  18. Incredibly dull interviews.

  19. Ho dear, I would rather stick pins in my eyes
    I love that quote
    Eyes on, hands off' do they sit around the committee table wearing blindfolds
    They need to get hands on & sort this club out be proactive not inactive


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