Thursday 25 August 2016

Surrey Members' Forum - some points of interest for all

SURREY MEMBERS' FORUM originally posted by Thomas Tenison on "Come on the Rey!"

RG Richard Gould AS Alec Stewart

RG started by apologising that he had to leave the members' forum at 10am as he had a three-hour meeting with Deloitte to discuss city franchises. He then introduced AS and, noting there was no applause, AS commented that Surrey were bottom of the league at the time of the last members' forum and he received a standing ovation, but this time there was silence! He also pointed out that there were about 120 members last time, and only 60 today, and thanked those members in attendance for their support!

AS explained the poor T20 results on injuries (especially to Dernbach and Azhar), but that being bowled out for less than 110 on three occasions and not defending scores of about 200 on two occasions were not good enough.

He was pleased with the improvement since the Guildford match and, when asked about next season, explained that the Club does not have any position-based targets but are always seeking to progress.

He said that Sangakkara's performance against Northamptonshire was the best he had ever seen.

The Club are negotiating with Sangakkara – "We want him back and he wants to come back" – and he would be "very, very surprised" if he wasn't here next season. Part of the discussions are about his participation in the CPL.

They are also negotiating with Finch, who also wants to return in 2017.

Steve Davies has been offered a two-year contract.

Surrey are still negotiating with Scott Borthwick.

Dunn has a hamstring and back injury, which they think might be related. He won't play for the First or Second XI this season, but is likely to play club cricket in Perth again this Winter.

Ben Curran has played some Second XI matches for Surrey and will be on MCC groundstaff again next season, and the Club will continue to observe.

Asked about England prospects, AS said Bayliss is a big fan of Roy and they would have been selected for Pakistan series had he got some big scores at the start of the Championship season, and he now needs some big scores in the ODI and/or in the Championship match at Durham. Ansari will go on tour if he recovers. He would personally select Foakes but thinks selectors will go with Bairstow and Balance. Meaker may be selected for the Lions.

He highlighted that the club "received a week of negative PR" for signing two players from South Africa, but regularly have six or seven former academy players – which he suggested may be the highest in the country – which never gets mentioned.

When asked about Whitgift, AS said "it's not on our radar". A member commented that the school had recently appointed a new headmaster. AS immediately responded "We'll have a look again!"

AS was asked: "Why do we never win at Guildford?" He said that Surrey had simply played badly against Warwickshire. RG then interjected by observing that the defeats in 2015 and 2016 were both the start of a good run of results, to which the member suggested that they should start the season at Guildford!

AS said that there may be two matches at Guildford next season, but turned RG and said "I'm not sure if I should have said that!". RG looked a bit sheepish.

RG stated that the club were negotiating about the Champions' Trophy, but as it stands cannot use The Oval for 6/7 weeks, which they are hoping to reduce. He would be "very surprised" if Surrey played two matches at Guildford next year, and it may be one Championship and two 50-over matches, but was not able to confirm.

The Club had looked in to running a supporters' bus to Headingly, but did not believe that there would be sufficient demand for this to be viable given the long travel times.

The One Oval Square development behind the pavilion would cost £10-12 million, but plans to start construction in eight weeks' time have been put on hold for at least a year.

A member asked: "Am I the only person whose membership card doesn't work in the turnstile reader". RG responded: "Yes, you probably are, sir!" RG then enquired whether the member's card had expired!

RG confirmed that Surrey have had to sign a non-disclosure agreement with the ECB regarding city franchises. He could therefore only discuss what was in the public domain, but this wasn't really a problem as what's in the public domain was true. He referred to George Dobble's article on Cricinfo Рwhich was tweeted by the Club's official Twitter feed the previous evening Рas "the best expos̩".

RG claimed: "The ECB don't want Surrey to play in the premier T20 tournament".

A County T20 competition would continue alongside the city franchise competition, but in RG's opinion this was second tier.

There would be "eight super teams, selected by the ECB", and RG believes that the ECB wants to take control of the County game. His concern was what would happen after the initial four-year deal, and would the ECB then try to force the same model on the Championship.

He said that decision-makers need to think of what is good for the sport, and queried whether the likes of Sam Curran would break into a team if there were only eight teams, each with four overseas players. There would be 140 fewer places for English players.

Surrey are going to need some help as the ECB "seems quite determined" and there is a split between the Counties, as some have financial difficulties and want the cash. Northamptonshire have an extraordinary general meeting next week to convert from a members' club to a company owned by private investors.

Once the non-disclosure agreement has expired, Surrey will put the options to its members.

He did not want Surrey to become just a venue to host cricket, and said: "We don't want to be like the MCC".

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that Surrey have stuck to their opposition to the 8 City team tournament but losing hope of stopping it


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