Tuesday 3 October 2017

A Bolt from the Blue latest

Man cleared of crossbow firing, investigations continue.
PTG Editor.
Tuesday, 3 October 2017.
PTG 2265-11465.
Police say there’ll be no further action taken against a man who was arrested in relation to a crossbow bolt that was fired into The Oval in London whilst Surrey and Middlesex were playing a first class fixture in late August.  The bolt landed close to the pitch but no one was hit, however, the players left the field and stadium was evacuate while officers investigated, the match later being abandoned (PTG 2238-11329, 4 September 2017). 
The  35-year-old returned on bail in late September but was then released with no further action and there have been no further arrests over the matter.  However, officers from Lambeth CID are still investigating the incident and have asked that anyone with information to contact police.
Middlesex have requested a hearing with the England and Wales Cricket Board in an attempt to reverse their relegation from the County Championship’s top tier.  The county are angry at the two-point penalty they incurred for a slow over rate during the crossbow match, claiming they would have caught up on the rate had the game been allowed to continue (PTG 2263-11454, 30 September 2017).

Suspect detained, bailed, in ‘The Oval’ crossbow case.
PTG Editor.
Monday, 4 September 2017.
PTG 2238-11329.
A man has been arrested after a crossbow bolt was fired into The Oval whilst a game was underway last Thursday.  A 35-year-old was held on suspicion of attempted grievous bodily harm in relation to the incident in which an arrow landed close to players and umpires during a county championship match between Surrey and Middlesex.  Play was abandoned and spectators, which numbered just over one thousand, were evacuated, but there were no reports of injuries.  Images published at the time showed umpire Paul Baldwin holding the pink-coloured bolt, and armed police attended the scene.  
The suspect has been released on bail pending further enquiries and the police are appealing for any witnesses to come forward, especially if they have any video footage.  Detective Constable Dominic Landragin said: "There were significant crowds watching the match and it is likely that a number of those present will have footage of the incident that could assist in our investigation.  Although nobody was injured, this was a reckless action taken with no regard for the safety and well-being of the spectators or the players”.


Meanwhile Middlesex have expressed their grievance at being deducted 2 points for a slow over rate in the game. Middlesex were batting at the time of the bolt landing on the Oval outfield, and were perhaps planning to declare and then massage their bowling rate before shaking hands.

I know many won't agree with me but, I think that the ECB are right to leave Middlesex's point deduction in place as over rates are their to protect spectators, as much as anything else, from slow tedious tactical passages of play often designed to disrupt the batsman's concentration or flow. Catching your overs up at the end of a stale drawn game doesn't entertain anyone, especially as the slow over rate might be partially responsible for the stale draw in the first place. I don't always agree with the detached buffoons of the ECB, but I do in this instance and clearly the match officials did as well.

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