Friday 3 May 2019


George Dobell reports on Cricinfo that Joe Clarke is on a Team England "blacklist", along with his former team mate Tom Kohler-Cadmore, following the allegations before the trial of Alex Hepburn, a case which concluded its sentencing this week. JC was informed that he wouldn't tour India with the Lions last winter for this reason and that he would not be considered for selection until further notice. 
The judge in the trial of Alex Hepburn cleared both JC and TKC of any wrong doing, BUT the ECB, showing some concern of some of the messages' content and tone, are reviewing the matter with their Cricket Discipline Commission. It now appears that England now require higher standards to be exhibited by their role models and their potential role models than previously, a line in the sand having been drawn conveniently after the Bristol incident.
Only yesterday, Eion Morgan told the media that he and senior England players (you have to assume that that includes Ben Stokes), following a secret meeting, disclosed to Ashley Giles that they could not trust Alex Hales and that he should be de-selected from the then current England provisional squads- after which Hales received the "devastating" news, which has now prompted Alex's return to the Notts squad (at the expense to Notts of Ben Duckett).


  1. I'm a huge Notts fan and a big fan of Clarke- but he wasn't found not guilty of any wrongdoing, just of nothing criminal. He certainly didn't make himself look great and hopefully he learns something from this and keeps his head down, unlike our other opener

    1. The level of immaturity and total lack of respect towards women Joe Clarke demonstrated are alarming in themselves. Whilst he did nothing 'criminally' wrong I think that the same can not be said 'morally.' Both he and Alex Hepburn have a lot to learn about what respect involves and I totally applaud the ECB in its stand on what it expects from those privileged to represent their Country.

    2. A little harsh, Unknown, on Ben Slater (our other opener) I thought he'd only pulled a muscle!!!

  2. Alex Hales has impressed teammates and coaches after rejoining the Nottinghamshire squad, but he must wait for his return to playing action.

    Hales was brought straight back into the side to face Durham in the Royal London One Day Cup after serving his 21-day ban for an off-field incident, however, steady light rain prevented any play from taking place at Grantham CC on Friday.

    The 30-year-old is now set to play his first game of the season at Northamptonshire on Monday.
    Hales has at least been able to reintegrate himself with his teammates after being warmly welcomed back to training on Thursday.

    The batsman was the first to arrive and the last to leave Lady Bay as he looks to get his career back on track after being axed from England's preliminary World Cup squad.

    It is understood he has since shown contrition as he addressed Notts teammates about his suspension and off-field conduct and is still well liked, even if fellow players welcomed him back with jokes at his expense.
    There are no question marks against the player's work ethic as he begins the process of trying to rehabilitate a reputation,which has been hit by multiple off-field problems.

    Hales, who is said to be in good spirits even if recent events have been deeply challenging, is in the final year of his contract at Trent Bridge and no talks on a new deal will take place until the end of the season.

    However, the door is firmly ajar for him to have a future at the club, if he stays out of trouble in the next five months.

    Matt Davies - Nottingham Post

  3. Totally unfair. Joe was not convicted of any criminal offence. He did what many lads of 21/22 do. He's talented, a sports star and a handsome lad - he's going to be targeted by wanna be cricket WAGs - yes they do exist and he's clearly going to be like most other lads faced with that type of fandom.
    Poor it may be, but the type of conversation aforementioned occurs in changing rooms up and down the country week in week out - it's just that it isn't written down in a WhatsApp conversation. Bravado for sure, immature yes, but illegal no. Sadly Alex Hepburn, (according to the court - I have trouble with some of the evidence not stacking up), did go too far. Joe has already served a suspension and now ECB want to be seen to want more. Giles, Graves the whole lot are pathetic two faced wimps. Joe is the best young batsman in the country x 10 the batsman Duckett is. Yet Duckett is called up? But if we are going to become some sort of moral high court - what about Duckett and his continued beer swilling / disgusting treatment of Anderson? Be careful where you start oh ECB / Trent Bridge Taliban. All you'll be left with is a bunch of church mice who are second rate players.
    The one positive I suppose - at least we'll have Joe at Notts for longer. But I'm incensed.

    1. Shame you said this anonymously. I tend to agree with most of what you say.

    2. Leader of the pack4 May 2019 at 12:25

      Personally I want to see our players playing for the green&golds as opposed to England, so can Ben Duckett also do something stupid please so he is not picked either. I agree with a lot of what you say however I suspect that Giles&the ECB hierarchy are just completely fed up of the antics of these players and have decided to come down hard on some of them to try and set an example whether that be right or wrong.

    3. Joe Clarke ‘a handsome lad’? Haha yeah sure!

    4. Kolkata Grammar Police6 May 2019 at 08:28

      What were you saying last week about Harry Gurney never rising to abuse on twitter. His latest pearler when someone called him a failed red ball cricketer was to compare the poster to a 40 year old train spotting virgin living with his mum. The poster turned out to be a 70 year old with a family. Cutting edge humour over my head I suppose. Failed red ball cricketer was harsh with average being nearer to the mark.

  4. Leader of the pack4 May 2019 at 12:18

    Are they trying to rub SALT into any wounds?

  5. The England set-up has been plagued with cliques since,well always. Do we now have a senior, "morally correct", hypercritical unofficial selection panel that hides behind the exaggerated self-importance of the England one day captain's back, hidden in the shadows; that now veto the selectors' and managements' judgements and decisions?

  6. Kolkata Grammar Police5 May 2019 at 08:03

    Let's hope the England door is left open for Joe Clarke, who is a superb talent, like it has been for Alex Hales. He is much younger than Alex so he deserves to be cut a little more slack regarding immaturity although the court case was distasteful. Young chaps are notoriously slow in growing up and are even worse in pack situations. Hopefully he regrets what happened gets his head down and scores a shed load of runs. I could be wrong but he does not seem the sort of lad to keep doing stupid things like Alex.

  7. The vast majority of young people - and I very much include young men - do not disrespect women, misbehave in the way Alex Hales, Alex Hepburn, Ben Stokes etc. have. There is no room for lenience to be extended to young sports people to excuse their youth, immaturity and wayward behaviours. They are PART of a Society which expects certain acceptable levels of behaviour.

    1. Kolkata Grammar Police6 May 2019 at 08:18

      What about the rehabilitation aspect then Philip. Are Hales and Clarke to be cast aside from potential England selection permanently even if they keep their noses clean in the future?

    2. No!!! But 'serving' a modest amount of time out of the limelight may be helpful. Helping others is always good 'therapy' - I spent almost my entire career in mental health and social work so I am a firm and passionate advocate for rehabilitation - equally I am clear that victims of 'misbehaviour' deserve the greater protection.


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