Friday 26 July 2019

Notts Committee Response to Members

That's right, they've nothing to say! 

As everyone suspected; they'll keep their heads down and hope results in the T20 distract the unhappy membership and to address none of the fundamental problems at the cricket club, some of which are systemic and institutionalised. 

An Academy that now doesn't play games of cricket - how will they learn as a team to play different match situations?

The lack of opportunities given to locally developed young talented players and the perception that those players will never get a chance under the current management structure, causing players to look elsewhere. How many players have we lost already from even getting into the academy because they've realised their own personal prospects are better elsewhere if they want to try to make a career of cricket?

Was the unaccounted for money that was "found out" at the AGM (possible irregularities on the spend on the Radcliffe Road Developments) 

ever officially accounted for, or has it been brushed under the welcome mat of the Six Restaurant?

Could we the members have a job description for the Director of Cricket, so that we all can see what a great job the current incumbent is doing, or not doing and assess if we're getting value for money or not? 

Was the job of Director of Cricket at Nottinghamshire CCC ever advertised? Who were the unsuccessful candidates or were there any unsuccessful candidates?

If the club's bowling coach is of any worth, why are the bowlers getting worse at bowling in the Championship? Are the bowlers concentrating on white ball cricket too much, is this the problem?

The Hundred, why? Given all the evidence of this season, why? Why has this club been such a driving force for The Hundred? I'm sure the membership never suggested it was a good idea. Why, why, why?

"Lisa's vanity project", otherwise known as the Six Restaurant; when is it expected to break even; is it even covering operational costs at present?

Are the members a necessary but unwanted inconvenience to the committee?

Mr Tennant you are supposed to represent all of the members' views, not just a few influential individuals and ultimately you are accountable to the membership, you need to remember that. Do we not deserve any news of what changes the committee are wanting to urgently implement, actions urgently needed to start putting our great club back on the right track?

The list could go on and on...


  1. Some of the Committee have certainly read this - and some of the Committee certainly understand that a Statement is due to be issued - and some of the Committee wonder where the Statement is - and some of the Committee have no idea when it will be issued. WE as MEMBERS now want to see this Statement - and the Committee Meeting Minutes of the 2 Meetings last week. Pressure for an EGM is certainly mounting so "Come on Notts Committee" - speak to us.

    Were the meetings last week minuted, as it wasn't a Committee Meeting as such, but a meeting of the committee?

    All minutes are available on request to members from the library

    It WAS a COMMITTEE MEETING (or, rather TWO Committee Meetings on successive days) and I for one will be insisiting that there are published Minutes - although like them all they will be heavily 'sanitised' - if NOT then await an outcry at both the next Members Forum and next year's AGM. Quite frankly, the Committee are handing this whole matter appallingly - where is any Statement from the Committee? As Members we just appear to be an unwanted inconvenience - it is utterly unacceptable.

  2. This silence from the committee is scandalous,how long does it take to issue key messages from meetings.?
    presumably the man to provide answers is Mr Tennant..?
    welcome thoughts and ideas as to how us unwanted members can actively bring pressure to bear and get action..?

  3. It would appear Mr Tennant is doing an ostrich impression in the hope those unhappy people will just go away.

    1. I am clear from a further afternoon reading our Constitution that it is THE COMMITTEE who are responsible for 'hiring and firing' - OUR COMMITTEE not anyone else. The Director of Cricket and Chief Executive are STAFF so whatever their Contracts contain may well be why there is silence - the Coaches etc. will be on a variety of Contracts and, again, whatever is in those Contracts may be very interesting. For those whose Contracts are due to expire I assume that the answer is either to let them expire or re-new them / offer new Contracts. The Club has to be clear that its Governance if Fit for Purpose - that is the responsibility of OUR COMMITTEE - so IF we are dis-satisfied then it seems that there is not much more that we can do other in the short term other than to express our Lack of Confidence in them and in the longer-term to encourage others to stand by nominating them in time for the 2020 AGM.

  4. To add, the issue of an EGM, whilst a useful thing to conside, means that the Club do not have to call it for some 60 days after receiving the request - so the next Members Meeting may be more relevant and to seek that it be held for more than the 40 minutes between innings - some have even suggested holding it at the end of Play. In reality the next AGM may be altogether better by which time we can make new Nominations for Committee if we so wish as well as formally raise our concerns with the exisitng Committee and Executives of the Club.

    1. Whilst holding the next members forum at the close of play instead of at lunch makes sense, especially as the last forum ran over into when the players were back on the field playing, would Lisa & Co want to subject themselves to an open ended barrage of questioning. They do have a lot to answer for after all...

    2. Silly me I thought the E of EGM was for emergency. #NewellOut

  5. take your points Philip, but are you suggesting we do nothing until AGM in Feb 2020..?
    in the meantime the 'staff' (DOC, coaches etc..) remain and take the club further downhill, and continue to collect mega bucks salaries.?
    I just feel having come this far the members need to keep pressing, perhaps with some proper investigative journalism by the NEP...?

    1. Get Dave Bracegirdle on the case, he's impartial...

    2. The Season ends in September. 60 days for the EGM and the Season is over! The Committeee are feeling the presure but I for one have no wish to cause the Club significant expenditure UNLESS we have some firm, clear and IMMEDIATE PLANS that we wish to INSTRUCT them to implement. A 'moaning' session is not the answer we have to take a clear and strategic approach. All ideas welcome to me at: Philipdotmeasuresatgmaildotcom (just fill in the 'dots' and 'and' to make the email address!

  6. And at the expense of being an 'old anorak' the Constitution also makes clear that the General Committeee can spend up to £20m without reference to the Members - so as 'Six' was under £20m the MEMBERS HAVE ONLY THEMSELVES TO BLAME - anyone for a change in the Constitution to rein in their powers?

    1. The sense or otherwise of building the Six Restaurant, will become apparent on the publication of the accounts before the AGM. There will be the usual, "it's just its first year, we have to allow its reputation to spread and grow " etc but how many years will it be before it becomes a boarded-up white elephant? As said previously, it is Lisa's vanity project, her legacy - should she now move on now and spread her expertise elsewhere? Can she take her boyfriend with her? Please!

  7. Is Newell getting his house in order or destroying evidence with the release of Footitt?

  8. It needs a lot more than letting Mr Footitt depart!

  9. It appears to me that the committee are impersonating the previous Prime minister and Cabinet, a bunch of spineless non enterties, who are frightened to make a decision to save their lives.

    The Footitt issue is another sad chapter in the MIck Newell book of error's. He must have cost the club somewhere in the region of £200,000 for nearly 3 years, and 4 first team games, disgraceful.

    Newell's long list of pathetic signings have cost the club a few million over the past couple of decades , yet has he been held accountable for this ? I very much doubt it.

    It would appear that the prolonged silence, suggests they are serving their own interests, and they long suffering members, are of little consequence.

    1. They are behind the scenes telling folk about the things that they as a committee can't do, or what the club cannot do, rather that getting on doing something to change the mess into which the club has been guided into. People are responsible for the mess; if they are held accountable or not at this time doesn't alter the need for change NOW.

    2. As I stated, Mrs May and her cabinet had the same can't do mentality.

      Her fate, and that of her closest colleagues , was to be removed by the MEMBERS of her own party, and replaced with a new set of faces.

      Committee be warned.

  10. It is now probably time to seriously consider obtaining NEW NOMINATIONS FOR THE COMMITTEE. The Season ends at the end of September so, ideally we need new Nominations to be in by the end of the year. Contrary to what Notts CCC may wish you to believe there is NO UPPER AGE LIMIT (only a lower one of 16 years) DON'T LET IMPLIED AGE DISCRIMATION PUT YOU OFF APPLYING – the Club can’t act ‘ultra vires’:

    'Invalid excess of authority or power exercised by an entity. Since the powers exercised by any officer of an organization are limited by the constituting or vesting instrument (such as a memorandum of association), any act outside those limitations is ultra vires and may be challenged in the courts. This rule is applicable to all powers, express or implied, created by a contract or statute.'

    You only need 2 NOMINEES - Forms are obtainable via the Ticket Office.

    The Chairman will need to interview you but be careful not to fall for accepting the COMMITTEE'S OWN SET OF 'RULES' - remember, the Club can't exceed what it is legally restricted in doing.

    So, Yes, change is needed and this probably represents the most positive way of achieving it - STAND FOR THE COMMITTEE and demonstrate that WE MEMBERS really are in charge.

  11. We do need to get some people onto the committee who will really represent members, and not just say that they will on the ballot papers.

    How about it Mr Measures?

  12. There are several who are more than able - I would like to see Mr Hassan stand again - he has enormous experience, enthusiasm and knowledge - a prime example of why there should not be an upper age limit. It would also be good to see a better gender and ethnic mix and to also see if we could get a least 1 or 2 younger people (say in the 16-30 age range). Although the majority of Members are in the Seniors category we MUST try to look more to the future and harnass the enthusiasm that younger Members bring to the Club.

    Comments and ideas welcome. How do we take the Club forward positively for, say, the next 10 years - we need a proper 'Action Plan.'

    1. I agree, it's relatively easy to criticise the current state of the club but what alternative vision for the future do supporters have?

      Before that, what changes do the current committee need to put into play immediately in the view of supporters?

      I shall start a new post for supporters to comment on, which I will collate later for the committee's convenience and perhaps for any future committee members to represent.

      So folks, you want change but a change to what?

    2. Please comment your visions for change on "Change for Good"

      Cheers HBD

  13. Still trying to get my head round ideas for "Change for Good". It is difficult to support, or even give the current management a chance when there is so little communication. I have followed sport, and most of all our sport for nearly 60 years, I know some have for longer. Walking into to any ground in the country you get a feel of a buzz of hope and positivity, or a very low feeling. The latter hits you every time you walk in to Trent Bridge. It is sad. Yes part of it is losing, but I felt it right at the start of the season. That is why I believe we need a new person in charge of cricket, one person, not a Notts person. Someone brave and yet objective, no best pals etc. Moores is a good man, but it feels his time us up and MN is hanging around like Banquot's ghost


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