Tuesday 13 August 2019

Suggested Changes

Following my plea for people's ideas to improve Nottinghamshire CCC, there has been a lot of views made on my post "Change for Good", for which thank-you everyone.

I had gave that post two weeks or so to generate some content (while I was away on holiday included) and then to try on find some common threads to post as a direct appeal to those Committee members that read this blog from time to time.

I think supporters suggestions fall into three categories: 

  • costing nothing and could happen almost straight-away
  • change of attitude and mindset that might lead to some expenditure by the club
  • real forward planning and player development, which might cost the club in the short term but could possible save money over a longer period 

Cost ya nowt to do...

Stopping the publishing and posting out to every member of COVERED. When we had four Notts members in my household, we used to get multiple copies this publication, which no one hardly read. It is published online, which is ok so why go to the expense of posting hard copies out for folk to put in their recycling? Would it not save the club £,000s

I would say greater transparency of the workings of the club except there currently isn't any transparency with committee matters or the duties of the CEO or DofC. Some openness wouldn't cost a penny and would be good PR if the right things were being said and done. So why can't Committee meeting agendas be published before hand and then the minutes of meetings be published online for all read afterwards? Remember, all Committee members represent all of the membership. It's time to stop the secret society mentality; what are you trying to hide?

Members' Forums. Why are they confined to the lunch session of a Championship game? The last example of the members' forum highlights the need for better engagement with members. That meeting could have gone on for all of that afternoon, so why not have a meeting after play or before play, although this might mean the absence of the head coach from proceedings? Perhaps have forums on an evening which have an agenda with an opportunity to post questions before hand.

The club Twitter account and website; why is it @TrentBridge rather than a variation of @NottsCCC (that already exists) - there is a message on the latter's account saying that it has moved to the former address, why has this been done? It is petty unnecessary bugbear for many supporters and Notts are the only county that do this. In an increasingly complex balance between cricket, corporate Trent Bridge Ltd and The Hundred invader, why is it that the cricket club has to lose its identity? As it already exists, a switch back to @NottsCCC wouldn't effect the running of the media output at all, would cost nothing would send a message that this is a cricket club not just a venue for hire. Which takes us on to attitude shifts....

Change of attitude...

In addition to greater transparency from the club, members have expressed the need for a change in the club's attitude towards its members. Once upon a time being a member of NCCC was something to be proud of and you felt privileged to belong to the club. Not anymore, members are treated like they are an unnecessary burden, excluded from the pavilion after games, refused entry because club's computer has a glitch (and that is just the last two games at Trent Bridge), games are being taken away from HQ and its facilities to be replaced with grounds that are little better than cow fields with tented facilities inferior to the average scout jamboree all of which degrades the value of the membership experience, a trend that looks to be on the rise, when the cricket club will be excluded from its own ground during the summer by the Trent Impostors - but that brings us back to transparency, or lack of; why are our Chairman and the CEO the chief cheerleaders for the ECB's Hundred project?

(at this point I got bogged down so I've copied direct for the comments supporters have made and had consensus on)

Better members’ facilities at Trent Bridge, use of Randall suite during championship match days; look after your members!

Better emphasis on the heritage of Trent Bridge. It is very famous and iconic venue and we should celebrate this. Proper Museum and murals round the ground of famous players and incidents as per Lords, The Oval, Bristol, Cardiff and Leeds for example 

Change of attitude surrounding player squads...

Review of management and coaching structure with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, job descriptions and performance reviews. 

Are coaches spending too much time with first team and not enough time with Academy players to further their development? All posts should be externally advertised to ensure the best and most appropriate candidate(s) are employed.
A slightly larger playing staff with red and white ball specialists. Too many of our players are playing both formats which leads to player burn out, to aid this and to bring players through from the Seconds as  The 'Player Pathway' is important - it needs to be heavily supported by the Academy being re-instituted in an appropiate League and playing together far more frequently. There should be clear expectations that a number of Academy Players will progress to the Second XI AND that, given the gap between 1st 2nd XI cricket that at least 2 Games per Season will be held at Trent Bridge so that they can experience both the 'atmosphere' of the Ground and the quality of the playing surface.

Change that might cost a few bob...

If the Second XI and Academy are to be based at Notts Sports Ground, invest in that facility. Resolve the issues with the Rugby club, and instead of building a glass box on top of Radcliffe Road, building a new pavilion with spectator seating at Lady Bay should have been funded for starters.

There are more but I'm taking too long over this...

Any Committee member not reading the original comments, should go to https://nottsview.blogspot.com/2019/07/change-for-good.html


  1. Still trying to get my head round ideas for "Change for Good". It is difficult to support, or even give the current management a chance when there is so little communication. I have followed sport, and most of all our sport for nearly 60 years, I know some have for longer. Walking into to any ground in the country you get a feel of a buzz of hope and positivity, or a very low feeling. The latter hits you every time you walk in to Trent Bridge. It is sad. Yes part of it is losing, but I felt it right at the start of the season. That is why I believe we need a new person in charge of cricket, one person, not a Notts person. Someone brave and yet objective, no best pals etc. Moores is a good man, but it feels his time us up and MN is hanging around like Banquot's ghost

  2. I come back to my original question really of where does this all take us? What are we going to do with the information gathered to date? If we do nothing then it has been little short of one of those 'management' exercises which allow staff to get things off their chests / ventilate their frustrations and then still nothing changes!!!

  3. What can we do other than wait and see.

    Come the end of the season, Notts claim their 2nd relegation in 4 years, Peter Moores has swanned off to South Africa, who will be left to carry the can? Teflon Mick that's who.

    If he is bullet proof and bunkered down with the CEO, someone still has to stand-up in front of the media and explain how his fiasco has been allowed to continue for so many years. If the committee are scared of the CEO, as many have said before, if she and her bedfellow are as a consquence in a weakened position, THEN perhaps they might muster the courage to act at last.

  4. I think that fact that we seem unable to agree on a concerted way forward reflects the desperation you epitomise 'Waiting for a First Class Win' - even if we beat Yorkshire we are still likely to be relegated and Yorkshire are not the strongest Side either. I have no doubts that both Mr Newell and the CEO are fully aware of the concerns that many of us share - perhaps it is time for one or other of them to do the right thing and end the endless perceptions that their relationship has on the Club - be those perceptions right or wrong.

  5. To get our county back to where it should be, there has to be a change of personel at the very top. Mick Newell has had long enough. He has shown what he can do over the past fifteen years or more, had limited success along the way but nowhere near the amount we should have had considering the "wasted" resources he has had. Now we are in a complete two and eight, Newell is clueless, his answer is always wait to the end of the season before acting or not acting. He has got to stand down or be removed. Notts are a National laughing stock with him in charge. Please Mr Newell do the honourable, the right thing for Nottinghamshire CCC. I am no longer a member.

  6. Hear hear...let's hope he listens..but he hasn't for 15+ years so I won't hold my breath..!!
    And very unlikely I will renew my membership if he remains in post

  7. Newell and Moores must go.

    1. Not the most helpful comment 'David' - how do you propose that they are to released? For your information Peter Moores is out of Contract at the end of the Season.

  8. I'd prefer them to go as their own decision. There is something very wrong at Notts. We appear to have some decent batsmen but virtually all of them are completely out of form. It has to be down to the management. That's my theory anyway.

    1. I would like the CEO to tell her DoC that he isn't good enough at his job, to resign with immediate effect and to go home and cook their dinner/tea/supper on a full time basis.

  9. OK but maybe back to the point. How do we convey the summarised information to the club?

    Combined (i.e. we all sign)e-mail to the CEO?

    PS - it'd be unlikely Moores will be offered a new contract; is the rumour of Sth Africa true/solid?

  10. if there is someone with the technical ability let's get these messages of discontent, and proposed changes emailed to the CEO, DOC and Mr Tennant and let's sit back and await a response from one of them,
    it will be an absolute shame to leave this any longer

  11. This has been going on four years now.
    2016 relegated
    2017 promoted only because Northamptonshire bowled so slowly at Trent Bridge.
    2018 avoided relegation by one point.
    In no other field of human endeavour would four years of inept performance be accepted.
    Mick Newell has to held to account.
    If the club committee will not do it the membership need to.

  12. After this defeat against Yorkshire Mr Newell MUST do the honorable things and RESIGN and take most of his Coaching staff with him, especially Mr Pick. More to the point is it not time that we kicked most of the Committee out? Darren Bicknell seems to have little or nothing to say and is not seen at Away Matches or at Lady Bay. We are now an utter embarrassment as a Club - enough is enough. Anyone willing to be nominated for the Commitee please contact me directly.

    Philipdotmeasuresatgmail.com (replace 'dot' and 'and' with appropriate symbols!

  13. Next Committee Meeting is 9th September 2019 so as this is just before the next Members Forum I am sure that they will either have agreed some sort of Statement from the Chairman OR WE will need to get our act together shortly after that Meeting. I still see an EGM as a real possibility - that would be called before the end of the year - probably in late November / early December.

  14. So now that it is confirmed that Luke Wood is leaving us at the end of the Season will we be 'treated' to another of Mick Newell's amazing poachings from a 2nd Division Club?

  15. So here's my suggested wording calling for an EGM:

    'We, the following. being members of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club, hereby call for the holding of an Extraordinary General Meeting as soon as possible to discuss our serious concerns regarding the continued failures of the Chief Executice Officer; Director of Cricket; First Team Coaches and Training Staff and First Team Players to achieve what we regard as acceptable playing success over the past 2-3 Seasons. Further, we regard the failure of the Committee to properly act on our clear concerns to amount to a failure on their part to safeguard both the standards of cricket that we expect at Trent Bridge to reflect adversely on both the Directors of the Club as well as the relevant Contracted staff. We also have serious concerns looking to the future that the Committee through its Chief Executive and Chairman are failing to hold the ECB to account for the general 'direction of travel' of that organisation with especial reference to the 'down-grading' of the 50 Over Competition; the timings of County Championship Matches and the potential adverse impact on the T20 Competition by the introduction of the 100 Franchised Compeition in 2020 which will result in less Matches at Trent Bridge for our membership fees. We believe that failure to adequately formally ascertain by means of a Ballot of Members their wishes over such major issues as the 50 Over and 100-Ball Competitions was unacceptable. This is OUR Club and we demand a greater say in how it is run and managed and we therefore call on the Committee to either take positive action immediately or resign and hold new Elections.'

    Any suggested Amendments or Additions will be welcome.


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