Friday 9 August 2019

Change for Good


Supporters have been calling for change, but a change to what?

Can you list your visions for the future of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club below please:

  • keep them realistic
  • keep them positive, not just sack X,Y and Z, what alternative to do you want to see in their place
  • please don't be Anonymous
If this works and there is enough input from a diverse number of supporters, but not just from one or two passionate individuals; then perhaps the members of the committee that read this (and we know there's at least two) will take note, inform their colleagues and formulate changes for good sooner rather than later, without the need for EGMs, votes of no confidence, etc.

After all is said and done, we all (and I include the current Committee in that too) want the best for Nottinghamshire CCC. 

If there is a consensus of opinions, then perhaps we could formulate a "manifesto" for anyone looking to be a new committee member.

If this post doesn't work, then hey-ho ...



  1. ..a committee that has a clear plan and strategy, which is published on NCCC website for all to see.
    ..the plan to include deadlines for actions to happen
    ..this plan to be reviewed and updated at every committee meeting
    ..much improved communications, with direct email addresses for all staff published on NCCC website
    ..job descriptions and key work objectives of DOC,CEO to be published
    .. organisation chart to be published so it can be seen who is accountable to who
    ..all new signings to be considered by committee, and approval (or not) given for signing to go ahead
    ..minutes, decisions made or key messages from committee meetings to be published on NCCC website
    ..a nominated individual to manage this action plan
    ..have targets to reduce expenditure, stop those glossy magazines being sent
    ..cease the secret service mentality of the committee
    ..make individuals accountable for failure, rubbish signings and release of players
    ..a clear plan to develop youngsters, and provide opportunities to blood new players if they achieve certain standards, and first teamers are failing
    ..a need to critically review the academy and second team

    the above are just a few top of the head ideas, more will follow as these come to mind

    thanks for this opportunity and let's get our club back, one that we can be proud to support...and not one that causes us anger and embarrassment..!
    good luck

    1. Not sure about the signing of players going before a committee, That seems a little unwieldy and could if implemented cost us a prospective player, Surely in that area we really do need to trust the coaches.

      Other than that I agree with pretty much everything else, Especially the bit about the secret service mentality of the committee, They really do need to realise they are our representatives and as such need to keep us informed about OUR club...

      Mike Collison (Zanga)

  2. A few thoughts
    • Review of management and coaching structure with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, job descriptions and performance reviews. Are coaches spending too much time with first team and not enough time with Academy players to further their development? All posts should be externally advertised to ensure the best and most appropriate candidate(s) are employed.
    • A slightly larger playing staff with red and white ball specialists. Too many of our players are playing both formats which leads to player burn out
    • More use of playing and retaining locally trained players in the first team and in particular an investigation to why we don't produce batsman. Whatever happened to that report developed by Chris Adams? Why were Hutton and Milnes allowed to leave?
    • Better link ups with local clubs, schools (particularly Trent College, Nottingham High School and Worksop College) and neighbouring minor counties (Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire)
    • A proper mid to long-term planning review needs to be implemented with objectives set up to where we think we should stand in five years time in terms of our playing staff? How will the dreaded hundred competition impact on this?
    • Improvement of facilities at Lady Bay, including new pavilion
    • Notts Academy back in NPL
    • Trent Bridge should stage two second eleven fixtures every season (better and faster pitches and would be very good learning experience for our youngsters) QUESTION How many games did Lyndon James and Liam Patterson-White play at Trent Bridge prior to their first team debuts?
    • Better members’ facilities at Trent Bridge, use of Randall suite during championship match days?
    • More members forums and the abandonment of Covered magazine which is just a glossy version of the stories from club website and a waste of money!
    • More emphasis on the heritage of Trent Bridge. It is very famous and iconic venue and we should celebrate this. Proper Museum and murals round the ground of famous players and incidents as per Lords, The Oval, Cardiff and Leeds for example

    1. Re the question about the number of games played by Lyndon James and LPW at Trent Bridge prior to their first-team debuts: The answer is one in each case. They both played in the Notts XI v Australian Aboriginals XI T20 game on 12.6.2018.

      This is a good point but I think, given the ground's international hosting status and the need to prepare so many wickets on the square to accommodate the various teams and formats, we are unlikely to see 2nd XI cricket played at TB in the foreseeable future. It would be interesting to see if any other major international venues in this country host 2nd XI games.

      David Parker

    2. I'm sure room could be found for a fixture in September. Trent Bridge is utilised far less now than ten or 15 years ago. We now have the hybrid pitch as well. The games for the 100 will mean even less use. 800 balls usage for July/August whilst the first team have to play 4 fifty overs games (2400 balls) at Grantham and Welbeck.

    3. I've just had a look through the other 2nd XI fixtures: Headlingley, Lord's, Oval, Edgbaston Sophia Gardens and Trent Bridge have not played or scheduled any 2nd XI matches this season, Old Trafford has 1 against Oman but if the fixtures are to believed the Rose Bowl has around 10 2nd XI fixtures of various formats over the season. Durham, no longer a Test venue has a handful of 2nd XI there too. Is the Rose Bowl square particularly huge?

    4. Rose Bowl has a nursery Ground next door which is used for second eleven games

    5. I would also like to see at least one second team match played at Trent Bridge every season. The club could market it as "second team day" and generate some publicity.

  3. last post made by baggers (Paul Baggaley) but came through as unknown...sorry a bit quick on posting..!!

    1. Thanks Paul; it appears a lot of thought has gone into Notts' troubles and after just two contributions, we have something the committee could act upon TODAY because I'm sure that you're not the only two (because I agree also, making 3) - GET RID OF THE COVERED MAGAZINE or at least the hard copy posted to members, at great expense no doubt.

      But that's just a minor issue. Accountability also seems to be a common thread too.

  4. Only having a head coach, no director of cricket. Much better marketing of County Championship matches locally. On local radio, web sites, hoardings. Players to only be in future given contracts who will play all formats, and no release for overseas franchise competitions. Only to include 4 players over 30 in the side, and at least 4 under 25, this one a guide rather than a rule.
    Fitness levels to be regularly tested, and any player falling short to be suspended, unless there is a medical reason. Academy side to re-enter local leagues.

  5. Stonewall Jackson29 July 2019 at 16:04

    Completely agree about Covered. Get rid, it's a pointless piece of journalism which tells us little we don't already know and so a waste of money. Also agree about the stiffs playing a game or two on Trent Bridge to help their development, no wonder LPW looked as though he'd never held a bat before, despite hitting 3 big scores recently. Longer term, do we really need a DoC and if so, should this be a P/T role ? Don't think we can interfere with player signing etc, that's down to the experts but yes, deffo, more accountability needed.

    1. I agree about 'Covered'. It goes straight into my bin. The Yearbook is much more useful. Can the club publicise this more?

    2. The problem , as we stand is the club does not possess an expert to make the necessary signings that we need.

      Our Director of Comedy keeps signing Joker's.

      If the committee procrastinate much longer they could miss out on Stephen Rhodes who could build the Academy and combine this role with a DOC.

      He is an expert at recognising talent unlike our present incumbent.

    3. Totally agree - 'Covered' is an unwanted and expensive freebie that many of us don't want or even read. It only serves as self-serving PR for certain people and has absolutely no Member input.

  6. Lucky for us the cricket club are on the ball, everyone on this website has so far overlooked the need for a gin partner. That'll be why they get paid the big bucks ££££.

    As it is Ken

    1. I deeply resent the 'Gin partner' hook up - it only emphasises that just like in the past Tobacco Companies sponsored cricket (and other sports) it is now all about alcohol. This is a bad move and, again, the members have had no say. Perhaps it will be White Lightning, or similar, next. As 'Stonewall' has already mentioned some of our visitors imbibe too freely of the amber nectar and this affects their behaviour negatively - BE CAREFUL NOTTS THAT YOU DON'T GET A BAD REPUTATION and end up in trouble with the Police for irresponsible selling of alcohol.

  7. Maybe a bit late for this thread - and I don't know if anything novel but:

    A clear and transparent commitment to fitness monitor players ahead of signing them. (Footitt, Chappell, Coughlin)

    As mentioned elsewhere, a clear pathway (sorry!) for schools and clubs: TB is world famous but I don't know if local teams and schools know how to get "noticed"

    Second XI at TB: I used to love second XI cricket in the late 80s. I think people would engage more with the club if so.

    A more representative committee (of the members - we have a lot of young members and I consider myself young at 49 - but you see my point)

    Membership to "mean something" at International matches. I don't mean a tenner off - I mean a bit more respect afforded to members when it comes to going around the ground etc. I feel like an alien when I go

    I'd be up for committee nomination. I have a "respectable" job (which shouldn't matter but adds credibility in the eyes of some) - and although my Notts knowledge is not as strong as some here, it would be enough

  8. 1) There are worrying PERCEPTIONS by both members & supporters of Notts and others that there is a LACK OF TRANSPARENCY AND INDEPENDENT OBJECTIVITY in the line management of the Director of Cricket (DoC).
    The DoC is, directly line managed by the Chief Executive - a non-cricketer. Whilst I allege no wrong-doing of any description the PERCEPTION it results in is not good to nail this 'elephant in the room' I suggest that the present line management of the DoC be undertaken separately from the CE.

    2) The salary structure of the Players is probably quite complex and given the involvement of several Agents perhaps the Committee need to look critically at this and try to ensure that it is not overly divisive. I have been made aware that there could be some tensions arising directly out of this. We do, though, have to accept that different Players will want different Contracts and we can not prevent those who just want to play in the Limited Overs formats.

    3) 'Targets'; 'Performance Indicators' and 'Appraisals' have to exist - for newer players perhaps monthly Appraisals - up and coming Players need to see how their performance is rated and it needs to be on a clear, objective & equitable basis - to include Fitness; Punctuality; on and off-the field behaviour; interaction with colleagues, Club Staff, supporters and Members; positively representing the Club at all times and, of course, response to Coaching by on-going monitoring of their playing expertise.

    4) The 'Player Pathway' is important - it needs to be heavily supported by the Academy being re-instituted in an appropiate League and playing together far more frequently. There should be clear expectations that a number of Academy Players will progress to the Second 11's AND that, given the gap between 1st 2nd 11 cricket that at least 2 Games per Season will be held at Trent Bridge so that they can experience both the 'atmosphere' of the Ground and the quality of the playing surface.

    5) Academy and Second 11 cricket needs to be more positively promoted by the Club. To that end urgent action is required to make the Lady Bay facilities acceptable - they are a disgrace.

    6) Unlike the likes of Somerset and Worcester our Ground has no pictures / profiles of past important players around it which add to the atmosphere of those 2 Grounds and would help restore a sense of pride and history to Trent Bridge.

    7) How about a couple of Meetings with OUR COMMITTEE during the Season?

    8) Is there a case for extending the time devoted to our Members Forums or holding at least one at the Close of Play - not everyone can get to Matches in the week?

    9) I would prefer to see the Annual Handbook replace 'Covered' - the Handbook was 'privately' produced this year and it would be good if the Club donated the costs of 'Covered' to defray future production costs.

    10) Seek to abolish the 100-Ball Competition; re-grade the 50 Over to its former status; get the Committee to forcibly lobby the ECB to have more 50 Over and County Cricket when the schools are on holiday - if we are serious about the future we MUST play cricket at times when young people can come along and see it with their parents / friends etc.

    11) Look at why some Members are feeling alienated by the Club - lack of access to 'Six'; kept out of our Pavilion at the end of play; rising cost of meals in The Cricketers Restaurant; less playing days at Trent Bridge; the lack of having a 'real voice' in ECB decisions with the feeling that our Committee / Chairman / Chief Executive are just going along blindly with everything the ECB says.

    1. All great points; I meant to add about salaries. I suspect we pay amongst the highest (Duckett came to Notts when he was favourite to go to Yorkshire; Dan Christian I suspect comes back for a reason); I don't for a second blame the players - it is a short career, TB is a great ground, there aint a lot of competition for places and one suspects Mick still has some influence nationally (and James Taylor I think is still local). But with reward comes pressure and expectation, and I wonder how much is performance based.

      Committee meetings more frequently costs the club nothing, and would appear to placate the general consensus of alienation. Similarly, the point I raised and the points raised above about a bit more benefit for members would also cost the club nothing, yet again add to the sense of belonging.

      I remember my first trip to Lords and wondering how the Middlesex members felt about apparently (in my eyes) not being allowed in certain areas. - we don't want to become the same.

      The point is that an engaged committee and "board" (CEO etc) could adopt these ideas quite readily and improve morale.

      I'd agree on "Covered". At a fiver a brochure (maybe less - I bet someone here knows more about that business) that's quite an outlay

  9. I like the idea of having the Seconds play a match at Trent Bridge, perhaps some sort of final and preparation for when they are called upon to play in the first team. I will suggest it to the committee.

  10. From discussions today I think that I agree that the limited response to this particular Section may be due to people prefering to remain anonymous - which is a shame. I think that at some point it may be useful to compile a QUESTIONNAIRE and for folks to be able to complete it anonymously on-line - if that is possible.

    1. Give the likes of "Chris S" etc a chance, it's only been 3 days since I set this ball rolling. A lot of readers only take a look after a match.

      31K views last month; that's tripled since Sept 2018; so thanks everyone!

  11. 12) Some new seats at Lady Bay - preferably a complete re-vamp but after being raised several times by Members we know that the answer is that there is no money It reflects badly on the Club who need to try to resolve the whole matter with the Rugby Club.

    13) And speaking of Lady Bay it would be good PR if some of the players on their meanderings around the boundary spoke with some of the very few spectators there.

    14) And to pre-empt possible revision of Membership fees next Season - NO we don't want separate Categories as has crept into some Clubs - or do we?.

    15) Offer to Host the Second 11's Finals at Trent Bridge each year - this would raise the profile (see Suggestion 5 above in separate posting)of Second 11 cricket generally.

    16) Restrict Committee Appointments to 3 years with a maximum of 2 further 3 years periods after which a break of at least 1 year must occur. This would help Members to feel that there was more of a chance of being Elected.

    17) Seek to agree POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION in Committee Appointments - broken down into age / gender / Category of Membership etc.

    18) Reinstitute the CRICKET SUB-COMMITTEE consisting of, say, 4 members - 2 with a First Class playing background and 2 others.

    1. Just coming back on the membership question. I think Notts prices stand up pretty well compared with others. I for one like the simplicity and as the parent of two teenagers, the prices for them are real bargains. I know some other counties split out t20 from the 4 day . If you want to go to both you buy 2 memberships. I wouldn’t want that here.

      Wonder how the 100 games will be priced and baked into membership ( in fact I wonder a lot about the 100.......but that’s another discussion!)

  12. I would like to see more cricket at the weekends. We seem to avoid those days for some reason.

    1. Yes, you can bet your bottom dollar that The Hundred will be played at the weekends in order to attract the young and their working parents.

  13. And for the interest of the Committee we are now awaiting news from the forthcoming meeting on the 8th August - continued silence will result in us seriously considering what our next steps need to be - "Silence is golden" - oh not it's not!!!

    1. Stonewall Jackson1 August 2019 at 21:52

      Yes, more seats at Lady Bay, not everyone drives and thus can realistically carry a fold up chair. Granted there are the white plastic chairs in front of the pavilion but this aspect could be looked into. A few seasons ago the park bench at extra cover/mid off region apparently collapsed and has never been replaced. With the amount of money gone into Lisa's vanity project AKA Restaurant Six, this seems appalling for the relatively small amount of money it would take to improve this situation. We don't expect much down at the stiffs but surely some small improvements could be made without breaking the bank. It's no wonder so few supporters attend which is a real shame as A) they are extra matches to watch and B) I'm sure the(mainly) young, hopeful second teamers would appreciate looking around and seeing people supporting them. It must be completely sole destroying coming out to bat from that horrific pavilion to see no one there?

  14. Wessels 91 tonight for Worcestershire - so perhaps try to get him back at Notts + Milns + Hutton + Frayne - seriously, though, it is clear that the T20 Side have that greater depth and maturity than the Championship Side but the Second 11's WIN today against Worcestershire was a pleasure to watch - a most interesting 3-dayer with some promising Innings by Slater; Patterson-White; Coughlin and Compton plus 2 wickets in successive balls by Blatherwick to end Worcestershire's second Innings and help set up Notts run chase. Good to also see a nice cameo Innings at the end by Lyndon James the 2nd's Captain. Overall a good victory and in the absence of Coughlin for the 2nd Innings the others batter responsibly - so PERHAPS with 2 Wins today we may be turning the corner and gaining that much needed confidence.

  15. As a now ex member I'd like to add my comments for what they are worth. I was a Notts member going both home and away for over 40 years and I've seen some great Notts teams and some truly awful ones so I'm in no way a glory hunter. What did for me and I wrote to the club to tell the why I wasn't renewing ( no reply obvs) was I was sick of the complacent attitude that exists at TB where every relationship seems so cosy and there is no drive to win. Pravda to me seems to say 'Oh well we lost but haven't we got a lovely ground'. Any drive for improvement had to come from outside the club such as Rice, Fleming etc.
    I' still go to Notts but nothing like as much as I did. I believe that we've lost the link between club and supporters. More focus needs to go on the playing side and not on the ground. That includes a personal bugbear of mine of the social media accounts being linked to Notts and not Trent Bridge. We are slowly being branded as Trent Bridge Events Ltd and not a County Cricket Club!
    The Chief Exec appears to be pursuing her own agenda and not that of the membership with her blind commitment to the hated 100 concept (note Trent in the proposed franchise name) and the building of Lisa's folly in one of the prime viewing areas of the ground. Members are further being marginalised with the decision not to allow them into their own pavilion post game. Who says and why?
    Finally I'd like to thank the people who run this site who give us a platform to share our views, it really is most welcome. Also I'd like to thank other concerned Notts members like Mr Measures who are proactively trying to effect change. Remember a couple of wins in the T20 doesn't mean things are all hunky dory. These are deep rooted issues.

    1. Whilst I'm on this rant. What did happen about the 'missing money'? In a properly run organisation the members would demand a full investigation and explanation and if none was forthcoming then they would demand resignations. I can't remember the members being given the curtesy of an explanation and to an outsider it seems it has been swept under the carpet. What are Notts getting from their auditors? All very odd.
      The link with the members could be improved by seeing some locally produced players given a clear pathway to the first team. All supporters like to see local players playing first class cricket but Notts are widely perceived as leeches poaching talent other counties have developed. We get a fair number playing for England at U19 level but don't seem to kick on. Why?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Dear 'Hamdog' I thank you for your kind personal comments and what you say clearly resonates with a number of us. It was, however, good that again yesterday I was able to have some quite in-depth conversations at Lady Bay with both Peter Moores and Ant Botha - both initiated by them. When watching the 2nd 11's there appears to be a much more relaxed opportunity to speak with staff and to gain some greater insights from them into what they are seeking to achieve playing-wise. I am convinced that Notts are genuinely seeking to bring some youngsters through and that, to a degree, it is quite a medium-llong term Project - many of us are unaware of at what a young age it all starts and just look at the Academy onwards. Currently we need to watch the developments of Patterson-White; Gibson; James; Blatherwick, Budinger and the 'new kid on the block' Compton especially - they all show real potential. I echo the comments of others that the Club really needs to promote the Academy and 2nd 11 Sides far more - yesterday's Match was described by one Member as the most exciting seen at Lady Bay for a long time - it WAS! So come on Notts.

    19) Have dedicated Academy and 2nd 11 Pages on your main web site with relevant League Tables and Player Profiles.

    As to the 'TB Events Ltd' you are correct but also highlight the very real 'tension' between being financially viable and primarily a Cricket Playing Club. We have to accept that without the high paying International Games that we would not be financially viable and the main driver behind the Radcliffe Road extension was an ECB driven need to improve our media facilities - the '6' was an add-on and we need to keep a very close eye on whether it makes us money or not - if it does, then that it good, if not then we need Plan B.

    I apologise, having read my comments, if I seem like an apologist for the Club - I am far from that BECAUSE I do completely understand and believe that there is significant alienation felt by many Members and those who refer to:

    a) the reduction of Notts Matches at Trent Bridge
    b) the 'out-sourcing' and 'degrading' of the 50 Over Competition
    c) the early and late playing of County Championship Matches (when the weather is often at its worst and young people are at school/college
    d) the inevitable conflict from 2020 onwards of the 100-ball knockabout both on other Competitions and player availability
    e) the 'taking over' of Trent Bridge by the ECB for other Competitions - the Order is, apparently, Test Matches; 100 ball and then Club Matches!!!
    f) the poor facilities and lack of promotion of Academy and 2nd 11 cricket
    g) the poor state of Lady Bay for both Players and Supporters alike
    h) the poor level of communication with Members by our Committee (you only have to look at the heavily 'sanitised' Minutes of Committee Meetings to demonstrate that)

    are ALL correct.

    So, YES, we need to maintain the pressure on the Committee - because it is them who are ultimately responsible - and if there is not very soon some very meaningful communication then we will have little option other than to either kick-start the EGM Procedure by seeking to pass a Motion of No Confidence in them and/or starting to obtain new Nominaees for the 2020 Committee.

    There are clearly some very real deep-rooted problems within the Club which probably need a far more 'forensic' examination to get to the bottom of.

    Philipdotmeasuresatgmaildotcom (replace 'dot's and 'and' with appropriate symbols if you wish to email me separately).

  18. And there is Committee meeting on the 8th; to discuss/decide on what?

    1. And you raise another good point - we are NEVER TOLD what is on the Committee Agenda and we, to the best of my knowledge and belief, are not allowed to attend.

  19. Then another point to add to our list of Change is :
    Agendas to be published on website 10 days in advance of Committee meetings... members allowed to submit written questions, and these answers to be published on website within 10 working days
    wishful thinking I know but if us members don't force these Changes nothing will ever change
    Is there s plan to collate all these super ideas and submit to the club..?

  20. Is it worth trying to finalise this in advance of the Committee Meeting on the 8th - or do we need a bit more time?

  21. the number of quality suggestions here should provide someone (??) with enough to put together a good presentation to the committee, and if that someone can do so in advance of the 8th great, but if not let's not rush this and aim for the following my viewpoint

  22. It now seems to me that discussions on 'Change for Good' have probably just about come to an end. Realistically I personally feel that there are very few of us expressing our opinions and I would be unhappy to seek to press for an ExtraOrdinary General Meeting with all the costs involved if it was 'the tail, wagging the dog.'

    Whilst I don't see the outcome of the T20 as being particularly relevant to the 'health' of the Club overall I do feel that some urgent remedial actions need to be taken by the Committee and their silence,to date, I find to be both dis-respectful and unhelpful - do they share our concerns or not?

    Whilst we primarily want to see the Championship Side strengthened there are also clear concerns about how some Members feel towards the Club and how the Club is perceived to feel towards them.

    I remain concerned that apparently very few Committeee Members ever turn up at non-First-Class Games - and very few Members do either. So, it is just the views of a tiny minority that this Site is representing or is there a much deeper and more widespread concern at the current malaise? - Only proceeding to seek to obtain the 100 Signatures for an EGM would perhaps help to clarify this.

    The next Members Forum in September will perhaps be our next opportunity to see what the Executive have to say and to test out whether feelings are as strong as they were at the last Forum.

    So, that's where I stand. Any responses will only be helpful and much appreciated.


  23. So what are your thoughts HBD?

  24. Philip I think you are correct . This thread has run out of steam . Since the Blast T 20 started for Notts on July 18th it would appear that Members views have softened a little . There seems less anger amongst many supporters . Perhaps its because we have finally managed to win a few matches ?
    Also the Second 11 are top of their own T20 Comp .
    So perhaps those with short memories are putting past abysmal four day performances to the back of their minds .
    The Blast T20 at Trent Bridge is a roaring success if you take the attendance into account . The boost to the Clubs finances must be most welcome . We have a realistic chance of progressing to the later stages . I would not be at all surprised if we ended up at Lords in the Blast final - lets hope so .
    Regarding the possible E G M . Perhaps the wind has changed course and the demand for urgent attention has abated somewhat ?
    Is it better to let sleeping dogs lie for the moment ,until we see further performances by the Notts team in forthcoming T20 matches ?
    By the time of the next lunchtime members forum on Tues 18th Sept we will all have a better picture of the true state of things.
    Just one other point Philip . I think you should put your name forward as soon as possible for inclusion in the next vote for new and replacement Committee Members . I am sure you will easily be elected .
    Dont be a shrinking violet (sic)! We need someone like you to stir things up a bit and and invoke a bit of passion into their meetings and report back to the ordinary Fans/Members ( if this is allowed ? )
    Lets hope for a good performance from Notts tomorrow evening against the Bears ( rain permitting).
    At least one or two of the regular first team are showing glimpses of their true capability. This may rub off onto the others and then once again we can have a Notts team that we can fully enjoy and whom seem to be doing their very best at all times . That extra effort in the field ,saving five or ten runs can often be the difference between winning and losing a game . It does seem that the team are not the fittest in the Division by any means and this lack of mobility has cost us dear this season already .
    What do others think?

  25. Is it a vain hope that we will hear something from yesterday's Committee meeting?

    1. Maybe that question is the trigger Phil; i.e. if we do not, then press ahead.

      I noticed some suggestion that the will for change is not there as the comments have dried up - but I don't think that is the case. 46 comments in 10 days or so! - and in the holiday season too.

      A couple of quick ones from me:

      a: A bit of success in the t20 does not change anything for me and to be honest

      i: I would be surprised if we reached the finals day (pleasantly so). Other teams seem to be racking up bigger scores quite often

      ii: Scratch beneath the surface and the "success" in t20 is paper thin (mix of metaphors there, sorry); We still don't have too many bona-fide options to change personnel (Maybe fletch and Coghlin to come in, maybe play Libby instead of a bowler; but that's about it), we had to buy in someone when Mull was injured- so it is the same story really. If I were to be extra miserable, I might suggest that we are also living off past glories in the t20 in the same way that we are in the Championship (thinking of Samit, Hales, Duckett, Ball, Christian - all appear past their best).

      If I am proven wrong then great, but I have less expectation than I used to.

      B: This thread is on timing of an EGM and representation. 18th Sept has been mentioned. I don't know about that. It wont change anything for this season, will look a bit odd if we do reach finals day. So I think it needs to be sooner


      Mr Measures whom I have never met clearly has the interest, ideas and articulacy to represent the voice of the member. So I would second that suggestion

      And lastly

      many of the ideas on change are about behaviour and communication. They cost nothing. OK, maybe some technical changes (more second xi at TB for example, might cost something). So in that sense the timing of them should be easy to implement, and quick to implement. So waiting for a date given that logic seems wrong.

      Does that make any sense?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Replies
    1. Yes Philip I'm going to have to go through these 50 odd comments and identify common ideas and perhaps then repost them for feedback and further comments in order to "tweek them" to gather some consensus which migh have more influence over those committee members that read them. I have got stuff (life) to do this week, so this project will not be done over night but I will point out that I still feel that members are still very angry and the block of T20 matches hasn't done much to defuse the situation and has only exemplified certain grievances many members feel.

  27. As briefly discussed at Lady Bay today there is still no news from the Committee - either we accept that as Members any progress is down to US being prepared to DO SOMETHING (rather than just complain) or we have to 'put up and shut up' - we CAN DO SOMETHING - I feel that we MUST DO SOMETHING for the sake of OUR CLUB.

    We need to be aware that there may well be plans by 'others' to make sure that we are stifled such as making sure that 'Company' people are put up for the next Elections rather than us being prepared to try to make some NOMINEES OF OUR CHOOSING.

    The exisitng Committee Members who WE want to act are clearly out-numbered and compromised otherwise we would have heard something by now from someone - rather than the rumours that circulate.

    I am just seeking here to try to keep some momentum going and, as you very rightly indicate' 'Nottsviewer', remind ourselves that the T20 isn't the answer.

    Many thanks for your encouraging response though.

  28. AND we mustn't forget that the ECB is soon likely to deliver new 'Regulations' to the Counties as to the composition of their Committees - we have been alerted to this is past AGM's and we await further details but it is most likely to include the ENFORCED COOPTION OF SOME NON-MEMBERS / INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONALS onto the Committee - people with particular expertise in certain areas.

    It is unclear who will appoint these people but they will in all probability be full Committee Members with full voting rights. It may well be that 'ordinary' Members will have no input at all into these appointments.

    MEMBERS, I see the deteriorating situation as extremely worrying and UNLESS WE DO SOMETHING we will only have ourselves to blame - it is OUR club and WE need to manage it as WE see fit. IF the ECB had a good track record I may think differently - but it doesn't. How long before the 4-day Game disappears almost completely?

    These are PERILOUS TIMES for professional cricket - we now need some NEW COMMITTEE NOMINATIONS in advance of the 2010 AGM - people who care deeply about cricket and Notts. It is NO GOOD moaning and groaning unless we are prepared to DO SOMETHING POSITIVE ourselves, otherwise we become part of the problem.

    So, WHO IS PREPARED TO BE NOMINATED? Ideally we need probably 3-4 at least in order to redress the current situation on the Committee. And don't be put of by any ALLEGED upper age limit - there isn't one. IF the Committee sought to maintain the present 70 age limit it would be Age Discrimination legally as far as I can ascertain.

    WE need to act and we need to ACT NOW.

  29. The angst that is eating away at our worried members appears to be held in little regard by the Princess of Darkness,and the Director of Catastrophe.

    Both were spotted on sky tv today at Lords.The lady cosying up to Ed Smith sipping finest Chardonnay, and mishap Mick, having a one way conversation with a rather bored looking Ashley Giles.

    Perhaps with the possible uncertainty, of their respective future's in the East Midlands,they were offering their services, as personal assistant's.

    This is probably fitting, as in recent times, quite a few members have expressed their opinions that they are both a pair of number two's.

    I wonder who was footing the bill for this little jolly.?


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