Friday 17 January 2020

Nottinghamshire Cricket Lovers Timetable 2019-20


Thursday 10 October HARRY GURNEY* SAMIT PATEL Nottinghamshire and England In conversation with COLIN SLATER

Thursday 31 October CHRIS LEWIS Nottinghamshire, Surrey, Leicestershire and England

Thursday 21 November PAUL JOHNSON Nottinghamshire 1982-2002 Club Captain 1996-98

Thursday 5 December GRAHAM WOODWARD Sussex ECB Stadium Announcer


Thursday 16 January PAUL FRANKS Nottinghamshire and England
Assistant Head Coach to the Nottinghamshire First XI

Thursday 6 February The Revd MIKE VOCKINS, MBE
Secretary and Chief Executive Worcestershire CCC 1971-2001

Thursday 27 February JOHN STEPHENSON Essex, Hampshire and England
Head of Cricket MCC

Thursday 12 March TATENDA TAIBU Zimbabwe 2001-2012; Captain 2004
Annual General Meeting

All meetings are held in the Derek Randall Suite at Trent Bridge.
7.30 pm start

* must be in some doubt as he's playing in the CPL, a tournament scheduled until 12th October


  1. Will Harry be the actual Speaker next Thursday?

    1. I would say no chance. His CPL team Barbados are playing in "Qualifier 1" today and if they lose, they have a game on Thursday - the Semi Final. The Final is next Saturday. Unless he's going to appear via Skype , how can he be at TB chatting to Colin Slater. Perhaps they could book the Bracegirdle Duet at short notice, Samit and Fletch.

  2. Or why not Mick and Lisa!!!

    1. if those are a vaid duo then why not the chef and the cocktail shaker?

    2. Stonewall Jackson6 October 2019 at 12:53

      ........Would Nutts and Colin Haselden be stretching it ? Disappointed Harold will not be making it, he's a very impressive and intelligent young man(as Ray Butch Wilkins used to say)

  3. Stonewall Jackson6 October 2019 at 12:57

    Or what about Double Corsett himself? I'm sure he'd simply love to critically analzye how the disaster season actually unfolded. Always one to provide constructive criticism, where it's due is The Girdler

    1. I wish you would use people's actual names. I never know who you are talking about.

    2. Stonewall Jackson6 October 2019 at 18:32

      Fair point David, the King of the airwaves, the Ted Lowe of the cricket world, the wearer of the black Notts polo shirt,the occasional reporter for SKY and well known popular figure to all.......none other than THE Dave"what do points make, prizes"publication Bracegirdle himself.

  4. Just confirmed:

    Tomorrow's Speaker is our wonderful SAMIT PATEL in a Q & A Session with Colin Slater - this is a change from Harry Gurney who is not in the country!!!

  5. Excellent evening with Samit - honest and truthful comments. I think that he was more concerned than some of the audience were! No excuses for failing in the semi-final of the T20 - and, yes, where is the Batting Coach and which batsmen have we 'grown' ourselves recently?

    1. Stonewall Jackson11 October 2019 at 16:18

      Yes, completely agree Sir Philip, he was brilliant entertainment. The Q&A could have gone on forever. Particularly honest and pulled no punches, perhaps a bit over critical of his teammates at times, but refreshing from the usual flannel and video interviews we get on Pravda.

    2. Any chancee you will be able to share those - I'll post them on a new post if you can. Email it to me

  6. We should not be posting minutes on such meetings. These gatherings are informal and relaxed affairs and what is said in the room should stay in the room. Speakers would be discouraged to come in the future if they thought thst every comment would be written down for future use. Instead I would encourage people to attend the Lovers meetings, they are excellent.

    1. 'Mag' - I have a great respect for all your hard work, enthusiasm and knowledge BUT on this issue I'm struggling. The NCLS is not a 'closed shop' and anyone can attend (if they pay). What Speakers do say is NOT on behalf of Nottinghamshire Cricket Club and there is no connection, as I understand matters, between the Club and the Society other than them making Trent Bridge available for Meetings. Anyone speaking at a 'Public Forum' has to expect that they MAY be quoted later - Free Speech can not, and should not, be curtailed. Cricket Lovers hold a variety of opinions - as do Guest Speakers - it is that variety that informs and stimulates discussion.

      Having said that I do accept that those of us who use Social Media ought not to report / re-post matters irresponsibly and that we need to always make sure that we are trying to do what is best for OUR Club. Sometimes it is perhaps a difficult path to tread and none of us would want to cause problems for anyone who has agreed to speak, as did Samit, to the Society. However, I have heard more negative opinions expressed by Mick Newell and Peter Moores than those of Samit whose use of humour also made clear when he was perhaps speaking with 'tongue in cheek.'

      Thanks for the words of caution though 'Mag' - they are wise ones.

  7. Was it the NCLS who saved the yearbook? I'd check my copy but it's gone AWOL...

    1. Yes, and I believe that the 2020 one - 'new and improved' is being worked on. Well done to Notts CCC also for apparently putting some money into it again.

    2. That's good to hear. Thanks.

  8. Excellent Presentation by Chris Lewis - a dramatic fall from grace but perhaps he highlighted in a very positive way the changes in Caribbean society and that we need to remember that many Black youngsters in the UK are now British - their previous 'hard-wired' love of cricket is not now evident. The challenge to the cricketing authorities throughout the world is to seek to rekindle that deep and passionate love of the Game that many countries seem to be losing.

  9. Stonewall Jackson3 November 2019 at 12:29

    Yes Sir Philip, guess that's one advantage of franchise cricket. At least with the big money on offer they will at least be attracted to the game, albeit in the short format. The Windies cricket board do not, or not able to, pay their players on a par with the likes of England or Australia so without this option most will probably be lost to the game entirely as they focus on other sports like basketball or football etc.

  10. Can you attend as a member from last season? I want to see the fixture list before deciding especially now it seems to be "no change" at the top.

  11. I believe you don't even have to be a member - just pay a fee per evening or a fee to cover all evenings.

  12. £15 for the Full Programme - £5 for a single meeting.

  13. Sorry to have missed tonight but I was genuinely too upset to attend and ddin't want to speak out of turn. Paul is a Vice President and so too closely associated with matters which trouble me at Notts.

  14. Pity you weren't able to attend Sir Philip, "Johnno" was brilliant. I thought he would be and he didn't disappoint. Very similar in some ways to David Miles when they point out the huge differences between when they played and today. But, they are not bitter. Instead realise they live a dream compared to ordinary work just that the big money of today just wasn't around 15-20 years ago. Had email from Leicestershire saying they are NOT doing the reciprocal with Notts next season. Presumably because we're in the same Div?

  15. Many thanks SJ - hope to see you soon.

  16. I hope that the ill-informed man who spoke out at tonight's meeting to the effect that County Cricket was boring and produced few results etc. and that most attendees tonight were over 65 reads this. Whilst he is entitled to his ridiculous statement about County Cricket he is not entitled to make it an issue of age. Some 2/3 of Notts members apparently attend the T20 Matches and that means many are over 65 and, as was pointed out, just as the 50 Over Competition was gaining support and popularity it has been downgraded. Graham Woodward, tonight's main Speaker, is able to draw from a far wider aspect of the game than most of us and he was right to be 'cautious' about the likely success of the 100-ball competition. Cricket in the T20 and 50 Over formats has developed well but there now is a very real fear that both could be compromised by the 100-ball - there is also the impact on the County Championship Matches and the Schedule of when they will be played. So, no County Championship cricket; the T20 and the 50 Overs are not holding back other forms of cricket - it is rather likely to be the other way round and we who are 'over 65' do not take kindly to be criticised especially when age is brought into the equation. Discrimination in all its forms is bad - the Cricket Lovers Society is no place to hear it orated.

  17. Fox road boot boy6 December 2019 at 08:25

    Good morning PJ.i was at the meeting last night,I'm 61.many attendees were in their 50s,my son ,not able to attend last night is 34.we are often patronised as the grey membership.the person you mention was clearly an attention seeker,he clearly wasn't playing devils advocate, he's obviously bought into the ecb propaganda.there is (just about ) room in the schedule to cater for all tastes ,there doesn't seem to be the goodwill to work towards this.a share of championship should be played in the summer and MUST MUST be played at trent bridge where the members can enjoy the superior facilities and better transport links.many out grounds are picturesque ,ours are not.a portaloo and hot dog van in a field in the middle of nowhere is not acceptable in this day and age.the speakers last night were excellent ,thank goodness graham Woodward didn't mention brexit,there was a near riot as it was

  18. I wonder what gems / pearls of wisdom Paul Franks will have to offer on Thursday. He's Notts through and through.

  19. Excellent presentation by Paul who came across as a person who holds tight to values and ethics in his life. He was honest about his involvement in the 100 (wanting to work with Fleming) and how he feels it is best to try to help young and up-coming cricketers. He is exceptionally loyal to Notts and clearly feels them failing to live up to expectations very keenly. I hope that he sees the improvements we all want this Season.

  20. Whilst the quiz masters and teams in the past should be thanked,the back up speakers that have replaced them this winter have been very good the talk on mordecai sherwin last week.


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