Monday 11 November 2019

Notts Committee "Hustings"

With the country as well as the county gripped with election fever...............

Seriously, with what might turn out to be a crucial Committee election this time around, our contributor Philip Measures as requested a post for candidates for the Notts Committee election, not the other election thing happening, to post their "manifestos" for the readers of Nottsview to deliberate upon.

I would prefer that "manifestos" were Emailed to Nottsview (then I'll include them in this post with equal prominence to others received). The Email address is nottsview at symbol (no gaps). The address can also be found in the Nottinghamshire Handbook for 2019. Try to avoid putting your own Email address in full, as the bots pick it up and you'll drown in spam as a result.

Philip sent this earlier:


As there are likely to be a number of Committee Nominations for 2020 - both existing and new Nominees - it seems only fair to have a separate Section for any of those Nominees to set out their 'Manifestos' if they wish to do so and for others to be able to comment on them.

All too often little is known about Committee Members prior to nomination and the Club only permit 100 words by each nominee.

After the difficulties of the 2019 Season there is a lot of interest in possible ways forward for 2020.

Should the CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE PROPOSALS FOR CHANGE reach Members shortly then this too could be made into a similarly separate Section.

The thinking behind this is to enable relevant comments to be easily accessible under single Headings.

As with all comments they should be written and expressed in terms which are polite and respectful. No personal allegations will be permitted.

I agree with Philip, unlike the other election going on, let's keep this one respectful and polite, or at least on this forum. Thanks!



Philip Measures has written to Richard Tennant to withdraw his nomination.


  1. Aprox when do Members receive the Committee nominations forms to fill in after they of course have perused the qualifications and general merit of the ' candidates'
    Aka Alan Sugar " send the candidates in please"

  2. 5pm Friday is the deadline for Committee Nominations.

  3. Comments on why I have discontinued my Committee Nomination can be found on 'Harrison and Graves Statements to DCMS.' I would like to thank everyone for their kind support.

  4. Don't let the b*stards grind you down Philip, as someone once said.

  5. Its a shame Philip that you have withdrawn your nomination. But if the stress and strain of even getting your name on the ballot paper has proved too much I can well understand why . Its obvious the Notts CCC Top table did not want you in the Committee room . So perhaps better to "let sleeping dogs lie" until the AGM in Feb 2020. Then you can fire away the awkward questions that need an answer . You cannot be gagged on that night .
    In 12 months time you may feel like trying again ?

    1. Stonewall Jackson31 October 2019 at 22:08

      Yes, well said 76no, I think Sir Philip has decided it's time to take a backwards seat........but only for now. Let's all take stock and come back firing at the AGM. Top marks to Diana addressing us tonight, who else on the committee cares as passionately about the Notts faithful. Also, what a brilliant effort by Chris Lewis. Articulate, thoughtful, regretful without asking for sympathy and as honest as he could be be in those circumstances. Personally wish him all the best for future in turning his life around

    2. Well said including re Diana and Chris

    3. I agree entirely 'Stonewall' - Diana's passion is evident in abundance and explains why I couldn't continue to stand for the Committee. There are clearly a number of deep and serious issues within the Club which we see no resolutions being offered about - just more of the same. I still have to come back though to the fact that Members get the Committee they Elect - so are we just a 'splinter' group of malcontents or are the majority apathetic and not really interested in the details?

      Most Members, as I keep saying, join because membership represents excellent value for money - not because they want to get involved in the running of the Club. I fear that most will not read the forthcoming Constitutional Amendment proposals and just vote for them along the lines that the Club (Committee) wishes. I fear that the 'devil' will be in the 'detail' though but that is for later discussion when we know exactly what is proposed.

      Back to Chris Lewis - he paid a heavy penalty for his crime - many would say justifiably so - but if he is as genuine as he sounded then he may well end up doing far more good than would otherwise ever have been the case - I wish him well.

  6. So that's the deadline for Nominations now passed - we just need to know who the Candidates are.

  7. And the Contestants are...................????????

  8. Ah well, we'll just have to be patient and see which Nominations have been allowed following next Monday's Committee Meeting.

  9. Best wishes Sir Philip. For a lot of us sadly the club that has brought so much happiness seems to have run short of that virtue these days


    I understand that the Nomination of another 70+ Member has been disallowed - so that's at least 2 of us.

  11. Oh, so that rule still holds, but they propose to get rid of it ? As asked elsewhere by someone, is that even legal ?

  12. No, I don't believe that it is legal - we await further outcomes following next Monday's Committee Meeting.

  13. Does anyone know who the Nominees are for the 2020 Committee yet?

    1. It's a given that there won't be any over 70 year old accountants, so there will be probably half a dozen 69 year old accountants to choose from. This will be seen as evidence for the need for change, to promote inclusion, diversity and to bring in required skill sets that are currently lacking, like mutual respect and cricket knowledge and common sense.

  14. I understand that OUR/YOUR Committee have upheld their secret Rule to prevent anyone aged 70 or over standing for the 2020 Committee. I hope that others will now join me in calling for the Chairman and the Committee to resign en bloc immediately. This appears to me to run against Equality / Equal Rights legislation - or at the very least the 'spirit' of such legislation and amounts to Age Discrimination. Do we really want to belong to such a Club that treats its more Senior Members in such a manner?

    1. Is this just an argument for "necessary" changes to the constitution surely? Who wrote the constitution in the first instance? Did the Membership approve of this part of the constitution> Is it just an oversight by the authors of the rule who never envisioned a candidate seeking election for the first time after their 70th birthday? Unless it was the current Chairman who wrote rule 10.3, or what ever it is, then perhaps it's not the Chairman's fault and therefore, don't shoot messenger ought to apply. In my opinion the current rule is there for good reason - to stop lifetime committee men blocking committee places to new blood, relying on the block of cronie, old boy votes built up over many years- you scratch my back and I'll make sure you get nice tickets to XYZ etc. It might be discriminatory, so again it's an argument for change to the current constitution but not necessarily changes as proposed recently.

  15. The top and bottom is that of course the members voted for whatever is in the Constitution - most, I would say, with little idea as to how they were disenfranchising themselves. As it now reads whatever is in the Constitution the Committee can change quite unilaterally and without any reference to the membership - they have in the past got members to agree to very 'cleverly' worded Rules which, by any strentch of the imagination are quite outside the 'spirit' of what was ever intended - down to getting away with a secret Set of Rules which no-one outside of the Committee (except Committee Nominees and members) even know about - the Secret Service would be proud us!!! To say that the Notts Committee has for many years been little other than an 'old boys Club' would seem very accurate - look how long many Committee have been there enjoying all the kudos and privilege that comes with it - lavish entertainment at other Clubs; on-ground parking facilities; waiter service etc. The world has changed - sometimes not for the better but in respect of Equal Opportunities and Age/ Gender etc. Discrimination for the better.

    By preventing nominations from those aged 70 or over it is clear, in my opinion, that the Club has actively promoted Age Discrimination by using secret Rules (known, I believe, as the Committee's Guidelines) which say NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT NOMINATIONS OF THOSE AGED 70 OR OVER - but only to re-election - so anyone, I firmly believe, who is 70 or more, ought to be able to stand for at least a single Term even under our exisiting Constitution. If the Committee will not support what the Constitution states then I believe that any who disagree should resign. Why would it be left to an individual Member who may have limited financial resources to only have th option to contest their case legally? - Justice comes at a price which I am certain the Chairman / CEO etc. know all too well.

    The Club is acting disgracefully and I believe unlawfully.


    What is currently happening is both sinister and potentially dangerous - remember YOY have already been blamed by the ECB for the County Championship Fixtures next Season - why? - because YOU HAVE GIVEN THE COMMITTEE POWER TO OVERRULE YOU.

  16. You can't "promote" with a "secret" - just saying!

    1. Oh yes you most certainly can - just as the Notts Committee have / are doing? If these Rules have never been agreed by the membership, and most of the members don't even know about them - then that is 'secret' - more to the point I believe that it is dishonest; underhand; manipulative and designed to keep the members just where the Committee want them - in the dark.

  17. Who's Who at the Zoo?14 November 2019 at 23:08

    It's open as to who the General Election Candidates are - but who are the Notts CCC ones? The deadline has passed so let's be knowing - or is something 'dark and sinister' going on?

  18. Who's Who at the Zoo?15 November 2019 at 23:28

    The man who works down the Chip Shop and think's he Elvis perhaps?

    1. But he's a liar and I'm not sure about...............

  19. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz; Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz; Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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